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Show EIGHT • • m. !fi aVID one aiDS I ea ~ ~we close our Clothing Store. School starts the Monday fol . . AUGUST 29th lowing. The children will need shoes. VISIT OUR SALE m !:fi ~- We have hundreds of pairs. Most of them just received They Are Being Sold at Factory Cost :-----------Below Are Listed Just a-- Few of Our Bargains----------; !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi . Men's Work Shirts_ ..........-.... -..... 63c ' Men's New Fall Caps, just them at • ... Men's Hose at per pau • Ill, ~35 see UP .. ... IOc m !:fi Ladies' Silk Hose at. .. 39c to 79c (All Shades) !:fi !:fi ~~ One lot Boys' Overcoats at $7.95 One lot Men's Overcoats, $12.85 m !:fi_ Men's Union Made, All Wool, 20 per cent off on all Woolen Shirts Lots Real Bargains in Boys' and Young Men's School Suits of Don't Forget, we Quit the Clothing Business Aug. 29th Overcoats at .. . ... --....... $15.85 New shipment of Men's Silk Lined Hats for dress wear ..........- ....... -.... -.... ..... ... $2.79 !:fi Boys' Overalls, 3 to 7, at ..... 79c I Boys' Overalls, 8 to 12, aL .. 89c Boys Oyeralls, 13 to 18, at.$1.10 Mr. and Mrs. L. w. Nielsen and f~mily <>f Salt Lake were Sunday 1 ball team and th~ Granite Primary! SatUTday evening Mr. :rite! Mrs. painful injuries Saturday while e{nbeen on a trip through the Panama family motored to Spanish Fork I dmner guests of Mr. and MrH. G. L. Baseball team will play for final ·, Raynold. Brady visited with - 1\fr · and 1 pi oye d a t th e M'It1va1e S me It er. Mr. Canal and California. 1 honors next Monday at 3:30 at the Mrs. William Steadman of West Jor- G. h· Monday, returning Tuesday. 1 Bateman. . .· ,. , • • • * * • Smelter grounds at Midvale. /dan. 1a am was endeavo1mg to couple 1 Mrs. V. Larson had as her guests, . . J Mrs. White of Park City was the • * * • • • some cars and in s<>me manner hi~ the first part of the week, Mrs. F. Nelson has accepted t f h d ht M T t M c G t t · d · h · and crushed, 1·esultThat the s~cond Annual Salt Lake Nelson and two children of Brigham theMiss .tLucllle o er aug er, rs. rue rs. . ran en ertame m onor arm was caught Mrs. 1.0 n as secr·etal'Y of the Jol·- 1 gues Nephi Gregory enjoyed a thePosl f h City • ron tier Roundup will offer a dan School District, filling the place GGrcen thed pahst weekh end!. f~t rTs. Trduet o er little son Claude's birthday an- ater party Tuesday at Salt Lake with ing in a compound fracture of the program of fight-to-the-finish ~ven~s City, sister of Mrs. Larson. St . reen an er mot er e ues ay niversary. Fifteen little guests were f . d . A i, pledged by the management. Tlus * • * 0 f M ISS nna * e~nei; for California, where Mr. Green is served luncheon. Games were played. nen s. • • • elbow joint and upper wrist joint and show, August 19 to 22, will be a clasThe members of the S. S. Club * * * other numerous lacerations. \Ve hope employed. sic of its kind, men fighting furiously and invited guests were entertained . Mr. Shirley Graham received very for a complete and speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Buttler are for supremacy over untamed horses at the home .of Mrs. T. E. Anderberg spending their vacation at Alta Miss Barta Bateman is visiting in Mrs. Frank Orton spent the former and steers. With animals wild from Saturday afternoon. Progres~ive * * * · J Salt Lake. part of the week at Salt Lake, the the range a~1d riders ~nd ropers jeal- games were played and luncheon Dr. and Mrs. c. C. Jensen and Mrs. G. ~- Bateman i~ recovering guest of Mrs. L. Larson. ous <>f thetr rcputatwn thrown to- 1 • d t 0 37 S · 1 , gethcr in the dirt arena, there. will be, selve guest~. p~cia gue:;ts three children spent the past week . fr?m a pamful fall wluch she re• * * C't Mrs. Lizie Dowding and daughter no fakes, frame-ups or "timed" exhi- I were, Mrs. E. Cushmg! Miss Florence t B 'h 1 ce1ved Monday of last week. ng am I *y. * * * • • ·Cooper, Mrs. C. Dnggs, Mrs. E. a bitions. Iris spent Friday in Salt Lake, the The Frontier Roundup set a pre- Swenson, Mrs. A. Gibson, Miss Laura Misses Callie and Heilha Jensen M.r. and Mrs. Myrle Allsop and guests of Mrs. Olson. cedent last year of fair-and-square en- Gibson, Mrs. C. Anderson, Mrs. J. H. c·t fam1ly and Mr. Henry Allsop mo• * * k t B · h t I t . tertainment. No .one Who saw th~ Brown, Mrs. C. C. Jensen, Miss Jos- spen as wee * a * *ng am 1 y. tored to Tooele Tuesday, retummg contests and exclt,emen.t had any ephine J<>hnson, Mrs. G. R<>ck, Misses Mrs. V. Larson entertained at din- i h<>me Wednesday. doubt of the sh?w s bemg real, au- Francis and Rosamond Zverina Mrs. ner Monday in hono1· of her sister, M~·· and Mrs. A. E. Pe~erson and . ' . thenttc, dare-devtl stuff. Spectators could not get their fill of the wild- F. G. F1~her, Mrs. A. G. Cushmg, Mt·s. F. Nelson of Brigham City. family, Mr. and Mr::>. L. E. Peterson west scenes and events. The stand- Mrs. Anrue Egbert, Mrs. Robert Lar- Covers were laid for 12 guests. I and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bird ard set of making the Roundup a fair son, Mrs. J. E. and Mrs. A. G. R.ob• • * ·and family, Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. Boand above-board program of contests ertson, Mrs. Leon Buttler and Mrs. The family of Mr. A. T. Ort<>n en- berg and daughter Bettie Mrs. W. Miss Delphia Nielsen spent the will be rigidly adhered to this year. Alice Christian. * • * tertained at Liberty Park Sunday in McGee, Mrs. Ida Peterson, and Mr. past week at Spanish Fork the guest Mrs. R. w. Born and her gu;sts, honor of Mr. Ort<>n's birthday ani-, G. k~gander enjoyed a trip through of her grand.1;1other, Mrs. Creer. Misses Rosamond and Francis are at versary. Amencan Fork Canyon and Pr<>vo * • • Canyon visiting places of interest. Brighton for a week's stay. * 111 ., Miss Ardith Price of Brigham • * * Mr. and Mrs. L. w. Nielson and was a week end gue~t of Miss Callie Mr. Elmer Wood of Pueblo, Co1oMr. ami Mrs Enoch Brown an- family and Mr. and Mrs. s. L. Brady Jensen. rado, was a guest .of Mr. and Mrs. 1 G. Forbush, Correspondent nounce the birth of a son, August 5. and family spent the past week end • • • G. Hagander the past week end. .. * * at Brighton. Mrs. F. Diamond and baby <>f * • " Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Olson and Miss Fay Smith of 1Salt Lake enMurray are visiting with her parents, Mrs. W. M. Hughes entertained family and Mr. and Mr's. Jacob Grif" tertained in honor <>f Miss Ruth J orMr. and Mrs. W. Magnusson. the N. B. Club at her hom'€ F1·iday fiths motored to Heber City last SatMiss Francis Gardner returned genson last week. • * * evening, Progressive games were urday and spent the day. home Friday from' a two months' trip * * .• • • .. The farewell party <>f Miss Ruth played and the prize was awarded to to Weber Canyon and Idaho. Mrs. R. W. Born has as her guests Supper was Mrs. Phillip Walker visited SunJorgenson was given in the Amuse- Mrs. Niel Olson. • * • i\Iisses Rosamond and Francis ZverMrs. Melvin MeN arney entertained ment Hall Thursday evening. An in- served to 16 guests. Special guesls day with her mother, Mrs. Walter ence of Cleveland, Ohio, who have at dinner Sunday in honor of her teresting program was given after were, Mrs. A. E. Williams, Mrs. Niel Haycock of Crescent. "' • * husband's birthday anniversary. Out which dancing was enjoyed. A large Monahan and Mrs. Niel Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Van left Satur• • * of town guests were ·Mrs. William crowd was in attendance and a libN. Morris of Salt Lake and Mr. and eral contribution was given. Miss The Sandy Firemen had a good day f<>r a short visit with relatives is a Combined Mrs. J. Allsop of Butterville. Jorgenson will leave August 20 for representation at the Firemens' con- in Moab. • * • Treatment,both her Mission to Hawaii. vention in Salt Lake, Wednesday. local and internal, and has been successMrs. Jessie Berrett was hostess to The S. S. Club entertained their • • * Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. ful in the treatment of Catanh for over husbands at a Stake r<>ast in Knudthe Unity Club last Thursday afterMr. and Mrs. C. Swenson and Mr. Miss Phyllis Greenwood spent the forty years. Sold by all druggists. Midvale, Utah son's Grove Monday evening. Twen- week end with Miss Susie ·Brady of and Mrs. W. M. Hughes attended a noon. Ten members were present, inF. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio ty-five guests were present. firemen's party at Bingham Thurs- cluding: Mrs. Melva Evans, Mrs. East Midvale. Golda Soffe, Mrs. Alice Burgon, Mrs. • * • day evening. Horace Godfrey, Mrs. Mildred SedMr. and Mrs. W. W. Schofield and don, Mrs. Ed. Fenstermaker, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ros. Marriott of family motored to Layton Monday SAND\ MIDVALE MURRAY Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rachel Forbush of Salt Lake and and spent the day. Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. C. Swen- Mrs. Carrie Coombe!'. * * • Mrs. Coomber gave a topic from Mr. and Mrs. Lon Kenney returned son enjoyed a trip to Timpanogas the W <>man's Citizen. The regular I home Sunday from a trip to Nephi. Cave Sunday. • • * roll call and business matters were " Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy and famMrs. Mary Gillespie of Salt Lake taken up followed by very dainty re1ily and Mr. and Mrs. Ranis of Salt was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. freshments. #• ,. Lake spent Sunday in American Fork A. Hughes the past week. Your Friends Eat Here 1Canyon. Mrs. Verl Milne had as her dinner * * * * * * 1 Mrs. F. Moe<ll entertained Friday guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ruben The 3rd Ward Bee Hive Girls afternoon in honor of her little Walker and Miss Lyle Walker. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE .. * .. spent last week at Mutual camp in daughter Helen and son Frank, it being their birthday anniversaries. 1 Little Cottonwood Canyon. Office--6500 State Street No "Staged Stuff" n Coming Roundup • • • I I Sandy City News UNION NEWS .. Hall's Catarrh Me dlc:·aae BETTER THAN A GARDEN Shopping here for your green foods is better than owning a garden of your own; You get the very choicest of the vegetables grown in many gardens. Compare our prices only when quality is considered We pride ourselves on stocking only the choicest the market affords . Corner Meat & Grocery . .. . • • • *** I. LESTER Artificial Ice Phones~Midvale 175-J, Murray 445 - --·---------------------~ .. . .. I * • • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cushing and • • • The Sandy 1st Ward Primary Base- . Satisfied stomachs are our best advertisement. · |