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Show THE JORDAN HUB HUB HUB HUB JOURNAL HUB FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21-22 At Him! Hub Theatre At Him! And Strongheart leaped straight at the throat of the enemy. FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUGUST 21 and 22nd Jack Hoxie in "Roaring Adventure" • ''Wolves of the North'' • = $UNDA Y, MONDAY, TUESDAY, AUG. 23, 24 & 2:>' ~ 'VE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE •THE NEW IMPROVED 1 Jackie Coogan CHEVROLET REDUCED PRICES in "Little Robinson Crusoe" Prizes for the Kiddies CONVENIENT TERMS WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY We also have a number of late model used Fords "Wings of Youth" and Chevrolets at astonishing J>rices. Call or Phone Murray 483 and a Good Comedy = "Always a Good Show" LOYI c:: HflH HflH HflH HflH----------J~ HflH '----------------------- A tale of love and viliamy in the Canadian wilds-a picture so different it will amaze youThrill upon thrill in the batttles of a giant dog with a robber band and with th e gaunt, slinking wolves, to save the woman he loves. SeeStrongheart battle famished wolves to save • his mistress. his dragging pack, gaunt the from flight His mistress on skis over the frozen snow. His forty mile dog sled race over mountains and through forests. His fight with a "killer" to save the ones he loved. This marvelous dog with his sweeth eart and their five puppies in a tale of love and adventure. Remelting Plant. Smelter News .______________-1 * * * Robt. Wallace has returned from a * • "' • trip in the Northwest. Marcus M. Pixton nearly lost a D. W. Jessup reports that his young "big'' toe under a car wheel Augusc daughter is recovering satislactorily 16. He is employed in the electrical from her recent operation. This is department. the second oyeration within a month. Clarence Gushing is driving a new lt is certainly welcome news and we Packard. Some one said it was a can now hope for a speedy and com- "straight line eight" whatever that plde recovery. means. . ••• • • • * * • McNamara, in the Timekeeper's Vacationists are hitting the trail Office is offering his demonstrating hot and heavy. 'rho~. AJJsop, J. W. Chevrolet at a bargain. See his ad Greenfield, C. L. Boulter, Anhur All- in another section of the Journal. sop, He1·man Holtligren, and Paul C. Pederson are enjo~ 1ng the best two weeks out o.f the entire fifty-two. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Rose and * * * Orson Stokes is back on the job af- daughters, Virginia and Isabel, have ter "looking the ponies over" for a returned from , an auto tour of Cedar coupie of weeks. Breaks, Zion National Park, Grand • I MOTOR CO. CARLISLEMURRAY • .I !..-.-------------' I Friday evening of last week school j Mrs. A. L. Anderson had mates of Dorothy Mills, su1·prised her : guest Monday her sister, at her home on Oak Street. Games !:iLocking, of Magna. * "' • and refreshments were enjoyed. Mrs. Victor Anderl:>On ami childre1. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Haarry Kemp and Mrs. M. L. English and children Beryl and Jay, have retumed from a vwt to l'a~adena, Calif. small daughter spent several days in are spending the week at Brighton. * * • * * • Logan last week, at the home of Mr. •S aturday evening of last week rei Mr. and Mrs. Otto Harrison and and Mrs. Harry Cameron. sm~ll son le~·t Monday to return to 1atives and friends of Mrs, Erick A. * * * Mrs. J. A. Aleorn entertained Wed- then· .home m Auburn, Wyo., after 1 <Jieeu surprised her at h~::1· aome 01. nesday on the occasion of the birth- spendmg two weeks at the home oi Center Street on the occasion of he1 M day anniversary of her husband. Din- J r. Harrison's cousin, Mrs. C. M. birthday anniversary. Thirty • present. ner was served at six o'clock to twelve I Burg. MIDVALE I1EMS * * • Canyon, Kaibab National Forest and ·S. H. Graham, briquette press department, received a badly bruised Bryce's Canyon. • * * * * * J * • * arm when, in attempting to couple two Tuesday afternoon of last week, Mrs. N. E. Wilden and children, of Miss Mary Stuart, of Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. James Silvey and tram cars, they missed the coupling children, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hansen Colo., and Mrs. Jesse Pickens and her Salt Lake are visiting relatives in Mrs. Nora Forbush and Mrs. Reube •. anJ caught hi:; arm. J.'oll.Jush, oi lJ nton and Mrs. Hal'!') and children, motored to Ogden Can- daughter, of Populpa, Okla., are the Midvale this week. * * * Kemp were entertained at the hom.. * * • guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stuart. Bruce Johnson and famiy have de'! yon, Sunday, and spent the day. * * * parted for Moon Lake where moonQl' Mrs. W. il-J!',;lll,~ov >i$ shine is free and movie actors move out doors. in the A. Cluff, o . Mr. ~vanston, joined friends from Sail. · Lake Wednesday evening and enjoyeu Pen C. J. the in employed is Huff.man Plfteen gUests games and a weinie roast in Cottonney Store. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richardson and aoout 10 Jays as a were present. Little Miss Evealine wood Canyon. * * * I Watson was a special iuvited guest. family and Mrs. Joseph Gardner, of Saturday of last week baseball en* * * Mr. and Mrs. Newell Despain anu i Out of town guests were Mr. and Mr::;. West Jordan left Monday to spend thusiasts and their partners accom* • • panied the local team to Layton and children have gone to Hock !:ipring::;, George Goetz and wife, and R. R. i Anders>on, Mrs. Martin Gunnerson two weeks at Moon Lake. • * • following the game spent the ~vening Wyo., to make their home. Fenn and wife, left .Monday morning~ Mrs. Carl Larson. who * * • Rieck, A. W. at Lagoon. Mrs. and Mr. ------for the Bryce Canyon Country where vi~ited at tlw Jenkins E. J. Mrs. * * * daughter, their of guests Mr. and ~rs. James Silvey hacl as have been they expect to fill their smoke laden Mrs. W. W. O'Brien has as her ho1ooc of Mrs. Erma Cook, of Salt Lake lungs with God's pure ozone and look their dinner guests Tuesday evening, Mrs. E. M. Hood, left Tuesday for a beCalif., Diego, San to visit short Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Durkin and Monday. guests over the freaks of nature for a spell. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hansen and child Canin home their to * * * returning fore and Miss Kate O'Donnel, of children George will no doubt render an in- ren, June and Boyd, Mr. Jack Hornish, William Nebon, M1. Mrs. and Mr. Durkin Mrs. Texas. Falls, Wichita of Kansas City, Mr. Ja.1:es Hansen, ton, Okla. voice for the trip on his return. .. Rose and Mrs. J. A. William and Miss O'Donnell are relatives or ' and Mrs. Garden flowers were used about the * * * · Pearson were joined by Mr. ami Mr::;. Mrs. Hugh Grant and children re- Mr. O'Brien. Mart Bagley got a bad burn on his: table, zinnias, snapdragons, sweet •Earl Simper, Mrs. Ann Simper am• * * Park * to visit a from Tuesday turned leg last week when he accidently slip-! pease, larkspurs. The evening was Miss Beatrice Simper, of East MidI SodEmil Mrs. and Mr. of 1 Friends City. ped into a lead bullion kettle at the spent in music and games. ermon surprised them Saturday even- 'vale and spent Sunday in American ing of last week, it bP-ing Mr. Soder- Fork Canyon and Timpanogas. man's birthday anniversary. Music RIVERTON and games were enjoyed. Fifteen were present. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson, 1 Mr. Le Roy Webb of Soda Springs, Mrs. M. Gunnerson and Mrs. C. Lar- · Idaho was the week end guest of his mother, Mrs. Ruth Webb. son, of Sandy. COOPER'S Midvale's Community Store WILL OPEN ITS DOORS Monday, Aug. 24, 8 a.m. While the stock is not yet complete, goods are arriving daily and we believe we can supply your every need. ' ~ ~ <t .~~' y; , !:fi ~!:fi ·~ ~ y; !:fi !:fi t!:fi !:fi !:fi I !:fi with Rod LaRocque, Jacqueline Logan •VICTOR FLEMING PRODU<TION .~ · Oi 8- r!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:f~!:fi!:fiYi!:fi!fiCO 0 PER'S ~!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:f!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi~ • •• ~ !:fi .. ••• Yi Yi !fi SUNDAY AND MONDAY, ACGUST 2:3-24 I ~ I~ Q) .c: &-< ~ I !;ti M1·s. John I. Wiberg was hostess at Mrs. Alex Beckstead who has returned from a visit to Los Al1geles, t a birthday dinner in honor of her spent Wednesday in Midvale before I son Rodrick's seventh birthday anreturning to her home in Soldier Sum- niversary. Covers were laid for ten. * * • mit. • * • Mrs. Maude Porter and Mildlred Mrs. Jesse Booth and Mrs. Jos. Porter of Morgan, Utah, were dinner Cushman returned W eduesday from guests Sunday of Miss Vera Webb. a week's visit with relatives in Gun* * • nison. Miss Roberta Sleater of Salt Lake • • is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Zach T. Mrs. Burdette Smith and children Butterfield for the week. are spending the week with relative~ * * * Mrs. Daniel E. Densley, Jr., enterin Bingham. tained at a party last Thursday, the * • * Mrs. H. P. Miller entertained Mon- occasion being Mrs. Densley's birthday for out of town friends honoring day anniversary. Games were played Mrs. Gordon Williamson, of Salt Lake and lunch was served to 25 guests. • * * who will leave soon to make her home John C. Wiberg held I of family The in Hawthorn, Nevada. Luncheon their reunion on Sunday, where they was served to twelve. went to Liberty Park, and spent the • • * enjoying lunch. day Wednesday of last week Mrs. R. L. Wilson entertained at dinner for her * * * Misses Desne Madsen, Beatrice sisters, Mrs. J. E. Openshaw, Mrs. C. R. Openshaw, Mrs. L. C. Brooks, Mr><. Howard and Edith Hamilton, will E. B. Jacobs, and Miss Viola Goalter, entertain at a shower at the home of of Salt Lake, and Mrs. H. E. Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Madsen on Friday in honor of Miss Bernice Seal, a • * * Mrs. Emmett Masterson and small bride elect. * * * daughters left Tuesday to return to Mr. and Mrs. Heber L. Crane antheir home in Pueblo, Colo., after visiting for some time at the home of nounce the birth of a baby boy on Sunday. Mrs. E. M. Hood. !::fi PUJUCTl.O IV AOOLI'M U!lloOA A•O .IUSl1.LUIY Better be on deck when the Good Ship Melodrama comes to port with the biggest cargo of thrills the sea ever knew. The hero of "'Ihe Ten Commandments" as skipper, Jacqueline Logan as best mate and a crew of all-stars. -'--'-----------..1... TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, AUGUST, 25-26-27 • • •• Miss Belsa Freeman is spending Miss Edith Strom, of Salt Lake, week with Mr. and Mrs. George the is a guest at the home of Mrs. G. M. Whetman of Spanish Fork. Burg. ,, o... t.O ·= -•. -. 0> '<! ~ !li !fi ~ ' The Ranger of the Big Pines" I I • • * • ~ !:fi )cene from~THE RANGER OF THE BIG~PU~~ ~A_V itagraph ~ Picture . This picture has not been shown in Salt Lake City of course IRIS THEATRE ------------· At the ------------------~--------n=--- IRIS THEATRE |