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Show ......... -· THE JORDAN . JOURNAL E Murray Society {1 {VAT/ON-WIDE /;VSTITIJTION- /NC. DEPARTMENT STORES Midvale, Utah • Children's Winter Coats Warm! Pretty! Serviceable! Priced Low! Time for Winter Coats! Buy while you have unlimited selection. At this Store, you can buy Coats now at the season's lowest prices I The Coats are practical and pretty for Winter wear. Sizes From One to Four Years In Colora Becoming to Children 1 ter Mrs. partyMcBride. in Salt Lake in compliment. to . .. . .. A SNAP 124 foot LOT on Third A venue Se,ver and Sidewalk Paid Price-$500-Terms DAN RADOVICH Midvale, Utah Phone 274 UNION • • • • • • . .. .. . .. . • • • tthout the laboring man this bank and every other bank in the country would be useless. Our very ex- . . • • • * . Mrs. Sadie Forbush was a gur.st Monday at a birthdav dinner in honor of ~Irs. Lucy Griffiths at her home on Union Ave. Covers were laid for 15. l\ir:;. H. Hillier entertained at a children's party Thursday afternoon at her home in Grant Ward in honor of he1· son':; bitthday anniversar:,·. Games and mu:;ic W<)re enjoyed and lum:heon was sened to ::;ixteen guest.'>. Ge11eve Eskdson and Vera E;;kel:;;on were winners of the prizes. l\lr. and Mrs. G<.orge Fahr and >oung son are motoring through th" northwest and California. Thrilling LlttlP l\!Pf'krnan-1 fel'l very elated i~tence depends upoP our ac- t ve and earnest co operation Labor and Banking with labor. We welcome you to co.ne here at an~ time to consult us upon fi nancial Midvale State matters. Bank MIDVALE. UTI\H this nwrn:ng. Lust night my wife mls· took 111<' for a hur!!;lar. nnd It's the only rime In my life that she was actually • afraicl of me.--Londou Weekly Tele Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McMillian, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Howe, Mr. and -graph. Mrs. John Howe, Mr. and Mrs. HalT)' Howe and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moffat England Likes Salmon have returned from a two weeks' Englund buys more canned salmon motor tnp through Idaho, Oregon, from America than does any other Washington and Vancouver, B. C. country. • • . i ~¥ff====~E====:]~=== § § §=i~===~E==~; f' I.Y- Mrs. 0. Morris ami two small children, :>pent Wednesday at Libe1~y Mr. and 1\h:s. William Thomas of Park. Midvale spent Sunday evening with Mr. and 1\ilr,;. Dave Smart. Miss Marveta Retallick had a;; her g-uest Saturday evening-, .Miss Lenora The Berry Club met with Mr. and Bini. Mrs. Robert Doty. A good social time Miss Orlen Bird of Magna, wa~ the was enjoyed which was followed by g-ue,;t of :11:iss Lenora Bird Thur:;day. refreshments Mr. and Mrs. George Wright of Bingham were guests of • * • :\'lr:;. Nephi Gregory. Miss Vera Smith was the g-uest 01 Miss Ada Labrum Thursday. A very successful misfit dance was • held in the Union amusement hall :Mrs. M. McCornish had as her ~aturday evening. A very enjoyable guest Friday, her siciler 1\lbs Valtime was had by all present. Prizes verda 'rurner. going to Mr. Charles Berston and • • Mrs. Jene Bringhurst is spend in;:; Ivelle Anderson. "' a week with her mother, Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brady were Stewart of Payson. guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry • * • Mr. and Mrs. Michael Phelan an- Carlson of Munay. • nounce the engagement of their Mr. and Mrs. Earl White were daughter, Margaret, to Homer G. Bradford. The wedding will tak<' week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Thompson of Provo. place at an early date. "' "' - " Mrs. Laura Erickson was the gue·~t :.\Irs. Ivy Brown entertained at of Mbs Bernice Watts, Thur:sday. luncheon :\londay afternoon at her • • • home on Poplar street in honor of Mr. and ~1r;;. Cloris Watts \\a~ the Mr,;. Frank :\1. Watts anll Son of of her mother, l\Ir~. Turner, Thur.,- 1 ~rookfiehl, \Vashington. The decoraday. , twns were sweet peas and ferns. • • • Cover~ were laid for six guests, :\Irs. Brown and Mrs. Hay Arnold enterMiss Bernice Watts was the guc l tained at a dancing party Friday at • of Mrs. J. D. Aylett Wedne,;day of the home of Mr,;. Charles Lange of Salt Lake in compliment to Mrs. West Jordan. Watts. The gue~ts. numbered twenty. • * * Miss Eirena Reading had as her guest, l''riday, Miss Lexie Sundstron .. • Made in colors which are meant for 's youthful Coats. And we.ll tailore? in winsome styles. Karamt or astr.tcan adorns some, while others are strtctly tailored with self trimmings. See these Coati at this record Price I Si&es one - to four years. -· $4.98 to $6.90 * • • Mrs. Cole left Sunday to join her ; - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... husband at Reno, Nev., where they Q.K.LUCE will remain for an indefinite time. 103 N. 1\IAIN STREET Mr~. Cole was formerly 1\Ii:;:; Helen Midvale City, Utah Bird. School Dresses Our Famous Apron Frocks Of Fine Gingham Superior G j n g h a m frocks for girls from 7 to 14 year~ of age. Made of quaht:y gingh'am in styles whtch are piquant and youthful. Large v a r i e t y 1 At each; • Nationally Known V aluea Our Stores have sold over a half million of t h e se extraordinary House Frocks in one year! Our share of the new shipment is ready for you! $1.39 Amoakeag and Secwity Gingham CHEVIOTS 28 Inches Wide For Boys' shitts, children's rompers, etc. Yard In new tmd natty styles-of good gingham, \ and .in a range of sizes . from the small to tho extra large. 18c NEW CRETONNES For Many Uses Brighten your home with cretonne curtains. Yard, 19c HONOR MUSLIN Our Own Brand Start Fall Sewing Now! New Materials Have Arrived! 39 - inch Unbleached Honor Muslin. Exclusive-ly he1·e. Yard, Well begun is half done I You will want a new Frock soon--a wool Dress. And, since our materials have arrived, there's no reason why you shouldn't start sewing right away. 16c H. C. S. GINGHAMS Our Own Brand Any Material You Want Ia Here Of course you want what's in style and what's sensible, and that material awaits you here. Flannels, poirets, twills, serges, bengalines, and many other new wool materials! Priced, the yd., Successor to Fred Rosse MIDVALE PLUMBING & HEATING COMPANY * • • Miss Evelyn Heal of Provo is the guest of l\iiss Cora Ramshaw at her home on ~tate street. • * • Phone Midvale 159 Mrs. Frank M. Watts and son, Job Work Promptly Francis, who have been the ghests ot .Mrs. J. R. Drunkwater on Boxelde1 Attended To street for the past month, left Wednesday for their home in Brooklin, Washington, Mrs. Watts was former- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ly Mis:; Agnes Grant of Murray. • * • Mrs. Carl Wahlquist entertained a number of her friends Friday at a sewing bee luncheon was served to twelve. HOT DOGS and HAMBURGERS Mrs. Ora Morris entertained at a children's party Sunday at her home in Grant ward in honor of her son's birthday anniversary, game:; and mutiiC were enjoyed and luncheon was served to fifteen. Lee Stauffer, Manager 5550 South State Street Free Camp Grounds Groceries • • • THE SURE WAY There is one sure way to avoid Autoing Troubles. Have us look over your CAR periodically and regularly. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. B. J. O'CONNOR ' E. E. ELIESON 0 & E Electric Service 25 E. Center Phone 272 MIDVALE, CTAH "DRIVE IN'' • * • Mrs. Nancy Beeny had as her dinner guests Sunday Mrs. Clara Walk- -::=:=:=====~~~=== er of Union, Miss Nona Atkins of Cottonwood, Mr. and 1\frs: Oscar Beeny of Midvale, Mr. and Mrs. Art Beeny of Murray and Mr,;. 0. L. Morris of Murray. r-------------. Whether Pauper Visit Frank Soter's · or Millionaire • * • Mr. and Mrs. George H. Watts and daughter Mytele and Miss Florence Reede1' spent Sunday in Cottonwood Canyon. A Good Meal is Worth 35c .. • * Mr. and Mrs. James Clay and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ge01·ge H. Watts will leave Wednesday for a stay of ten days at Lost River, Idaho. "As Clean as the Cleanest, As Good as the Best" ''The Handy Place" :Pord Accessories, Oil, Gas, Tires, Tubes Small Hardware, Brooms, Miscellaneous Items ALWAYS Main and Smelter Streeis OPE~ Midvale, {.;tah U. S. CAFE • * • Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp anti children have returned from a trip to Porterville. 32-in. width, in a wide range of patterns and colors. Yard, 16c 36-IN. PERCALES Our "Gladio" Brand 49c to $2.98 Light and dark grounds. Decidedly popular at, yard, Buy Here Where . Savini[& Are Greatest MIDVALE BAKERY AMOSKEAG Apron Check Ginghams Mrs. Robert Sheriff and baby of Chicago, are here visiting at the home of Mrs. Sheriff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones. The Home of Home Made Bread and French Pastry 27-inch width, in a variety of checks and colors. Yard, Mr. and. Mrs. Ernest Smith and family of this city are spending their vacation at Fish • Lake. • • 15c Spenders and SaversPractice Economy Here! Paying as you go also assures your saving as you go when you shop at a J. C. Penney Co. Store. In spend· ing money for your needs you save money....Our unsurpassed buying power assures it. 10c • . Miss Eva Jones and uncle, William Pexton and Miss Wanda Pexton, are, spending a few days with Telatives in Nephi. • • • • • • I Mrs. D. Crawford entertained atl luncheon Tuesday afternoon at her home in Salt Lake in honor of Mrs. G. U. McBride of Oakland, Cal., who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. E. Boggess. Thursday afternoon Mr~. Ester Johnson entertained at a thea- Suits Made To Order First clas. work guaranteed Ladies Tailoring A Specialty H. F. RASMUSSEN TAILOR Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired J i West Center Street Phone Midvale 117. W l'"idvale, Utah ~--------~~~--- 43 N. Main Phone 47 -J - |