Show SHORT STORIES capt kempf late commander ot of tho the monterey Montc rcy has been selected as naval governor of 0 the island of 0 guam violent storms prevailed alone the english channel last night and all cross croas channel service was suspended mr ir chamberlain secretary ot of state bbate for tho the colonies and mrs lira chamberlain slept and dined at tho the aborn house tho the re residence Isi dence ot of queen victoria victor I 1 6 I 1 last ast night at cal yester yesterday day john IT milner shot and killed S J darah rear banning n r ISU 1807 in a dibi dispute tuto over a awater right ivaa w acquit ted on hla his fourth trial gen corbin said eald yesterday afternoon that ho he had no expectation ot of hearing anything flom gen otis oils respecting the bitu atlon at iloilo hollo before today at the earliest Secie tary long announces that ho has commandant ideal to inako commodore commandant ot of tit the boston navy yard and commodore philip of 0 the texas commandant at the th now new york navy alvy YD yard rd of 0 the commercial rog otla lions between germany avid the united states the tha deilen kreuz Z elating predicts that a way will tw be found to reconcile tho the interests ot of both countries in a reciprocal treaty from an ineido source it I 1 Is s learned that ali it another cabinet crisis in berlin la is approaching for somo some time there have been serious differences ot of 0 pinion opinion between emperor limp eror william land and the im chancellor brinca the new rears Year sedition edition of the ilia san francisco chronicle published this morning contains a compilation on of 0 statistics carefully prepared tred showing the comparative comp aratiNe development 0 of the principal natural products of 0 the he stat state te |