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Show POUKDKl) 1850 Liquor laws of Utah should carried in the Chnstmaa edition of The Deseret News in promptly to con form to the will of the people hteh they urged enactment as expressed in the last elecof rational laws which will tion. Chief of Tolice William hoid the liquor traffic In prop- L. Payne told members of the er restraint so that e may Exchange club at their lunchnever return to the golden age eon today in the Hotel Utah. ut the bootlegger er the Intel The chief urged the goverrrable conditions which pronor to call a special session of -- -ceeded him " - the legislature to enact liquor That a re- struck, phrase -eontroi "As He predicted sponstve chord in my. view of - that unless this was done. Salt the-- quest ton,' said Chief officers late the Payne, particularly and those in other Utah com- shall 1 unitedly .They . niuuiue would hare tncreas- - "! " ,use their Influence for the tag difficulty In combatting t enactment of rational laws the liquor traffic. which! will hold the liquor Chief Payne said he was in traffic In proper restraint,! hearty sympathy with the . We do nag. pom. have such . V r message rrom the First lrcst- rat.ona laws The liquor traftaef ot tbe L. D. S. CHurrh fic Is not held In proper re bo amended i . , , -- . DRIVER FREED 'llootnanny, FROM CITY SALT LARK BLAME Until rational, laws are-e- n geted to hold the liquor traffic in proper restraint, which we 1 V V 4V V A f, iV - ' J -- POLICE CHIEF FAYNE r SCHOOLPOER URGED N? 0 - m 3626,500 of Amount ing to Granite District r , make a proper saieand setupfr the j - nTOimrornofciher J r j j if fare in .January, meant only this, that we shall hate a most serious time In Salt Lake City In dealing with I - patriotic duty for your organ, ( Ization and for similar organ T8StfohsThan To podtidtAihe governor to do something about it. want this city to bo a clean city T want tho law b. went state ofliclals tdmake It possible for us to our keep city clean with to the Uquor traffic. spect -with ratiohal laws to hold the liquor traffic In proper re strain!,- - huh bwve hicta. - hut do not Jiave. wo .shall hse a finer cle&ne? city and a more contented peo unertatn Ing liquors, and matters are permitted to drift until the session of the legisla- - fr J j -- HheIquor question- The governor has appoint ed a commwsion to inquire t 4 ' pie. Comes UTAHN GETS 1ST To S. L. in Federal - Bureau U. S. JAIL TERM ON CODE COURT First C. C. Lange Flew Consumers league - For Public Monopoly on t L'lililv Go- - I eewton-of-t- he Airmail LOANS IN.UTAH AT MASS MEET Man, 71, Dies Instantly In Crash ; Woman Faints no Into the situation and to make recommendations. I hope that commission acts promptly, and tn turn that the governor will respond to its recommend- lions to bring upabout a satisfacto deal with tory legal set-tilts Problem. i terms at our last ejection. "Unless we hare a special av- PWA APPR0VES! STATE - OWNED $800,000 our present laws affecting control and sale of intoxicating liquor amended. It U not mv duty, as I have stated, to either enact or amend our ordinances But as a ett zen it la mv belief that our liquor laws in the state. I Utah should be amended to con'orm to the win of the people, which was . r A-sp- YKAB EK1UTY FOURTH 1934 If oar department docs not succeed. In opposition to public opinion. hs enforcing the present liquor- - taws, the re- -, spooslbillty Is not with the police department but lies srtth other officials who hate power lo rmfl The" legislature into session go puss rational laws which will . bold traffic la proper restraint. It Is difficult - to enforce - prohibitory laws against public opinion. In rhe recent election we had an expression of public opinion In Sat Lake City which was substantially three to one by the vote of ths people against our prohihl-- . Uon law- -. - -i 'That otc" meant only one thing, that the people desr- - 1' Gibbon , Visits Salt Lake IN AUTO DEATH 5 . First Flying ? JANUARY - ... . FRIDAY do not now have, aur police problems an multiplied many fold. . In our effort to enforce the law as it la we shall endeavor ' . to stop bootlegging and close t up the speakeasy, but whether j fa" we succeed will depend Urge measure on the turn the public gives aa If the great majority of the public desires to patronise the . bootlegger and the speakeasy. we wili have a very difficult "Task to enforce the law as It now stands But the police department has no choice In the matter. It will make arrest a many - arrests, whenever--it finds that our present liquor laws an being brtfken. ' straint and It win not be so until we hare such rational laws to bold It fat restraint. ' I am against the bootlegger the speakeasy and the conditions which result from the speakeasy. During the years -- under prohibition and the .speakeasy, men. women and have .girls and yroung men used liquor to an alarmingly increasing extent, far more than in ths days of the old saloon, ' I am against that- - sort of thing, it am against the Intolerable conditions which existed as the result of the old saloon. UTAH 5 Trans-Continent- al Night Flight- Schiller Sends Judge S. T. Bennion Up For ' k ' 30 Days - The appointment of C. C. Lange, W- - as aeronautical com- Five Utah applications for pub- A only otv Salt Lake dixislon of for expen lie worka loans and grants totaling For the first time in the United Raymond Christopher. !4, of 3491 in the stale and that owned Bureau d more than 1809.000 have States a jail sentence was envoked optrated by the people forthc fommerce department Highland drive, driver of the auto to sc-- 1 this D city , Aeronautics, brings in and for violation of the National ReWashington, their proved conemencejof profit mobile which killed William Hoff la5UeM aviations pioneers. cording to word received in Salt waa covery act when Judye Herbert un-"nutn1, l. at south Temple and Sixth Lake today- j m inning his wings in active diatric. night at the mas meeting held jfCr . are . East streets laM night was held The approved applications the auapicea of the Consumers court, sentenced S. T. Bennion. mrt ynflt avianpn corpa-i- n. owner of the Bennion Coal and -- blameless hy pOiite today RpeiT h Lwgue i France 54 000jtll, $outh pnf achool district during the- - World-w- ar, athxl Alpine Feed company to JO .days in til, - Hoffman wa,ki!Kd high behortly 47.009 ; Moab City . . trail- Rep Warwick L. lamor- - Lange became an airmail county Jail. ' ,tate fore t o'clock when he attempted to dlwth001 -. sof th. Motfan eounty The sentence wa the result e itx. ,n ,,;!t JnT cross South Temple eo route to his .J of net " home at 5T3Tirst avenue." a temporary Injunction - agains: were the days when a irana- Tu Clara k.k'proIeeLI-rhos8anta only). (grant , Bennion the The oged nan, carp ing a flashcharged with underaeUim. flight over rough, unretail coal code prices, follow Its poser and mineral to light in his hand, attempted 18 ities." Total .. II2S.J 77777. about! make was chartered country said Rep. Lamoreaux. Jut cross the street with traffic movby a citation for contempt of eour -c a Loans Seventy Per Cent tt the key to a vast development Mfe voyage whep he continued to advert!, ing in both direction. lump coal for 87.75 and move cos. Faints at Wheel Columbia day. In each of the first four men-- ! - ifa for 87.50 per ton. pubHchenetiti Mies Bessie E. Lawrence. 914 tinned instance, the government - hug, For.seven years, Judge Schiller. on the prsnat .First avenue, turning tromlSoulh loaninf 78 per cenf of the cost of on with leg the great ooCot outiyingifi.ir Salt toughest Lake, of Bennion to abide by tho Hoffmissed G re street, Tomple Into labor and materials and granting mineral and fork-Ba- n run, power Franciaco man by only a few inches and steel, coal, while vent tn the (straining order sad on tho testi U per outright, that- - contempt of court wa Tainted at the wheel T ber car. mony case of Santa Clara, the town naked sources and with the dyking 8roH(rom Salt Laka to Omaha over I for the people, may not Intended, aimpended execution Immediately following Miss Law. Rocky Mountain hump." only for the grant with the underFence's automobile came Christoof ths jall sentqnce aa long aa was that It will raise 81. SSI lo- easily become the Pittsburgh of the aviation and Airmail history standing -neither advertise, or rati, pher. driving west on 8oulliTem cally through a bond Issue. mad In - those days and Lange the were try Resolutions adopted "pie; at less than the cod. price. H The meney was rsqn rated by tho an Important role.lt was he C. C LANGE President played I was going about St-- miles to Granite school district la construct meeting commending airmail Into required to report to tho court who pushed tho first hour.' said Christopher. Suddenly fight against the y each Saturday while under rth a bight room elementary Roosevelt for htsand Kansas City. Mo., in 121 and it to him I saw a flash light shine directly asking basepower monopoly and part school, a wan he who completed ' the first suspended sentence. in front of me. Stale FOra Ooraptalnt ment Junior high school building, continue so that excessive charge, transcontinental night T swung the steering wheel to and additions and alterations to for electric light and power may be flight in July. 124. when the pilot) Briefly th rtepa in th. process need. red the left The car, skidded into ... bare been; eight existing school buildings. almost K completeTeft rand turn. ' A eomplaint j..was neif fiy ' ifi j At American Park asked state fWl Thed CsWsKr through Rt.linti, Old Army Plane, district attorney, assertaig a viola Alpine will use the money for ad- Utah to evaluate property of the fn those dave the malt was car- T thought for a second that I of dition. and Improvements to the Utah Power and Light cotipanv code of the fair (ton competitionhaq missed whoe'er was crossing hgbrried tn the old anny lf. H: fa powvt American Fork high achool. Har- uoed aa a basts the street but then there was - and the state recovery art. Iunt-410 with Find ered Car hp. Liberty engines PnliV rington high achool and Lehl high luIT thuf and I Itnew the rer end i Pending drial of the case. the remoanta of the vori4 mar. Nine school and lor construction of an state asked for a temporaray had hit something aa tt aktddrd rnris-i- t Bullet mileo an hour were resolutions Other fo4 ty adopted by a administration while building, against Rennlon. . Cited arauq4- took about 40 of a new asking Gov. Henrv H. BIbod. in Ing speed and Moab lheconstrucHon show cause- - .iiv to iunporvrvu Near By aessten of the hours of flying and plenty of tarn ir left. Mb. Helm Cm vail holding Hootnaany . the white-- " ter system, a 28 088 gallon re- - event of a special across the should not ifsue, another injunction to carry a. postcard .f ronv.una.aea.. -handed glbboD Hmm slopped tn Salt leike ymterday, the first of Its erroirand a new city newerace rs- - leUlatur to- - piaee L. E. duff, counsel." through street;' Irtlir to make a flight nrroaa the United States hy regular air lines tom la contemplated. Morgan legislation, and taxation of utilities board to tho other. Th attacked the eomplaint and. the aurear end of ChristopherThe average cruising speed of o service. Mbw Croxall look care of Hootnann,- - from San 1 and county requested the loan and ton the agenda. Another res!utonl automobile strui k Hoffman A ballet punctured automobile thority of the cod. authority to fix Salt in mon Great event the . todav a Salt lakr and Miss Marian Bennett, right, watched him air , grant to build additions to several ; urged that koorked the aged man a few feet -(prices, j icved " school building and to finan,e a iavke dvktng project is undertaken acchs is 185 mileo and only ! to, In a derision last Friday. Judge away, fracturing hi idfult and kill-- - from Salt Lake cart. Both girl are I niled AirTJnes stewardesses. or control CUA to Hie dioura other make Hot fWk agencies, tJprangs is required program genoral 4 Improvement him robbery tnstantlv, he tag uphe , l1 seems the dtuleaibbon is Although hi body Is only 1 if but may not accept il now smoe thould I be vested in the state or the urn. run. recovered When ChriMopher attempted to1 r0,l code; He then Issued an gort ,at nI(:htr w g, f cJe ra gcyernmenl. The months old. that although , mused- - , avoid atnklng Hoffman, hi. rari about eight Inches long. Hoot-- , k0!!? 'Some progress.-LanBennlnn from order ,j the above restraining .ravel pits 7 ,h o the, his body desnt grow much b. Klrgrcm preMdcnt The Santa Clara funds mil' be nanny" has arms fully 12 In; crashed into the automobile of I'd-- 1 .ere plentiful back tn1 Wasatch selling coal at retail at less than ed ches long, so that he looks like boulevard h arms set -hl. h more, hla apent for waterworks', inipme-jjeagu- e lice Chief Uavne. of the parked das rode prices, which are 88 58 lrn,u. a duddv en longer j that he cats wienta. , tn front of the Second Church of spider ' The --ear J the property ef the,on for Qmp coal and 18 25 for f,n eIrcut Lmge had hi share, but he-- alive c.rni,101n.,f the Is lloolnannv ad. bif Mrs flks. dates, and would rather nht talk about' Payne Christ, ScientistBakin companj. officials of stove coat faced-- gibliore thsti stopped In men will be provided b) the prState Senator Hertiert B Maw. them. 'That', ail water under the juj-aand pa payah. a Malay melon; instdo attending servlcrs. con- -' Bennion was cited for I n tt a Air which were unaware that it had Lake Salt C in State if he the lives of that Representative he Hjnim tiptops declared. oject. Police Calls was bridge. Driver Linos planes esterday on his the garage until tempt and found guilty. He Harold Btewart. Dr. T. H from the where been trees, Pope. .stolen, giant jungle Itcad of stick" home to the Landing Christopher went To Join on 84 4, Column a so Lotier Morton. may (Continued Page ' he fast he J. catch that is (Vara. very When asked If he'd ever bait notified bypoiir Lynn H. Thompson. 578 east South tills m D. Roberts. A Hes a es birds on the wing, which he monkey collection Rjarnason, as A. occurred J. The out'1 robbery an of the .t airmail Temple street, where he called potJ e. ship," timid little crea-tureats: that ho is not really a S. L. GETS FIRST Georg. Lavin. E lice. Patrolmen C. R. Smith and Leek, attendant at the resort, was men wno ore and the t of the Chauncey P. Over field. M iliiam flyer aaid with a little, smile: monkey, but a member T. B. Burbidge responded and took IT his excellent said be him T from Philo had several opporFREEZING CHILL that Farnsworth. and in eist. the Looking Henry taking office. Rogers. up that chimpanzee family?later 'Hot Chtstopher Into custody. He CntEccie Baird. tunities. but, unfortunately, always desk. Leek faced a marked gunhe is unusually intelligent only baa the distinction of String ham. W. -f was released on order of t - feeingr-th- e TWELVE DAYS Thomas B Child, state Rep Mrs. tacked one rather important Tirtof the monkey tHootnann3 reached a prea cash register of 8 Payne, who conducted the InvestiE. E. Ericksen and Mr Reva ! k ttal tribe to travel by regular air parachute and so had to man. Rifling posterously long arm out of his 7 gation. w ith a 'dead atick' and taking a nickel slot machine. linen a he ride down thnt them but former service, state the Basone, For cotton-linequite d representative taken wicker basket and firsj time in twelve f Misa Lawrence also was Tax collections in Du. hesne and hope for soft ground below." neTaaditbrked out of th office fellow In his home jungles in tJav. the temperature in Salt let it dangle idly down. tn the Thompson home, where she aMalay. and 1S31 of for Jh. year, county Ljke dropped below freezing. ill Tngevairan aviator during the and joined three companions tn recovered!, lstcr going to her home. 1817 struck a new low "Why, do you- - call hun Hating Judpe McConkie A minimum reading of 23 do They captured him there and re, World war and aw 17 months hie Surviving Mr Hoffman are son. automobile. As the robber an audit Hootnanny'T somebody ask is revealed waiting it by lS3i. Hinita-poto has he trae!ed since one was three brlow the freez- He France. of the vice in greea Tabernacle at widow. Mrs. Sadie Hoffman; a collec-Ubtsx books, Ha w of tho county the-U- n first airmail pltota-t-n William Hoffman. Jr., of Salt Lake, SO 8 ' pe- - cent sortimf-Topitni- kg "Heto amounted k now fire.-one i destined Tor"Xew of the thermometer on top of th efier the war. His first wa. Leek opened XJnley "and will McConkie and a daughter. Mrs. Ralph -and in 1S22 but 40 t per cent as be Judge Oscar W said one of his York. The two men wouldn't 'hootnanny on the Cleve. cbullet piercirg th car from thej Federal building and al.ghtly- He waa born in 5 -- of Lakeville, tad opeigTHnent w the epeaker t the artce -In 5 per cent with U ttcompared iwrnrr who out had they 1587. tsm ami through ihej bswer temperatures were regis- and thg ieu Germany. Feb. 20; day at 1 pm. tn Th9 TO 28. that they were returning from' Tefed in other parts f Sa!t RVed In Salt Lake for the past 18 it was announced today by Pre.t- - tbar time he became acquainted t of d'vck' the In ovr an checking Lake t alley. expedition to tqe Orui.t, but Undbergir. wno was fl)tng Tonight ia ex years- For the past five years he ound dent RudgerUliwwon, wa. tt in . the becounty talked justices on contract aboufHoot-Christian the route to at the the they freely nal had been employed was fpuniJ a peed be colder if the sktea JlsUtP. from th ,he Twelve, that Justice Gagen in R"0re!ttrtl"f nanny. Science church. iT in- - A n Chicago and FL Louts. Music for the services resort and the slot machine, broken precinct had failed to turn In elude organ The little cool snap in Sait in 8.500 automo-Air near wa Honrt ( the j selections bv Frank found open, 8288.50 of tile fines and for'etturga Lakes midwinter summer is When the postoffice department bile at the gravel p.t. j , Asper. Tabernacle organist, and voToday collected. to the presence o' a attributed election. The meeting will be irased the airmail on contract jml Gainint? entrance to the home ofi western barometric. Mr. Gagen. says thj report. cal press(j-ep.m. Meeting, rtesident raj;. lance went into commercial v. H. Jiorrts.tleJ Fourth Kati which todav covers admitted that he had appropriated under the direction of Utah Ore-- g committee. Junior .. , and binlt pp the inepectlonjreet. tbrough a this money to his own use and at Clawson. n. , idaho and adjoining- at chamber, Commerce, lepariment for the Aero Engineer ransacked the place and eeiaped POUCEMAN the date of onr audit stated that WHEN OAVLH states . ng and Advisory ferj ce ofChi-fait- h 30 Jewelry alued at $30 and an pm. Dinner meeting. he wa unable to make baiia DONE HE'S tJEARty Theft!t pev Utah StatCDcntat Laboratory As- -' National Aseoc aUoa,loiLjjieAd-JOJ- ! O'SHA'tC t.tta aiwoctstion.- - Ncwhous. "TSoldierS Ifljlirpd 3b vanccment of Coiored Ftop e wi.I, In hi new postion. Mr. Lange FROZE i teL hold their monthly meeting; at the : a!tant o W E- - klTie. super- v llf3nilS if ry Methodist iVJALUfS THROUGH 7:30 the I --? arwa du Church, JilMtth tfoalh tiptnd nt FROM pm Adm.nistration of Motorcycle nn- Po?lponfd For Probe Ttwt, Monday at 3 !0 p m. The usion'iSvilfiaxe dirsct. He jc-1,1aacrafafent of confirmation of chil5KJOW AMD EARL08EvP 23 private.. pastor. Rev. Edcar A. MiOt a d 'eels A O. Preil who on E. Dawson. Jack jiry Rev. E. dren's dasa. Kearney. company K. Thirty-eigh4- h Extra !ion procr.nrs in tho lafantry.jE. M Snider former Salt LakclS23. wao- promoted to supenn- 'TO HIS SLUSH Church of Our Divine Savior. 179 to FVrt trainer, wdl peak, jenient of thr Oiklairr d strict qcae br Frank Al. Malone? li dieted eaat street. Ninth South, Y a New ork grand 3JT on a with a fractured skull, and George ACWlhJG- cli. tine ifniantpirtit!!)g ho, k prices $ p m. Meeting, tire ivirion t Corey. 2. of the same compani VTOESHltlHT niTII . Automotive aaaociation. receued a fractured and an m negation of Commerce ry body, when theii motorcrrle colM AKER-L lided With to automobile driven by byATtrrnex GencoUeseph Chez -p m. Meeting- -' Fift if wwo WOULD was ordered. Adolph Jensen. 33. S2 Hollywood Democrats. Newbouse hotel. t HIM WITH FIRE avenuei, last night at Broadway and Accompanied by hU attorney E THIS FELLOW Flft East streets, A Itoaers. and se' rai miners of tts Mi4f make hf lay. ten -10 a m. to 2 p m, and 7 p.m. j THAT5 BRIGHT Dawrson was driving tb motorIthe Salt laake ?tock and MTtnnr 'ey lfcf atr rapahlf f grogae Convention meeting luncheon anJ cycle which Xak'r-L- y U graprrf bal hurled 43 feet by j Exxhange Police continued their di' - Mr Maloney . appeared bond. dinner meeting. Utah. Sportsmen's the Impact. w'4. fricti rttkL-FMXakhr ti s 1924 fa: the tate cipiiol to today on unlicensed automobr T White. a aad raw will be raailweed. MOT MART AHkL Coal Association. Chamber of Com' drivers. 7 soath Main, street, was aret- timony as to w hr h4 should not b merce. MAkTES HIM ItotoMUsss tor bean given b Patrolmen R L-- Ohns- Etenlhinjf in jrrain feedi MlS WIFE SO 12J.15 pm. Luncheon meeting. CoilMllt tO fef oTPo!1r9 TV. L. Pfcvne Engineer trial. fer.ienandJT-- B Burbtls: on FEEL Pacific National x' Life AssurancePoultry Supplies that ,7 when SWEET charges of speeding 45 miles - Un Grfen Kn er purvey rested for traffic v!o!atioii Imcompany. Newhous hoteL kttaklac arisn far Baby an hour west on Fouth Temple h c . RlGHT.r t si loan ij Tarbry and Darka. J:45 mediate Inquire be mad ItHic sfwet- - He was also found to ' a.m.Meeting, - Gleaner. bead Fag PHeea. Sait Lake atake. Newhoura' Half R. Woolley of tho Untied The town f CcmerLetd dix termine f be has a drixers ligirls. be without a license ana was FOR HEALTH AHD COMFOR- T- USE OURCOAL Beaarmber we have pleat e af hoteL released on bond f pete countr today Ilifd application (JislM geological aurvej. left to , cense r Salt Far p ae-- . w.tb the felet-- l "pub'sc works nd (arw Patrolman D. G Johnson T- of the lack of a cl:y Recital. Grant Johan- - day for Green River, Wyo . lo con4.2Fp.m. ..aAlka N Mlltn. , sult with officials of the Coast and lsorv board at bait Lake for a arrewted A, C Jorgensen, t n. pianist; Lucille Adam ordinance o enng the drer a soGeodetic survey on establishment 45. 944 Fifteenth East sret. of $2v 1cense rgulaton. ptce prano presented by Misa Cicely of gpernnient loan and COBAILEY control etations on the Green for attempting to fakqj height Adam Art Barn. e ary JhavlngdUXi ppaJics river. w;th-cam f from tothe mumcU away Other m.- way Iron, trafficj.pe prosecuting. pedesir.ans entertainlie expects to return to stt Lake at 159 south Main street la t ions may hehgnd.ed In the On pa htyat water supply Ssvsttm The Befall Starry CS Sag fo, ment. member .Utah Light and Sunday. It Is contemplated, said It was found that Jorloan request wM be ineVgated Inquiry on this charge but police court, Traction Company Credit Union. (Mr.' sfflrt m4 U arrbaawe &b S. a of WooHe, plaring thegdx-i-owas gensen 44s without com-itthe Ulcers must file a and tnen Wol're- by ad 3rd Beat, driving h to survey the river' next license. He booked at p- -4 for r.niT thetouim aibnner patched to i Pbaae Baa. Ban plaint knifbiig. 9f from the headwater of lice head the two case works ,so irrauan .J by rpn Jo public the tto hall. 58 south Btata atrooL lwpring Green river to Greea River, Utah. board chargei and released mndi 95 county court.' bn - ap-fin- of Racine. on C-- ; M- e Grantte-scheol-dietF- iet at-1- .... ,, J e ur;t ...... al pomiblli-ontinent- u trans-Atlanti- wrarnta re-jt- t, B.n-nto- n jr one-stor- two-sto- ry BANDITS LOOT BECK'S RESORT st -- vu turn! a -- -- -- Bes-nio- 'otnr-parkc- Uquoc,-ontrvl raw-br- multi-motor- ( state-avr-m- ;o-;tl- ; extra-lenift- , PrestdedT-aunounc- h '( long-legs at , - aa' - pr -- er Duchesne" County" Justice ls Found Short in Accounts ailky-halre- -- VV tn"k-VrdicT- IS ' -- -- Sun-Ip- -- - Coming Events ,hn 1 MARTIN'S JTterrycTrUiwg4 TIMOTHY. !v'.,-uie- Ike branrtrfh - : ATTENTION! v irf-t- he- all '- DA- deNJIT. -- -- .She welcomes - HEAT? Police Wage Unrelenting War On Unlicensed Drivers - 'fKif Af EGG . MASH v- ns ou - Poullrymen wF DougUs-hwpttat'- il -- 9 T AU - T f t:TUtn pffi-jre- rg toepIacc-njgootLsiav- O L le 1 8. - J- g J o', xti - gnt st - er j--rty - IIL-Becau- HTRcToHncTor t lks - ,' sns - N vM |