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Show !fi!:fi!fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!fiy; !:Fi .y; !:fi !:fi m A Few of ~ ' I !:fi y; ~!fi m !:fi THAT GU'l' MUST ~ () ~ HAS SPEED ~ JUST WUGHT A L~T !fi Specials y;~ Ho,ll MUCH YOU TAKE f'OR THAT SOlLER, Ml'i>TA ? NEW <3ECOND HAND MILES PER !:Fi For ~Ell X 0 FOP. THE LOVE OF GooDNES~, DRIVE DolliN .A 51DE STREET AND LET ME OUT -WE MUST LOOK liKE THF SiDE SHOW OF A CIRCUS COMING DOWN r - - - . : - - - - - ' MAIN 3TREH BE ADVER1i'31NG '30METt-liNG WITH Ti-lAT Fl.lNtiY CAR AUTOMOBILE HouR m y; 1School1~~2~~2 ==~~~~~~~==~~~~:;~~--~-~~~~~r6~~~~ ~ ~I DRAPER l_EA_s~T_MI_n_vA_LE_.....:jjr--:.~--=::::=~-:-----• !fi !fi 1..-T-h-e-M-i-ss_e_s_N_o_n_n_a_a_n_d-L-e-ah-F-it...Jz- !:fi !:fi!fi !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi !fi Y1 !:fi !:fi !:fi Printed Silk Mercerized Crepe Special 79c Striped Broad Cloth Is very Good for SCHOOL 50 C the yard ~ "Repchene" .lk . d SI mercerize y; (a !fi CI 0 th) !fi F or School 75c the Yard I Im ~ ~ !:fi !fi !:fi !:fi !:fi Ratine in plain colors 69c the Yard Yi !fi !:fi !:fi !fi ~ ;n !:fi y; !:fi !fi !fi !fi!fi !:fi !:fi !:fi y; !:fi !fi !:fi y; y:; !fi!fi !:fi y; !:fi !:fi !:fi v.= ;;n !:II; !:fi of Richfield, are guests this week of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. w. w. Fitzgerald. • • • Mrs. c. o. Jensen and children of Magna, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~oren Rassmussen. • • !fi Ask to see the !:fi New Portable !:fi !:Fi Super ~ Hetrodyne y; Something New !fi!fi ARADIOLA that needs No Aerial No Ground YOU Can Carry It Anywhere And Get Any Station You WISH -I-FYourFORD Don't Shoot Or Uses Too Much GAS Booths Garage !fi !:fi Q• Midvale Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Cook and son Ross of Midvale, wel'e dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Lester Forbush. • • * THIS IS LESS THAN WHOLESALE Beginning AUGUST 24, 1925 Lasting ten (10) Days ONLY Black and Tan, Oxfords and Ties Childs ........................................................................ 98c to $1.98 Misses .................................................................. $1.48 to $2.18 Ladies ................................................. -·............... $1·78 to $2.98 ••• Mrs. Annie Terry had as her guests several days of this week, Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Garfield and Mrs. Mary Jane NeveU of Mona and Mrs. Lisador Walker and daughter Venus of Lark. ••• Members of the Garfie~ fam~ly held a 1·eunion Saturday at the home of Heber Garfield. One hundred twenty-five members were present. SPECIAL Childs Keds ............................................................... 88c pair Childs Skuffers ...................................... ..................... $1.98 Misses ....................................................................................... $2.38 • • • Miss Zola Beck was hostess to the P. T. Club, Thursday aftemoon. Refreshments we_re served to seven members. • • • BOYS SHOES Western Scouts ............................................................... • .. • I Western Scouts ...... L .................................................. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stringfellow Western Scouts ............................................................... entertained at a Dutch lunch after the dance Wednesday evening. Those Heavy School Shoes ................................................... present were Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Mrs. Will Jones and children of Salt Lake are guests this week of 1 Mrs. Jones' sister, Mrs. Ben McGuire. 1 • $1.58 $1.98 $2.28 $2.78 Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Andrus, 0. D. Ballard, and Mrs. Agnes Fib.gerald. • • • Miss Melba Andrus was hostess to the I. N. S. Club at a Kensington Wednesday afternoon. Lunch was served to six members.. • * • Te-jl Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mickelsen turned home Wednesday from a month's trip through southern Utah, California, Washington and Oreg·on. * * * I MEN'S Western Scouts .......................................................... $1.98 Heavy Work Shoes ................................................. $3.48 All LADIES Shoes at FACTORY Cost Greatest Money Saving Opportunity for SCHOOL DAYS at Mr. Bob Larsen, who has been critically ill with "Flu" pneumonia, is reported to be on the improve. l • • .. Mrs. Sylvia Harknests of Magna] was guest last week of Mrs. C. E. Tholan and Mrs. John Malstrom. 1 just Received * • * Mrs. Mary Graham of Union visited Sunday with her sister, Mrs. 1 Jame~ Glover. . I • * • I Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller and children left early Monday morning for a week's vacation tour of Yellow-J ~tone Park. • • Footwear for Fall Beauty of line and excellence of quality add to the attractiveness of our showing of Fall Footwear. Come here • shopping before you buy.. Mrs. J. H. Weaver had as her guests last Friday evening, Mr. and M1·s. James Boyter and family of Salt Lake. $1.95 to $5.00 * • • School Shoes arriving daily Mrs. J. A. Gustaveson entertained at dinner 1ast Sunday. Special guests ineluded Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Erick-1 son of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gustave~on of Midvale; Mr. and Mrs. Alma Erickson and Mr. Morris Asplund of Murray. Webb & Christensen Shoe Company * • • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Millerburg and Miss Susie Brady spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Millerburg, Sr. Splendid assortment Riverton, Utah -------------------------' * "' * Mr~. M. J. Thornton is entertaining this week for her guests Mr. and Mrs. John T. Thornton of Monroe. • * • Mrs. Alma Erickson of Murray and Mrs. J. A. Gustaveson were Salt Lake visitors last Wednesday. "' * • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allsop and family returned home Sunday after a week's visit with relatives and friends in Idaho. * "' * Over All LEVI STRAUSS aist Overalls !:fi Sixteen Bov !Scouts under the * * * ' leadership of Scoutmaster Chief E. !:fi Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cutler left MonAllen Bateman, left Tuesday morning !:fi day for their home in Blackfoot, Ida. for a short visit to Yellowstone Park. !fi After visiting here for sometime with A new pair FREE if They Rip • !:fi Mrs. Cuther's mother, Mrs. Annie * "' * Look for the Two Horses Mrs. Sarah Bennett had =¥ he1· Terry. ~~~---------guests Tuesday her daughters, Mrs. !:fi COMING SOON* • has as :her Lizie Panter and Mrs. William Wer!:fi Mrs. Amelia * Simmons South Jordan, Utah rett. !fi guest this week Mrs. 0. H. Bateman To Isis Theatre, Midvale Miss Violette Sharp was a guest and baby of Bellingham, Washington. "The Big STORE" Douglas Fairbanks in "Don Q. Son of Zorro" !fi Sunday of Miss Maebell Gustaveson. • * • !fi Mr. Jos. Dunyon, Mrs. Martha . !fi Dunyon, Mrs. Martha Dunyon and !:fi :~~da;a~~o~a~to;~ek~=t~;~~edthr:~~~ !:fi!:fi!fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:li!:fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!fi!fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!fi!fi!fi!:fi!:f !:fi the Yellowstone Park. ~ TOMORROW MAY LATE ; n!:fi !:fi Mr. and Mrs.•o.•D.•Ballard had as Yi;n See Herman Jaannsen aboutBEall TOO • u: kinds of insurance ;n y; their guests Sunday M:zt. Richard y; General agent for y; !fi White and Mrs. Truitt Green of Park !:fi South Salt Lake County !fi I !:fi City. Mrs. White and Mrs. Green Representing !:fi leave soon for Graeagle, Cal., where !:fi METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO. !fi 1 y; they will make their home. !fi!:fi Life, Sickness, Accident Policies. • !fi!:fi • • .. Largest Company y; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Peterson and !:fi Lowest Rates !:fi y; son of Salt Lake were week end y; Liberal Benefits !:fi !:fi guests of Mrs. Peterson's parents, . Call me before you buy insurance Mr. and Mrs. Heber Allen. !fiph M'd San dy, Utah, R3y; !:fi • • • !:fi one 1 • <>r.:4 ~ 1923 Hudson Co~ch ..........................................................."........................ $885 !:fi Spanish Mr. and M1·s. LeGrand Smith of U:LI::il~U:!:fi!:fi!fi!fiU:!:fi!fi!:fi!fi!fi!:fiU:~l..t=~i..t=!:fi!:fiLe l..ll:U .!fi Fork were week end guests ;n:n;n;;n ;;n :n:n;n;;~l;;n;;;n ;;;n ;;n;~ for Jordan Mere. Co. en a11tvl Youths I Good Buys In y; !fi Can Fix It !:fi ·"""""" !fi y; In Fifteen Minutes y; 1 I BOoth ere • M I C • All Shoes at F acsory Cost Mrs. Sarah Crane returned home Friday, after spending a week at Riverton, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Bills. ;;~1 Mr. and Mrs. Reid Beck, Mr. and Mrti. Thursday evening Mrs. J. A. Gustaveson entertained thirty-five guests complimenting her sister, Mrs. F. Stickler of Weiser, Idaho. For the Entire Family • u• Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rasmussen, REMEMBER !fi !fi oe ;fi gerald !:fi !:fi !:fi !fi !:fi !fi !:fi !:fi y; ~ !:fi !:fi y; of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith's parents. Day, Mrs. Mrs. s. c. ;ail:y:Mrs. John Bo-1 berg, Mrs. Cl·ozier Kimball and Mrs. John Hardcastle, left Tuesday morning with the Seagull Girls for a three days' trip to Wasatch. ••• Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ballard and children were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ballard of Magna. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Soren Rasmussen and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rasmussen attended the Scandinavian jubilee at Mt. Pleasant Saturday and Sunday. * •• Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Lambert and children left Tuesday for their home in Helper after visiting relatives here for two_w_e_e_k_s._ _ _ __ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett returned Monday evening from an eleven day trip thru Yellowstone, Idaho and Wyoming. They visited Grovont River territoory, Jackson y; Hole, Teton Peaks, Chain Lakes and var!ous places. of scenic wonders, on W"V"~fjl..t=~~!:Fi!fi~!fi!:fi!:fi t~e1r return tnp and ;ep.ort the beau;;;rr.. :n.;n;n :n:n tleS far beyond description. !:fi y; =-----------------------r. Oliver Plow and Oliver Disc Harrow One Fourth Down. Two Years On Balance This Special Offer Lasts Only to August 27th Now you can buy the FORDSON tractor together with an Oliver plow and harrow on easy terms, an advantage every farmer will really appreciate. With this equipment, increase your crop profits sufficiently to make extremely easy the long deferred payments which your FORD dealer will arrange for you. You can spread the cost over two Fall payments or secure a discount by paying the balance even sooner if you wish to do so. C. ]. RIDD MOTOR CO. LINCOLN-FORD-FORDSO N 1------------------------.! COMING SOONTo Isis Theatre, Midvale · DougIas F air • ban k s Ill • "Don Q. Son 0 f zorro" 1924 1924 1924 5 1924 1924 Dodge Touring ................................................................................$750 Essex Coach ..........................................................................................$685 Ford 4-door Sedan ........................................................................ $425 Ford Coupes .................................................................. $200 to $350 Chevrolet Sedan :.............................................................................$685 Studebaker Special .....................................................................$775 Other Good Values ran Murray • owe Utah • • |