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Show Creel Flies to the Rescue of Literature The gentlemen with perpendicular perpendicu-lar faces, long frock coats, elastlc slded boots, stovepipe hats, black string cravats and an expression like the fror.en essence of concentrated gloom who appear In the cartoons as typifying the spirit of censorship had bent be on their guard. They are about to be hunted to their lairs, the whole tribe of 'em. They are to be trapped, cornered and Impaled upon the stout, shining lance of the Joint Committee for the Promotion Pro-motion and Protection of Art and Literature. Lit-erature. Wielding the lance, the literary lit-erary St. George to puncture the prohibitive pro-hibitive dragon will be George Creel, the chairman of the Joint Committee for the Promotion, etc. Mr. Creel, his friends urge, knows more about how utterly absurd a censorship can be than any other human being. According to the Imposing literary effort which whs Issued as the Initial clarion call to action by the Joint committee, nine sturdy organizations are wrapped up In the projected assault through the medium of the Joint committee. com-mittee. Equity Is there, and so are the American dramatists, the Americas Federation of Musicians, the Authors' league, the Motion Picture Directors SFsociation, t lie printing trades unions and the Screen Writers' guild. Anion-them Anion-them the nine propose to smash the censorship Idea so completely that It wH' need a vacuum cleaner to remove the remains. Mr. Creel says In his Initial communique: "It Is only a question of time alien every product of the creative Instinct will be called upon to run e i grntlet of bHdles." "Take anej those 'leoUles," Is Mr. Creel's wotto. |