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Show Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 1 1 &flt-feJ Hot water VSKlSwf Sure Rcjief -ELLENS 5$ and 75 j Packages Everywhere V W"ir Mothersfl jti5r Write for 32- 1 ae booklet 0 "Mothers of JT tho World" :y , ' Loom Products rl3;' fctfc- Carriages fifunuturv. gtfjtr&i ' " ' Use ThU Coupon d' , ; Tfce Lloyd Mf. JWItobmidai i Company " J? WW-M "to?" T Na........... Ifmomlna r , Mich. . 8t , ....... CHjr 8tto.....M... I Perseverance plucks success evea from the spoor-proof crest of rugged danger. ; l!n!ilU;illlllll!!UIll!aiUtKllUlllllllllllll!DllllU!ll!llll!llllll!!L USEFUL for aH the ' I little ailments bumps, bruises, sores, sunburn and chafing. 1 Keep a bottle in the I house. It's safe and pure. Itcostsvery little. - i 1 CIIESEBROUGII MFG. CO. 1 (ConaolidaUd) Ej SUte Street New York t I WiwSr. I g baseline; RATS DIE ; f'x':$k y When - They.. v STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE It alio kill mica, cophcri, prtlrl dor ' Ooyolu. wolvea, oockroachen. wUr bui tnl ants. A ISe box contains cneufh t kill t to 10 rata or mica. Oat It from your drug or (enaral atura daalar today. READY FOR USE-BETTER THAN TRAPS Guticura Jjoap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c D.I - C O L - Q FOR BURNS CUTS ITCH 6ORE8 75c at store; 85c by mail. Addreaa ; New York Drug Concern, New York- XI 1 1 li H r o4or' 4011 ' a II U 1 Lta ir iO dan m "M ana Oat a buttlaof Q Baa Har Color BeatorarBa (a aa watar- applr tt ana watcli mull. At all too druRHlata, . fto, ar dlract tmm HUS1C-ELLU, Omim, Htawaa. Taaa, .... t W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 38-1922. Sip Makes Old Waists Like New Hr Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish r tej3ftl Maybe that hill Mtfcl is not there, "CPffl after all VERY often the hill we seem Begin today" with a dish of to be climbing is made out of Grape-Nuts with cream or milk the common mistakes of diet and fresh or preserved fruit which starve tissues and nerves added if you like and slow down energies. How smooth and level the path . Keep on with this crisp, delt-seemed delt-seemed to be when we were cious, strengthening food in place younger. of heavy, ill-assorted, starchy Simple, natural food may level V"f ,unfhesrand ,seo that hill to a smooth path d.ain. 'the ,:t,me1 speed on the . old-time level path doesn t Why not try it? come back again. Crapg:Kifs-THE dqdy builder 'There's a Reason" Mad hf roirom Cereal Company, Ino., Eatlie Creek, Micliijjaa --,.,--. i .-r-. $ flrnn-rirni n mil 1 - in,r'i"irii, ,j - ..iTT? |