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Show -Norah know that her mother voice ahe hated. noon peace Norab Barry SMALL NATIQN I think Mr. Dunsmuirs found chain: Barry ret himself marriage with a man she hard- - itlonis much the better, dear. We'II APMV OF DOZEN MEN pale and tired. out wearily; she leaned from her ly knew, her mother answered for leave him here for a good rest and , - then later on poasibly BUT DEFIES WORLD own chair to put a pillow under his her. d Tou mean you would like it That wasnt my bargain." Norah head, and he opened the eyes he NORRIS a disinterested V asked in marrlase said cool, the voice. celed. KATHLEEN Barry closed In bis rather cadaverous - to be interestedly. His tone betrayed Barry's quite right it's easy to face, and nodded his thanks. yoa dlreWe've been talking. Mr. Duns- - neither reluctance nor regret promise a thing and sometimes aew -of Andorra's stand, Mogan hard to perform it But" She And my muir." Keith began. Unfortunately. Mrs. Oliver I rather think swered with dignity, that Is not looked at him. "if he wants me."tng army all'll starting unite of and and Eve mother I'm and his home is . and this s t PrCMdlar Itstalmmlsi 'it, six officers and six men. noaslble. But some arrangement sho said. I'll stay hare.". to get out." we r,j,a ( m married to him. and i Aought 'Datum became ene aed moment I) rtween you and Noruh, or you and, ,.!I.,don? I pause; Barry opened his eyes, caused this minaturo aelf- ere .wanted you." Barry taln'tly ,rHta,e4 tone-h- er In hro.h-e,i -to underme one look. said, trying laugh. Norah. get TchaTrs ond" the t Norah entered Into aga.n. 'Why get out? Why not let gravely at him was surprised to 1o to its defenses is not known; standing with mo sixteen months ing slttlne there talking to out? Tou ail like Fora wav. and Keith XManei see hts was wet with hot. anyway, the plane are alii forehead j no that hers seasiarlwai said, It temperately, a here a(?0." Barry thought Daasmair Norah took a chair, and Norah So? i nni led at them, and wiped her hot longer ago than this morning I ve -- Xow she doesn t want to keep the perspiration and that he was trera- - made, and would-b- e invaders I -, anantl mako t 0 point to It? govern themoelve. accordingly.may ntur-asTno usa for It I'm planning (bunt That bargain, she wants to l.forehead. U med In that be with TJe I pointls may other Well, thats right tether trip, anyway. secret Uke summe- r- ahe said. Tha tending force will be sup W sgree now. for the matter s Norah Jake me upstairs:" , k.nglandfor a year, on research me What ie tile As oee SSmmwi she of that." an by a militia. Every him. plemented with He interruptedeeveloquent paused, oea. work. npAttar kmm M lone with Dr, - m Barry said suddenly. Jumping male will be required In the pauao: Don't discuss It any more. The I've got to wash my face and ora in oaths be wJl relora te aFotamas Oliver, with a resoluteness 'hrug. Norah spoke case in to jjrs. cal of will to others Join, lob a I gosubject sets Bella makes you tblnk I dont stay." 10 write s boeb.. math bed hands clean up a little. Tou go tost unusual In her. suddenly took ' 'What She got np. and stooped from be-- warretameia aad Sisk br want to keep it. I don't know tho , way. charge of the conversation. ahead. for Terk New wave b will Flint lock rifles standard Xve her mother's chair to kiss to lbs sows that an electric moment Mra hind Which is onr room?" , ISMtbo No I think we'll W Mrs. Oliver's forehead. equipment. If pronoun abode- - the city, or to my 'daughter's In Oliver said sharply. Norah!" Andorran The Ancient slogan, I'm Besot tomeaialr. netrys the up going spring trail. Mother. It was a bargain.' Voeewev te bar ed aha gave no sign. From tho Scsrsdale. Mr Dunsmuir." she de- tsfonaa borab be willed gwena mother, to see the mountains I'll "Touch, me." etc., will be insert ears sfce wide upper hail ahe went through cided pleasant Visooth ugly r and.' Mr-friend. latetllo circumstances woldtera but buttons the will, belong. Don't discus, this any,'"J"on trik ouesod to Bun Dortd Bowerd open door Into a pleasant alryive you a little time to get yourjUUnsmulFa absence wear mors It's settled." Im. the . wdb whom Noreb hod Jooavwyla bannv biosa terrible farmhouse chamber: Tou've had peartree Andorra has an area of 11 bearings. Exactly Barry agrsed with (To Bo Continued 1 Base bet egeia and ebe bha. e treat aoma m cW and a long- trip. and I , rwlr.kltng eyes Can't you see that (Copyright r te vein lie a whita' tapestry si. ths. experience,will L tits I. eehr 1932. by Kathleen Nor-- quar mUe- - IU window. best srrange-- 1 everything's changed?" be the think that gwpmM fstiowsd. latter rial Chat Weraft 7 (Is This la my room." Norah aaldJment fora while anyway." "No," Norab said simply, with A IBS rU) at - dTwM mttirm wlthout xpreion. . " I cant Ton Barry had opened his eyes, they tlOTa glance at him. btltnilac is on tbas tha her fixed were room politely lsiba Barry when It was my mother's go down with Keith tomorrow, thar ars po- - Mother, and take Eve. As ailv tftow like." he How you responded was kid." And If yon - ALBUQUERQUE. N. M-- . Jan. 4 lea-I said. a Barry annum Attar apaadimf Aaya as aa go back to Guatemala. I'll come t (INS) Local far was he really at ease, really Tltely authorities mft. be Wt-.rm- dw and vnnl. Well be back " Norah began, down sad so you o'f. I'll- stay friends today attributed the suicide smiling, aa bo briskly went about br b WU erbolias movlook aabacalded. via asrra.a. here." his washing and shaving? Norab uncomfortably. Barry's of Robert Walter. 17. to hia failure himself "to death In hlaroom last, "Bravo!" Barry said. In the ironic I to win a place on tho local high! night. ; confusedly wondered. How much d to her. . ' CHAPTER of the earthquake within her mind "Oh, are you going. Norah- he In aat back tone. was she and interested After luncheon Barry betraying? level, ta souj i Bhe flounced old winged bis basket chair, with his eyes eloogirl's color came up in a rush .DIvN W KKS I KK big eastern under j,er brown, firm skin and her ed. They thought him arteep. and balr at one of the ' wore careful to make no noise that . .indowa "Ira had ms Tn involuntary-laug- h OJ can't bluff mo!" she not8 ghe glanced at heFr .would disturb the thin. Inslgnlfl-lar- e -Che sunken eyen .thought tp her tremtsling heart. she cant figure with igell. I I don't know'" hands. 'Aloud she sal 1, 'Do yourolnd my stammered. and nervous Mrs. Oliver was equal The girls gathered to the kitchen sitting here? ' momento the t' I like It" Barry answered.1 - think Noreh had better come for - she d. "Norah. what a go'ng to happen We're you know?" Then: ng began con'identla'- Will he Just nowT" Eve asked. Her own color "Going to like being married to me. ), and stopped. us?" here with oe Norah s had Of course." Norah as stay 'rose, I suppose so. It's his house." "I hope mo. Norah answered aed- - she recommenced, in a fluttered Norah. why did you tell him atelv voice. Norah's Id forgotten that, ? ou've David T to were "It's one thing to make a engaged yoa rather I can't somehow realise - and anoth- -r to fulfill It isn't bargsiA0. It?" be nX-broken Davlda heart. asked. j "Hell get ever it' Too mean Norah's being my Rather Norah agreed cheer- - vtfe? Barry asked. - "Norah, youll have to get out of -too Its thia fully, awful, - this marriage' polite. gha t0M us only a - w weeks Davids told his father and moth- - They walked to the door. Barry go." Keith put Im n or and everything " was now; hie hair And Norah would prefer to go Pauline and Eto watched Norah eieekly r embed. lie looked youngs-dow- n with you. and then perhaps on went Norah curiously; washing er. If still tired and thin. She said come hack Barry pursued Idlv dishes without comment she wanted to show him some Well, sii this Is exciting it s Tou can't go on with it changes she had made here and unexpected " Mrs Oiver pleaded I was of age and in my right there In the house and garden. But stanchly. A little nervous spot of Blind. Norah said not now. not until later. If color burned in each cheek But my dear. Why. he's dread- It la so heavenly, at about five. -- he had had a lfttio time to prepare ful! Everything he says he grins she told him. That's the time to for it," she went on. It would be " And b's evident- - see evervthing " like A different But Norahs alwavs beg n Norah. what's making you ner-- like a like a child about nome'THP ilt-UUly a aervons wreck. And when I TTir TUnrnvrrrr J TCt7 think bow happy we were' jusFfliis'T5iii' She had has "TiilheslUr, Imiumulr - morning " Eve lamented. Rut Nothing." she said, with a, time now to consider that that what- do you Intend to do- - stay surprised glance that was per fee-- marriage of hers" --r here?" Eve was All but shrieking tioo in iu pleasant gravity. j twenty-fou- r darlin- gShe heard him chuckle as be fol- - .orah herself said In an absent- ' "I soot know He'll have some lowed her down to the lawn; her minded undertone, -There's no uoo going Into mother and brother and sister were plan. Dunsmuir would hardly r Bbot ft. Evb. H come gathered there in tha warm after- - holdjir. her to anything ahe didnt want j to do! Eve now aaid lightly, surges-stretche- WIFE fon SALE d, By J. MILLER WATT can-ha- jrjy , a". raiJSTJTiUiat'. - ta . - able-bodi- -- fS rlu - n -- ot w y -- - t. aj I . a . . nt , , ..... ! ed g. I f . ma-rte- -- E I 4 ' - i f- eiean-ahave- bob-gobl- i BySOLHESS ' ... Trk signl-ficantl- y. n I pl pnw paI Hfn I lliirial 1 V f ll If JknaL Af inU I La LA X7 I 1 ' Nr. Dunsmuir wouldnt think of, disappointing your expectations of him." Barry assured her instant- a ly. with his narrowed smile. Norah is as free aa you are. She win of coarse go down with all this - aftersoon If she wants you to go. WbalLcf to Norah?" think. you , From her silence, her flushed face and lowered" eyesTTi could read the tumult in her soul; in the look she suddenly gave him he saw pride and fear and puzzlement . mingled. ! MUGGS McGINNIS Long Division Bj WALLY BISHOP Today s Crossword Puzzle BIG SISTER Welcome, Stranger I TlLLJO W5VJEEP.TU.MCH OV5TOR9 f HIM. ILL SLIP OUT AMO LOCX FOR HE SHEO VJHERETHE CONfTRACOR SAiO HR THOUGHT T O VltO THAT f I A theory -- Mehs eath A--Aa 11 Irascibility Plunder 12 Pertaining is birth U A light thrust . JI Spanish dcdaita II To pines ta post lion (0 Beveraga mads from fruit 13 A broom mads of twigs U M-- Ona to Coal ractptacla 7 Father 2 Hmltaxa 33 Conducted, to n kuna 34 Loam talk K And not 33 Ancient GrtA-Poa- t 41 A football 3 Birds Tapering ptecs used in splitting wood 47 Child's toy i I Te freeze I Asy liable admontxhing silence .Aonft Wimple being or ultimate -- Bo -- European mountain tangn U Psrtodg, I .X , . ... Salt Immoral practices fiver and is contact By LES FORGRAVB |