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Show Jackie Coogan in "Little Robinson CrusOe"Hub Theatre Aug.23-24-25 • If a feller wuz just half as patient with his wife Jas he_, is with fish, we wouldn't see so many ow faced women It's purty dangerous t' postpone your weddin' till times get normal, fer you're liable t' git normal yourselfltliDVALE CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, VOL. 1 .NO. 15 AUGUST 20, 1925. S ELTER WATCHMAN'S .RIBS T C --------------- T ,o l\~en Try Funny \Vork at Local Smelter With Dodge Car Monday morning, about 1 a. m., as Night ~uperintendent J. L. Meyer,was n aking his da.ly rounds at the s.r~oelter, he obsen·eu two men making some mysterious rroves around the autos parked around the smelter office building. After watching them for several minutes, ite was ~atisfied tl:at they were there for no good purpose. ,He called "Jack" Lancaster, veteran smelt rman, who is now on duty from 11 to 7 as night watchman and they went out and engaged the men in conversation. One of the duet was seated in a Dodge Sport model tour:ng car belonging to Harr)· McKinley. The other was on guard a short dh;tance awa?, The man in the car statEd that he was waiting for a friend to come from work. Sensing the fact that something in tbe way of a car stealing escapade was i~ the air, Meyers went to phone for an officer while Lancaster remained with the Dodge car. Im:r.oedlate1y after Meyers left the scene, the strangers "poked" guns in Lanca~ ter's ribs and ordered him into their car nearby. He refused to obey their commands, telling them to shoot. They did not do so and after using som~, very abusive language departed hurriedly in their car, which was a Hup touring car with an Idaho license. There is some talk that the Smelter intends to provide housing facilities for the autos belonging to its employees in the near future. Mr. Lancaster is now a full fledged deputy with gun and star and is fully prepared for such emergencies. - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - DISTRIBUTOR BARELY ESCAPES DEATH OIL LOCAL ______ --•::__ ------ BORN-~KUHRE \VED- 1 Pretty Pajama Sets DING SOLEl\1NlZ~:) , of Crinkle Crepe AT HOl\IB lN SAN 0 Threatening I \Villl\lake Their Home in Caliion ia. lvtr. Born Leaves Shortly. LOCAL BAND HOLDS Suffers Serious Injury FOURTH PLACE IN When He Falls From LAGOON CONTEST Gas Storage Tank Parade Today In Salt Lake Beiore Playing The Finals At Lagoon Ted Wheeh:r, local distributor of Continental Oil Company prol ucts, fell from the ~toragc tank at the \H•,t limits of Midvale City Ia ·t T Jt:»uay morning- about eight o'clock alJd . ~. verely injured hin· se f. Miss Thelma Kuhre and Mr. WalThe Consolidated Music Company As is his usual proct dure, h • went ter Bon1 wuc marr.ed Friday evenwrites the following letter to Mid- up on the tank, which i» aoout t(·,irt ,ng at the nome of the bnde os pa<- · vale Junior Band, under date of Aug-. or forty feet h'gh, to measu e t'l€' g._., ents, il-Ir. and J\1r~. W. .u. Kuh1 e.j 17, 1925, from Salt Lake City, L"tah: and m sone unll:nown manner, ~li<J,il€d Bishop J. P. Jen~en performed the We wish to congratulate you l!.nd at and fell to the ground. I the same time inform vou that you1 Being a heavy man, ht: brok(' h' cere.1.•ony. -....~...ljt-'Yj'/¥t~~ 'band has qualified to ~ppear in the right arm, fracturec.. three rib:; ... net Pink 1·o,;es in a silver basket furnished the center piece, pink candl~~ I final contest to be held at Lagoon Re- X-Rays are now bemg t.::ken to rleand sit ver hoiders and tiowers fursort, Thursday, August 20, 1925, at termine the extent ot hb mternal innished ' the decorations. The bride 4 :30 p. m. sharp. We ask that you juries. wore a gown of orchid crepe, and carinstruct your org-anization to report He was found b~· Hollis Aylt t.t, o · ried a bridal bouquet or rose:; anu at the resort not later than 4:00 p. rn. the West Jordan 1\Llling Co., whi<'h sweet peas. in order that they may be ready to plant b located adjoining the ga ollne The following gue~ts were present: play at the given time without delay, storage station. He was uncor.sciouh Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Bom, Mr. anu as we stated before that promptness and was rushed to Drs. Hosmer, Alley Mrs. G. A. Creger; Mr. anu .:1-Ir~. D. plays an important part in the decis- and Quick, emcrg()rcy ho. pita! 1 ion. :Midvale, where he wa;; treated by Dr. A. Drown, Mr. und Mrs. J. D. l\lille1·· berg, D1·. and !\Irs. :\I. D. Kuhre. We are planning to have all of thL ·Alley and later relT'oved to St. Marks Misses Hosamond and France::. bands parade in one body under thl hospital. Zverince of Cleveland, Ohio, Miss direction of L. A. Yo~t, at 12:00 oclock .t(.ozella Crosgrove, 1\Ir. 1\larcus Cushnoon Thursday, so will you kindly ar· ing, Mr. ivan Dorn, Mr. 1v'a!do Born, range to have your band meet at th~ Mr. Udell Kuhre, and Bbhop J. 1'. Odeon Hall, Main and North Temple Jensen. Salt Lake at 11:30. Mr. Walter Born left for CaliforIn the event that it is impossib!t nia Saturday, and Mrs. Born will joiu for all of your players to report for him in October, to make their home. the parade, kindly have all who can Following closely thl rPcent price as we want as large a showing as reduction on Chevrolrt clc•cd car , possible. came the announcement toda~ from " _ _ ~ •. , ~n ~leasant ~est We are inclosing the report card, W. S. Knudsen, president and r,eneral 1 so that you may be able to add the manager of the Che\To)et Motor comfEI~ finishing touches for this final event. pany, that the entire line of boo,h We have decided to use just the one open and closed models has bern m1 As announced last week in the JourLarge and impressive funeral serv- number in the final, and that one b€'- 1 proved by the addition of numerou, S nal, the Jordan Distri~l Boy . Seouts ices for ~tr. John Bodell, age 24. Son ing "The Admiral." rcfinementr:. 3 ... left Tue:,da~ n ormng wr a tup thru of .Mr. and ::.\lrs. J. S. H. Bodell, who Very Respectfully, Included in the Ji~t of improve1 Yelwwstone park. wa:-; kdied 'l'uesday, August 11, at AMUS'hlMENT CONCESSION Co. ments are new and attractive headIll 'fho~e making- the trip are; 7:[,0 P· m., wh le repa1ri11g light:; on Lagoon, By A. C. Christensen, Mgr.ltights which replace the former t:vpe. i ~ Alma F. Sn·ith, of Sandy. a pole here, wen: held Friday in the CONSOLIDAED MUSIC COi\iPANYIThey are mounted on a heavy tie-bar Virgil Butler, of Butler. ward chapel at 2 p. m. with Bishop By Dean R. Daynes, Dept, l\lanager plo.ced between the front fendus. h·an Frost, of Blulftlale. F. P. Cr::.ne otriciating-. ThLS an-angement affords better The fine quality that appeals to Wallace Merrill, of Bluffdale. C. I. Goff of :Midvale was the prinmounting for the headlights and pE.:rpeople, above aU others, m the actrng Herman Smith, of Drape!. cipal :peaker and told of the good mits them to be interchangrable, of Jackie Coogan, is that tjuality 01 Tacoy Sorenson, of Riverton. I Wol'k and character of the young eliminating the neces~ity for right mentality anu of spirit. his in•tat.L Weldon .Matthews, of ~Vhd\·ai('. man. He also spoke of this being and left hand lamps. The tie-bar comprehens.on of the motive~ that Parley }!atthews, of 1\lidvale. ti1e third brother in lh€' famil~· that The local organization is in fourt'l also provides a convenient place for govern hurnun action. his inst.ncti \ e Rex Whitmore, of 1\iidvale. he had had char?e 9_f in less than! place and will compete TODAY with carrying the front license plate. · understanding oi the springs of 'enEdmund Thomas, of Munac·. three ,·ear· all oi wh1ch w h ~. ere grown eig t of t h e best bands in the State. The former steermg wneei has , ' timcnt, are the marvel of th•s boy 01 Van Anderson, of Munay. to manhood. Other ~peakers were Mr. Cox the leader thinks that been supplanted by a substantial walnine who, a..:cording- to 1Javlll War1ic!u David Pace, of l\Iurrav. Eller P·,r·ey Ro e of i\1 f ' ' " L " • s • organ, ormer the success of the band is due to the nut wheel with notched finger-r:rip... and a host of critlcf, b the greatest Robert Gaddie, of Salt Lake. n .ss1on companion Bishop David loyalty of the individual members of The center of the wheel spider is of artist today ou the screen. Wilford Robbins, of Sa1t Lake. Bill.,; and :Z. Bu~ter~eld of the High the organization and all the succe.;;o:; polished aluminum. "Little Hobinson C1 usoe,'' wh:ch i" Distr,ct Scout Commissioner, E. Counsel, both of R1verton, and Jos- attained will reflect to the credit of . . a Met.ro-Goluwyn pH:ture, superv1Seu · Allen Bateman was in charg·e. onh i\I Holt president of the Jordan M'd th t d' th An 1mproved mountmg 1 "' • . , 1 va e, smce e own sen mg e k d h 1 t 1 hfor b the by Jack Coogan, Sr., i~ comntg w the Itinerary is as follows; .stake from South Jordan · Invocation b an d rece1· ves th e ere d't 1. • spar an1 t rott h e· con ro s a.;. 1~_:,m Hl.JB Theatre 1or 3 days, starting 011 Tuesuay, Aug. 18, Idaho Falls. was offered by Patriarch Gordon S. It is just this kind of publicity that l arranget on t ~ mstrurr:ent pane· :Sunday, August 23ru. Wednesday, Aug. 19, Old Faithful. Btll~ , and the . benediction. was pro- put s t owns . th It ·. · The gear sh1ft lever has been on e map. Is rmpo;;- len th d thr e i hes fhursday, Aug. 20, Lake Hotel Camp. nounced by H1gh Counc1lor A. T. sible for us to have a band competing g ene e nc • Friday, Aug. 21, Canyon of Yellow- Butterfield, both from Riverton. Mu- with the best bands of the state at, The horn formerly us d has bccu stone. si? was fu_rnbhed by the ward choir Lagoon before the eyes of the world ~e~laced by a motor dnven Klaxon ____ Saturday, Aug. 22, Mammoth Hot w1th a mtxed quartet composed of without gaining some timely publicity 0 n. . 1\It·s o R F 1·eem n ~Ir Laf Cta d 1 b A heavier tie-rod has beer placed Spring·s. Tuesu'a)' aite1·noon at the "· · · a ...•, · s. e · ne, The Mi va e band has een stren- between the radiator and dash. " ar·tt S d A 23 Old F · thf I Amusement Hall the l~elie1 Soclet~ un ay, ug. ' at u . Reuben and Levi L' reeman. A solo, gthened and is in much better condi. . . . . Monday, Aug. 24, Jenny's Lake. "Ab1de With Me" was rendered by t' t t t t 1 th .t fi t Adlhtwnal mtertor remforc~mcrts 1 8 gave a social honoring Mrs. Sarah ' . 1on o con es Ol ay an on rb h b dd l t th H .. · . Bennett, of East 1\ljdvale. .Ml·s. Ben- Tuesday, Aug. 25, Rexburg. one of the Utah Power & Light Co. appearance. . ~ve ~en a tl el ~ I e anltsot raanett was for seventeen years an otfi- Wednesday, Aug. 26, Logan~ employees from Salt Lake. The grave We have only to move up one p(at'C Ia or o rus. ess alrp ane me a. Thursday, Aug. 27, Midvale. wa -- tlcclicated by Thomas Hamilton t 0 t . t' Ca d ·t? Balloon ti!'eS are standard on all cer of the Midvale organization antl " . ge m ne money. n we 0 1 · closed dels in recognition of these many year;; ot of Rrverton. There were more than The boys are playing now f{)r you mo . • . ·h . one hundred out of town people in and for our to\\-n. Will we back them I Indestructible Duco tim~ lS ~ocd service tne social was given. attendance. All t . th . YES' on bot~ ?pen and c~osed cars. rhe President Sarah Jensen was in • up. oge el · sedan 1s m aquamanne blue and the charge of the following pro guam coach and coupe in sage greetl. The Community Singing roadster and touring models are- fin I /lio one hus more decided oplnlona tnd preferences concerning clothe& han the college girl who ls being t•utrltted tor her sojourn at school. It will lo no harm t-> humor her whi:t;.s.vhen they are withln reason-and ·bus add a few extra thrllls ot joy to 1 heart that ls easily elated-or de)ressed-over trlftes. Uuny girls J!reter pajamas to nlght~owns, and many pajama sets louit:llte this choice. Here is one of light piDk cotton crinkle crepe, deckerl out ,·tth little bows of bla<'k baby ribbon. rhe ,;hort sleeves and t be trousers have narrow frills to finish them, •uade of net or point d'esprtt lace. Crinkle crepe Is soft, pretty, easily washed, and need not be Ironed. The ribbon boW'!'! are removable, being r.. When He Fights He Fights Even r ened on with tiny safety pins. If It's Only in Front of Camera. Kenneth Harlan In The Ranger of the Big Pines Kenneth Harlan is more or less a peaceful young man, but has quite a good knowledge of how to handle himself when he has to. In making "The Ranger of the Big Pines," he had to lay the villa~n out "cold" before going on with his business. But he did not fare so well, as the battle occurred ·in the open on rather rocky ground, and by the time the scPne was finished both he and tbe "heavy' were not pretty specimens to attend nn afternoon tea. 'rhat is one thing about Harlanwhen he fights he ftghts. He believes in making it reali~:;tic, and if his opponent wants to take things a little. easy he is soon goaded into making it worth while. It is seldom that either he or his opponent doesn't emerge from the melee with some sort of damage. "The Ranger of the Big Pines" is a fast, western dramn of the big woods. The fighting hero role is just the kind that Harlan revels in. He makes an i,mposing figure and gives and excellent performance. You reMember his work in "The VirginiaMl"? We think "The Ranger of the Big Pines" equally as good. Be sure to see it at the Isis Tuesday, Wedne.sday~ Thursday, August 25, 26, 27. SUBCRIPTION $1.50 YEAR GREATER MURRAY \VILL CAVOR1' A'l SARATOGA T.dE ~6 The Greater Munay League, composed of all the busmess mt:al in the thriving to~n of Munay, 1s going ell mass to Saratoga Spnng~ August <:6, 19LG, for one grand outing. They will leave the Murray Cit> Hall at 1:00 o'clock. 150Lf people wil1 participate. All kind;, of svurts, anu games and prizes for all. Mayor Lester is responsible for the statement that this League will put on ;me of the fiuest vrogran iS'" seeu in utah for many a ) ear. Old anJ young will find amusement ga!ore. Their will be a baseball &ame between the Murray V. F. D. and the Murray Business Men .. This wdl, no doubt, be a scream, say those who know. Horse shoe pitching between the Fire Department and Murray business men. However, nobody will be barred, even Midvale horRe shoe pitchers are welcome to taste defeat. Chevrolet Offers Smne Improvements Along With Price Reduction JORDAN DISTRICT LARGE AND IMPRESSCOUTS IN YELLO\V SIVE FUNERAL SER STONE PARK NOW VICES FOR BODELL Contplete Itinerary Giv- Herriman .Man Laid To "LIT'TLE ROBINSON On Ten Friday Bishop CRUSOE \VH:ll Day Outing For Boys Crane Officiating FOR J aclde COOGA1 This B y 'J.'he :.\larve}: Of the Age, l:!ay hosi.s Of Cr ·ticBusiness Mr. Cox Airs His Views On Success of Band • f S . t R e IIe OCle y \Vorker Honored I 'Vest Jordan Man Gets Arm Broke Ill Run a way . . Mtdvale Ftre Depart- WEST JORDAN FOLK ment Attend State Meet HOLD PROGH.Al\I IN FIFTH WARD, LEHI Proacya~T Duet, ~Irs. N. E. BPI'glllan Floyd G~rdner, of West Jordan, ish~~ in gunmetal grey Duco w;.th had the m1sfortune to be the front str1pmg to match a ;Jre uphobteorted " Mrs. D. B. Roman, Mr. and Mrs. seat occupant in a runaway last TueF;in grey which blends plea dngly wit11 M. Grant Winters of Washington D. and Mrs. Albert Poulson. Remarks, Mrs. M. T. Goff. day morning, f1•om which he emerged The Midvale Volunteer Fire Dethe boay finish. C. were guests last Tuesday of Mrs. Piano Solo, Mrs. Earl Smickle. with a broken arm. The injured aTm partment wa~ adequately represented West Jordan Chotr motored to Lehi ---------Rose N. Simper. "A Bouquet for Mrs. Bennett" read was set by Dr. Lindsay at the emerat the Utah State Fireman's :Meet in Sunday, August 16th and gave the * * * ' Miss Beatrice Simper entertained by Mrs. Mamie Jenkins. gency hospital of Drs. Hosmer, Allt;y Salt Lake City, Monday, Tuesday and following program in the fifth ward., 0 Remarks and Presentation of Fern, and Quick, in Midvale. "·'eclrte."tla".of thl·~ "'eek. Th . h ld . tl !\I her C. Y. C. Club last Thursday evenMrs. A. J. Nielson entertained at Sarah Jensen. * * * vv o ' .., " • e 'S~rv;ces were e m lC • em-~ 00 l > M B t L. C. Canning, Thos. C. Smith, Wil- onal Blilldmg. dinner Friday in honor of her aunt, ing. Sewing was the main diversion. l ,espone, 1·s. ennet . Mr. and Mrs. Soren D~hl announce 1 ford Le Page, Jame~ H. Powell and A chorus of sixty members gave Mrs. I. B. Neddo of Providence, R. 1. Dainty refreshments were served to Community Singing. . . • the engagement of therr daughter Lee Bro\m were the delegates from the program; ten guests. Mr. ,McGee, forn er·y ;n the dry Covers were laid for .Mr. and M1·s. Sixty one members and vtstton Ella to Charles Smith, the marTiage, Midvale. Supplication and Praise, Anthem, goods and shoe department of the I. B. Neddo, Mr. J. W. Steele, Mrs. were served luncheon at two long· ta 'II t k 1 S t b 16 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rawlins anJ WI a e Pace ep em er · J. J. Hannifin, veteran fire fighter By Choir. Booth Mercantile Co. store, ha, reLeo Harrison and Mrs. Roy Harris<m, 1 bles. turned, a"ter a visit m Idaho an<l in Misses Annie and Ella Neddo auu daughter Maxine, Mrs. Louis Johnson Summer flowers were used to decof Eureka, and former chief of the Invocation, James H. Gardner. and Miss Portia Rawlins spent the orate the assembly room and the tunMiss Etta Jace. Tilden Is Tennb Giant volunteer fire department of that city, "The Lord's Prayer," Anthem, by Ephriam with his family. He w ll week end at Gunnison, the guests of be glad to meet his former customn · was re-elected president of the Utah Choir. Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson. cheon tables. ::itatc Firemen's association for 1925Duet, Charles Smith and Elsie Dahl. and will get into the harnE '' again, * • • Male Quartet, "Jesus Lover of my giving all hi; old time courteous sel;William Tilden 26. The delegates enjoyed a banquet at Soul," Charles Smith, Milton Cundick, vice and quality in goods. Mrs. May Y. Lambert entertained •he tennis giant READ WITHOUT FAIL We must watcll at a family dinner Sunday. Covers Charles Cockayne and Jos. J. Smith. <' o n t I n u e s to the Elks Club 'l'uesday evening. 1 It will be to your interest to read our Jumher supply, were laid for twelve. Yesterday was tournament day at Address, Bishop Wm. J. Leak. Mr. and Mrs. WilliaM Sharp and amaze the devo· as It would I.Je ter... Male Quartet, "Jesus Savior Mine," family of Rigby, Idaho, arrived .S<tt every item of the J. C. Penney Com• tees of the game Liberty Park. r·!hle to have our!~ Address "My Trip Around the urday evening to spend a week, by his brilliant Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Osborne had as pany three column advertisement in eahln statesmen bGia their guest Sunday Mi;;s Venus another section of this is:me and al~o World" by Charles Smith. guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sharp. work. Miss Lois Hasmussen leaves this lwUlses! "Light and Life Immortal," Anth* * • the final announcement of the P. C. Walker of Lark. week for Seattle, Wash, for an exem by the Choir. Sun , Mrs. Nielsen at dirrneor in Rasmussen & Sons, Inc., Clothmg tended stay with relatives. Benediction, David T. Dahl. honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Subine of • : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · · · Store. You can easily i'ave a day~ wages by spending five minutes lookMr. and Mr.;. Wm. Nelson and Murray and Mr.,. Sahna Mains of • ing over the prices therein mentioned. small sons, accompanied by Mrs. J., Mr. and Mrs. Anton Rasmussen en- Salt Lake. JOURNAL ads are guarantee<! and A. Pierson and small daughters, and tertained at a family dinner Sunday. • * • the items are as specified. Take adMr. and 1\lrs, Wm. L. Rose and daugh- Covers were laid for 45. Out o" town Mrs. Victor :M:oss of Woodruff, is vantage of them. ter, June, spent Sunday in Timpan- guests were Mr. and Mrr. Claude visiting at the home of her mother, ogas Cave. Brown and children of Twin Falls, Mrs. Wm. Dean. • • • Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lambert and' • • • Mrs. M Thavne entertained last, Number This Week ..................... _........-....... 209 Carloads • I I.a"t Wednesday aftemoon, Mr. children of Hepcr, Mr. and .Mrs. C'yde Mr. and Mrs. Claude Browr a td Sunday for Mr. {lnrl Mrs. Richard Number Last Week .....-................. ............. 219 Carloads. ,,, and Mrs. Gv.;tliam Jones, Mr. and Rasmus.'>en and .Mb:; B. Bond and child1·cn and Mr. and !Y.£ ·s. Teci Brown Goff and family of Idaho Falls, and ____.. _.... 178 Carloads -'""'.! Mrs. K<'nneth Jones, Mr. Myron and Mr. R. McFee of Helper City, und of Twin Fall~: Ida., are viriting relaMr. and Mrs. Wi I Thayne of Fur.nSame Period Year Ago lihui!it\i&m:.B . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Larsen. Miss Frances Rasmu ·sen of Magna. 1tives h~re for severa! weeks. ington. V 1 R T McGee eturns B th Mere. Company . • • • I ' I • I Carload Shipments Received At Smelter I |