Show PIKO I 1 at N TANA progress of tile the great mountain state during the year 1898 correspondence tribune I 1 helena mont I 1 pec dec 51 1 A it record 0 oc the progress of the 5 ear car in mo n must deal dal largely u with ith the min minim n 9 industry I 1 which hach lias has come to be the A one ne in which montana Monta nL latest excels but bul while it is ia estimated that thai the output lor for this thin year aill exceed that thai of a year ago aeo the thi stock and farni farming ing interests ila have also profited profiled lit in a general way ay throughout the ih past season the cattlemen enjoyed better prices than usual and I 1 alio lie sheep men I 1 evolved elved better prices for their wool and chipped anoro allore of it than for many leois cuts buoie eighteen cents was reached for wool during the season tho ilia average being 11 1115 15 cents und and at prices much match in ni excess of those of prec precelina edina seasons the shee sheep prien men not flat only disposed of tile the tills of the year but of hundreds of thousands of pounds that hal had been held over from the lite season of ISO tho the cattlemen cattleman ila hid found tile thu ranges alpod and their cattle weigh weighed c of upwell up well but bul amii ing to the high prie prices lix in tile th so loth still and the low ce of teed feed in the iho mm I 1 rn slates rates lie ho pt purchases r for fat fattening early in I 1 ho he lighter than usual I 1 genvo ine if the I 1 0 shipments tilts sar will fill fall of the arelous pr elous lour ye year a I 1 fit number lumber of lead to in it i lar or ge EC ex extent tent the rin smaller aller ship brents are aio atoned for by the lh addad anti and further by the fall fait that the iho winter of 1897 OS 98 saw paw feer losses than have been the ll 11 c rule rul heretofore the year Is least lant as ab being the lie beginning of a new eri era lit cattle batlle calsing it saw practically kIlly the last jest of the bliz ble outfits that once ranged their cattle on a thA thousand usand hills and it saw italy the firm c establishment of the iho cattleman i with alth provisions for fat the feeding of his stock in N winter inter and for its protection in time of storm U alte lie home ralah lit in 1893 Is more of a home lanch in fad fact pail ani loss less lit thin than it il aas lit in the th officials of nf tho the land department repast that the leases of state slate finds to stoc stockmen kmen hap broken till all record rec adt and that mean that the lh face bantre 14 being avid and that and water 1 I teri lights have come to in lie he necessary adjuncts A of the rattle business It lias has brogi so me flat tho the indians of th I 1 hi clow alow reservation hivo have set tile example to their white shile hi hiel ethren hren by constructing eight stipo it go ditches and they we now at al ark on the ninth private enterprise is on cn in exploiting an irrigation pro jact near indr dupuyes dupuyer in teton county anti and the iho people of kavach county ate prel prepared lared to iny caray out nut another insist tooth molli project an effort is being made to irrl saie ilia lands oc at the indian on the hio FOIL L belknap reserve A now canal Js Is bine being built by the flat west galla fill illig li illation d elan colli compi pally iny on kill tilt the west little gallatin river and tuu to other large canals have ben been opened on oil the east cost elle or of tile iho same diley jn in sweet bif hams a county w A here it a r olony of hollanders lias has recently settled it a partially completed ditch lifts has beet been conditionally 50 sold ill to the he state A which ha intends to com coin it il under lie iho vt tit tile carey act if lh flat coming legislature agrees to the amendments to iv the state law that HIO are necess try iry to tho the success of the big bl unites taking the eliola an in Inci ense of linness business of 10 per cent in found figures over list last year thu the commissioner of libor labor agrical culture and industry thi the statistical bureau of the adale title says that the indications sire are that immigration into the th state AN will ill tit at least keep pace i with till a and it 1 I may exceed tho ibe ability uc of the state to keep up with nith the procession successful firming in montana sald paid mr air calderhead Calder bead requires water Irn migration ila lias already chown bbown signs of a re anil and it looks looka aa it if it might came faster than irrigation canals can be completed WINES mine ln inspector john byrne in his annual report to he hc choei nor nuj say that fewer suspension s of mines have been repot ted led than for many years yearn past and thit that th it many famous have returned to the active list after varying periods of idleness among amone some vc of the ilia most noteworthy have been the ran lt mountain und land minus mines at a anite chich laid lain idle flie fe beals lut but which filch save been and are arc now being with il a forro forre of mn inert tile the nary katy by the boston ilav dav state failing company situated at iraln in jefferson county and the hope also albo at aban bain th the a resumption of the tuo lo 10 lp latter ater mean a 9 great dral deal tho the katy suffered florn flom a aleas t bious Us fire seer lil years yeara ago and tit the Nal smelter elter find concentrating plant wore destined desti destio oed icil JL it bus taken time to real ilia and false the enny necessary to beplate those lial jm prove menla ments A fui olter of J io long ions ca has been however and IL of a Cal lacity of tons Is nestly ready to 1 bigin oceia opeia ai final lanns the apo mine Puff buffeted eted by copeli allro ro three par ligo ibid ault it u I 1 JC III in follwe fo lowe nic iio irly changed illinois huna during aliv h brur ail and is ht lillne ilia I 1 ci ali ed art an I 1 cleval tilted A IM ICO lon ion ramont rotor has h is bet buila paid nud it L rigl forto of mon la is ell aloyed A it vf or remit ha a entered thi fill list is well alinn lit ht nw now entitled to be called mine fit it 01 tl 11 t asio N e A 0 thi 1 od ili it i I 1 ston st on pat no boveia 1 I 1 mil it fl fi in ii I 1 r t a x A anty ill ell 0 mi flo now and it 1 ti n lon ion 11 hi IV V L mu 1114 n 11 it il M fl na it 11 tuni tun fit I 1 till nd 11 r P I 1 IP in J ji fi 6 1 11 I I 1 I 1 ih 1 1 I mine min P in A lf T r V lind land ark it lit the ahe of nt Mary a mille and the nancy honk and shamrock Kham mines lit in harlte granite county all those a m ari rr classed in the om olt elal lat report of the th mine inspector as permanent nent producers THE BUTTE DISTRI Vr ani 9 never e 1 morr fl active than it Is ie now the r lh year r has kin n tit the green mountain fountain rising mini reach the 2 2200 level ll it mav tic lie said bald to have heen been the ali beginning of nf file alir era cre of ft deer deep mining in that oll district brict tor for deep mining 1 brings r ings its im train of 0 berran to mine ma managers nazers anti aal they have been alivo alive to lo them ns as is demon hy by the fact that the asset lovida company roin pany fat 01 example ilas ha taken time by bv the forelli k hy by equipping its principal shafts with ilia machinery capable or of developing the mines to a depth ot mile other Otherl lari argol r r in including roiling the boston mon montana t p non and ih the 0 butte butle boston both large copper producers at dutle have indicated their intention of doing li likewise leIse it li Is doubtful v bother bathe the year hilll aill show dhow a largo large increase in tit tho actual output of tho rho copper mines of 0 saher bow county 0 u a ty and perhaps tile the production may he be no larger att at all but tin an understanding stand lne ot of lite conditions condition that have mad the output smaller will aill only be hi necessary to demonstrate that the year lias I 1 i a s been one of substantial progress there as well aa in at other sections ot of tho state tit said and delay incident to the th construction or of largo large pla plants I 1 its hai bag been somewhat of 0 a handicap the anaconda mine as aa a example having suspended the hoisting of oro ore a number of months while hilp permanent In improvements N mere ere being made there has never been a year in al lio 0 history ls talfy ot of butte when ubera tho the total u nib e ot feet added to tho the depths depth of at the lh shafts has been greater or u when he IN the lie improvements were as valuable tho work k ot if the year hua has left reason to believe gr ch I 1 I 1 that at the he of copper ot of 1997 which was rounds poun dit will be increased to more than pounds lit in nor is copper the only product ot of those great copper mines as aa Is 14 sometimes supposed the report ot of the anaconda mine for thi th year ending juno june ahe 30 0 1898 recently published shows chous ill that at the mine arrine produced in ili that ounces 0 of refined silver oliver and ounces of 0 refined gold eold the product or copper luring during ill the a same time being pounds LEADING nold lewis trail and clarke county in chich Il helena elena Is IH situated has for many pars eara past been rated as tho rho leading gold cold producing county ot of the th otate itu ita prominence lies lias been largely due to the existence and operation at ut of tile hie drum lummon mine that pi gioi all erty Is not only still operating but during the year added feet of work to its shafts shafta 1 I inzes and ross cuts and increased Us its cyanide plant ti to a capacity ol 01 no lent two properties mere re added to the list of large producers produce lot in ill ahda region one vaa tile hie cruse anine a new nev addition anti and the other the Bel moril which for many years was a pro producer duPa in timp time gone by the success of thi the new introduced duces on the bolan reimond 0 nt anci means alls a great deal to the he mining interests of the Marsy villo district and the t ling country N here tile ores are tit of ii a sin similar ilar character har acter the process li ji A combination of amalgamation staid and qua quartz r is Is crushed anti and pas passed sell over the plates he 50 ia per cent ot of the iho value Is 14 saved paved and tile arc conducted to large settling links chere they arr are subjected to the action ot of the acid solution lulion Ho work pio pact gressed rr essed flaring during lie year to the th extent of many feet of tunnels on tile the cruse nine mino the tunnel MBA aab driven 1 0 feet during the acar eai anti and a cl arnt i hatt was nas sunk stink feet fc t front roni the level of tile tunnel development of tile the old amber it at yolk has been continued the mine mille li is sul not genaros fiener ls it Is regarded a A A I 1 loft prado grade proposition in ill which both the coun coubry tIrl rock and tile the mineralized are state A has been erected and N hlll ill be enlarged to a cil ca of INA 1001 tons toils a day the eight principal mines of lewis and clack county count are a now dratie arax I 1 lax in addition to tho bryan allta ing installed ed and are III men tho mines included ill ili tho rho list hat are only tit the drum lummon belmont rube st loul louis daliy little dandy oll amber and war eagle tho th your year in ill Madi soll county lua ilia spen s ci tile lie of the Tb acca rout hoot I 1 usage lango country as it has haa never been before tile the it ron tile the galell south or of poev and on oil RIO mond plat flat the Mon monitor itar at the same alari the K V 1 on oil meadow creek tile tho laton kaeton near virginia city the leiter leiler 11 and tho the montana on oil wisconsin cieck tho the kennett and the th lucky buy boy located on an tile the Mad madlem litAn bhide till ide and a dozen others have continued development during IMS arid and have been constant reducers producers cers WO UK in ili county lie ie of the kity haty pilot airl the has boell been hacked backed up hv by effective efFect lve walk in other directions tile the famous Jl khorn nine mine no now many pars ear old and ilia boniv ex luhovy lu luh lely holy sliner silver milling proposition in the state that Is being officiated at a gave employment to inell throughout tile alar good strikes were made in fit the eva may in ili classicist Cutai acL district and tho the liverpool alli hl li was abandoned during tile the panic in hi lump bouldi district the I 1 minall cit at another famous mine of the early dais was operated under several overal i leases lea aeb during the 3 ear car Th the comet eComet look out or quantities of if ore the th ailigh ote IC in ore gulch and tile concord concard on oil clancy clock verc all operated 1 lilt now new energy the gray ISi irlo worked throughout tile year in ift development men tilt the robot manh aich was 0 one no of tho the rensil lons of the early pan pat t ot of the year continued as a producer and is still sar a laigo 1 inre force of mon men granite county N is as perhaps the hardest hit by tho the pinac of cf 1891 ot of any of tile the counties of 0 the state stale tile the year has haa seen it in entorf cliance change tile tho conslo ds dalion tion of tile the ka canite nite Moun mountain and all tile bimetallic under one management all lordy liady lef deferred erred to was oe oc of the lin im events in that section 1 during the alic period of suspension ti an ail foot dia drainage inage tunnel nas aa driven which connects tile hie 1000 foot level at 0 the still and tile 1160 foot level of it the mountain yive five mines at aillet all let tile nancy hanks lead kince ped led cloud shamrock and international made substantial hs during ing tie hie year IN mining aning in cascade county lau mas s largely confined to the Nelli belhart art and harker liters chich until eipl were a part of if r county the big seven lit at belhart Nc lhart was mas added to tile the list of big properties tile the company teeing boans helped by walh gold alucs ihal alone paid tile of treatment and it profit beside delbart was one ot of tilt camps that felt fit alir tull full force of 0 the lump bluml 1 m I silver but that received some of the benu lits or of the price of lead the queen mine resumed at tile the beginning of the year the florence added materially to its ore reserves by develops development A ent the breads ater was oper operated abed by leasere during tho the entire season a and nd tile si kd ed N aids and moulton at inci cased ased tile hie number of 0 inert in their employ deer lodge ledge county maintained Us its former formal galt gait still and lid did ca a little boater belter the hild butte advanced its oak to a t point motears two acara shead ahead of production the On lailo tailo which hall had b been bell suspended pc noted for a conj time past sil 40 though lite water had heen been kept out rc resumed umed development work under the ilie of state stale colllins Coll Coli lifs lils anti an V J clink and will stall its con can ei at ilia hie beginning bogin of the year the Mar ninoth fit at collini Colo ini employed fifty men during the sear par being one of the rho no newly ly devel developed ailed properties and til pric at itutti employed liven ty lied men in III starting through the i ill r flathead l latan urt cai county in fit the ex extreme tronie J nn ahn evl it rattle ri arr nf it tile the stale to I 1 I 1 OR saw L aci aal of in 11 wiy alir ann stine N vaa as taken lit lii himl hand hy by a ithe large corp mation which hit hah begun this IIII of if IL L tone r und still ihn file and gold flint were added to the iho list of producers I 1 COAL MIXING MINING 1 Y more wits was nude in roal mining ihan lit in adv other indus andas ir dosing Js it nil elive i lilio tinnia nr tit ahr verll al if f lily ill 4 it n I 1 pi ni ut at arb art K d of lilo glnn n ani ft ci A I 1 vt of antis t 0 hi ing in before coal vua was e en lle J countered the ahn acbo job mine ten antia nuli 1 distant hut but pit on tile the came coal deposit 1 passed |