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Show URS. LOLA Vflnil SaggcttiKgerinf Women the Road to Health Fulton, Arkansas.'! used Lydia EL pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for I ,UililiiiiiiinniiiilMRDen mT ide UlM "I Iwouldsufferiobad-III1 Iwouldsufferiobad-III1 "llllll ly every month from I1 '"Ml my waist down that I y dbuld not be on my - -"f ' feet half the time. 1 ! --, , wasnotabletodomy : ,v J V V. work without help. I 1' V II saw your Vegetable llr ill I Compound adver- II n tised in newspaper h W T' nd gave it a fair P ; trial Now I am able hwv" d() work and don't even have a backache every month, I cannot p r a 1 a e your Veget able "Compound "Com-pound enough and highly recommend it to those who have troubles like mine. I am willing, for these IvXm to be used as a testimonial to lead all who Buffer with female troubles, as I did, to the right road to health. "Mrs. LulaVann.Bq 43, Fulton, Arkansas. Itsthis sort of praise of Lydia E. Pink-ham's Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound, given by word of mouth and by letter, one woman ' to another, that should cause you to eon-eider eon-eider takmg this well-known medicine, if you are troubled with such symptoms ss painful periods, weak, nervous feelings, miserable pains in your back, and cannot can-not work at certain times. Here is a woman who is so grateful and glad to be relieved from a painful and nerve racking physical condition, that she wishes to tell all sick women. C Laxatives Replaced By the UseofNujol Nujol to a lubricant not niedlcfae or laxative eo cannot (tripe. When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating lu-bricating liquid Is produced In the bowel to keep the food waste soft and marin. Doctors pre , scribe NnJol ) because It acta TiwVl like this natn C fuWn nl Inbrloant g'if??H and tbua re- A LUBRtCANT-NOT A LAXATIVE j J Backache Is a Warning! Those agonizing twinges across the mall of the back, that dull, throbbing backache may mean serious kidney weakness serious, if neglected, for it may load to gravel, stone in the kidney, kid-ney, bladder inflammation, dropsy or fatal Bright' disease. . If you are suffering suf-fering with a bad back, havs dizzy pella, headaches, nervous, despondent attacks or disordered kidney action, heed Nature's warning. Get after the cause. Doan'i Kidney Pillt havs helped thousands. They should help you. Atk your neighbor t A Utah Case Jonah MftthUs. Y-Pi retired farmer. 8. JLtfJ --V' Second St., rlff-ffify tfV " ' J ham, Utah, aays:V4jf;t J "I suffered fromj ' IX, severe attacks off J f oackache. Bom-Vv Bs times It was hard. y for me to g-et upl ,l I from a chair, orl l(, "3 from a stooped po-lj Si,-. df sitlon. My kidneys Lja'-S caused me more or vSs lees trouble, too. I used Doan's Kidney Kid-ney pill and In a few days the backache back-ache left and my kidneys became normal." nor-mal." Cat Dosa's at Any Stars, 60e a Bos DOAN'S "SIS FOSTER -M1LBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. V. Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system tn order by regularly taking COMEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and eric add troubles, the nemies of life and looks. In use since 1096. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the nam Cold Medal en every boa and accept do hnitatiom THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, havs Thick Wind or Choke-down oaa be reduced wtlh TVy slso other Bunches or Swell-t.-M,i,,U.J ings. No blister, no balr gone, and horse kept st work. Economical only few drops required t an application. $2.50 per bottle delivered. Book 3 A free. W. F. Twt. Int., 310 TctifI St., SjxintMi. Km |