Show STATE ENGINEERS ENGINE EIlS REPORT tho th annual report of 0 mr robert C emm 11 state slate En enginger gincer tor for utah la a in ways a dinst Jilter interesting estIng document bunjor tile statutes all plans of 0 dams and dykes ahen the same earott axe are more than torl ten feet ili must be approved by tile the state engineer under that lint statute the following dams liao been approved during the tha post past ear ea i that of 0 the otter creek reservoir cc company rally on oter creek in pluto flute county there tile the creek joins the east tork fork of ill alio llio sevier river la Is a tremendous affair wheat compit 1 it hlll ill bo be 40 feet feel in height bright mith a base of 1 I fact A top lop of 3 30 feet till a length on lop op of feet mith mater aler nays mays through solid bioc lock ir it will make inako a lako lake mith lah an all at acca ca of 2173 2171 act accica es and A L storage capacity of 0 acre feet of water tho rudin dini clant of tho the deseret and sill salt lake banit company Is located on the he seler river near pear oasis in fit mallard lard county it has a maxi height of 20 0 feet a maximum width at the lia bass b isa of I 1 li feet width lith of top lot 30 feet length of top 1200 feet and a supplementary dam of tile the same earne company ll Is of 0 about tile hie same dimensions except that hat its length Is only about 50 feet this oil has sit an a area rem of acres and a a st slap orn age aga capacity of acre feet and Is fully completed complete the D da via and weber county canal da dam an la Is on last canyon creek lit in morgan morean county the maximum height la Is to be 68 feet base feet width on top IG 16 feet length on top loo feet it Is a lock albed dini dam on a portland cement base reaching bedrock the reservoir formed on an this m ill llao halo a area of apo aches and a storage capacity of 0 ia acre feet tile dam of t the lie payson city Is canyon in utah county the maximum height of tills Is 30 feet width at base feet length on top feet tile the reservoir has a rut surface face of acres and a storage Bl orai capacity of 2 acre feet this dam was built to increase tuo the water supply of rayson payson city the dare reservoir and carm canal I 1 companas comp anys dam la IS located about the center of jannete sanpete county near balm it Is 23 13 feet lit in height and COO feet in length 1 nath making a reservoir witia BI a i surface Hir tace area of 0 SO 60 acres and B a 11 ll capacity of 0 acre afef t ff V tho the donkey creek cri ek reservoir caryl ll 11 dallys dam anni Is located in wayno coun ty y near nar Tram del it han ban a height of 0 IS 3 feet maximum depth ot of th the water I 1 feet reservoir clr arta area of 0 80 90 acres and i al storage capacity of 0 acre acra feet allowing for all waste the abw above reservoirs will redeem acres acm ot of land th ring freer har halt issued a pimpha t giving minute instructions as to th tb nay to mia auro water the T report port with recommendations to to those using water batir and notes some ellich in tile ihn opinion of 0 the E engineer angl al c 0 r Is needed altogether it la in a very full and lucid report it points point out very many Imperfect imperfections lons in the iho very byg y loans and durgee upon the such as will relieve the th pres pre prent chaotic clia otlo condition of 0 afraim it ill to be altogether an able abla an ard lit thorough report |