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Show r- - s. THE DESERET NFWS SALT SIX LAKE CITY FRIDAY JAXTARY 5 1934 RESOLUTION ASKS Gardener Picks Flowers; sftrs J. Qm Robinson Farm Holiday Head Doctors Prove ud INCLUSION OF lo ' Trra Brands New Deal as Dies at S.L. Home has almost LAND IN FOREST LHI. Jan. b Girl summer weather Charles Turner, Wynekoop 'Another Betrayal Mrs Eleanor Trantor Robinson whose home la located on the state Jan. Squire A move to Jan. Bobitwon; died jckway north of Lehl, picked a 76, wife of John Lake City, wax sentfrom HIGHER COURT rounty enced to serve ill month Died Bullet bouquet of panslea and fiot the elude of 15,000 acrif privately w of cerebral hemorrhage NEW YORK, Jan. bt outdoor flower ardm Wednex- - at the JaiL Wednesday when he J5S SALT LAKE MAN DECISIONS MADE BY UTAH SENTENCED TO JAIL FOR LAMB THEFT PROVO. 25. Stile 5 4-e- Butbw-ror- d. h Four Holdings by Lower -- Tribunals ' Sus-- tained .ya , nr afternoon. Pleaded utility to the theft of a amb from Urt A'Jofanson of Ge-n- ol a former employe Judd D. R KJlerteoa Imposed the maximum sentence hnder the law hecauta the rharfe had been reduced to a from a felony. Rutherford a!d he took the lamb because Johnson owed him approximately 9!ft In back wares. The mutton was estimated to be worth $5. Reports are current that unless weather cornea quickly, and for considerable perlwl. tha.frnlof this section of the state will probof the trees lly be lost, aatomany are bud out. A much beginning further development of the buds would make them susceptible to later frost. - 10 Physicians Could Find No . Chloroform in Brain Of Victim '"t I, farm-minde- . Uces chang-veralt- - j - Ul rul-Jt- P Jan bev-- d participate In a panel dieuMsion n family residence, grazing lands in the headwaters If New York is not d Dn ait like Tueda, Jan enth avenue. cast received the nfTrovo backing 'The Economic and Social Const Milo fhc not toda it is fault of Mrs. Robinson, who was born in, of th Pro' Klw club-- Thurs i H c iu., The man who of the New Deal Xepht. Dec. 1. 18i7. has bee a starLd two Accord'ng to Mr Chain p. the resident of Sa,t Lake for the pasfJar. when a resolution addressed farm striae. In tho corn belt with to R. H. Rutledge, (iatflct forester jdinn,,r ,ncetlnK 1H being called by 5t years She maa active in In-- 1 the rxtens on division of the L'n- iahd other Church work requested that auch action be taken hi farmers' holidav aasocation. A"hbv Snow Of of3 Ulah. An illustrated lecture, y Boulder vaded the city of the money In the Twentieth ward. She is survived by her husband Dam Cp to Date. was given by era ana delivered an attack on the 'Sall Lake will preside, whte other imcmberd Elwood of Bachman, sales engineer participating will bo Dr, two sisters. Mrs. Abner Bigler of Roosevelt agricultural policies from Gore Thomas. M S. Earles W. L. Allen of Coal- the General Electric company and Xephi end Mrs. WaiiareDr: Di ville and the following children son of Mr. and Mrs. Neb Bachman the rostrum of historic Cooper worth WalkerM E Wil&On ahd Mrs-1- C Sewtonvllle, of FroYorAt the present time there iQu A , Kiter Mass Mrs M J McGuire. John are 4100 men on the payroll at the The new deal, hwas prom- dtm. Thomas and Gilbert C Robinson. A.XC. KI.FS-- . An In LOS to ised the Jesse X Eller tson. Denzil Brown. (AP) society general and B Howard, Los Angeles, Csi ov David Hutton to the Karl Beck and Dole Dasrrup farmer in particular. lleuo eatdjanswe Hock bprlagJk Mvo : and Mrs. B Dr were introduced aa new members has proved a failure, simply complaint for divorce which G. Mtdglev and James F, Robin aon. fifed last of the irtain peopleAlmre of the chib. Miss Florence-M- aa gait T ake a Sr" 25grandchildren ang vocal eolo. He did not want to! week was recorded in the super-atac- k tne of nation and six tho integnf and patriotism or court. Huton made simple Funeral services will be held1 but tt way- evt- - mal of-- the yr44nl, Qiir-r-ofvp mr ln the Sunday at that dent h.ts been gelit made In rrsponoe to tho "the preMidtnt tleth ward chapel with Bishop C. so hd original suit for divorce which ho unfortunate in .his adv Clarence Xeslen in charge Fnend vvVipCr ycac of uouxed rTviterli thw farmlv yrddence may eaH-- at VJlULUi do VAJaLlL. brain trust academicians and 368 Seventh avenue, Saturday and economists until will Castle Dale Mayor, gtx tiacWoua were handed down j (ins) a ar by the state supreme court her ude bck. bul, Aides Start Labors 7Tl t the capltou Pour affirmed 8tatc Tremonlon. Tbel?ndt,cblr0," wxneHoool CASTLE HALE. Jan S At noon Inga of the lower coaria One re- - decision of the lower' court, that it on Nw Years day the new town was Ronds were ac installed yorsed a lower cOnrC decision and application for repayment of the ( "J1 ji,.i n,, j truisv 1" a h" ,VVrptrd b former Mavor .Nixon, tho Another a inline of tho state lndiuJlo through the bond held by Mr. by of phjrsiclans rial the rport bn,ln.M1 ,)f rlty belnsr Harding, county treasurer, had turned over for their Jurledictloon trial commission. been made In time, was upheld. 4. lnd Jen a,l,po1 la tho caas of Charles S. Morris Other lower court decisions into offics were: This analysis ot K betas bodyr Those gom against the Orden State banak'. A Jlmird Were those of Gust Co' 'ahoartng oorace. of chloroform Inor,ALrastuKeller. t Bert Imen. Larsen and Bleiow and others, ear councilman, the Kmery Larsen; damages,' 4t.7.(3 -recorder. Vv-VgioyjL-l1 .Aps.xs-.sxa.owt.c.., yT prone court affirmed lb- deebnon'and others.of the victim, prosecutors hinted ' ora Brg Charles Christensen was holouver, of the lower court, which denied) The industrial commission Dr. Wynekoop will rOt lpm ' V1 This decision was aion. which denied Heber Harding on trial for the pretty violinist s -Morris damages. m 'lrHrrTmvtm- of SifeTWyncJcoop, d medical "In on an ,dEnlr for dcJmufder jan. Jl. naanimoostythe,addHlonal compensation an-ttraces of the PAVGriTCH. Jam 5 (Special) ground that Morris took stock in- cidrnt sustained while working for' in a' signed "confession."' later authorities say, hae-been evident r&uld Invention is a merrv- - George Cooper, former star guard Grouse CreelLand and LiveBrick and Tile com-- ' repudiated, the woman pbrslcitR stock company In lieu of a mort- - pany, gage to secure a loan. ThW acL'for further The motion it la held, constituted a conditional sale and not a mortgage. 'by theces lower be fxert'd with tho device am(C ppeitton, effective Jan. J. to be-ft result of the decision in Kitchen againstto th statement, was fired intoaQ evidence of chloroform, accord-jea- n - the Procutor ChftrlesowTU cal a medical postmaster oP Pangaitch. . against Beniamin Dwigbu Harding.and tbe.case remanJeJ te the iovt-- blunder 'and th. National Surety company.er court to further triaL If choloform had . LOGAX. 5- - G In I BANKER INVITED TO DISCUSSION t OF ECONOMICS -L m noti1 Jb T? r" l t'tv -- Jn, Hj - 1 ''J rom-nne- At Garfield High tne-Pro- ro : Sarah-Fran- rp0Afnt 1 g makes buying a pleasure, owing to Our Clean, Well Lighted, and Courteous Help. Try the Piggly Wiggly Way of Thrifty Shoppers. Service Time-Savin- lb. 16c BUTTER, fresh creamery ; lb. 9c CHEESE; full cream: . LAUNDRY SOAP 5 one lb. cake 23c dozT 1 8c EGGS POTATOES, Utah Russet 10 lbs. 9c ORANGES doz.1 9c Palmolive Toilet SOAP . . 3 cakes 14c SALMON, medium red 2 tall cans 29c WHITE KING Zsrx?. 5c PEACHES u:r....2No. 2V'2 cans 29c CELERY HEARTS 4c 5.6 W. COCKTAIL SAUCE can 15c 2 cans 19c 5.6 W. FIG JAM LIGHT GLOBES 2 for 19c I X L CHILI or Tamales ... 2 cans 19c J 5 lbs. for 23c NAVY BEANS 2 pkgs. 23c WHEATIES . . .. . KIPPERED SNACKS . . .7. . .. can 5c TOILET TISSUE, Zee ... 5 rolls 23c each 8c LETTUCE, solid heads ARCADIA CHOCOLATE lb.1 9c 3ibs.-10PARSNIPS, Carrots, Turnips CRAB MEAT, Lucky Sail . . . can 1 5c 2 lbs. 19c PRUNES, Santa Clara 3 for 10c GRAPEFRUIT, 100 size GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 Can . . 2 for 25c 5 lbs. 10c ONIONS, Spanish CRANBERRIES . 2 lbs. 25c . Ig. pkg. 1 9c QUICK QUAKER BUNCH BEETS SSEF. bunch 5c CHEESE h lb. package ... 2 for 29 ACLE WHIP ... . . . .. quart 29c INSTANT POSTUM, 4 oz.xan f an 21 c e itrtMxt nhi Tea Spaghetti...... 3 lbs. 25s Li ant -- Segar 3 lbs. 1 5s 3 IS Ih. 25 9WAMDOWIV . ' 31b. Cake Flesr 15s PeaI Csi73r 23s E!sx!a Sprcp?- J 2ron IE Mm Es r Airvay Coffsi ID Crapsfrdl - Nlfck caa Sean 25 . 2' 'Full Cream. is. ic h:?py c::iese Peart Dari3,.42Ji.E!!sr Ta?i:sa-Seg- o 1 Spi.l Peas 9 Quurt i- ID C:!:ry ttsart 2 Ceeu 2 Jumbo Siz. Sweet, Juicy J J IS 2 heads 9 Lett::a S Dsst Jjeat DepartmentDondccoVcal Eloact . Ib.lt PcrkLchRsasS Shoulder Cs Rib Roast Ib. 8c Steslcs . ib.5c L lb. 17 Fsuey Baby Beef I III Baaed and Railed. DnfErrib. Cf Ib. 10c Base C Rfb Cmt m-- by . "j,-- v! a a V y V - ft IR 12 . Ib. 17c mr Essf Slssbslb. Half enwan SFFF.....2 lbs. 15c Cheese .ib.25 bag. Aii- -; Varieties 27 h lib. 5y Saltine LayerCake Wafers PIES Assorted Trasted 3 loaves-25- 1 Assorted . . each25 ..... each 20 Butterfly Rolls., doz.25 '2ib:r m Gold POTROASTS-ib.8M- Veal Roasts KTib.14 PURE LARD . ,-2i- Medal Smoked Picnics Salad PORK ROASTS 15 Pure I FREE Martha Maada Rccipa, togathar urith atavm athan, in aach uckaf., DRIFTEDSNOW Home-Perfect-ed Or7'' FLOUR r Ota -- w. n.12 JACK FROST CAKES s- 29? bs. WINTER TREATS THAT CANT BE BEAT Dressing Quart- 3 Rolls lO Sliced Bacon suir'Bll 9 IC Ckwk CM. Bordens 16 .... each BREAD Cream ft k.l. -- C iu. B. Parity Haas . . . Ib. 14 Beet Roast 7t - pkg. BANANAS 2 Ibs. l7c tunwi. 23 1 '.....each 8 ORANGES Ib. 5e Sssssgo . a a lb. Chips SPINACH PCRE PORK Rib Rsasle . . lb. IC CrciEd Ib-I- Cats, Baby Beef - SirisIaSIsab Prim Baby Beef PI BE Potato CELERY 2 pkgs. 23c 48 lbs. 1.69 Pol Boast Ib. 5c Urd . . Neck TLUVlfX. CAUWOTS is. BOILluG BEEF 21b. carton POTATOES quality MEATS Guaranteed Sptaash S FARCT IDAHO C:!::!:u ApplasT i So. . . . . OATS COFFEE t-.-t- PANCAKETFLOUR J."! DRIFTED SNOW ZZZ Tu dnrt HsSsasadwK.Maasjbscsyisrso MUSTARD Pierces ROYAL GELATINE dessert pkg. 5c ROYAL BAKING POWDER M-.- 37c IC: " Egg Kssilss?-.- II f y 3 MATCHES . to qu.kljr, you raft orpo within few boun.Ylu.Ahcs EGGS1.u,d; .vdoz. 19 o . fKMMts. neuliwlfMB bvirntn sods, bn ops opt eecaiuag eomiort NomoceschmsbAk, sore psiaful juiats from for Foky PiL- - kday sctmtjr Ask - lawwnd-orderTea- COFFEE, Chase & Sanborns Ib. 29 C Fruit and Vegetables- fhct SEErsjIu "camouflaged as ghes, and vigilantes. X nxbi Lb, ..... Kf. w I.1..I Lod btsdder Quartered - Ccffaa Vhavsf'i SOIUrtfl MfllUj. lue tk. mu.4 tut .o H. Brookfield .... e e Good Newsmfor 17TH SOUTH AND 5TH EAST 1ST SOUTH AND 3RD EAST SOUTH TEMPLE AND 2ND EAST PRICES EFFECTIVE AT ONCE Cleanser c lb. Rosebud it -- IS.2C Ssesrisd Caadyi Vt!:d L'm!j Uayssaaisei Crapsasts program was that ft attempted to reduce production down to con- ,"1tea.d t tfymrto lift Dale ... ... ... 47riE Dread 33 Sperry Vihse! IZssrts-- 12 Dos. i 5 r 29 Uihys Splsash Strictly Fresh. Largs Size ... P2i3n:-2- b- Forest: Brite ...... Shopping at Piggly Uiggly Stores Rica M Sun Prices Effectire Saturday, January 6th, in All Salt Lake City Stores Dssas Ptmple-McPhcr- vl Ic he its w other-Letra- 48 lb. bag I H- f6S6rV6S |