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Show • THE JORDAN JOURNAL;·MIBVALE. UTAH .. Salt Lake City Invites You COAST PlOTTERS News Notes BELGIANS AGREE Frcm All Part• ol GI~Er~ SENTENCE · or~ WAR PAY~~~ENTS UTAH !JEWELS FLASH AT !Salt Lake City PRESSURE BROUGHT UPON COM· MISSION TO ACCEPT PROF· FER OF THE U. S. FROM TEN YEARS TO LIFE GIVEN TO KIDNAPPERS OF MARY PICKFORD Logan.-The Cache county tax levy for 1925 will be 1.8 mills higher than last year, accordnig to figures announced by the board of connty com· Immediate Payment Is Expected; missioners. The total levy will be , President's Approval Of Lower 21.9 mills, as compared to 20.3 mills Rate Of Interest Is All That In 1924. Is Needed Provo.-An issue of the Ulster County Gazette, published at King· ston, N. Y., January 4,1800, has been presented to the Brigham Young uni· varsity by Mrs. Anna Craig, to be placed in the old document room of the new library building. The inside pages are ruled with heavy black lines, an insigna of mourning, due to the death of George Washington, an at count of whose funeral servises are published in the paper. 1 l I I I I I Salt Lake. City.-Matter f keen Interest to stlver producers North 11.nd South America was concl~ded .lt the meeting of the board of dtrect01·s ,,f the American Stiver Producers association The directors adjourneJ at the Hotel Utah t\l meet again in the near future at the .!all of Presi· dent W Mont Ferry. · Price·-A program of entertainment ts to be provided at the annual ban· qnet of the Rocky Mountain Coal Min· lng Institute when the coal mining officials visit here August 26, 27, ancl 18 for their tw-eDUeth convention. . 'I ----MoLtnt Shasta Aetlng Up R dd' C l'f U ditl e mg, a 1 . - nusua 1 con ons in the vicinity of Mount Shasta near h h . t th b 11 f ere, ave gtven r 1se o e e e among many that the old crater Is ttl d f t' 't 1 1 ~e !ltgi rteia Y f0 r thvo cuanitc dacStV1 y. .n:ves ga ons o e n e tatea b ureau o f f'ts h er 1es s h ow th at water f h ... Cl d I . f d o t e me ou r ver IS our egrees th th t th warmer an norma1; a e surf ace o f Mount Shas ta 1s warmer t h an usua1; th a t th e mu d f1 ow 1s i ncreasIn d that d 1 d In In c. an h gra satha uya gl mea • Olfl muc ear1.er an 11a . Fight Planned On La Follette w· C 1 R b oshkosh, ts.- onservat ve epu llcans of Wisconsin have started a d t h La united d~ive to e ~rone t e Fo1· lette regtme and swmg the state back to the support of President Coolidge . . In 1 and the national admimstratJon. the first straight-out Republican con· I vent! on held in Wisconsin In twenty . •. years, the conservatives pledged their support to Roy P. Wilcox, an Eau · Claire lawyer-, who was once a state senator and aeveral times r.andldate lor governQr. I "I . Pl'LIES Razor Blade8 Pkg. 35c: German Gil leltcs ~ dozen 25c; Tree Brand &. S effieiS. R,,...,., $3.00 up; Novelty catal01r 10 Moab Co., 135-37 Regent St., Salt Lake City, Utah. BEDEC~ED WOMEN T-HRONG DEAUVILLE AND SHOW AR· RAY OF VAI.UABLE GEMS AGENTS WANTED ......... ............,~-~~~-~~~..-.-~~ • For 5\yle Center Made to Measure Clotbeo. $23.50 up. Big mon.y !or right men. Write 515 Mcintyre Building, Salt Lake Cit , Utah. Mary Shows No Sympathy In Con· nection With Case; Men Will Ap· peal Decision Of Mixed Jury To Higher Court i BARBER AND BUTCHER 1·~ Gmette IS Washington.-Yielding to pressure Los Angeles.-Charles Stevens and from the American debt commission, Claude Holcomb must "pay the penthe Belgian commissioners now in alty prescribed by law" for conspiring Washnigton have agreed to a basis of to kidnap Mary Pickford the film star. negotiations which it is confidently Stevens and Holcomb were sentenexpected will result in complete setced to a term in prison of from ten j tlement of that government's indebt- years to life by Superior Judge Vic' edness to the United States. tor McLucas. While a few controversial points reSentence was pronounced after the main upon which the two commis· court refused a motion of the consions are not as yet in accord, none victed men's attorney for a new trial. of these points is apparently ot suf· "This is one of the worst crimes on Cedar City.-cedar City Post No. fictent importance to block the settlethe statute bonks," the court said in 74 American Legion, has named all j ment Universal Service was inform· passing sentence. committees and they have now map- ed in' high official quarters. Attomeya for Stevens and Holcomb ped out. the complete plans for the The principles agreed upon have al· asked permission to file a:& appeal in Cedar Ctty rodeo to be held here Sep- ready been submitted to the Belgian the district court of appeals, which tember 3, • and 5. government at Brussels. was granted. A ten days' stay of senOgden.-The rumble of Ogden's Secretary Mellon an<! Senator Reed tence was allowed also. next political campaign Is being Smoot will lay them before Pres!· Attorney S. S. Hann represented heard. Within two months the terms dent Coolidge at Plymouth, Vt. the convicted conspirators. of Mayor Kirkendall, City Commis· Unless the formula meets with unsioner Arthur F. Larson and City expeced opposition from either one of Auditor Mary E. Farley, will expire these sources it is confidently be· Hollywood, Cal.-Mary Pickford and factions are busy lining up their lieved here that the settlement will faile~ to register sympathy in comprospective candidates. go through without a hitch, Universal 1 mentmg on the cases of Charles Z. Service was told. Stevens and Claude A. Holcomb, Murray.-Practically all business While detailed settlement will not found guilty by a jury of conspiring houses in Murray will close at noon be reached at this meeting, conti· to kidnap her for a ransom of $200.on August 26, the day set aside by dence was expressed by Universal 000. the Greater Murray league for its an· Service's informant here that the ne"The jury must be right," the fanual celebration which is to be held gotiations will be favorably conclud- mous little adress told the United at Saratoga Springs. Plans for the ed during the coming week. Press when interviewed between event are well under way, according '.'In any event the entire Belgian I scenes at her Hollywood studio. to Mayor Isaac Lester, who Is chair- debt will be out of the way long be"Three women and nine men deman of the committee having the ar- . fore the French arrive," it was state· liberated carefully on this case for rangements in charge, as well as .ed. three weeks, and the entire matter chairman of the league. The terms granted Belgian, will. was handled in accordance with law. It is understood, be far more lenient "Ttteir answer must be the correct Ogden.- The Utah Construction than those granted Great Britain or one." company has received the contract the ones France will be compelled to Reports that Mary had asked clamfor the building of a road from Castle accept. ency for the convicted conspirators, Valley to Nioche through Salian can"France, already aware of the pro- who face a term of ten years to life yon for the Denver & Rio Grande posed settlement, is much perturbed In prison, were denied by the star. Western railroad, It was announced "I can't feel sorry for these fellows at the company's general office here. over the fact that Belgium is apparently being given preferential treat· because it appears that justice is havThe Utah Construction company grad· ment," one high official said. ing Its wny." ed this section before 1900, hut no For all practical purposes the Bel· Douglas Fairbanks, the star's athrailroad was built upon It then and gian debt will be divided into two letic husband agreed with Mary. soon the section graded was used for "The public has no idea of the a highway. When the railroad com- parts. A smaller rate of interest will be 1>aid upon the $171,000,000 bor· things that we and others In the pubpany recently attempted to take it over for the purpose of building a rowed before the armistice, than upon lic eye w11re subjected to before these railroad line a dispute arose and only the $309,000,000 obtained at a later men wer• arrested," Doug said. recently the litigation ended in favor date. "While some payments on both of the ra!lroad. Mrs. J. P. Morgan Dead principal and interest will be requlr· .New York.-Mrs. J. P .Morgan, wife Salt Lake City.-If the state in· ed from the beginning, they will be so of the financier died at her Long Is· tends to collect tax on gasoline ship· small for the first ten years as to land home. Morgan was at his wife's ped by the city in 1923 from outside barely escape the term moratorium." the state it will have to file suit, ac- "The balance of trade is against Bel- bedside at the time of her death. cording to W. H. Folland, city at· gium, the Belgian franc has fallen be· Death was due to cardias collapse, torney, to whom a demand from the low that of the French. So early , the announcement stated. For two secretary of state for $1530.27 tax, payments will have to be scaled months Mrs. Morgan had been ill $382.56 penalty and interest was re- down." There will be no actual mor· with sleeping sickness. Several weeks ferred. The state bases its clain on atorium, however," one government ago relatives and friends regarded her condition with trepidation. For six cars of gasoline shipped In be- official said. The American commission was par- a few days daily, bulletins on her tween July 2, 1923, and August 29, 1923, totalling 61,211 gallons, at l:% tlcularly anxious to avoid an actual condition were issued to newspapers. cents a gallon tax. Unless the tax is moratorium for Belgium with its FiTe physicians were summoned to paid, H. E. Crockett, secretary of $480,000,000 debt, for the reason that her home at Glencove, L. I., but state, writes, the attorney general none was permitted Great Britain, shortly afterward an announcement will be instructed to proceed to col- aud it did not want to establish a pre· was made that Mrs. Morgan was rapcedent that would prove of such great idly recovering and that the crisis lect. benefit to France which owes more appeared to have passed. At that Salt Lake Clty.-Nonresidents of I than $4,000,000,000. time Morgan was on a yachting trip Salt Lake City school district will be The apparent happy conclusion In in Long Island Sound. He was sumrequired to pay $50 a semester or sight for the negotiations is in strik· moned home and remained at his $100 tor the school year in tuition It tng contrast with the pessimism so wife's bedside until she was thought they desire to attend a senior high evident earlier in the week. to have been virtually recovered. school, as a result of action taken by The American commission Is under· the board of education on recommen· stood to feel that the formula laid Svalbard Taken Over By Norway dation of G. N. Child, city superin- down In dealing with the comparative· Oslo, Norway.-Norway has official tendent of schools. ly small Belgian debt will prove of possession of the Svalbard or Spitz· Slllt Lake City.-On account of lack the utmost advantage in dealing with bergen archipelago, which was awardof funds with which to purchase addi· the infinitely larger sum owed by ed her by int.ednational treaty signed tional meters, the city water depart· France. In Paris, February 9, 1920. Oslo was Only the most unexpected opposiment was authorized by the city comdecorated with flags in honor of the mission to cease the compulsory in tion from Brussels or Plymouth, Vt., ocassion and salutes were fired from stt..!latlon of water meters In the third some high officials on both sides be- the Akershus fortress. Premier Melieve, can upset theil' calculations. zone this y<!ar. \Vickel issued a statement, declaring that "the incorporation of Svalbard Richtield.-The officers and direr Prisoners Riot At Sing Sing makes August 14 a red letter day in tors of the Sevier County Fair asso Ossining, N. Y.-Eight prisoners our history." At ceremonies held at elation are working assiduously to were locked up in solitary confinemake the county fair this year thP ment and two were in the hospital Advent Bay, the principal settlement most successful in ~he history of Se here as a result of a riot in the Sing of Spitzbergen, Paal Oberg, minister vier county. Dr. I. L. Nebeker Is the Sing mess hall which threw the pri- or justice, read thP. act of incorporamanager and he has spared neither son into an uproar for several min· tion. effort nor expense to obtain the best utes. Acting Warden Thomas MeEstate Given Tax Refund attractions available. An excellent l Inerey declined to give the names or rodeo will be given, with cowboyE any details of the battle. It was New York.-The estate of the late from neighboring counties particlpat known, however, doctors were hur- William G. Rockefeller will be reimin g. riedly summoned to attend the injur· bursed by New York state to the ex· Myton.-Work on the federal aid ed. It was stated officially that only tent of $327,894, under an order issued by Surrogate O'Brien. The sum road under the supervision of Sum inmates were concerned In tha riot. covers taxes paid in New York on slon & Clyde, contractors, on the Myproperty located in other states. ton-Antelope section is progressing in Steam Train Hits Electric a satisfactory manner. The camp hae San Francisco.-More than a dozen been established not far from the riv persons were seriously Injured, at Oregon University Head Dead E'T, near the Antelope end of the road least one person perhaps fatally when Eugene, Ore.-Prince L. Campbell, About twenty-five men are at work. the Healdsburg steam train of the president of the University of Orewith twenty-one teams. Nearly a Northwestern Pacific railroad !!rash· gon for years, died here after a lingmile of the road grade is finished, ed into the rear of a San Rafael elec- ering illness. Campbell was unable and in a short time they expect to tric two-coach train a mile outside to take any active part in the affairs start on the bridge. the Sausalito yards. of the university for nearly a year. _ CnS IN 0 0FEN 1NG :f.~:§:ri~~1d~i;£~.3~~~:~;= ~ B~!li~ffi!l~i~l~ffi!Ji!!li~Ii!!ffilf~miiilli'l!iilfiilll'!IP!lri!ll'll!illri!ll!!.'fl _Uu Tables Are At Premium As Big Gambling Resort Opens And Many Are i RADIO MAGAZINa ....-A ..............,.,..~....,._,.,...,......,.._...,......,_..,....._ RADIO FANS ~:hc~;~in~~i~: Forced To Wait Turn In Order To Play I l Progr:m>~~. f•me fab1es, Radio Topics. Qu.-!'tions. i""xdmngea, etc. tO i«ues $1.00. Write tor Free Copy, 71 West Brood way. Salt Lake Cit)·, Ullon. n:LI!GilAPH SCHOOL Deauv 1.ll e, F ranee.~ -J ewels valued -~...-..........~~-~~~ ..............--.....,.-..-.S145 ro $225 Moolbly, ' at more than a billion francs spark· Learn T(•l<•gnq,hr. Gr~•'l opportunities Cl~a.n led from the thrOats, ears, arms and e.~<r Work . J'o&i tiun• lt'<'llrNJ. J'.nrn While YOU f' f learn. lfnn<lrcds of J!'raduate& Ol<lest and best , mgers o the throngs of women al srhool. Wdte for fr•e catalo~ue. ,6merican the opening of the casino here. Dia· Tclegrat>h College. tnt S. ~bin, Salt Lake. mond and pearl experts appraised the ~arvelous ';lass of gems at this huge figure after inspection of the gala crowd, dining at the Ambassador and afterward playing with the go<ldess of "Best Heat Under the Sun" chance at a chemin de fer table. The mo•t modem and economical home Gigantic diamonds, enormous ropes I heating plant (Pipe or Pipel ess) . Can be: in~tall~rl in practically any ho use. o~ pearls, huge emeralds, collosal ru· 1 Write for FREE booklet on "Scientific Home Heating." btes and titanic sapphires glittered 1 dazzingly from the bare shoulders of Attractive proposition for dealets In their wearers. I every town. Prominent among those ablaze with GRANITE LUMBER & jewels were ::l:lme. Jean Sapene, sing. HARDWARE CO." er, the wife of the publisher, 1\Ioten. A cowhide trow a wild range steer, nailed to the logs of u pioneer cabin, 1084 E. 21st So., Salt Lake City and Miss r,;abel Ball, an American bore one of the most appropriate and unnsnal duC'uments ever made ' officlnl ,~~~~~~~=~~~:::;.::=..::... :---=;:~-.;! when the state seal was affixed and Gov. G(>orge H. Dern, with a hot branding society girl. \\'arm, sunshinny weather marked Iron, signed Utah'>~ invitation to the annual frontier roundup to be held ' the second day of the grande semIn Salt Lake City August 19 to 22. Photograph depicts the governor branding aine, luring hundreds to the cool surl the hide. at the beaches in the forenoon and ; PAREN'T HAVENS PHOTEOT ; bringing out a record c1·owd for the I\ESTLJNGS lt' Rmf HAR .races in the afternoon. "I wns once conC'eal ed In my A dazzling blonde beauty, wearing *$ 'hide,' watching and photo- == flesh-colored bathing tights, created a I ~raphlng a pair of ra n ns at furor at the beach, attracting the 1 their nest on a wil d .mrl stronger sex and photographers and • desol nt" crng on the \ cls h emptying the beach cafe of cocktail mountain~." writes Oliver 0. drinkers as she passed. Pike, English orn ithologist, In Fashion experts loolced in vain fm . = the London Spel'lntor. "Among INMATES AT OREGON PENITEN· PARI-MUTUEL BETTING AT UTAH advance hints of fashions. All the other thmgs I dlsc·overed that RACES WILL BE ARGUED IN TIARY RAID ARSENAL AND they have a language o! tlwi r sumptuous creations in evidence fol : COURT ROOM SECURE ARMS own. Several times during the lowed the regulation lines, with knee- 1 length dresses, bare arms and low =* eight hours I spent In toy necks. shelter the parents brought food to their young. All forty-two tables of the casino Governor Is Glad Notorious Killer's Salt Lake City Reply Charges Play "Long before the former ';Ot : Creates Unhealthy Attitude And were insufficient to provide places for Career Is Ended; National Guard to within sight of the nest the Will Endeavor To Have Same the crowds. Tables were installed in Is Ordered Held In Readiness young heard the loud call which Stopped the corridors until the supply of cou· For Search told them food was coming. piers was exhausted. The baccarat : When they ht>ard this they bel'OO~, where men only were playing, came very excited, ran about Salt Lake City.-constltutlonality contmued to grind out millions ol Salem, Ore.-"Oregon Bert" Jones, the nest and gave out answer· nortorious hlgywayman and prison of that section of Utah's new horse francs in winnings and losses, with ) ing cries. Twice during the racing law which authorized pnri-mu· a Greek syndicate of bankers alter· day a man passed over the breaker, is dead after slaying two pri· 1 tuel betting on horse races, under nately winning and losing deals. mountains and the parent raven son guards and three of his fellow prescribed limitations, Is assailed on Early in the morning Martin Hut· on guard high over the nest, convicts are being trailed by several three principal points in the answer fer of New York won a clear million seeing him and looking upQn the 1 posses as the result of a sensational of Salt Lake City to the suit filed francs. Fanny V:lard and Ben ~ Intruder as an enemy, uttered riot and escape from the Oregon state recently by the Utah State Fair as- Throops, husband of Ruby Dermer, : quite a dltrerent rail. penitentiary. Bociations and others to restrain Salt motion picture star, made big winn· ' "Instantly the three young In the first violent dash for liber- Lake City from enforcing its ordin- ings. ; birds threw themselves fiat In The gaming rooms presented a the nest and remained quite ty from the Oregon prison since the ances against betting on horse races. The answer was drafted in the ofweird spectacle, with the gem-laden motionless until they heard a famous escape of Harry Tracy and 1 third cry, whleh again was dlf· flee of W. H. Folland, city attorney wor;ten in decollette gowns, revealing 1 David Merrill in 1902, Jones led Ellsft>rent from the others, v:hiC'h ~ worth Kelly, James Willos and Tom for filing with the clerk of the dis- vanous shades or sunburn from pal· : told them tht> coast was clenr. est lobster pink to mahogany brown. Murray in a raid on the prison ar- trict court. Then they qui,•l;iy jumped up Those portions of the law providing senal and an attack on the guards. nnd were Immedia t ely at ense." ;t The nortorious career of "Oregon regulations gov~rning horse racing in I River Pact Conference Ends Bert" ended when John Davidson, the state are not challenged by the 1 Phoenix, Ariz.-Delcgates to the guard shot him just as he was drop- city. On the contrary, the ciy in- tristate Colorado river conference : Why Diahe• Are Covered ping off the prison wall. A few mo- dicates that such regulation is prop· here, which ended in a disagreement I How many pen;ons, seeing covered ments previously he had fatally shot er, but the one section of the law when the Calfiornia and • ·evada dele· dishes come to the table, I ave any two guards. J. M. Holman and John which pretends to legalize betting on gatlons withdrew, declared that there ldeu of the origin of ~erving food In Sweeney. His three companions ser· such race is assailed as being uncon· was no hope of the meetings being this fashion? How mnny know the iously ·injured Lute Savage, guard, stitutional, hence void. resumed. The conference came to an reason tloat lt>d to the covering or The validity of this section is atand James Nesmith, turnkey, and esend after several hours of dickering, dishes? They were <'overed from fear caped in a taxi commandeered from tacked on the following three chief when the Nevada delegation request· -the fear of polson. In medieval points: the state hospital. ed of Arizona that opposition to the I days and down to the time or Louis First.-That betting on horse races, The four convicts remained in their construction of a dam at or near I :XIV, people were afraid that polson cells at supper time, cut a hole even by the pari-mutuel system, Is Boulder canyon he withdrawn, and mtght be Introduced 1nto food bethrough the roof and dropped to the gamblin;;, hence that section 'or the received what is considered an un-1 tween th!' kitchen and the table. Tloe wholesomenE>ss of the food was main yard over the administration law permitting such betting is in vio· satisfactory reply. ht. a statement giv· 1 llrst tried on the ~<en·ants, who were latlon of the constitutional provision building. They dashed for the arsenen out by Senator Ralph Swing of al, where they obtained four rifles prohibiting gambling in any form. Califor::tia and Charles P. Squires of required to flute It before any of the Second-That the racing act con· and several revolvers. after beating Nevada, heads of the visiting delt'lga- gu!'sts. 11nd tht>n if they were not pol· tains two separate and distinct subsoned, the food wns all right. It did Nesmith badly about the face. tions, the belief is expressed that it jects and only one is set forth in Leaving the building, they opened will be impossible to reach an accord not matter so much If a aen·ant waa the title which is in violation of the with any committee appointed by l poisoned. fire on the guards in the first tower constitutional proviston that an act north of the entrance. Guards said Governor Hunt of Arizona. shall have but one subject and that Why Blond• Are Dying Out Jones shot Hollillln and Sweeney this subject shall be fully and clearly An autho•·ity on cultural anthrowhile the others escaped over the set forth in the title. The two subFannie Hurst Wins Story Prize pology say!> that In the J:Teat urban wall as they fired at other guards. jects which it is contended the racing j Chicago.-Fannie Hurst, the author cl'nters of Grt>at Brit n the tall They kidnapped C. V. Ivitte, former law has is horse racing and pari-mu- was awarded a $50,000 prize which blonds are dying out a are being attendant at the hospital, and escaptuel betting. The title of the act the magazine Liberty, in conjunction rt>plncell by short, dark;haired and ee! in the taxi driven by Wiley Zinn. deals with horse racing and does not with the Famous Players-Lasky cor· brown-eyt>d people. The Nordic Later Ivitte and Zinn were released cover the betting which the city con- poration, offered for a story suitable blond seems to thrive be In the after being used as protection against tends is a form of gambling. for Liberty and for a motion picture. country, and the dark peoples do best bullets. The city will contend that that The contest is spoken of as the great- In the rlties. The anthropologist The convicts took all of the clothportion of the act providing for and est of its kind ever held. Almost one predicts that, If Englanll,contlnues to ing of the two men and $410 belongregulating horse racing is one separ- hundred thonsand manuscripts and berome more and more urhan. Alpine Ing to Ivitte. Zinn said that Murray ate and distinct subject in itself, , plot synopses were receh·ed, coming and !lfediterrnnt-an folk \vfil prt>domiwas wounded by the guards. while the s~ctio~ providing for pari-, from virtually eyery quarter of the nate. as thP.v did centuries a~:o. Warden A. M. Dalrymple was In his mutuel bettmg ts another separate globe. John N. Wheeler, executive Youth's Companion. office when he saw Murray In the and distinct subject. This is set forth • editor of Liberty; Jessie L. Lasky and yard. He attempted to lock up the as a technical and secondary point Rex Beach, the novelist were the Why Wood Rot. arsenal, but was cut off hy two of the on which the constitutionality of the judges. It Is dolmtd that rotting of' wood convicts, who had entered from the law is chali<>n~ed, but it is relied up.on i"esulls from tht> a<'t!Yity of low t'onns south entrance. Having no gun in as an important factor in the whole. Giant Blast Wrecks Home 1 of plant life which take nourishment the office he dashed for his house On this point it Is contended that Ashland, Ky.-Elliott Hall, the large from tht> woo•! and thus destroy lt. just outside the entrance and obtain- the law has the effect of giving to home of Judge \\·. H. Flanery at This rt-fnt<'~ the theory that wood rot ed a shotgun. the state fair association or other as· Catlettsburg, was partially wrecked Is rau~e!l hy the Piements or by dl· Orders were issued to the national sociations, as the case might be, the by an explosion belie"ed to be of 1 rect l"hemical aetlon. guard to mobilize and hold them- special and exclusive privilege of con· selves in readiness to aid in the ducting pari-mutuel betting on horse dynamite. The l"harg~ tore away the Why So Many Divorce• search for the thre~ escaped prison· races thus giving special P'"ivilege to (ront po1·ch and hrokt. all the winNt>urly hnlf of the divorc~s granted ers. Hundreds of persons searched one ~arty, or certain p:,rties, to do dows in the house and adjoining 1 In London l"OUrts In 192:l resulted !'rom the district near Salem during the at a certain place, and under certain j homes. Eight persons alseep in the chii!IIE>ss ma1-riages. Divorces tor early part of the night without find- condition~. that which others are pro- 1 home were t~s~ed from their beds couples wlthi•Ut chlldren numbered ing any trace of the men. hibited from doing. but were not lDJUred. 1,266 out ot 2.8M cases. 4 I '1 I 1 - I ;************************* = liOW ! * * *= * ** * * * * *i * * *** i* * * * * * * * GUNMAN KILLED ANSWER IS FilED IN D~AING BREAK ON BETTI~J~ SUIT * * = *; $ = * * * * * * = * * % ** *= * * = * * = i :t * * * * i = * * Z * * •************************* • I I Woman Slays Family Then Suicides Boston.-After carefully writing out a note which read: "I did this to leave them all in peace," Mrs. George H. Curtis, 44, of West Roxbury killher husband while he slept in bed, shot down two of her children, George Jr., 20, and Marjorie, 7, and then committed suicide. Curtia, who was 45 years old and the son of Fay. ette Curtis, president of the former Bostou Terminal oompany, was In· at&ntJ:; killecl. Operator Halts Train, Drops Dead Pittsburg, Pa.-Facing death from a sudden illness, Kavauaugh Jacobs, night telegraph operator for the Pittsburg & Lake Erie railroad at Mon· ongahela, near here, threw on the red signals to stop all trains a fey.r minutes before he fell .aeross th; key, dead from an ttack of acute indiges· tion. Trains on the division were halted for more than an hour until another operator c<-uld be sent to man the wire. I I Shenandoah To Vi!; it Mid-West Washington.-The navy dirigible Shenandoah, on its middle western flight next month will pass over state fairs at Columbus, Ohio; Des Moines, Ia.; St. Paul, Milwaukee and Detroil. Under an itinerary approved at tl:.e navy department, the craft will leave Lakehurst, N. J., Septembre 1 or In order to be at Des Moines Septem-j ber 4. It will go by way of Scott field, Bellevllle, Ill., tu l1.nd and re fuel. ----- Very Sick ''My la\vyer." stat!'d a European tenor, "he writes me that my contract Is Si<'k." ••::;irk? How do you -mt>an slckl" And ·the tenor pointed to the word ''lil \'&lid.'' 2,1 I Quite - Belle-Grace was ar~;ulng witb Edith about some field sport. Nell-Socc-er? Bell llet"("y. no! That would i:le aaladyfii;.P_- AllstoP Recorder. |