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Show qnmm j iw -- 'v VI X THE 10 U. S. SENDS ULTIMATUM TO BRITISH ABOUT PORK John Bull Tohl When He Buts American Hogs. Will Aga in Buy His . Liq uor S. - DESERET NEWS LAKE SALT FRIDAY CITY I JANUARY 5 1934 e?" sms Bring the Lady in. Boys fK'CTV tn tariff raises, gave American textiles an advantage in But tn 1M1 American prices waia raised, as a result partly Of ed by A N E R S JA J9 CL E GRIP ON TRADE DENY CHARGES PHILIPPINES tho national recovery codesi The Chinese boycott, which was .effective in the Philippines as well as China, has ended and the closing of the neb India market has led to a drive by Japan for business in tho- - Philippines. Java, South America and elsewhere. The Chinese dominate the retail trade tn the Philippines. Their boycott was never officially admitted, but was made effective through Chinese hanking institutions The end of tho boy cott in China in May led the bankers to agree again to finance Japanese imports. Revises Tariffs In . The Philippine legislature the at iSil request of Governor General Theodore Roosevelt enact- ed a general upward revision of iarUf but tbe .truck out tbs sections dealing with textiles. certain foodstuffs including wheat, flour au& Iron and steel goodev leaving little advantage to American trade: During the hearings on the measure Japanese, interests in the OF OF TERRORISM -- Tokyo Competition Gains Against U. S. in Trial . Prom- Chicago Textiles I to be Long. . U. 1 11 BROTHER OF BOY DOOMED TO DIE COMFORTS YOUTH CANON' Colo, Jan. CITY. S. ,rh.M Jleppin. 2kg was traveling toward bis homo in Newark. today after satisfy tng himself that the fight M save " his brother. Walter. It. from death in ike Colorado lethal gas cham- ber was well under nay. Herbert made a ten minute call at Walter's cell in the state pem tentiary here before leaving for the east. Walter thanked Herbert In for hie efforts in bts behalf Denver and md he felt more than Yrom earea would be em that he the gas chamber. Herbert patted him on the back and told him to be brave. There were no tears, no sent!- ment. Only the guards on duty at the time knew of Herbert's visit to the prison , Hard Fight MANILA. P. K, Jan. 5. (AP) Japan is making a bid to dominate prohibition Britain the textitle trade in the Philipheld a irtut monopoh on that of the Insular .(Deseret Newa Staff Correspond- - markPL Honeter. pines late figures reveal. pener- WILLIAM L. COLLINS Irelands BT Dt bureau of custom lous o'frs to increase fts purrhai CorrespondFrom May. when the Chinese, Jam 5. UN&1 f Deseret News Staff WASHINGTON, gooda Tas ent.) boycott of Japanese goods came Treat Britain refusal to eat) grantirtr government more American pork products baa Jan. t (INS) A to an end, to October the Japanese CHICAGO. state tliaLy textile the Philippine t (limited yru reouaed In halting the flow weird and motley crew the butchquota. about it Ireland in totaling British liquor to this country, pefn.ifed ers and bakers and candlestick trade, normally to a from grew year, to ? jrend practi-al- l beingal Ihe wbLv learned toda). 10je.0e necessary makers apparently at The American trade negotiaton for wbjcb it cn Mrd a mar.et per cent, almost entirely and cleaning conduct Chicagos cotton American are instating Britain agree to takejIn rttlirn the Irih Fr,-- Fate ts headquarter- the expense of dyeing business are American pork and hdrurflroducU ' ,t jdliy increasing Ita purcheies goods. with MoUntaiflCPrS Attack ing In the criminal court here, In return for aq lncreast quota. Uj American goods. caoccta-l- j grain! Importers askeS officials to rethe avowed intention of proving port ha&i Aha situation . to M aahlngton The British government , Mine Government Peru is as spotleiw buslnesi that their but: with little hope of relief bebeen notitled no more permits mill as the garments that corns from cause of the insular of the failure be Issued for the entry of British LIMA. Peru. Jan i flNSI- thetr tuba. raise tariffs ch RESCLLlO 111 legislature .in .Jlqour nptlL an. undmunding tn their oppff- Government troops hPU The moun- -' "Dapper and" debonmlT. aro-suto protect leading American reached. sition itemo. New to Increases of these tain Aaron as village of Tamboraquo today defendants Sapiro. IX ATTEMPTING TO Woald Conflict In May American textile imports after a clash with townspeople York lawyer who onco sued yPOT Increases thUl Competition cent of to which took five lives and seriously per represented Britain! reluctant to agrc. Ford for I1.M0.000; Dr. Benia SAVE 1 14 IX MINE addition Japanese competl-wit- h trade In tho Philippines, the Jap- - injured nearly a score. the demand of the American trade min M. Squires. University of Chi an i negotiators because an Inaeuerin DUCHO V i DUX ) - CxechoaU goods an ewe' eight per cent and other! More than SO tioq villagers from cago economist and one time dicta- ts countries seven per tent But lnTamboraque ita pork and ham purchases from and reported by "Philippine neighboring tor of tho Industry in Chicago, andto ittn bt the towns had deOctober share stormed s iih, Jam i e l ihia country Ihcreaaing. government mitre Japanese Oscar E. Nelson who solemnly Amer-icaTlio Chinese low to with tta domestic policy and trade eham-he- r cent of H fumes from believed because snd that grown boycott, per they in a.dermsnlc the liberates prices for cotton snd the fact other countne to 10. while thejthe adjoining plant had killed ono agreement! it has with other n- In strange contrast nr Jerry was to shrunkiof attention American had res-the .citizens. Jpfc troops were f Jappn directing tJpercentage a two members .wi Donovan, labor leader and head of the Xlnder the national govern-- 1 (deaths of ittempting to free 1H market inIndia. recently clos- - to i per cent. , di patched to rv4dgs order-drivers union and jthe party beverage If Its journmther, stater, a ant mi matter .ho she Is, she's A1 Boris, . president of the Inside I"!1.1.? ,t,C0n.l,ICILI!!,T,ri!Jr' iTn.?,r'"nton miners, fnrj. horn hope tor UeMer ,oc enWM ' pas been abarrfon5 helpers' of the cleanera' and dyers' ' mor kil.e were rescuers union. dependent upon the rest of the and eighV burned. '""'T- - The owner f the rircled bead I. the street scene published seriously Bowte world for foodstuffs. In line- - with Nevis swsrded thn tirkeqa. Simply come to the Mining amongMissing hat KM the effnr viUllj In I lie De-rthe It who seek this policy is the desire to avoid by fire which ofli mm. Doerrt News editorial offices well do the resC of police. fireioen And to have their character as clean- men. making any new commitmento-roo-'rentinthe actual amount of food cis Is to reach the trapped ed and prgaaed aa an Easter auit. to are one Alphonse Capone, onetime . ''products Britain Is "prepared of U. S. Faces Decline well known police character here, import for a definite period abouts and at present vacationing time. e, in Furthermore, under a treaty with Atlanta, snd one Murray HumIn Cotton Exports Denmark. Britain is pledged, to phries who aa vice president of the not from that ; purchase country Capone firm succeeded to the lead-- 1 The TOKTO. Jan. (AP) Ileal than (1 per cent of ail the erahlp until s short time ago when: rea expect United ' park it uses. States may ho apparently felt a great nostalgia Both lasses Raised for metropolitan life, and hied himVrlWrcult Sale of llibtoric lieccs Owned CtndJapankiaf ten Semi-Annu- al year self to tho hinterlands. Both 'these issuer havo beeuf c.mm.rca! of sn Conspiracy to atlfle trade by by the British ss obstacles f raised New AttrartsCrOwds at to buy York; 1 bombings, Xlugglnga. strikes and Inthe demand of the American agreement obligating Japanraw cot " bales of Indian timidation. Is the charge of which negotiators. However, the latter are ton Lament Action Many the It would have the attorneys annually, remaining adanmnt and ImisHhtt This la tn for exportation unleaa Britain agrees to take the purge them. of Oi. 40i9060d square yards Dewy Guilt pork It will have to grant other an American dynasty, for tho poweooceaeiona equ.iliy as beneftcia. Japanese cotton textiles to India Not guilty." the It pleaded when er and" influence of Mrs Rocke8o far. the British have made no each year. arranged themselvee in groups of which feller McCormick, inspiring In both they alternative of fer. Dtscuasiona are-- . The aRreement,tcrm and cliques before Judge Philip J 4 are expected to be announced ofher maiden and married continuing Finnegan' afterwrekaof deliy In V m nwhiia, Japanese The magnificent gilded emer sev- and can be no more. Ireland, m htch. In f ciallv Ana nir TaselB-tria- r. event is an important one for Men and Women en gaged In an economic war ith boycott of Indian raw cotton r-- aUice huh the Emperor Napoleon furniture In the stoneEvet)ijt!flIji(1,r mo, promised aa hw two celebrated overlooking Lake Michiganmanaionmny will be iMrn.d rounaei Britain, is rapidly expanding Ita fboj toil which reacted favorably to 1 had made bBienn-iito this objected Odiot. recognize VALUES afid appreciate GENU- and trade. American on hold ao'd (goldsmiths. the later. whisky w for mure than Dm veanv ago as a gift Threy days of selling have clear- and to that, including petitions obSUBSTANTIAL SAYINGS on WEARING APINE of venue, motions and change ed for the eitaie bat !8t,44S. art In fact motions were and her husband. Prince Caniillo experts sighed to aee diamond jections. PAREL of acknowledged QUALITY. tiled by the bale. Borgheve, will be broken up today necklaces and pendants selling at - were Indignant.they, that they . Broken upjinless the miracle of ot their value should be than suspected of sprinkling o!!Iare-upi!ni- m a princel) buer appearaat the auc-- The great diamond necklace and rid on people a clothes, of settlon sale of Ihe collection of that breast-plat- e a mere brought to fire defenseless Sundav salts ting Mrs. Edith Kotkefeller McCor- ; a diamond and sapphire: In fact, thetr attitude seems to mirk, to buy it aa it was bought in be that the grave 1 had tolled ISSf.en bloc. to their the bone, had apent fingers It is not being offered that way their life blood, had giCen their RntrtUHl weather tf th taM (aw days tul4 warn yot instead, each ot the heavy ally er to best make years, Chicago aafe CLkARINO BALK to cat that WARM i fcRAT wlula pieces bearing tbe Borghea arms for tho cleaning and dyeing CUT PRICKS PRKVA1L AUo ha been thrown into a lot, TAV o,7AA which there are 4 Iota so it sill AUU L1UN UUk), Today examination of tho first th often, colds stir up dormant disease be possible for 4 different house- -' of veniremen was to continue, with QUIT holds, institutions, museums or hostile germ. Indeed, medical authorities state Indications that such examinations to flourlah the dragon - and would continue for some time to ot all di that the common cold paves the way for ono-Aa- lf crowned eagle. TI some unless General Johnson orders Crowds Gather mbling rfrsossra. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. J. f AP) a code, SUIT! exThe not that look much directors do gallery's Pedro, leader of the Longfellow OOftTLIEK bwt wklek arc Fortunatirfy, a way has been found to keepcolds under beffar pert any modern Prince Baucina to loos pack of lions, is dead, now at there Dili and available medical under bid with superclinical the for massive a testa, of thousand In control. step up M. O Relily. A. TOPCOATS Ibal COUNT bU whole service-no- r anv one to be able Captain"haa DRESSY but lonr are hla Job. trainer, -vision. Vick Plan fee better Control of Colds has jreatly quit to bid Individually: and win of CHOI. F. snd died Pedro wiring of eay has cut their danMATERIAL snd the number and durstion ot colds 4ioe every piece. Baucina was the man They but OReilly knowg It was weaves and shades who did that 42 years sgo. The because Pedro didn t get enough ger and expanse. Detail of the Plan come in each Vicks package. service wss purchased from him by to eat."" Clearance Sate Price Errole Cane sea. who told it to Mrs Not only did Pedro die of star-McCormick, " but th staTed, vation; captatn" Early today the crowds had be- - the remainder of the large group Federal Force. cun to gathectowHncM the sale of ot jon la facing the aame Prepares fate, On tho moit luxurious sliver glimpsed! Spacedfood," ha said Open A They nred To Roose- - , Out Carry the depression. during Lota, of food and medicine. Fuel earious-Ve needed' he winter Scattered amneg the to keep-quarTell Orders who tens warm enough for the tropical were the aentimentaiista of an beasts The cats pile up In their mourned 'at the breaking-uold tradition the scattering of the pens, lying close to one another to keep tho heat In their bodies. -By THOMA, F. CILI.EV glory of the French empire. And hv are these kings of the (Uowret Nw Staff Mriter) d Too bad. said tme NEW YORK. Jan. 4. (INS) unfed In their soo homes? woman !t should haie stayed at Jungle because.- - says the captain. there Machine guns of a nw and more the Instituted Is no money with which to buy powerful typo wlll bo in tho hand, The service was exhbited by them food. of fsderai agents 'engaged In the Mm. McCormick from 1924 until Eren-thinConfidential gvernraent'e war against extortion To BREAK cold To AVOID many colds 1932. when she died, at tho Chiand kidnaping If texts being concago Art Institute So Formalities Delayed ducted J. directby Hoover, Edgar But the eale of Mrs McCormick's .Viacs Nose Drops . ..VICKS VAPORui or of tho campaign, are aatiafactry, coMert.on has been in a sense, the was it revealed today. At that very trs warning, stutt- - 1 VTaawga throat mf cheat at breaking up of TradHlonr Hoover, head of the division of wav through In spite of the efsaw or aneexa, apply Vicks Noes bedtime with Vicks VapoRuh, the agency of the investigation, forts of her daushter. Muriel McUnited States government fighting Throet Drops, lbs new aid hi the modem method of tnatmg Cormick Hubbard to acquire the a action serious attack of pneumonia. Hla this bottle, for some time ha. been most personal of her mother's prerrnifuif many cotdk Used in colds. Ita powltire-vapconducting tests of more effective feet the gorgeous trappings of the condition was reported as not aB night long lima tbm unique dtoye help in brings soothing r machine guns than thosa with millionairess" andtical. home ashaf and patmits tamfol alaap. avoiding many colds ahogstbas. even her favorite jewelry and furs An epidemic of Influenza is cur- which the agents are now equip, of stran- rent in Tokyo and some have gone into recent pcd. Rooerveh Gets Ariiow For your Social Functions: Hostess Gowns gers. days have taiwn a death toll of Added iVICKS impetus was given to dei It In truth, the breakdown of nearly three score. Dinner and Dance Dresses . . . Sunday Kite and termined federal action against -crime by President Franklin D Supper Frocks. Roosevelt in hla opening memage to Congress when he said. There For Daytime: Business or Shopping Dresses. violations of ethica and these SEE THESE BEAUTIFUL STYLES at of law call on thcatrong arm of government for their ImCLEARING SALE PRICES mediate suppression; they call also on the country for aq aroused pub. lie opinion." Director Hoover, of the federal bureau." feela that a machine fun with more penetrating power, faster operation, and higher caliber than those heretofore used. In police work will bo of decided advantage to bis men In the field These agents are now furnished $1.97 DOW'S 5 W EEKLY with machine guns of the type, which fire .42 caliber bullets at Ihe rate of about 40 a minute. Such a weapon le meet effective, it waa pointed out. at a compora-tivel- y abort range. Greater Range COATS while Tee beautiful I'lR-TI- tl Many crimnals and gangsters SAVING you monev will alao arrure you have used similar arms, but rea of fa garmenmrar getting cently it was learned that some lb HEIGHT FASHION with have obtained weapons with a in atitch. every range and more power. greater Verne-Mill- er gunman who arai killed a short time ago la Detroit, from federal agents and escaped Chicago police a few weeks bri orcthe his . death, notwithstanding fact that several machine gun bni. Iota punctured the back ot hts car Had tho men been using the improved typo of arm. It to believed by those close to tho department. Miller would hava been stopped on Before ket- - - -- htof 8,te e - -- t feI5 0 tstamte-irere-activ- -e :ir -- - - li other-Amene- tte if if SSdSV- - Iss rP" 1 TMMISMIK g AUCTION TO BREAK UP FAMED Await You at the STARS SILVER SERVICE OF NAPOLEON ' ty Indo-Jspant- se Mrs-McCorm- ick -- SAIL! FXdeyr-tndw-ht -- THIS a OElAHS av t i 114.-(L- te ytiEtmouiD mm a J er 5 tha l Coats Sufts-To- p hos-telrl- ... pnen-monl- a, U. S. AGENTS TO BE GIVEN BIGGER GUNS Onr Charge Account - Payncnt- - Plan 4 Qe107 p white-haire- WEEKLY . g a i omfssis Sale Prices ALL ef-'- oc at 4ho-han- ds Clearing ... C0NTR0L10F1C0LDS ' 1 -- sab-calib- er ALL COATS -- at Drastic reductions made to effect immediteiclegtrancJhisdskeeping withiomgpolicy never to carry any winter merchandise from one season to the next. Eire lF that ACT QUICKLY We do not believe that the rreat savirigs afforded here will ever occur again! Buy and Save at Auerbach January Clearance! 1 , , h . ' . Clearing Sale Prices Ih occasion- - new gun will penetrate met- al and many inches of hardwood, and haa aa effective range ot sev- ; eral miles 8uch a gun will rnln the motor of a light automobile and will go completely through the car body. In addition to this armament the federal agents are being furnished with tear gas and tha para phertonta ".with which it to aoada offectivs t 1 C7rT- . c |