Show THE the world around has had been more pros proa during the year than for the last three or four our the one feature rno most t 5 la Is the continued decline in property properly values which hints butts P dr lien 18 inroy aly tho roan man of 0 it till proper property ty and tile man depends upon employment from those ho he may have pio property perty we believe ili tho world has gion sparer together than JL it was il year ngo ago our country Is very much of late has tho n a to bo be arlell friendly 1 Y not nol only with milli us but with milli acal allt am ain and the th war mar with spain enabled he ha men ot of tills this country foith and youth south to tn give expression I 1 a the full ull which hns has been effected betheen the sections unit uncil today our countley presents a ot of such power and oc euch resources MS as no counley has ever shoun since the world brgan began |