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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL, MIDVALE, UTAH ' t l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l I 111111 I II IIIII I 11111111111111 A little soft wind wu drawtftg 11p ~~-&t~-€00:~ I the rlver, the stars were thick ln the night sky, and something as sweet a1 fairy music seemed to puiSA In the .Are you lame aud achy· weak aud ~~ Do you euffer backache, eharp lonely sllence. ~. die~!¥"~ bladder irrquhritiei"? "Has old-timer been cood?'' Fair Tllia condition 11 often due to a slowing wanted to know jocosely, rubbing the up of the kidneys. The kidneys you kDow, are constantly filtering the blood. I curly head which was no longer ~ce they fall behind in their work, tousled. By IRVIN S. COBB I Trouble Caused by Gettin.r po~na aocamulate and undermine one'• "Sure I have, Brand." the little fel· ~~~~<o health. Serioua troublu may follow. :~~ ; Up Too Relieved by low ventured eagerly, "awful goodU y011 have reaiOD to euspect faulty <CopyrllfhL) Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's ~ try Doan'• P~IZ.. haven't I, Nanle?" I ~I an a diuretic, recommend"Miss Allison, Sonny, • said Brand Why Drag lt Out? Vegetable Compound ed bf thoUI&Ddl. AI~ JIOUr neighbor I se..,erely. 1 WNU SerYiee. The president of one of our largest ~ "No-Nance. She told me so her- railroads has always enjoyed life and ; Talcville, An Idaho Caae New York.-"1 thought it • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 Foe!!.'' the living of It. He has ever favored would interest you to know what beneltlre. J. G. Mead, "That settles lt. No one could go good things to eat and plenty ot 863 Third Ave. W., CHAPTER XU-Continued ness," he said, apologetically, "I-that . "Must have had 50 head or more," fit I have derived Twin Falla, Idaho, against such authority. But h83 he them, good things to drink and more -11ls-l've g()t to collect lt. Times ain't_:_" he said, "and five or six riders. Sud from taking your ·aya; "There waa a been good?" dull ache In my of the same, long ulack strong cigars medicine. A few The big girl standing on the thresPrice Selwood swung around and Provine was one of them." back. I couldn't do ' days after the birth "Good?" said Nance. "He's brought t k bold looted over her head o at sm the o e and a box full handy. trad· shot a look at him. much work, tor I , "Yes. How can you tell?" of my third child 1 nil the happiness Into this house It's tired quickly and er. There was a little white line Until he reached middle age and , "Eh ?" he eald. "Got to collect-? "I know his got horse's up too quick. tracks," grinned my back gave out. pinched In at the base of Nance's Ah, yes, I seo!-at Cattle Kate's re- the sheriff, "It's that big gray gelding." seen for many a long day-or Is likely had progressed a trifle beyond It, his TJ,en just before my My kldneya acted to see." too treely and I becu~t.unary modes seemed to agree 1 fifth child was hom I Dostrlls, her blue eyes were colder anti quest! You are a fool, McKane. Here, came nervoua and "That's good hearing,'' ret1'rneri the with l.lm. But about a year ago his i had inflammation of oarrower than any one had ever seen Miss Alllson-l'm the sheriff ot this Irritable. A abort u11e CHAPTER XIII man, "and I have done a lot of riding health rather failed him. At least, of Doau'a Pilla rid the bladder and ~is. them In her life. county. Wouldn't you rather owe me me ot the trouble." Seemg "McKane," she said clearly, so that that money than owe It to M<'Kane? "We're Our Pappy'• Own-an-:1 We this past week. Tell me, Ml~s Alll~ou lw developed nerves and curious sen- 1 . your a d verti sement -what sort ot a chap 1 Is this sheriff sat on~ . the hushed listeners behind her caught I can walt till you raise another crop! · · m a Liverp<X?l (EngBelong on Namelese." of yours?" In the midwestern city where he tvery syllable, "you know what a fight I'm not so pushed as our friend here. land) paper I began That night at dusk as Nance sat In "He's the best man ou NameleRs lh-es he had the best available medl· taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable rve made to hold my own on Nameless What do you suy?" the open door with Sonny drowsing In S'I1IIUL.Un' DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Nance raised her eyes to his and her lap, Dirk shot out across the yard river!" cried the girl swiftly. "the cal advice. But treatment, as locally Compound and that was the best conl'i n Mmnm C... a..,. 11g«p.... N.Y. tlnce my father died-<>r was killed. kindest, the steadiesL I'd trust him applied. did not seem to help him any. finement I had. Whenevet• I feel runYou know how close to the wind I've they were suddenly sott and blue like a tawny streak and headed away with anything." The annoying and alarming symp- down I always ta~e the Vege~ble tailed to eat, for you've sold me what again. The tight line let go about her toward the river. toms persi ·ted Compound as a tome. We have JUSt "Does he talk?" we've had And I've alway 11 managed upper lip and a smile came Instead. s · removed from Brockville (Canada) so I Farm Building• V aluabfe He made no outcry, but went "Talk?" So In the fall he packed up and was ,Pleased when the store ordered the "You knew my pappy-and I have straight as a dart, and presently there .According to the last federal census to keep even, haven't 17" "Can he keep a still tongue In his went t() New York. Arriving there medtcine for me and I got it today. I "Yes," said the trader uneasily. not forgot how kind you were after-- came the little crack of shod hoofs on the value o! all !arm ~ulldlngs In the head?" he stmmoned three of the leading would not be without it for any price "Up till six months ago when 1 had after-. Yes, Mr. Selwood, I'd rather United States Is placed at $11,4&>,4all,the stones of Nameless' Up, and a "I don't know as to that-but I do dlngnosti<'inns In stomach troubles. and I recommend it to ladies around M3 aDd the average per farm Is $1,781. to go In debt for a new harness or do owe you, a whole lot rather, and I'll rider came up out of the farther know he's been a friend to me In my These high-priced scientists came to here because I feel so sure i~ v:'!ll beneThe state of Iowa leads all others no work In my fields this spring, 1 told work doubly hard to pay you back." shadows with the <'Ollie leaping In tribulation. He probably saved my life him, equipped with small black bags. fit any woman who ~es 1t. -Mrs. Selwood drew some bills from his ecstasy against his stirrup. with a valuation of fl}:l2,751,713 and you when I bought It, didn't I, why 1 today-and he saved me a lot o! They examined the sufferer thor- AGNES WIGNALL, Talcville, New -york. pocket. an average of $4,323. In the District bad to buy It?" Something tightened in Nance's trouhle." oughly. They asked him countless .Women can depend upon Lydia E. "Yes,'' he .said again. "How much, McKane?" he asked. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound tore-of Columbia the average Is $6,007, t!le throut, a thrill shot through her from "Sa\'ed your llfe?" queried Fair questlons-all about his diet, his lieve them from ills peculiar to their "It was because someone went Into The trader sullenly named the head to foot. That strange surge of total being only $1,4:!1,2:!1, however. sharply, "How's that.?" hahlts. his family history, his emo- BeL For sale by druggist.severywbere. my barn one night and cut the old amount and received It on the spot. warmth and light seemed to flood her "I swung Cattle tlons, sensations, feelings, likes and Kate Cuthrew out harness Into ribbons. That put me In "Now, If you'd just as soon," said whole being again. Patriotic Maharajah ot McKane's store and she was dislikes. goiug Then they withdrew for a debt to you for the first time_·• the sheriff, "I'll ride out to Nameless "Mammy-Bud-" she said softly, "I to shoot me, but the sherifl' fa<'ed her. consu ltation. Simple Life lor Them .Among the girts during the war by She stopped and wet her Ups. There with you. I'd like to take a look at think Brand Fair Is coming." I told her some things she didn't After like.'' the lapse of an hour they rethe maharajah of Gwal!or, who died was the sound of someone rising on that trampled field." 'l'om nnd Mary had lived in a 11otet llud stirred In the darkened room, entc.-ed Fair his drew presen a long ce. breath. The oldest recently In Paris, were forty amhu- the porch and Price Selwood moved for so long, they were both ready to 4s they left the town and rode out but Mrs. Allison was silent. spe<'lall st a ('ted as spokesman. "What was the occasion?" he asked. lances and a fleet of cars to I<~nglnnd In behind her. IE'ud a si mple, quiet life. One evening, Into the trail that led to Nameless. "Always, soon or late,'' she thought "~Jr. "My Blank," field of he corn,'' said, said "my Nan con('e miserand three months' supply or cigarettes A fter donning a slee\'eless dresf!, short She felt him there and ·a thrill went Nance took off her hat and drew 11 to herself, "a man comes rldln' out th' ably, her trouble flooding baek upon ' freres and I have conslrl~red your coat an<l hlaek tie, the two t~tarted for all Indian troops in !<'ranee. through her, as It he had put a hand long, deep brea til. night-an' a woman Is waltln'. It's her, "last night It was rich with prom- case from e\'ery stanrlpolnt. I now down to the dining room !or the on her shouldet·. Selwood laughed. comln' late to her-she'll be twenty- Ise-what I was building on fur my give you our deliberate judgment. usual evPning mea l. ''l told you when I bought It that "Do you feel like that?" he asked. • two cotne June-but It's comln'. An' debt and my winter's furnishing. Thi~ You must cut out those thick stealts Ma ry looked at T om and sheepishly I'd pay you when my corn was ripe"Exactly,'' said she, "like a weight she don't know It yet." and rich pastries that you've been morning It was nothing but a dirty said: "Honey, I'm ready to put on that, If It went well, I'd have far and was off my shoulders. That debt to "Good evening,'' said a deep voice mass of pulp-trampled out by <'attle- eating; you must cut out black cot- an old-fa shioned hom·e dress and bake away more than enough. Well, It went .McKane was a bitter load." pleasantly, a11 the dark horse stopped and we know that a Sky Line rider fee and heavy ciga rs ; above all pi scul ts." well-so well that I }Snew yesterday "The trader Is getting Into deep In the dooryard, "Is a stranger wel- was behind those cattle. It's some th ings, you must cut out all alcoholic "And I' m ready to don overalls and I'd come out ahead and be able to water," said the sherl.tr. "I hate to come?'' .stimulant. You must alter your plan eat them," came Tom's reply. more of the same work that's been gomeet that debt and live besides. This see him do lt.'' "We've been listening for you every Ing on with us since before our poppy of life altogether-live hereafter on morning that field of corn was gone"How-deep water?" died. It's old stuff-what th!' catlle the stricte-st and simplest of diets, retrampled out-cut to pieces like my "He's falling more and more Into kings have done to the hom!'steaders frain !rom smoking, avoid all exerharness-pounded Into the dirt by a Cattle Kate's power-and all for and tion nud all excitement, go to bed We have automobiles that band for many years In this country. of cattle that had been driven- nothing. He knows It, but seems help"Lt we weren't our pappy's own- Burl e\'ery night at nine o'clock and get must ·be sold NOW without driven, you understand-<>ver every less. I've seen the llke before. She's and 1-we'd have been run out long up every morning at six." regard to profit. Any make you toot of lt. There was a wide gap cut a bad woman to tie to." .. And If I should do all these things ago. I would, I think, when Bud got In the fence at the upper end_ That's She's handsome-that's one thing want- new or used. Trucks all-but I can't pay my debt to you." sure." hurt, If it hadn't been for him. He's which you gentlemen recommend"I was just 18 w~ I c:ornmenced a fighter, and won't let go. The land what then?" asked the railroader. of all kinds. Priced to sell, on She stopped and a sharp silence fell. "Yes. Her type 11 always handsome. "In that event you should live at to take Beecham s Pills. lbey 1s ours, right and fair, and he says no sight. Write us today for com- Outside the lilt ore In tbe shade tbe But I'm surprised to bear you say 10." least five years." bunch have of cut-throats been of great benefit to me la going to take Blueftre screamed and "Why?" asked the girl. wonderingly. 1\Ir. Blank took a deep breath. plete details of any make cat 1talllon It from us. I say so, too," she finished, in relieving sick-headache, constistamped. "Because most women bate to admit "What for?" he asked. dog~edly. you want. • pation, and biliousness. Next Kate Cathrew took a quick step for- beauty In another, and or all people Fair reached out a hand and for a March I will be 68 years old so )'Q.l ward. on Nameleas, you have the least reamoment laid lt over her's clasped on A Small Job for the Colored see I have lived to a good old age.'" "What· tor did you tell thls drivel son to see anything attractive In her." her folded arm. Brother before me?" she said. "What's It to Nance sighed again, thinking of her Miss ELEANOR WILCOX Box328 Oaden, Utah me?" "Miss .Allison," he said admiringly, To an Inquiring Northerner a Loulstlost cornfield and of ber present apNewburgh, N.Y. "you're a wonderful woman l Not ana officeholder was explaining why "Nothlng, I know," said Nance; palling poverty. For FREE SAMPLE----write many men would stick In the face ot the colored vote In a state election "maybe a laugh-maybe a hope. My "As near as I'll let myself come to B. F. Allen Co., 417 Canal Street, NewYorll: such colossal misfortunes. You must was Invariably so small, whereas the big fiats on the rlver'd feed a pretty hate," she said, "I do hate her. I've Buy from yourdruqlst in JS and,. . bo:a:ee love your land." colored population In that particular with Ita wonderful soli bunch of cattle through. And home- got to fight It mighty hard. You know For biliousness, sick. headaches and seasons, m lid wl n te "I do," she said, "but It's something section of the state outnumbered the constiPation take steaders nave been driven out of the how hard It Is to fight that way-lnmore than that. It's a proving, sort white population by at least ten to !~;~;~~~~:~,~:~_1 your own soul." of-a battle line, you know, und Bud one. and I, we're soldiers. We hopl! we "Do you use force or threats to CJnnot run." kee11 the nlo'groes away from the "B1 GeoJ>gel" ~ -lbe. man, "you polls?" Inquired the visitor. leiiUIIy, but Nance Write ~~!}l~ \Vtm~toP khld ~t; ~o. sUb.;" tbe. Loulalanan. son was quicker than the whip. Her have your photocraph made "You can't, sometimes, without a own arm flashed up and she caught thP. • Ddt ft'ra:- tr1in battle;:.. I - . tiee ~PH~~ ~;'~~~~,~~~~~~ "It's flO grim," said Nance quletly, descending wrist In the grip of a hand lot of prayer," returned Nance sober..~ wllttes 1m "that we couldn't survive this winter "Suttiuly, suh, for both races at IZ25-S So. Main St. ly : "I've pretty near worn out my Salt Lake City which had held a plow all spring. Dl'~ll'\'f!tlt~' 11tr ·-----It It wasn't for the hogs that will br> It's strictly constitutional." Like a lever her arm came down knees on the job." "B ow rlo you n[lply the test?" ehloride in the winrlow. 'Phis chemiPa and forced Kate's hand straight down Selwood wanted to laugh at her "Nance Allison Was, as Her Mammy ready to market this full. ~lcKana wouldn't give me time on my rlvbt"Well, ;;uh, it's this wav: It it's a ) suh~tan<"e qukkly ah ~ or!Js moisture· to her naive knee, earnestness, so that the flaming but caught black SCHOOL or ErriCIENCY himself Would Say, 'Flabbergasted!'" Cattle Kate won't let him. So the white man who wonts to .vote anti he · from the a ir with the result that tl:e eyes were within a few Inches of her In time. AD --.:Ia! branch& Cataloa' tree. 10 N.lllale st. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAII face. They rode for a time In silence, night,'' said the girl simply, "it's been sherlfl' paid It-he says he can wait haproeus to be a stranger to the roll- moisture is JH'evrnted from congealing till next year tor his money-he'!> not ing officers we ask him If he's 11 Demo- a gainst t he outside gluss, says Popu"\Voman," said Nance clearly, "I'm Nance and Buckskin ahead, the sheriff a long time." Any book you want living up to my lights the best I can. following on his lean bay horse. so hard pushed as the trade1·- uuc.l he's crat, 1tnrl If Joe !lays 'yes' to that. we fa r !'icien<'e J\Jon t hly. "llrand !" cried the child sharply, rich, they say.'' -by mail, C. 0. D. I'm holding myself hard to walk In the ·fisk him if his father fought for the Th e conten ts of the di ~he!; must tle Presently Nance turned with a hand struggling frontl<'ally to find his teet, For a little while they sat In sll!'nce Confedl'racy and if he says 'yes' we renew<•d every two or three days, and Deseret Book Co.. straight road. The hand of God ls be- on her pony's rump and looked at him "Oh! Oh !-Brnnd l" while Sonny, blissfully happy, fell fast ask him If he chews tobacco, and If the moist calcium chloride thoroughly " Eut So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah fore my face and you can't hurt mo!- speculatl..,ely. 'l'he man dismounted and came torasleep In Fair's arms. his answer still is 'Yes: we suy to tlrierl, after which it may be used not lastingly. Now you-get-out-<>f "You sort of lay up !!omethlng to ward. Then the man stirred and spoke. him: 'Wnll> right In and vote.'" again. -that--door." He lifted the boy and kissed him, Cattle Kate about this rustling, don't Women in High Pontion• "Miss Allison," he said. "the time "Rut suppose the applicant Is colAnd turning, she moved Selwood you?" she asked. holding him on his breast, while he The go..,ernment In France has reored?" 2\Iany a man who has the sand to with her as she swung the other, held out a hand to Nance. has ('Ollie wlwn I am going to tell you He nodded. cently decided that women shall bE whirling like "Well, in that case. we don't ask propose to a girl lacks the ne~s·aey At a dervish, clear to the Its warm clasp the surging glory something-just a little bit thnt mas "I've watched her for months, but eligible for the highest po~ltlons Ill middle of the rocks to get mat·rled on. give you comfort In this hard going of him any of these questions. We Inside ask her deepened strang-ely. porch. can't get anything on her-not anythe postal and telegraph service Ill him something else.~ 1\.lrs. Allison rose and lighted the yours. I want you to know that nw•·e Kate Cathrew's face was livid, ter- thing tangible." that country. In future, women maJ than one force Is at work agaln~t this "What do you ask him?" lamp on the table. rible to look upon. "I was In Little Blue canyon the rise to be omce chiefs, managers, In· "We mprely ask him to demonstrate "Come In, stranger,'' she said, "and woman ut Sky Line ranch-agulnsl loer She ran the short distance to the other day," said Nan<'e.'' and saw Sud spectors, etc., and they will thus Hg· the blm<>dial theorem." end of the platform, leaped off and Provine pas.'> Its mouth In Rlue Stone set." and all those with her. :Shei·itr Sel· ure In all the promotions of one ol darted to her horse, her hands claw- driving a red steer north. I've wonFair came In and Nance presented wood Is not the only one who su.,pe<'l!l the most Important (If the government The Prudent Mr. Finnerty itching and him to her two relatives_ Ing at her of dark doings-and the otherthe rifle which hung on her dered a lot where he could have been departments. The lawyer picked his way to the 1\lrs. Allison looked deep In his face knows. I urn that other." saddle. taking lt." with edge her Of the PXC8Vation for the new terdlsrernlng Selwood eyes pushed as she Nance gave Inside CaUSe, the Nance gasped In the shudows. Th<• "North In Blue Stone? That's odd. Cutlcura Soothe~~ Baby Raahea store and flung the door shut. him her toll·hard hund und nodded mlnal station and called down flickering for Ml· lamp, soothinn blowing of in the wind, There Isn't enough fPed In that canyon That Itch and burn, by hot bath! unconsciously. chael ~'Innerly. l:l "That wom11n's a maniac had for gone the low. to gra7.e a ealf two days." of Cutlcura Soap followed by gentle "Who's wantiu' me?" Inquired a deep With Bud lt was a di!Terent matter. "Yout' "And what's at Its head?" asked anolntlngs of Cutlcura Ointment momertt," he said, "you're best In There was a faint <'Oidness In his "Yes. That's why I have been so \'oke. Nance, "I've ne\'er been !'lear up." othlng better, purer, sweeter, espe- there." "I am," snid the lawyer. "Mr. trio· 1 When Kate came running back with "Blue Stone heads high In the Deep young face, a sullen disapproval. Rut much u m~·stery in this country- wh,r ,elal17 1f a Uttle of the fragrant CUU· you eome from Castlebor, cura Talcum Is dusted on at the fin. the gun In her hands he faced her be- Heart hills," said the sherlfl', "but Nance saw none of these things. Her I have kept Sonny hidden in the <·lin - Count~· did ~Ia yo 7" fore the closed door, his hands In hi!! about el!!ht miles up from Its mouth eyes were dark with the sudden dila- yon-why I ha "e spent two yea rl' of lsb. 25c each.-.Advertlsement. "I <li<l." pockets. on Nameless Its right wall falls abrupt- tion of the pupils which this man's my life riding the block places of 1hu "Anrl wns your mother named 1\Iary If any of the tense watchers had had ly away for a distance or a couple of presence always caused. There was a West. I knew she was smnewllerl'- 1 Helpful Suggeation c.,d .;rom· father n:uned Owen?'' .:=-.-.-.-.-.==--- -===-lJ a doubt of Price Selwood's courage miles and there one ean go out on the soft excitement in her. aud I knew she was crooked. The men "rm In a quandary," she said to the "ThE'y was." they lost It then, for he took his life open plain that stretches over toward For a Httle whitt> they sat In the she hns ,,;lth her are not <'little men- 1 milliner. "I don't know what to d< "'l h!'n. ~1r. Finnerty," said the law- , In his hands. the Sawtooth range and leads out to well-worn, well-scrublled and polished they are criminals, e\·e,·y one.'' abo•Jt a hat. rm of two minds about yer, "it is my duty to Inform .You that J "Kate," be said quietly, "put up that Marston and the railroad. There's room which was parlor. dining room "Good gracious!" whi:;pered the girl lt." your Aunt Kale has died in the old gun. This Isn't outlaw country. If some bunch grass there, but mighty and kitchen, and talked of the warmth again. · country, lea,·!ng "Then take two hats," suggested thE you an estate of you make a blunder you'll hang just little water. Nothing but the stream of the season, the many deer that were "And the reason I am not l'eady to • milliner, "and please both mlnds."twenty thousand dollars in casiL like any other murderer-even If you In the canyon ltsPif to come back to. In the hills, and such minor matters, run Into her yet is this-she nuu !d Boston Transcript. l'll'HSe l'OIIle on Up." are Kate Cathrew." And cattle d•·lven so far away from while Sonny clung to the man and de- reeognlze me before I am r!'ady, he There was a pause nnd a <'ommotlon For a moment the woman looked at the home range would be a poor risk, \'Onred his face with adoring eye11. ~ause she knew me once some six The ossified man In the museun: down below. Then the mother, harking back to yeurs ago.'' leads a hard life, hut the fat ladJ him 111!1 a trapped wild<'at might have it seems to me, for Sky Line." "~lr. ~·innt>rty.'' <"allt>d the lawyer, I done, her lips loose and shaking, her "Weil-l wondered about lt. Thought the customs of another lime, auother Nunl·e Allison was. as her lllliiiii:ly and you work the horae makes the most ot lt. eruning his ne~k over th'l trench, "l'lll I eyes mad with rage. environment, rose, bode good-night, would say, "flabb~rgasted." I'd tell you any wuy ." same time. Does Dot blister waiting for )'~HJ !" Then she struck the rifle, butt down, "I'm glad you did. I shall remem- signaled her son and retired to the InSl'e was too a~tunishetl ro spPak. or remove the hair. $2.50 "In wan minute:• ~alrl Mr. !<'innerly. tTO HE CUt\'fiNUED ) on the hard earth and with a full- ber lt." per bottle, delivered. WiU ner rPglons. "I ju~t stopped to IJrok the fnrPman !'' tell you more if you wrke. mouthed oath, flung around the corner, Bud spoke with studied coldness At the homestead Nance led SelFor six months hlr. Finnerty, in a Y outhlul Mountains tore tbe stallion's reins from the ring wood to the cornfield's lower gate and and shambled after her. lloak • A free. I hl~h hat and with patent leuther shoes W. F. YOUNG, lac., Sit L,.... St., &.n..e.w, .... As old as the hills means little to · In the wull and mounted with a whirl. left him. Nance regarded this unu~ual proon his fePt. lived n life of PIP!{ani ease, She struck Bluefire once and was "Go over It It you want," she said. ceeding with ~orne astonishment. She Haiti, for the mountnins tht>re ure trying to cure himself of a great thirst. cone down the road In a streak of dust. "and I'll be out In a minute or so." (lid not reali?.e that this was the peak very young and the earth's crust \'er)· Then he w.t'"t back to his old job. It j Selwood opened the door. At the cabin she told Sonny to go of proper politeness in the backwoods mobile. wns there m the same exc·avation th11t Dr. Wendell P. Woodrtng of the "A narrow shave," he said gravely, into her room and stay until she c11me of her Mammy's day-that a girl must 1he Ia wyer fuund him the se1·ond time. "If that had happenPd anywhere but for him. have her chance and a clear field when United States geologl<'al survey sas~ "Mr. Finnt>rty," he salrl, "I've more BEU:-ANS that the rising of these hills probher·e you'd be a dead woman, Miss Alii"! feel guilty," she thought, "for I a man came "settln' up" to her, for Constipation, news for you. It Is your Un<•le TerHot water IDdlgesUoa ad And so It was that pre!K'ntly she ably cuuses the earthquakes which at can trust the sheriff, but Brand asked ton." en<'e who's dead now In the old coun Torpid LIYer Sure Relief "Perhaps," s1ud Nance, "she's taktD me to keep him hidden. I've got to b.> found herself sitting beside Brand Intervals shake the northern part ol try: and he· has left you his entire Succeuful for 68 ,.... two shot1 at me already from ~he bill· tf\le to my promise." Fair In the doonn>y, for the m~on pr~ the eountry. :Some gf tne ~oral reef property:· tiOc aod 90c bottlee<'aps cover marine terrncn 1 hlft riM llide-or 11omeone bu. Well-I'Ye tbld "You ask the sheritr to supper,' said ferred the Inconspicuous spot, while ALL DRUGGISTS "1 don't think I can take It," said like gigantic stairs from sea le\'el to JOU. HcKane, aa was your right. Now Mrs. Allison, "I'll kill a fryer an' make Sonny sighed with happiness In his 1\Jr. Finnerty, lt?nnln~t wearily on hi• .2!5$AND 1St NCK.IQS MRVWifERE some blaculu." arma and Dirk sat (I'RYely on bla • hel&bt of about l,WO feet. These I'll co back to Nameless.'' pick. "I'm not as strong 89 I wance BATHE nRED EYES terraces, begun Ia Miocene times. are was! lbe turned &W.J, but tbe trader Wben Nauce went out abe found plumJ tall at his master's knee. w. k 1.'ake c~ and I'm doubttn' If 1 could wt\11._..Dr.'l'bompeo~'• ewater. ~~ .1 .., SelwOOIII aambdq -tbe truapled fleld Dlamotad 1teod lib a alatae Ia dae IJrelterved ~ause •t tbe arh11tJ of tiM throngh all tbal aplo and l!Ye r' •• j•lll.-r, .-red thro•t. TftiT, If. • BoHle~. . ctlrllate ud 11Dderpwa4. dralnap. '".lJt..-il he\u r the moaey tor the 11a1-- miDuteiJ. fartller '1111sdowa. Why Risk Neglect? ame less Riv er elimi=- ISUFFERED AFTER BIRTH OF BABY MY FAVORITE STORIES Soon. I By VINGIE E. ROE I DOAN'SP~LS aa.. Fa.rltte rs Attenti on! Buy Your Car Now Save Money . ForTwoScore Years 75 Ten She Has Taken Beecham's Pills Inland Finance Co. Tmckers o~~ Farmers Beecham's Pills WILCOX STUDIO L D. S. 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