Show business in ali office ot thi stale board ot land been anulio the eai bixl ii aa the lecorna hie tad that lie ns by the composing alio board lire lut in selections the many knotty questions hint ora arians aril ns there arc inny cinalt ra to think about anil inucci linvell nir the blaid mas 01 april 6 wi coi at als by 0 hh la bif hyron gion ec rclark ina aliey with james T I 1 lammond 0 slate T D hew liec S ani alesley Vl esley K hiilton Wi ilton bihli boico Is W ta N thomas allon K L 1 woolley Woo llcy T V harari W wallon and a emily it aai ker and opal 1 hicks ph 1 i kiich work was eary at the outset in to the board on n and the aliat the P ant taw of ita c isi haive lican in alic yew busl clofed there hran lied arins the 12 applications hi select government isada acres leoin leavo been tol under the arants aj acier 16 to liao aten a aiom acae seventy ono laiwa have been executed 63 acara value le hit S annual rendal the baits 0 stile lands the the vailous franls I 1 r acre the school lands at J 0 anil grants azg alie cotal number u j res ami received follows acres price agricultural collece J aw i alil i 11 oi tor blind mo u 2119 27 H i ri kolrs 0 mines hlll 11 hiir ml it SW 0 total aj tr olal number 0 acice of slate anda ikeie ami they lu made as follows from relinquish ments eillon el llon applicants 16 on of commissioners ners 06 cllon there more lial of niad in IMS eni acre aal hied in aw but selected in WW acres from th number oc accica by above there were aele cled acres rejected on sections il not yet selected a total or SWO MIli horca lande sold were i acres and ahe amount received for bieni diTl deil amone lie as followay county no acres anit PP lver 71 7 17 roc hoc ilder 7 ai 1 t icho ia ohl 2171 b I 1 union arhon mw aha m w mh aj H lawm 2 K crand som IS mis will 47 ark billiard bibro iia i Alor sail 31 ilja BIM 7 joulo amow alrh 4 31 R 11 lako K sia 77 alan 14 71 S n aun i m 3 in K lor ana ii 7 1 hi inell inn ll froia rol ism aw w 1 inah lahl ali 1 aih akl X w lodja 1 13 11 W anh an h oil 1 W evno lv 1 W in w under the provision of K L ind lub of 1837 the beai il did conald for those ertons era ons ho had a government upon awls in auh cases ibey cn li lea and the stale giai helenea the ame to sell IL to Us ill aale this las c naheed fauch applicants to the lands from on lone time and aliis bork lias taken no time of the of alco forca 0 1 he board lahla likic bern filed in ahr united klanca lionil oance alio llio aid ap lo 10 K are apportioned to the various kranig 13 follows te 11 atiq t rijs iii 3 acara ast to ho I 1 total acrea rejected ih r r acres olec tM aiji acoca Er anted li I 1 r 6 11 aj ts 1 l a 1 t um wg i wa re divided to tile counties aa follows bounty acres acre F raaon sold isi 4 ayio 8 am irskin m w in sa t n J fo JJ ajo ij itar hii ill c w 1 alti 5 K arkan fal it 1 u wim 91 a ank 0 djs 18 ri epli 1 12 liliam iff ii 1 au r S ij linit ai an TI to ill ajl 1 i v n V T yi olt T ar WWW lar ilia arf in ar ot anle hut nol inked on malih v II 11 the aels to aj a ca llie iu IS to is flanc hp been tiled cna ing WITO kaid aiom H anly oin labio la iio hivo apon fifi COS 83 Ar proved fit ion to acci U amt of slate landa by grant apri d i binl A il il ri UK ji 21 ln ir iii i formal U ciul f II 11 i f bj Rt eror S if twili appraisements Appraise ments of school lind fop hy counties coun lies iverc value value no lllian lanil HIIM nos bliler S awl K pal il ml mm lion 31 J 1111 b B IM iri biln I 1 3 cam u rako iw sil weber jore wt tonais kaca i an heretofore hereto foie the selections ina lo by the during th past bear have been mainly in tract anil at the reier at of lio desired them tor purposes alic hinline inline made by alic hoard not to en bertaln applications to etcel unless the bidder would ndrec lo 10 pay at least per acre when the lands ne put up al public auction only hie bent lands to he applied for and alic neura llad lina na prevented applications for lindi as it bould not pay to idika tracts of land on llila valuation some vt hae been by the and thy all at produce levenus leve nui for the vailous of ali state adf in hi mancas applications bac lccy niad lor or deapo tho board has to tho legislature eliat they petition condic Con fic to allew aho I 1 relinquish lla claim and alile lu all of hie eirls of se cilona 16 and hii by tho united stales and in lieu thereof lo 10 allow alic state to the kama acreage from any oc the domain it desires these lands approximate acres and tills action enable the tate to select all tho glazing lands thai the people desire to hae selected for purpose or congress how cier lias tailed to act and it it the opinion of bamo bomo that it would be easier to eel the cession of all the arid lands than tho privilege cil this exchange sica would prove of incalculable benr allt to the people ot alic stale and until aoma action Is taken by the powers hint be the handt of hie blaid will remain elrd and desires of chos atho to lease lands for grazing pui poses remain while III most cases the applicants for land tako hie maximum ti melen oai in to kiy lor them they aleco pay 5 per ceni on the pur chaie amounts to neaily the sam a the arild spot cash ca sh and lie blaid the pro ceede under ill law tills Is also true of all the lands ottney by tho stale hence the anxiety or the part of tins lioard to complete the appraisement as soon as possible in oida r chit lands under conditions then kalik kt liK be mad a of revenue and profit to alic late lias been caused the lioard ly alio landi beans lipold in and tracts and the errora in hie applications of those applying for them section 7 ot hie laws of that the board inake the necessary for hie investment or als of the fund derived from the sale or rental of public lands of the alato in the slate bury it kincs thu baird no discretion as to investments bul thi moneys bo put into government biale county atly or bonds or in fligl on faima the slate As a miny and safe aliat havi een made the ear acie allott cl to go by under llie law the blaid has made first boim on improved impi oved bool estate in surn of and haa in gioi all bear 7 per rent and all aonda save halt lake city la 5 per cent and winch Is 3 ier cent are 6 tent bonds and mortgages arc 2021 AmPil cun lirk no 11 SM sill lake rily all no 1 no S i rort liko view SO hox 1 ller bool no 4 hiim anns no aj sextil ellko clr tt 0 alv eik mill todolo arto cr honl no W on conron all no i W lirly alt lake io Pit liim nv waterworks water works ri ltv dw anc ilde donnly school no I 1 aw box lder chool no 25 rrt boldn ell knafl v county bonds ailt manly mccond ill OW mind school no 1 ato halaj alion rl ion no W wa I aoitan cha leonls im alio district no 2 kni 2 incho huo pibool no 3 llin annl 13 hands total selon 9 oc lie act pro as fol lotts five cent ot alie of the nales of hanla dyni within sall slate he gold by the linued keates mih sequent to the oc bucci state into union ariar all alie expenses incident to the same diall be bild to tho to be escil as a permanent fund the interest of winch shall be tor the of the common schools within eadd slate under tills provision the state has received up to hie rod of the fiscal year ending june 1 ISM there Is now due the stale 5 per cent 0 the proceeds ol 01 public lands for the eighteen months that have passed since june 1 alie board 1 anxiously looking for chances to finiest hie money it now haa in and will be bedd to entertain propositions from any one aho vho lias lucli security as Is required under alio law many tanners the claie havu already taken advantage 0 the latas ot interest orie loil by the board and released their bonici from men images that were drawing A higher rate some ot alio llio counties named have taken advin tase of thia opportunity to fund their indebtedness frequently drew S per cent or over and issue bonds 1 per cent the intended that the state receive from the public land grants abc becoming app Aunt and taxpayers abon bikin to bealle thit na the bales and lauc of state lands KO on the for the maln ot hie common schools and the millous elitc hlll jn aiom beir lo 10 cir it Is not loo mu h to that in the future ahe people will to pay taxes for tho support sui port of hie common schools and the maintenance of the public in thus bliem of what i jiow n great but at hie utne linic a baidon the slate anijo ay ahr biilly under 0 iho orl Kinal cratit ir atit mere an follows alip ocic and the amount realized mas arcs irb mil ACI B KII enilio diuri anile hvid allt kaila sam ill liko 11 ll jl Si siiri iii L lo oli y CM 21 I 1 11 ll 1 0 1 1 l jab ll 11 IS ISO wan tr ta il 11 t i K ill I 1 nat juno nd iron onnan ta nl untie il biml it iii nils K re I 1 air led al al in jn i bouli tie ur and 71 sold for tl itkiss ftc nf land 1 now opeti ah in iron Stin tK and juab voun iloa of igind were loafed by public audion i hr aar pr cai tiro in per year stata LANDS total 0 o 1 iva cabi nol to in mm orle crabl nal 1 il binm crania under c chood irani aar amnion 1 I 1 0 O sm f lwft 1 ini in i essiw sm n for blind mayio lirt afi 2 c ti 0 ilinca llo arf i M ieli 1 l aalia hotl i univ erani grand lelal rr acif r alty 3 ollier i sit grand ii fi ik STAT LAND ly afern amount caulto f n farl lold lym iron MW juab att am iv il M i m doiran aijo 50 cal sall alo lalo l ali hi alsa 0 o ft kiy bocolo total lcuio HOSPITAL sacs by counties aar iron is salt lako total STATU COI LEGH lands sales by acoca amount cacho cachon bot al S W M w 20 aj a halt laka djini filp i li 00 wi w imia total STATE bianu LAND by counties acres amount iron tin 12 kots S ailt iku W 1 total amsi eliw TS LANDS S ilas by counties counties achot amount cacho ewt am binl lil 7 via in il nin im ii M 11 1 11 M silt lake clift wm sular W 00 luu total giaki university LANDS balca by counties counte Coun tl acoca amount hox aldor S iff imf ano bicho imru iv M arbon ia W ya i arrn silt lako loo total ano STATE SCHOOL OF MINES LAND salad by counties counties amount pox elder W hi f lio tach ww win ginory to I 1 10 iron 1 l 11 1 I salt lako wm 1110 w sandolo if TOO devler 1 1 mu cwi iwi ix ni H lodolo total LANDS craib sold and unsold ul ier no N ACHS bounty rou nty no am arii M klin lhnn uia iiii hei IS astl 12 an l laur cwi ciali 1 1 juab i M WM TOFI alic iua OF nin foahd alic t 11 abrl 0 alanl for li cic mol for li and ir total expense to dilo tho inconis croin ali talf nf mini dunna alic ganir atas cobit lines annl 1 l atul |