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Show ( LEADER-WEEK- REFLEX-DAV- LY NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 11, 1976 IS OJ Fanning Sew Bridal Dept. If a lederal programme established to gie lin.uii.ial assistance to Boy Scouts to enable them to help old ladies .ross bus intersections, we could be sure that Not all the nionev would go to Bo Scouts Id not lashes. Some ot tho'C the helped would be ik nils cow-poni- There is no estimate ol how nuish it will cost tanners to field sanitation regulations ply with the OSH MAXhSE'5 How Aot Jo Do A Good Deed and sheep ranches. he OSH regulations would require combines and to pack portable potties . It tarm health and satety are problems. the should be handled by the Department ol grkul'.ure. at least it knows something about farming " 1 com- 30 l IB ull 1 Mleetion: (nilete Sizes 3 thru 20 Er im, in 100 North. 292-- 5 Part ol the program would be iLvok'J tv' nlnu; old ladies trom crossing bus intersections This assessment of go srnnieiit.il approaches was gnen b Prof. Ronald C OJ'C s'l the Lniversitv ol Chicago law Sshosil and quoted 'A V--t Bountiful, now n Usroiiiitetl 20 Fortint e Off From For jeronnl attention li Plume 292-5- i t 1 1 I The Best Of Hawaii vGIFT Four Islands - Super Hotels 11 days 10 nights Departures every Friday -- - $66900 -- I I I 8 days Bridal Registry 149 North Main. Kawille. Utah & nights Departures Thursday and Saturday sS7 Phone R OR AST 376-2- If) U olor I'anilm ktum n uritsi hi Tahitian Paradise '' orifi h an D f 8 days 7 Nights -- - $58900 Travel Deseret are Travel We t M.D. Sten art Ia-- : 0 promlU ffdiim1 ft aWr 1 From $29900 I C3SC5 and The Choice of Mexico I SHOP Sis- - Vv 24. 1976 Mm-tBowman ami Kolfr Andm . sviT the Professionals in Group Specialists Sdo- HE (3MJMD r SALE ENDS SUNDAY, NOV. 14TH IPFII Mil 9-I- r SUH.ID-- 7 P: GLASS jlfeAUTO SPECIALISTS J -- - 500 GOOD USED SALE .ENDS , pij lowests C5 j j WINDSHIELDS r? Residential Glass prices J tllYWHEnEI window panes patio doors, etc. "l.ar J . -- a e FAST INSURANCE CLAIM SERVICE KAC READY-RESER- VE DEHYDRATED FOODS V:BEA Quality Glass PRESERVE I ST39 efiiwtao flijrwrkss PIXEWf k: 60-L- B. OFF AIFG. SUG. PRICE CONTAINER 7 PricS U Ea- - nm White plastic storage container g features A tight-fittin- '4 a lid. Ideal for storing Ww PURE HONEY I APPOINTMENTS One of the Wests i44 Unbelteveable variety ot fruit and vegetables. You Just add water and cook. Theyre compact, nutritious and need no refrigeration. They look and to military taste great! Packed storage; specifications lor long-terextra heavy duty cans; cans enameled inside and out; all products are; ..... nitrogen packages; products contain! 2 or less residual oxygen. 17 LATE CAN Leading Stylists has joined our staff and will be taking late Light amber clover honey from Great Lakes. Stored in metal tub. Pure, natural, appointments heavy-dut- y I i GRADE A numerous items. clover honey. Ideal for cooking and baking. o SAVE 1212-L- s cE n B. 24 BAG Our 3.96 Carolyn JP POPCORN Mfed Instant carrots 25-L- B. TABLE SALT $' w- Christofferson Instructor & Stylist a Winner of many i hair styling trophies in the Western - United States. Buy popcorn now and have plenty on hard for all your fun wintertime activities. A and versatile nutritious snack, a la popcorn great addition to food storage , reserves. &IWI J 25-L-B TABLE SALT Iodized table salt In economy sized bag. CASE OF 25 NO. 10 CAN CANS KIPPERED SNACKS Our 32 Can Save $2 per case on Icelandic Kip- pared snacks csss of 25 INSTANT CARROTS Our Reg. 3.92 She joined the Super Team at CVC brand A "ft w Ij puffed "Instant dehydrated carrots. Just add water and cook. m raame aaiss mums gem Fran Brown & Co. 766-060- 3 r r i I i |