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Show ' - .... .... .. ; , . TWF; BIWHm NEWS. BTNQHAM. tTTAff ' A I ; Map Shows Extent of Bovine Tuberculosis t jj ..... ,'. Mas C Harrlgan of the department of Agriculture completing a new map in colors showing the extent of bovlna ' tuberculosis in the United States. Each color represents the percentage from 1 to 18. This is your corner. Make use of it for your information on questions that are puzzling you. It will be my pleasure and privilege to answer care-fully and promptly all questions submitted to me. Your full name and address must accompany each letter sent. For special information send , stamped envelope. All communications will always be held in absolute con-fidence. ' All letters should be addressed very plainly in pen and ink to Helen Brooks, Box 1545, Salt Lake City. ; 1. Dear Miss Brooks: . I have been very interested In your corner and thought I would have you answer some questions for me. (1) If a girl should so to a certain place and meet a boy friend while she is there, when she gets back home is she supposed to write to him first? (2) Suppose you know a boy friend for a long time and while you was in a certain town go and see him and then after you return home is the girl supposed to write first? Hoping you will understand me, I remain, as ever, a friend. PEGGY. Dear Miss Brooks: ; but you would not call it a good time, would you, if you had to submit to treatment just to go places with . this class of boys? All hail to you girls! May success and happiness attend you, and may your tribe in-crease. ' " Dear Miss Brooks: We are very much interested in yen? corner, and wish to ask a few ques-tions: (1) Is a girl at seventeen too young to marry? (2) Should a girl at eighteen be her own boss, or should she take her mother's advice all the time? (3.) Wouldn't it be well for a light complexioncd girl to marry a light complexioned boy? (4) Is it proper for a boy to give a girl a very expensive birthday pres-ent? , Thanking you for the trouble, PEGG and TOOTS, Wasatch, Ut (1) Yes, girls, quite too young to marry. You should only be begin-ning to go with the boys. (2) Your mother, my dears, usually has mote interest in you than any one else in the world, and is not apt to advise you wrongly She is supposed to be her own "boss" in a lawful sense at that age. (3) I scarcely think tho com-plexion has a great deal to do with whether or not a happy marriage will result. (4) No, you should not ac-cept an expensive gift from a mere friend. . Dear Miss Brooks: I want to ask you a question or two, which I know you are capable of an-swering. I have been reading every week your lifHe corner in the paper. And now I am sure you answer ques-tions, using good judgment, so hers I'll bother you for a little advice. It's just a little misunderstanding between my fellow and myself. You have said "Try not to let a fellow know that you care a great deal for him." Well, I do care for him, and no doubt he has found it out. But really I have been told and I believe it, that he has said he will not coax any girl. Nor he won't bother a girl that doesn't care for him. Please sympa-thize with me. He has heard I have another fellow, and that I like this other fellow better than him, and that I am going to quit him the first time he comes over. He lives twenty miles from here. Before I knew about what he had heard I wrote him a letter, inviting him over to a dance. He neither answered the letter nor came to the dance. I am going away to school within the next two weeks. I would surely like to see him before leaving. But I don't like to write to him again when he didn't answer the last letter I wrote him. Now please tell me what you think would be best to do. He is a real nice fellow. He i doesn't smoke, he hasn't any bad hab-its, and has always treated me as well as a girl could expect But he just doesn't think I like him. I know that part of it for a fact. He is going on a mission, and if I go to school without seeing him, he will probably be gone before I return. I know he would never write to me. I hate to confess, but I have been flirting a little. He got an awkward misunderstanding through some unknown party. Please tell me what to do. Thanking you very much, I am a simple young lady living in Utah. You cannot afford to give your love unbidden, my dear. You admit you care for him and also say you think he knows it, then later you say he doesn't think you care for him. Dearie, if a man loves you he will tell you about it; he just can't help it, and it ' is his privilege to do so not yours to tell him. You have a right to (1) You should have had an under, standing if the young man asked you to eorrespond with him, that he should write first, as this would have been more proper. In either case ou refer to, it would not be improper for you to write a short letter letting them know you had arrayed home. Dear Miss Brooks: I am very interested in your corner and wish you everlasting success. I have a question or two. Is it a fact that girls and boys are better looking at eighteen to twenty than they are at fourteen to sixteen years of age? (2) Jjl an absolute cure for eczema? (3) In going away from your home town and going out with boys or young men whom your par-ents are not very well acquainted with, should you have a chaperon? (4) Is Florence Vidor, an actress in the movies, a married woman? (5) What is the best way to leave your hair at night when it is curly so it will not break off? (6) When a boy asks to bring you home from a dance, should you ask your mother if he may or just tell him "yes" or "no," as you think best? I am sixteen. Ever yours, INQUISITIVE, Randolph, Ut Thanks, my dear. (1) No, it ia not a fact that boys and girls1 are better looking at one age than another. (2) I would not say the article mentioned was an ab-solute cure for eczema, but if you will send your name and stamped en-velope I can give you the name of a guaranteed cure for eczema. (3) Strictly speaking, you should not at-- " tend any public affair without a chap-eron- e and when you take this pre-caution you can feel you have left no room for criticism. This custom is adhered to more carefully in the eastern states than it is in our west-ern country, but it is always more proper to be chaperoned, and is coming to be so considered everywhere. (4) I havs been unable to get a line up on Florence Vidor as to whether she is married or not She is twenty-seve- n years o age, her home address is 1719 Selma Ave-- , Los Angeles, Calif., and her studio address is-- 6642 South Mo-nica Blvd., Hollywood, Calif., so you may write to her, if you wish. (5) I wsuld advise wearing a cap which fits the head snagly to keep your hair in order. (6) I think you could use your own judgment in accepting or refusing the boy's offer to bring you home. Dear Miss Brooks: I am very interested in your corner ;Between You and Me," and would like to ask a question. I3 good for dandruff? Is it a sure cure ? In your last answers I found the words for the songs "Sweet Adeline" and "Memories." I like the word very much and would like to have the music. I would like to play them on the piano. Thanking you very much-Ma- I come again? KITTY, Utah. The tonic you mention does not guarantee a cure for dandruff. If you send your name and stamped envelope, I will send you the name of one which does guarantee a cure. Will also send you the name of a firm where you can get the music to the songs mentioned. have other friends if you are not en-gaged to this one. and "if he loved you he would be very careful not to believe anything he was not sure of. If he received your letter he should have been gentleman enough to an-at- fer it. regardless of misunderstand-ings. Perhaps he did not receive it In that case, you might write him a note telling him you are going away. He seems to be a worthy young man, and ns such, should be shown every courtesy, but not to the extent of sacrificing your dignity. I do sym-pathize with you, and I am sure this affair will work out in a way that is best for you. Dearest Helen: Hail our approach! We hope we reach yon successfully for this is our first journey to yuur ctrner. We are two intsrested aid very iaquisitive g:l, and any questions which vu cannot solve often confront us. From our observations we find that the girl who allows the boys-- to kiss her good-night, and put his arms around her is always tho girl who seems to be popular," always having a fellow and a good time, while the girl who doesn't allow those privileges sits in the corner and is rever looked at, no matter how she tries to be sociable, lou have id in previous answers that a boy doesn't really respect a girl who allows him privileges; but why docsm't h show his respect for a mod- est girl by showing her a good time? YVe hope you will be able to answer this complex question without much bother. BILL and B03, Utah, lou arrived and are wel-oin- e. Heaven d( liver us (and you) from popularity gained in this manner. Bill and Bob, don't you say so? I reiterate that the right sort of boy docs not respect the t'i- -l who allows him these privileges, and whMe this! sort may seem scarce it rests! with you girl who have bren trained! properly and who consider your girl-- 1 hood a pure, sacred thing, which youi llona can keep und'filcd and pur from contamination with ;.h' riiT-ra!- " who insults you b denanding such iiK-rfi- .'s ami privil.--gej- t ?o conduct' voursi Ives that more Inys may be rought to understand they have no Vnt to think of offering such insuUs. Vro are such boys, girls, and you !! find th-m- , ft,r like bejets like. ...J you are entitled to a "good time - News Happenings I I ofth Grat I Intermountain States f Spokane. Under - the caption of ' "Who Got the Monoy," the American Legion Magazine has begun publica-.- . tlon of a series of articles based on allegations of war profiteering. Detrolt.--- A speed of 200 miles an hour, the highest ever attained by man will be recorded here during the Pul-itzer air races, October 14, according to predidtons made by army and naval officers who have made arranements for the event. ' Nogales. Postmaster Josiah Bond and his wife, Minnie, were Instantly killed by a single bolt of lightening. Bond and his wife were riding horse-back in the Santa Rita mountains when overtaken by a fierce electrical storm. , Their horses ware also killed. Calgary, Alb. The city council has ratified an agreement with the Imper-ial Oil company calling for the estab-lishment of a $2,500,000 oil refinery in Calgary. All that remains is the plebiscite of citizens to Indorse the project Work will be Btrated on con-struction this fall. Seattle. Two men and a girl wora ground to death when a Northern Pa-cli- lc train backed into their automo-bile on a grade crossing at Auburn. The dead are: J. II. Peterson, 35, pro-prietor of an Augurn garage ; J. P. Sweeney, 24, bookkeeper for a con-densed .milk plant at Auburn; and Miss Jessie Barnett, 20, waitress, Au-burn. , . Minneapolis. Alfred J. Ouyette, 73, whose desire to ease his conscience loil to the arrest in Seattle of his son, G. Delbert Ouyette, as the alleged shiv-er of Joseph Braining of Minneapolis, lie died at the oHl soldiers' home, lie sumimltered two days after he had unburdened himself. Spokane. Mrs. Beatrice Saut, who is accused of giving purjured testi-mony at the trial of Maurice Codd, acquitted on a murder c Large here last isprlng, will be tried In auperlor court, September 27, according to the crim-inal docket recently announced. ' Spokane, Wa.sh. Six men appeared recently at the municipal employment ugency to qualify for the position of "African dodger" at CO cents an hour. After determining the size of their head and the amount of bone den-sity shown It was found that none of the applicants could qualify. The "Af-rican dodger" spends his working hours behind a canvas wall dodging balls thrown at his heud. Dallas, Ore. Glen II. Trico and Grover C. Todd, federal prohibition agents were killed by Phillip Warren, an Indian, in a fight at New Grand Itonde, near here. Warren was wounded and later arrested. The fight followed a raid on a dance hall where Warren and others were said to have been drinking. Pueblo. Colorado coal miners, who have been on striks since April 1, were authorized to return to work as soon :s the wage scale of November 1, 1921, is restored by mine owners, following a meeting of the executive board of district No. 13 of the United Mine Workers of America. Spokane. Railroads west of tho Mississippi river have been authorized by the Interstate commerce coniiiils-tlo- n to give preference and priority to the movement of foodstuffs, livestock, perishable products and fuel whenever their operating conditions become sik'Ii as to cause freight congestion or block-ade. Lovelock, Nev. That the rejuvena-tion of the Seven Troughs mining dis-trict is well under way is evidenced by the announcement that the reduction plant on the mltln mine, one of tho properties comprising the Seven TiMtighs Ko urgiinized Mines company, has resumed operations after a shut-down extending over a period of five years. Lincoln, Nob. J. i Helluian. former foiinty treasurer of Thomas ounty convicted of einbemlin.; f'J.oot) whfie serving 11s treasurer, vnluntar'ly enter-ed the Ktsite penitentiary to serve lii-- i sentence of one t twenty-on- e The yeirs. supreme court recently afflrmd his sentence and Helluian dd mt care it avail himself of tho right to file n motion for a new trial. Iliinford, Cul. Fourteen elephants of a visiting circus herd, frightened Into a stampede by a inlshup to one :f th? herd's bohy members, charged through the Southern Pacific yards where th rlrcim wns unloading at dawn flattened a stout lrn fence, spil-led liasgHKe trucks and trunk in nil direction ami sent enrly pedesirlaii scurryin for cover In their rush thru tnwts near the st:iti.n. Oakland, Calif. Two men, a wo. man and an Infant were killed at S.m (reno when an automobile in whkft thvy were rld.ntf was struck by the Stockton fljer of the Southern Pacific company, Bingham. The Ff.h ,.ppr ".01 psny hH announced en innoiij )' wioi -- 4) cr, g day fo- - unsVi '.' ls''(r nni .V cnt a day for !! ot'.w. 1:h th txreptlon of s.i!aril o.,-- . "host compensation, U i umi4'-tiv- r 1 still unJer con!'--at!.r(- . ,U. S. Building at the Brazilian Exposition 1 jsssffs fin 9 I JS ll I id khW' I M M 2141 ! Here is the government building of the United States at the Brazilian Centennlul exposition In Rio, which opens September 7. The photograph Is made from the sketch by the architect, Frank L. Packard of Columbus, O. After the exposition closes the building will be the United Btates embassy. I "YOUNG TEDDY" TALKS ft! Acting Secretary of the Navy Roose-velt, or "young Teddy." as he Is so gen-erally called by Roose-velt's friends. Is evidently taking up his father's policy of being sure about things, for he was here caught on the White House steps telling Secretary Weeks Juat how the situation stood. Look Out for the Valise Crook i S&!aaawaiH(3ttBk . .. i............. t...-- . .. . mtgvtgjr B Vacationists are warned to beware of the valise crook. Here are two pictures which show how the crook works.. He comes along with a hollow bag as shown In the upper photograph, slips it over your bag and carries It ayy as shown in the lower photograph, which pictures the teeth holding your bag. Paris Chief Sees San Francisco System fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiimmmmmmmmmtmmm uti in uaHn's.ui ink I .. fcIr'-"r- " "ari V-f-B-- T-lf "T"V 3 ii Yr j t ' 1 r""'"'"i"'iiiiii '"" f - "M y ... , """HI -- .:. .' .',,. sv: J Fire engineers from u!l over the world, attending the International con-- , vent ion In San Francisco, were given a demonstration of that city's hlgh-pres-sure water system, no engines being used. Inset Is Fire Chief Paul Vaglnot of Paris, who was an Interested observer. BEST OF THE ARCHERS f Pi Pr. Hubert P. Klmer of Wayne, Pa., with the Itohln Hood trophy given by Kouglas Fairbanks which lie won al the forty M'cond annual meeting of the National Archery a.odation at Coop-erstown- . .V. Y. Dr. Llmer also won the National championship, making score of more than 1.000 ROWLAND HALL S All lVnmnltmtWn, Wr.U for CaUUfix SuTt Lk C BI SINKSS ClIU-KUK- S ph..il of KfTirlMinr. All fommdrcial brknrhfa. Ltlog fr. 89 N. Main St. Salt Laka City. ' PIEATINO A BUTTONS Accri.an. 8id. Ur fluttnt. Hrmititrhlnif Bnttona. nuttnnhnlm. Kid Corut Parlor 40 K Hroadwr. Salt Laka CHy. SEM Ti O l'' HP I ( nTti HKM - lak yimr M.k U!ii.tm-a- nr MndtoIirtor fal printer. I.iih- - Trade Bindery. Salt Lake. L'TAH METAL WORKS. MT' Type M.tala. Salt Lake City. GEE-GE- E TONIC Cuurnnlrert Eczrtnaand Dandruff Cure Gce-Gs- e Company Lake Cily 133RegntSl. ' OF GENERAL INTEREST , A cyclone moves nt the rate of li'vi yards a second. A bird can generally lift one half More than Its own weight, No new domestic animals have, been developed during the last U.IMH.) years. The? most powerful electromagnet in the world has a power of 100,)K j gUUSftfS. |