Show BIG cottonwood this old district which in 13 the near rn ret to city and file sni eltern of any yaw mw more activity the past hemr tit banat anat any time within twenty years but little ore was chipped through list hit sear cur bit bill many mm men were employed doing development work and getting galling iundy for fop it a lively season in ill 1899 quite a number of oc tho the old prop artles ha dwork done on them tito tho haby daley mckee had some development work nork done and ami this somewhat its appearance tin the reed drell and goodspeed was leased recently ly to deoino parties for ano years the leaders leasers leave have capital ond and know how low to icaria ts such nuch a property properly having s flocked ny lit wf ll for winter minter tile boik goes on ds of snow and frost it is provided alth etli machinery for aiding in this vork mork the Maxil eld continued development throughout the year nith fiete cuteon men lit in putting things in shape for machinery to comp complesi coro plen leti their power plant aning on ing to the lie dav the machin try t ry was wait to havo have gone co lit in lost last summer could not bit supplied by the factory and it nill not reach here un nn tit til next spring when hen it itell mill he installed thus making a t cy cry completo complete power plant operated by water tim dolly Var harders ders ovum by nye webb and scott had considerable development lit in chich alch a largo large body of 0 low grado iron fort ore was opened but none has as yet beon been be on shipped tho the carbonate under lease ic to city men la Is boine being worked all winter copper queen luceo only about fourths or of it a mile below allor aska ako on big cot lon ton wood the labor of three to stiven men al age directed oil all tile past year to wald waid tho the of the copper copier queen arnup of six claims A tunnel nal run in through am or a s of oc eighty feet and an incline run dann over oa 00 fet fact there being a space ol of feet hetteen be opening of these with a ertain certainty ty of oro ore all that ill distance at ono one point in tho the tunnel ores was taken out to a width of fifteen feet showing tile oro body to be that alint wide mido eleven ion tons ol 01 it thia A or r vas shipped id to I 1 the he a aridi and II 11 t a sampled simp lel 10 pr per cent 3 6 silver in gold and pr per cent iron sinking on tho the incline goes forward all winter and they liepe to reach a depth of ot at least cost feet before spring last august the property was incorporated I 1 acor with joseph mcghee preil president dent W J kearns vice president frank A blid Ecer ciary and treasurer and I 1 liege alth tie james J oray gray and gcorge nr al potter form I 1 it hoard board of directors tins the necessary buildings havern have hav been provided and everything well stocked up lip for a wint winters erli campaign the mine in ia al i leady opened enough to pay in extracting forc ore but auf tho the company Is 13 debei milled to gain at least SOU feet in depth before commencing ore extraction in quantities the work done in the district the th past summer gave employment to about double the be number or oc men meet of the previous year tile the mine onera feel that they aric are in better belter condition tor for development and production than ihan ever some ob starles having been removed by the new mining laus lana melph havo have been the means of fixing titles aides for them many plans are maturing for active opera on old mines and prospects wot k to begin title I 1 the 1 a opening of next axt spring SOMO some new discoveries were made last summer pummer in tile tho district but developments havo have not advanced far on oil any of these |