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Show Cbipsand Sbamgs From Lark . Miss Stella Meyerhoffer of Salt Lake City came out and spent Sunday and Monday here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Meyerhoffer. She was accompanied by her aunt Miss Flora Meyerhoffer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore of ' Seattle, Washington, are the r guests of Mr. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Moore. Mr. Moore is undergoing a course of studies at the Washington University Uni-versity ' Mrs.' Ernest Silcox and children child-ren of West Jordan returned to their home thi3 week after visiting vis-iting with Mr. Silcox here. Albert Hubea of Salt Lake City motored to Lark on Sunday to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson. Mrs. Ed. Hansen and family returned to Lark on Saturday after spending the summer months on their farm at Bountiful. Bounti-ful. Mrs. Mordberg and children returned from West Jordan on Thursday, where they have been visiting with relatives and friends. J. I. Robbins, assnyer of Bingham Bing-ham Mines Co., returned to camp after spending a vacation at Nevada Ne-vada with relatives. Clinton Seal and Jim Christen-sen Christen-sen left camp on Saturday for Rock Springs, Wyoming, where they intend to work in the coal mines. Mrs. Margaret Park is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. George Starkey of Dinkeyville, Bingham. Bing-ham. . Mr. and Mrs. Pal Savage, daughter Ruby, and Mrs. Almaj Blum motored to Salt Lake on Monday. Miss Savage remained in the city and will become a student of St. Mary's Academy. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mrshall were the guests of Mrs. Henry Her-inger Her-inger of the Lark Hotel on Wed-nesdty. Wed-nesdty. Until a suitable school principal prin-cipal can be secured, Mrs. Alma Hemmingsen will have charge of the Lark schools. Mr. and Mrs. Del Nell of Rivr erton moved here on Wednesday and will m.ike their home in camp. |