Show FT UTAH FISH AND tile the report of ar john sharp state fish for a and LI and cattle isab fully details ill transactions of the appropriation by ILI the to alicc nalice under art an ft in ima for or tile th purpose of oc specified waters of the stat stale 6 locking toc kins 1 ill black bass from utah lake the was va fully cai ried out oui I 1 k of doing SO ao kwoi yet 1 upon pon tile the subject 0 oc r trout distribution I 1 ud plat akings tile c gayy yet this branch of oc tho fish intile is hiss insignificant I 1 to lj comparatively will net etsa phat what it t should alienist be ind outi nue to be so BO until 0 a slate hatchery pa As established and provision roade for ro aih hLo eling of 0 our nuan crox mounta in sir mr lou the ali most desirable of lt trout for which they the ale aio exclusively tin tho wily only biting done in tilts thia nas has to give tho the be beit beat it care car HI and alt a pil to tile the felot small gnall lots lois pos i hoi hoie 0 fry aloni the united attah one lot of ea ras terii brook trout fry R ni 1 rr ill I 1 station anil ived front from tile leadville I 1 lit in parley canyon Clany sin ank ek ex cx r taken to antil tillin CICEK CICE K let iri jc pi PC 1 l mil r anlo An Anoll lh jor consignment of ol 01 U wm MIT r atoni ll 11 brook trout was ell band placed in a pond at tho the mi all jells th farm of nf martalo Stir tala apts oarn 11 HIP file fisa avid gardn Yar for salt lak coil tilts pond biond 8 cheso wom placed int in i a matter of safety front from other it tn elaml these trolle lit is ui ili flummox in I 1 ilota streams str cams vilh hav ben been elected and reserved by ihn hit lai tor for planting still and trout thus planted thy lit I 1 love statutory tion lor two of or theiu ahr e loara ievers lit it rema 0 of tit thc jhc me 11 thus gle ele e cr allon alion or aal it Is become opportunity to lo streams an excell onit cocked lili tile the at ail tile HIP fish als h family alio llio tit castern brook rr ov red spotted trout to to a to on oil aukrust 27 ass 1 I it i consignment of nf F baak trout fry was nr is I 1 ic p ived vind planted pd in Cotto noa amk soup firm tic on one of oc tile tho reserved i braini fr earm the commissioner icsom i lin in zid adt tile alic cloning of stream ht reain like or of cc dipond 1 I in car carh I 1 LQ bounty ty rot for llie lite I 1 biln ivan trout and boating rho roti aich TO lo stock olives streams ellich have been lc ii I 1 r map wint i wilt will have trout from two to lo three birce it I 1 to lo remain y ara yot yoi bost creek borgais coun ty big spring lc rek r ek kah county leek r county coax ca ciack eck I 1 Aillia hilliald lill nid ld ase county lity III pd elder ald r t reek noc I 1 oz ul ir creek DAVI T ell 1 12 I 1 Colton cotton voino Hood of santa sania ty ly chalk teth sit 1 I it county alaxa clata cleek NA county the th beneficial priests of cc caits chits plan julve wets cecii roads manifest itil this is noticeable to tes a pleasing hiir extent creek llin its in parleys fri liyon blin atina selected under iro diri clowd 10 pil less sd than ilian it t policy y it wat wan I 1 apo ago when it I 1 ss as a rare I 1 hing to see a I 1 the th trout in tho the creek but bill now wilk them it is ia bf be alive to 10 bo be japins lao gift bi I 1 of nf trout can call iq pic ok e it d fl fram ninny many oln this cam ind find transported ilia ken from tit this is butream ind trans planted and ill 0 roughly stock ibl A state hatchery is hatch arous anim I 1 to 3 to t apauty it 1 cluid 0 try fry por per yeat byoir idoll 1 of lie lic placed in ill tile the numerous i tho the state mith lah inobe gratifying ro ulta I 1 tho rho thinks th ill apprel ipar ot of or of really for th erection still and 0 if rt Is I 1 facilities to t hat hery and keep leep up a lil wiil supply ot or liall still games throughout the lite late ouli be ft s InN eMinent because of fc the I 1 plia plea mill Hiiro 0 anti and staff f t loll 1011 it mould oud gl alv the re besides ito to oll oui ir 11 IT I 1 i ii ii lou a attraction of bedith seekers s and apra other states lie he cites WN aft Is front from in fit it n tic illg still and Cio colorado lorado as states slates lucli lit 1111 been greatly benefited by uan POLICY and investments in sonic polls pans or mr ili ih state an inte rest it Is bahur taken jakc n lit in floh and kame game in ili fa favor vor of their preservation rod and increase this ahr h oner looks upon ua a liffie ful bullsn to to to tl ile government recently sent sit ail epert cx jarr naturalist bete to make an all exan 1 nation hatlon of 0 the jordin jordan avelier unit ami bear it alvr ly ir ba baia q discharging into the sail sah lale laim lal e to call ahll if f it would ila bo to cultivate oysters or other malt alt mator atar rn mo fulfills in those placa three works N beeke eli places resu led unfavorable to the of to the question of set screens benn to prevent aloa ot of fish hy by being carried onto land and tile ali ind 1 I hope L express d ihal chat A self clenning screen mill he be discovered and prevent I 1 ape this loss the flo now of 0 water walar in candle tile of oc coi and diches top for leaning ind and lapair 1 acut loan 0 O to of fish and could bu be r embt by th alic fish unit and castle A ar r dents it they wie ie lit advance ul vance of nf the iho time ahrn ilia ho canals bere iere cre c re to tx bit drained the of oc anil other deleterious tit maller a ater into the bt reanis front and other ing concerns con venis is ili aluther set soflona bolls lolls source ol of injury to lo tile the if labh 6 it of the state to to the reports ports re there hiro Is alith chaure it if any sit in the condl Linis ot at ill ih large larga game aniTia lh in ill tho the state slate beer deer irv are led a little more plentiful in a rely few localities in others allele is it a lieu der rea in fit their umber ti r gratt LeSt dec decrenza renze tit of d dr adfur r is in overrun by indians IndIan Is 4 th jiji unlawful nn wi lawful oil deer b by in distills la Is a matter that Is beyond thu the game idena with the ficen if at chii ut at pre herIC to ps pi ant lit elk antel 0 and mountain lipec are arc almost elc extinct avi let ill tile the state 9 tins ills 1 Is aLtri attributed buted largely to tile tho fact ihde abat taw lh Legisla legislature tute gloried lit to lo pia pass a hill bill for r A i closed of some years and thus gave c too fatge game bame ovar to lu oc mt hunters hunt rB ind and others for destine von the lealand lealh nd ld wild banle ot of the state as well na an tile larri cause aal on trials is hied not very slowly liti li hig thinned out with till th exception perhaps of tile the cilli fornis quil aull and l tit la A few OW aud ills I 1 n 1 led t by IA tills this garno bills has lait titto I 1 c deiy tl the 1 I pi faai ara in ili ame a me localities Is in alic be of its original planting plan tint it IL to in not in ill UK babits tho rise me lla in fit ulber other localities kh alalea in ili UK tile state tn the elii quil nil ill found in vust vast I 1 numbers in und still les la Is similar in fit exe excellence clience and I 1 habits to 10 tile t california quail quaff and A should lie be ind and planted ITT in r e ry part of the S slate late one line plant vc ic these fine birds bird vas nass va s made I 1 tal al years ago toil rii antelope island in aw vat salt sail lake li lit mid and have iner increased eased to lo vast vas E suits b placing lilt HIM it planting g beyond the experimental stage klaic native grolig built as this ilia I 1 pheasant prairie chicken unit anil adge lips lian do not to vill lit valli and are bovo br illing fewer still nir ni r difficult to get gel tit blui lohs jobs of oc I 1 hene should hp be liy by fit infra IV thic tion of other species hubun dimou n to lo IT thrive amell all in 1 lural lie re the th ponny donny or nr chinese riep hg 1 rocked nr aked phen hant whist has lm I 1 T ill rived so BO uell mt 11 in oregon since i lla its if in I 1 doduc lion thore as an bellig the for foo intro in utah an aft experiment in hv fly NJ 11 II on ills furns furni HIP 1110 mouth ni nf lh ile alff 19 fotto nood ad canson lids hafi lioen very acry su lu Cess ful it to to 1 that some ponie heifer provision tir be mailo mada I 1 A regulate the taking savi an 1 killing 0 of v lid mater I 1 still foil tu its recommended tho LIT P of 0 those budzn hail till ough slaughter 1 no ellrod tired anti dop lorell the points out rom monte that ought to lo I 1 tip be in ili alio llio if null mid anti garn lm fail that it might he be trials ti it i ni I 1 pul rowl tor rot which it 11 lu in d ign it tit alif fish and now in 0 ing tl tit 1 ip ri div iv of lh ill still lid li 11 d 11 in i r 0 ih 11 1 1101 I 1 in nan lintai ly nil dt it li conditi coni iti a n ili nn nin ippol 1 I to 1 goard inc ind it ir k ifton r tho 11 nit uial ita i i 5 find and tit UK st onic i 1 bald by i the state stale As aa the law now stands the cooney fish and game ar irn inard its at tip pointed by tho the county commissioners ind and paid pdt rot cor their out ot or tile county tit tio mury As aa an aubill auxiliary I 1 r ald alii this islon is appia apparently ally t ll but to lo he be depended upon entirely th ely it liaa has failed IT in a large 1 of the counties to 10 give pru leellon cc to I 1 the ali und and game I 1 Inic 1 t crea rosis 1 1 unico tot ly thebe ll ett pi arc 1 but 11 1 ie 0 heeded find and the lite tish and cn bul af diio 1 1 ailt e ests largely begir eted and in some counties the result brull la 14 that the fish ind gante Int interests orests are maile inside to hujter buffer hy by the ll 11 rin do or of law bretoi wlm who take ehko fish all und ganias both st s T t and out of sea bun i im anti in tiny any Inal manner luer they v asli tile law properly irly amended and provisions matte for usi its ment hi tile vi gators I ond find lin bo boade to lo rody pay tor for the hie expenses thele of to a the utah state llah all and alli I a tile vr tr Is spoken or of no lift hav ing materially aldel aidea lit in the piol clin of the ili bit and game ame slid and their general interest there ale only nifty two tn coun couri lip lies I 1 in fit the th state slate that thai regularly tit ahr arnoult of oc lish tind pim game falten anti and I 1 killed rot for vorn mervial pur purposes pores utah ulan county ty reports tile tho folle suing for lite jit bat IO 10 io years county vish l asli for ak I 1 pr 7 sold rounds round per teno pound I 1 aidt hii mack bass aci 1 I 1 c SO oil trout 1 ae hia it ao WW mo s isnor M ari I 1 su a asi Ws aarl i chub 16 16 OM for aili trout 1 tf if 11 2 bimm MI I 1 ui I 1 it I 1 1 I 1140 11 1 ai too 1 too M su superb kerb chubs c ilium calp hio cu jj jr 50 total 73 M K V bulah county bounly gamo game rot for OI 01 dotson pir jr pi r do LA amt blei LION 11 tl inn fia grou so COT 4 iu 51 sl total bof J rt 1 02 GO garfield cosin county tyl fisli aft for aw PS 14 dounda P 1 J 1 I 1 Is amt trout da 5 00 troit T tim vis pi expense pensa ot of the state fish l ash anil and cuic AVAR dens depatti nent for OS mal ni as foliot foli follows ox AVat ni denS aenry milli lw Trivel log and e ein expenses r an SS 05 total mmae of to tit tin commissioner r suit pl the present arning other othiff things that th n lite marketing anti and selling nr t fill H il or r gaine an and trout taken or killed in tile 1 lie mali for coni cent pur IM bi for three yeats that like takina or killing hi fix fill any of oc elk ottar licater or of mountain ile f tell for vix alx lx houi thit that tho the roar elc or or fillig out of the lite state of hides or aln of any or nr lion th above bained animals be 10 prohibited iha ui il tile full or sale of fish or game tedell or 1 killed jellied unlawfully in other states unit und ile ho pi that the of sawdust anti and other ous matter atler iTi bo be pi alke dilso the of if explosives to kill bibb that sill all devices except librik aarl alit lin line rot for taking fish bp be prohibited 0 thit fish binl ramo game wui denst boys powel to ulious Uli out marrant for fish or cr game that tile the killing of migi atory fillets lit he confined to shooting from blinds on an the iho ito also aiho that thai ine of oc fo retry iw ito combined lilt that or of fish fis and kanie came and that sheriffs Sh miTi Constable ii 4 und and oiher or of clems of the lie law be to enforce tho the game laws |