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Show ' -- X H'x- XTHE DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE CITY FRIDAY i JANUARY 3 v FIGHT GAME NEEDS FIGHTS, DECLARES DEMPSEY 1 Secretary Wallace arid Major Griffith Battle To Draw in Football Controversy Vines Must Play Jack Has Sale of Browns Ten Executive Big Before Or Great Tennis Expected For.; Defends Grid Sport Hope Season Starts Tour Will Flop Max Baer TiinVi-Ynnnw Major Loses Points When He Becomes j , VETERANS SCRVIVE to tha boat of oil the vet- erut who hove survived the blaata of flit and are still march WT BO JngT l The Ret ie nouble Be Willie Mactarlane and Mac Smith In golf, with - over twenty eeae on to DOUIb, Blessed Event - Omir' XCtUT, RxQl3I110 tc QT. O tag Jan. (AP) S. pnee n of 1100,60 la understood to ave been placed on the francme-jn- d players of the St. Lout Bromna with several groups interested in -i purchajing ths ciuh. says today Tbe that negotiations have reached the iw Personal Californian if He -- Cor bus Gives Views Possibly-Can BY JOHN LARDXER oration ubji 4- - thori t r BT- - LAWRENCE PERRT athivtlrm. , (Copyright 1634 by the inriodiDg rnlk-eNorth " a a a , Alback- cn--American Newspaper (Copyright. 1934) , between one group and the standi -GXORING the of oua3 toe I Babe Ruth, Dojpfa Zjuque v ana liance. bell, eiof EW trustees the set tbe YORK. Jan.5. If ElaInc.) by price Tr Rabbit Maranville In baseball tate - of Philip Do Cstesby BalL coiitgo" wonfrVlncsToow on his way mayhaveeacaped your alien- - . " Sale Ralte Cereal Alonzo Stagg among ,the - football BT MACK CORBETT are. racketa and the coU focuaaea!:ithlelir'Til-dewhat all. witfi east tion, be with, to BiU a to there is said open While Big up ejea coaches peering back 1 years, a . L1TTI.E more fighting,- - to !cxe coaches racketeers, what def of op.nloo among heirs tennis circus, demonstrates (on the tournament of mud . Dfc complete .eyefull Clarence Jjmtt!0n eipreX, tne average Amef- and trustees over the wiswhat the fight game needs, ability to regain his lost tennis roses, that a couple of the Bar, still a marathon ' runner in club this of tbe at time.' dom selling country'djicaria conception of politics tad touch, all wiU be well with the adto Jack Dempsey, for- - .he general middle age and there la Bill Til-d- D belief In baseball cir- ' thinkers put on the g!ovepolitlc!a!rs? heading venture. ' mer world's heavyweight cnam- the .franchise and play- But if EoTThoTlhe'Vinea of two thiiveek and Tiie bo t th ringside tndieat- New Tork tr will bo aold. probably before tbe Tllden rates' the top. I still btplon. mho, enroute to that tmo fart'ed Vtheir pohte appUuse years agd.the tour wtilcft begins in lieve he can beat any tennis player1 with Mr-- - Dempsey.- - the former start o( 4ba U34 tetsoer with- - tfa considered this thrust a dead, estate retaining Sportsmen's this city on Jan. 10 wilfbea fright. a thev rounds to in the world in a five-s- et match (Hannah Williams of the - musical .Balt one cre to Inclined givo ?ul park.tolly customers Thy draw I refer flop. Prospective stage, comelyand this goes for both dliMonal If the transaction is coixsamm&t-- , Major the decision, and forget ' throughout the country are not go- Henry A. Wal-1h- e paid 'his home ed, tbe purchasing group will be pro and amateur. ltIt seemed to me, how. lace the embat,bouting to pay good money to see Tllden town a flying divert 4 long time lease on Sporta-- 4 possible that Big Bill ft to quitehava-cajxihand out sequential beatings to the -- might--not tied "secretary of!'er- that 0,8 N- - CVA. A. oluggef visit Thursday. i an park. and the Browns will od the min. t a little with 'mirslayt;lUl'i)J1-1tH-P,111 u i e " u i Californian. fct. Tn i, in 'remain youthful Louls.'rEe estafeTsas' ag ArfivTng ina to survive a meek's play at give Hint And that is lust what Bill will , Major John ijthat .art crack.than can't 8a It Lake on et it be known it will not consider Forest Hills last September But even break. an bpter anvthlng do If Vines is unable to stand him ;h sale of tbe club OnfCith t h f Th- making in a five-s- et the Union Pa certain match he would have can Amer may . the remain will Dresl-off. purchasers warlike i clflc at 5.2a. as tenants, thus been favored to paddle Fred Perry gard the politician a. a low. larcen. assuring aqlncome dent of the Jack and his o thetate through Tllden is a curious sort of profes , or Crawford. Who ran amay with' ioaa fellow. The poUUcias may con rental of the tional Collegiate eider the average American a sucker sional. He shares with all mercenwife f chatted park The Cardinals, under Trma the show. Athletic associa- - ripe for the take. Neither of the a with a group ft their lease, are pa) tag about aries their ardent desire for money, e e e Mews has any bearing on Mr. W&W a 35.Kfl In tion. of friends and year. but in other, respects he is very vv If you ask 1 innic Richards c , s premise, vis. and to wit, that Airlee ef Harolds I call It a lace dividual. or any others ml to played newspapermen football .t a racket death tbe of Ball. Will After who had disto Win though draw, against Tiklrn ten years ago Ptoj American.! of the. Harridge, no was there prednt covered and tew days ago, tiiey trill tell Above all things be is an egotist. ' Tfcfff Vague, advised executors of the fklnf srtlfslartY pf riciai decision identity of his yoa that Tllden is just as good be cons4etcd it tmirtse pr This- - characteristic is revealed inf $ tk afcmarr'i lwta Mr, Wallace led- - Hbat ftarsritM m m tkaf Mfr unk w as he ever mas. He Mill an estate to try to a basemanv ways, including an taordln- - ? r state-j'jeGriffith rss tkisk if Mtb atlh the ball club and d sclosed he haft a tram has all hi skill and craft, his ate des.re to win. hr tier t tmr tkuiBi Tk th heirs to sJl :f thy could I thafcoi-- r -full control of pore and m hat ITnent Til- - J departed twenone thinks whb the that Any mlrietly tden-Vin- ea - J mch more remarkable, his lege football 1st Pig ty minutes iat-erf- or ot satlfatory term- tennis hippodrome -- will Let fsriet his salst a racket. d-He Chicago, legs still move him from spot the slightest analogy to JacK bear devlst at m kHrher wit -l on went to where they will to spot with most of his old- of wrestlers in rsphere. tr wsrd t that effeeG jCurleys troupe " Mack Corbett join the modColA. scribe the Mr. Wallace time speed Intact. Hillirc deserves a better alternation Ucmj a bustnew-ii- k Jurl a family hug is the way Jack and Mrs. Hannah Williams' (sp8ct ern college stu- - fuser. team as the umbia football lnS h , v a Dempsey confirmed the new DT an expected heir m the IV mp-e- y drni as a fyretty futile sort of parSTILE Ui'RUIE fm special guests of Cuah and Mrs. f dlnVleor IEM9 or PtAYER Lou Little If v,n Tr heats Tllden. it win ty. worth about three Honduran as they were cornered duriog a 2Vmmute! househojd, Thursday, so IGHT yea pi ago Tllden mas loiif ago Bill Corbu. 6tan pesos in the opeo market There N'T During his brief stop. Jack disstop-ov- er In bait Lake while en route to ew York. Mrs Dempspy tupnB that oceaeion'ThoHer'roon W t--a III le.flg Mlia r rorried about a bad knee; the closed & laree-earf- ul in a train-- i b.fhly - educated rtS ha.vsl m. Mrevery to seemed rr.anghih Wallace qunE!x)liHow and gtmrd. wssquoted lading the seniL ValpmpnfrTuirsTiP ligaments wer. popping m and out ytci interview nTTnniHUiv and ghyly; the very important one of hi opponent on the ropes. ling the mat.on of a standard wags fxept ,hj,i the after the manner ora ig gamt, partic famous Austral. an,' willingness to bulid up a contest box. He refueed to spare thi wohr ,ularl Thc heaty-neigh- t division. iJ.r!cll klrkaood 8hoi apuj. was th4 jatkti sac.rificm maicf- c- at through that momen., about bly knee and Instead of getting ineed8 a ro-6isntrv' today in the annual LoeAn-- f Is a football player. Presum. strategic tntervale. He hates to sure, up to T Tonn worse it got a eli- - . secretary s adver.Ja,l5. h, knsw, rKle opn golf tournamei.t that hat foe a tennis game more than he identityHe of the have talking one been When big Bill vm oserthrown! funto 'about. lose any The ''cah. more fight and more w 1i start tomorrow. Jt's sary. a might money. , disiikeg plover, he said, were The field inrigdn George Von damental trait. of a dozen pigskin magnates The it pa d anyway Why. not standard, by the French assault aeven or fhtmg. Camera and Baer is the Elm. former nal onal sm,,leur king, and give the smaller col. Ksselsh's Eiperleaee suspense was relieved when he ize salaries eight years ago they sere nrp.l0ne fight (hat matters, and" it looks 8ha- lente4 Shue Brit.sh open Two ears ago whn Koseloh threw off his meek and revealed through paring epitaphs for his tennis' if lt mlSht and AtLos all former came over here and tennij fans the animated features of Major tomb. Loughran and Camera? k, and were excited !fabout Who could figure the lanky one' , "lf " ,m8a qu'te .So look , HudTe, prosp.i Griffith, commissioner of athletics -- cr(,t. (ootbail m'rat be it least . J3Jpap.ytlla.lc-- r' In thh Weslcni conference as well iightiv If ihy'r not, I bobetter In 1633 than he rf,p' Tommy will)Th. ehamp'ons- Harrv Coop.-of tho N. C. A. A. The think Major Griffith and tb wSlM bi sS'tlll l2t-:s-lin their seats ie to beating both the game and thifut don't think that Camera isn't smith, Shute,. 1JS9 and Vines, and If he f.nds he caa bum boy leaned forward . ,a fighter, He getting better alliCraix Wood. 1623. gun. the souDgster he will turn on th . don't oppose tho payment of eU Tournament officials expressed the time, and after all a ho at and heat every opportunity lego footbsU playoro myself, but if ,hat Gn 8araB a,, Wal' won't core a thinker eoso about feet 7 Inches tall, weighing were weU PERSONAL MENTION lt s being done then beretocombio offectn of upon th supremacy were done in the open, as Shako pounds doean't have to e very ;rta.H!" MOXTCOMERT tho gnte receipt unless ho hss to ssyl&g. The to to effective." spear earn chsnged very greatly. CoTumbia ea plain who tan his! BY XlAYIB J. WAIAH iiclua)v-ko- Ul Max a ProMraa (or tho family CoeWf May ft Chi thinking ft ever, OTV rlaagv my month in adva&c of tho teams ar-- " with line Judgment all! "No, I MEW Jan. 5. (INS)- - InvaL does bsppen as well ft club haU mind and give mr dHlw ltN-n- mi naturally doesn't If this yhs Tllden will -- hve to look -- to through tho Stanford game whoiH P A man Arthe namo of Babalmy Xorthat.wmrtfMf is Mo S allssr. He up mty Proved to bo an Inspirational Henri Coehet to aaee the situation. MnJnr Mflttfe erne 1 for a movle coit-o- f lag to the field of egrtcwltwre led w tfe feta ! believe. three' day. .tar.mg ho mads ISO.VOO Ruth, now Is In America South awith ..aaonlCochet who in addition tinned with ellnefetnw. whtB ,h training qualifies him to speak ' on an tract. He . know there are hun-- , Plaa. b the French pro. 'Vikea 75.000 This' ablo physical Job from put and eirTkf an.." ths years sgo year . toldreds rani of ham actors, but you hardly ,, start r -Uuths Lps-T- ho nxcn- Unveirn ootbaillalmost count the Josvy- mAhe stake iUtce that and 152.000 I rauwrnavo Z?'Lnm gtood n round into a titleholdera on jour fingers, oh. . Mfn u.k.tball N part In the and his daughter throughout the month in time to take Bill final chapter of footballl Max hae softened up all right dav at the hand, ef the Wandamere fTBrien tour which winter a mnasium Southern b are gy th. paid trip Play. It waa the first triumph for 1U bet he hasn't 'Wen the Inside of P'omots- is th. freigot What rwith h paunch iBefors he starts, there ' Wff Joans who rarrirri L. a g m sines he 'went Holljwood. th victor. Burton held Buy-&S,0utfieI(!essll all this professional rHafey (ac shipping hi expensive hanging"term tver"aj"il, R. , an game" io with and can count tho there General do tix" thof arrateur to Florid.Anerhear-1s19:1 is Belwdsr.. .1C?-United Slates of the palr opinion laMh a smashing scivtlulp. . one Ihand ho. havs dightsra sou'hero The ths upkeep. gone ftp. H hillin' nr ' a , j tennis crowd Is that it will he VftUilnT model I foand oat bow many enwTnp-pe- d wood and gone an where in the! they say, usually sets him down lawn that when trunks and told; about helpful. Thev believ 9 f2.900. J i J rf rf t1 sappoxuss be had by yfWfe rin jra torsr ri A not her- - ve Jhe gseerrliledi I ttshne'f t 0 O. 9 I, 3r gi enriy to pfmnhrr nlsht clubs auj-e- r " 1 -!1' I . , and throucheut l In the hovs off eeajhCm 1 ' .1 press that that WCkT 1 Pre rW (By f 0 jings for rrimo. The Italian s man- rf I 0 ha hoped effect enthe fm two strangest, team V DALLAS T- -t I Jimmie Reed 14S, INS OSTON, Jan. tg 0 " l F " '" '!r ' would ' o Yank.ee : : ecntil V. be wholesome i ; srtotb. Then later. J s. snd . : if 13 n-- T Fne, Pa, oupned Lou Jallrs. - th a staff Sirrsdv4liofa i , not cut luB of the Boston servant, oi.i- - sa. game EfforU - o rn-r- d o of u 1 l trimmed Tnmesarr. Tbe Houston 433 Eddie M8 Speaks, dres himself prou i. iut 4 Tanner f 'I'on't foyget that Guera under ' Braves to purchase outfielder ary t rmj much exceptHuVi LouisvfUe, K . outpointed Joe vmfnring note wa overlooked the last two items, mot! me. though. A pok Cnlefc Hafey from the Ctnc.n- 1L of it is for this : Cullen Tutaon, Arts, "ns Vanderbilt had tied L. contractno to ia made neesary by the fact1 1 n bct-wa- v 15e to -i Reds for 3T5,o9 were vir!n ihe -- Sr-'get Iso iou2 them that he ewnnot eat r sleep cr ive - FJ,VFL'1? HLanis I35r Tea. outand Tenm-me- e had hral-e- n a guya mind off what'a-ailin- g " hint.--j tually abandoned today. pointed Alex Jimmes. 114, Mexjoo that he banted n ethers do If h tries v It, he s OS-DES- IGN landrrbill 33 to I, is and j sald the Cin- -J Lt F.' 6 1 o this man. King Letlnsky. is Lary.MPhail rf hlnelr ca8,nf s one tbernabnota. Anyway, the considered Hafoy cinnsti InoBic 3 t i If Camera- - svn-- t TH 1T1. a his around neck like club vear, QUINSY. Mranger J ntat Henry Firpo in the Na- Arm, rimrh had a raw! wm - 4fjghr, rokcr outfielder best 1 the : Fr LoasSVtHe outpointed Leo (Tiger) and that o shv Im going to t d:dn t J But h dow the atrrtrli. Tragua gnd. forihti r- Jh?L 11.1 gfL,lL latha-rsaito.New York. uelf. aer and Urn offer. Braves the son decinird IttFy of Ru'h the Bab Eotb plaTr' riULADELPHIA, Jan. 5 i IXSljtlO), Hus-- ll Gri 144 Quincr j Judge Emtl E. Fuchs. Braw ,?kv frfChco is a 'naturrr ator I YALE AND DRTMO(TH who was unfortunate n that !: onrtho -Mekev 14 of A mandatorv president Hydler. stepped ik toot. train started negotiafirst Th. story of F.u'h t: a fa.se- mad too trurh m ? . h- and row find National baseball league and YTrt jrhicaoA Tat O Shannon. 131 presdent. r th looking over the holiday base helpe Mrs.' Williams e 4 7 hst he cannot mak U.baM is getting ready row t of Keokuk la -- outtomted Phil- - ALU t? Tsr of the whea Ikero seema to be a slightly board Haridge. president Chicago rr- -k RmI MH1 Hat and Ar!l olftrtu S)000 cash waa 4 f disturbed Effete front a few YaU tclt 011 nesLS - f T Might aai-nel- i P ianL lfke-th-e -anrnitr wjih man M.tche.l 13a Ch.csgo. JAV. rni1Sl which also -j...tw J0Rn I -: pl.v.rs. urt l 1 tnni he'll goes nd Dartmouth followers regard-- . haak what vou e been fidgeting Alvnrf can doubtless he on, Terre AO Haute. forThat abj to t efVri work Suow.,135 Reds' Larrj the down thumbed on I by I I i manufacturer, rsn.f.ir to eke out an estetiCe around for. the mauler of Manas- bwiac if .J, 1 1ngfootbaIIfor J934 3TrLPt'IrAt KHHnanr-t- L 17ft - boia.- .31 tj A ato ball player And . praatc) waaftOf-ofi- o fhnr. "narh I rA.jtd for this reason. Louia, oupointd Will Ostr. Yoke) who happens take my mind off Mr Ruth s men Baseball any to expect 1 1 3 0 0 Rarridgo the Tale about and Dartmouth Difme.ls F'oriwr.if stork athletic'true perambulator, Jto spot him on the sfrerL he f and turn my attention to suggest the ns of the American f --Of M1 mM 'ton rfo 00 committees themselves oreh'ng don't and blessed event report, and we forced to !i at tho rate of $50 - important. bster eague ball, and Hyder to connter Ifta Ind'acapclis. (ft); ltnerSav-ag- , know Just what is obat at this want tain. WL c. o r t .909 a ar and As that "fh A "L haH b -" I and Sar.tr-De-iag- a. lift, fG Lpu - - Emigration , 41-3- 9 fSTMC lg ApOL a retired no man L. lone 119. deadened a ftva&aaille. Ind somewhat and tho X. s re. drew. (I) What both fieod la a quick and rg 1 S o 2 ho hit athlete, feAKFiKLb, Jsa. 4 tdpsc!) The tho headlines or a cimo baI livened. TACOMA Mash arl "Brand'ng Gsrf.e.d thorough return to fundamentals M Men bomJ out the Eailgra 4 5 1! t TVta t 15 for those who stand and gpe. his Tes Is further blieed Mont Latin. 1531. ?! Butte It eompro-ms- e Iron - and mueh smarter football thao 41 to 3 . son 4 hl same Ret Faibriand. jeferer. Baker, Jiving exp-n- se b cut in oriil bo reached like thlai The kpofked cutFhll BtCk, 13ft. Bell at thsquut. might L'tsb they have placed Intel) . Copper arm 1st a cht Tho jrnrin. half. But he neither kan to reAmerican fsigue ball will he agreed ingham. (ft). - Part of ihta is up to the coachLakers onpJsvM tha t etors ta Stit tire altogether nor to a r too GARFIELD. Jan $ upon. 1 not get the on tVe sst hslf hot HVSl Wtl-!- ! ing ataff and part of ft is up to MltML Fla, Jan. a te gsrne. The greatly his mod of bvit-- - He Th William Mitbrrrr bowlers team or individual opint. milling-r5- 3 nejet for MaFriane t rrll alker. Jnne W Resulta . T restlinf? a- - an ac- 4UiAacpT tho ou ta tab ihreore, ls'ling ppper getting to pay thep rice m time, hard n Kamil. Witlio hletn Joe Tur f OerfHf EaUgratta tue plater before Jt atari, n hrFjV race at prcilt a Uh a amb'vslng advOr il Burke Mike Dradx. G T TP. work and training , B- - tHhuit th v.vJA?6 I- -It roller1' It n'1 Tommy Aennar bcginTimg to V J r c ,rf J J I 4, H ymed. rf 4 4 I n CAMDEN. jhim.Ile's S, T Rav Jeele FritX Criskr nd hw able staff. be 9 J T5 ft oap-nai- vo MjTr.h y.lf." if'Y 4 I nf jpt golfers who wll conttai tong)i to bo-- g irgh 4 nptl Glendale, caTTthrewr inr ?r it. a after ft 1 OS M ft ft ft weks shutdown to ai bole Miami opn 59 tN'tFLKS Jsn ft 207. Nebraft, J yft 43 me nt which Jn b ft4 1 13 minute R'i' player, Dial spirit back to Princeton., Co- the tnrnamnt for ft 3 ft H ' remodeling . wore 1 added j more t matt hir'cen ls.rg slarti golfers Vi " PiATIjh). Gut Sor.n ft I J The team standings follows lumbia ha known it ever since golf bfcjjfce lie remair.s a cur.OeU in the Ls 4w-- f Uiirti Rian Celestm Durand, of i the quaLf ire nj TtoGnu( $ft ftft ft1 1 ft lia'vex. nberga ft ft ft r-Ti-1. t.'nes'-- f ewn to Lou Little stepped In. necU the tournament this end. N. Y . holder of Ruth Po.nt: Boston Oarden won f A ui a put, oe g.lf ft ft ft ft thegetasHu Team lBdod, ft ft V, ft Kaabe-v-ingWa.rr-4O-- 2JL.m.QU and Somk Florida championIt has little to do with game-nee-noa, r'lair aro frrning tmorg be t addod w as esearv to spend nait ,vtoUtoands D jean Cn -of dollars eah among the amateurs w bo!! Ed KingM. (tab amateur Edit which is the product of AKRo,vOship tha jear pom manner proidd for iv ft term Xo. . cage, threw B !y Hsssen. lum1'.?, ooe college or aecUon. J 22A Jacobs . TORONTO P.idy Duek of hut contractu The u me hi No. ft. Rotp Larson It ha everything to do with the jteoff . Omaha, threw Rue Jnning? C21 or love of football, practice taxi bHs alone total u;'ap4 of No. 13 A Luchest. play, 1- - 1ft 3ft S9- - ard of Oklahoma .in and correct. Inspiring coaching. -e travels No. 2,vJ, Loutenock $390 a nmnfh. When 45 to wagers, final bout; aso throw Woo Witiie hgo trounced Cjtrus -- nt s mr R the O O teai-tjOpemng-gain the Dana. --2 ;wui fhe club, he hires a drawing No 19, PMoC in to, " ' n race No. ftnkta-Idistrict basketball DnaL room 4, Bonds Albekn If Irani for hmifelf and !' Ruth . Savoldi M.ch W'dnesdaV. NEW TORK-lJ- A 3, Mtmte Bird and naturally pars the d "Terence No. the . InlL Spctny . No. l Harrv AdamaJ- Tk .throw Bejxay to the main highway. AUhoteJa. iluoa-suiios- r ad . .? Garfield f X g w Alle-2100 fYpnw Hans Ste.nke German Ancr-F of the sharing of tic room No. Jl, R Huffman .8r 1 7 15 Tonv n Felice. tossed Italv. ft ft with another player, nhnt happened Inst fall, with Mjsbscd f 1 Bill Houlihan. S Y. pfntied Aro fe n rf cbrdalr Friday 1 ! f f -distributed In th foui-- hf defeats 'tWi't uh f old saying that a man is who has been able to rnke the at an eight 1444, J: p "T c i3Vioe the Mae and the RNew York. nomo. SalKo-ni- d. Lontensork. tasisxn. nnintiQ threw Ja-cigcmt .1 t t . , not without honor ,t -- x ; -t T & -- cms. 1 f 7 ft p m wo have an Idea that nolds. rennsyivanla. in 4 1 Boston. Newark. John Jambs t Philadelphia. Gma,and if y was Alhean. Spam. toe-and those other big mat i 19ft I V .rch.c S 1 ft ft FJrpo fI 'Tala Dwrupootli would his old home town, probably ,Humberfn. k p m William Wilcox Oklahoma, in 10 2$ intended for profeasionat Pittsburgh 3 a m center Nks la go more than half ' nere Pat has met atnha Jterr,n ft4 ft 0& 0s big Mbri:y -iL i.b.SiftorJf s Monte 0 zJDEXvER a Bird. Acna--grt' 4on rwiwtieni?-Lt eastL lgh p EAttai01aM)ni4lbeater yrara. bdvrbrfhe There' tack way back to and game Nft ft r . a I ftxr Tuk k trf Junta, threw George Zaharas. pling carmxal haa acquitted hmself right weH tV stpher eblo vj4burj g ft 1 0 ft -JXlford-Lead- s will no doubt .Naturally he is not the least bit y. ah-rr. TORKJ-Jxck e'x NEW or OolSe disturbed bv the Longson threat JhrewRidJH, but- eapeda Andy are" Race" frogram !1 ce. iBv I hr-- ? "rttff roinpetitton. drew. Vsnka Zlezn ak. Ital, ' four local boja threw Andy Brow n, V Y . n Penn t'tat 4f; Russia, ?3. Spioe of .Card ft 31. w out! the 1 ) CaWos 5 ft'4? E ,and Valparsff. tlfrd TenVns Henr.quer. Hiraru, Lavs 41X8) MEW YORK. Jan- The spieA of tho program is e In th Grant of talent is IHr tpn ; threw Heb Freeman. V Y . ftr.,. State er Ird rrnrV mo oritico today had put their okag; W last IS froth v atght 11:44. Delbert Okla . threw 53. by Tearhats Beaver. and Little om-teKunkel pected defratrg comparaquite on Ellsworth Vines, tho former in IS W)ls itAn4 Ocufhra n th Car! Lemmle, Cal in- - 1! 27 75. P prtrt zm ble to anvthtng Dae Reynolds. In a previous en- king, who recently turned pro other iam& A and-Dav- eX RK NEW DelBtlc n J counter LarlhamJOyhad them offered at "the jjUJhnaToledo) to Join Bill TUdens troup WUfard Haterloa bach., N. Y , threw Joe Brman V in a furore all the way. It was Aniom 24. Xotr Lmid 44 Vilnes looked good G T r Pi atrday P old Ninth uT Y 4 S7. . in Casey e A WoMrf Co.ymba. Cal J Thumn s when bo bopped off trwin end split battle acclaimed one of tbe moot fasciSouth -- . Miumsippt college 2a. Purdue ftl. Pond.lf. ( ft a pinned the traked fn?ryl in II 3 two sets with Bruce Barnes, X0.Llftrda f 0 hall this sea- nating matches of the ietson.-Th- e Nrth Dakota v threwT!r 31, South Dakota D Thvr- Kara Germs" 1 Eteinke. !-- L a ' 4 Len.e are Junior middleweight but Rey 15 son. Roebueq. Okla, in Xft'ftT Aft s dinner lost night. Til den reis.e. - 0 Afr N Gerk ( 4! ,T T Mc- - Atidwea be will nolda even 4ft; Jamestown, Interest i at fa handicapped have would Marietta signed iterated that ho -4 v ft ft H Grk tj o ft J limiMmpoeed - upon Afaatrr the show the Bunny Austin and Fred Perry. EngMILW West Krntuck Teachers B; Lou-Ivra- A-Jwaa,l AUKEE fit CLUII BY JUMCd WOOD - Tbur- O C. his y not opponent lish aces, as pros if tbev had hinge chiefly - v ft 4 ft ft1 . College n mas.rg S S 0 3 Moss. -rfERLlVjGcrmaay. Jan. 5. g u pou BF.E STARR Rattle of Swede won tha Davis cup Tllden agaH BHt I ft 5, n (Neb ) Teachers ftticrfi I 32, il at SALE ON PLACED Tturforiner Lsheddlerr-ivuvnrH) . he discussed a had ri asserted that efThe battle of the 8wrfes, Jack Longsons who-- 4 Levmsk now EK STARR may he a star circareer with Cliff Sutter, who rejectA Mo 7 7 to subdue Johnson v. Bill Hansen, t fort Trial. Tot.!. Teachers 1ft; Arf gaur, need Dot is ) the gputhwest, spe5 INS Kavweighx MILWAUKEE. denied Jan. who ed It and George Lott, cus 22 kansas i to aertaliat Writ. arathsal. rest the of th 'Pat , O'Shocker event cial bell dssianc aerent at a '(come tonight. These oung Notrhweit. Louis M. Xaiun former presi(Tent. he had ever spoken to BiU on th p (Mo) 21; Northeast. toor.rf o I r.I I. odKw.rf g f 4.50rt miles a:td threaten io For two years men are comparauvely new in tbe (Mo in todajr was sobering tocaTcapitai cXigbJLihe. ta only-a-ho- m subject. ) Teachers rt- Ml Longson ha been coming unch Chance.Ior Adolf Hitler a on professional' game, tSe 1 1 bat of Mme Joha.11 Baef. Texas ) jroo Teachers Jwiiwx. I I 1 11 EaH conlendef.forjh, necessary downYhe wrestling tracks likea wouldn't .suspect 1$ from seeing 40.ftumaoQr to instead of f ghttng the Gwrr- H.ln.r 5 i f !Jl?or world's heavy weutht cham- - the Milwaukee club franchise cMean-hoxArMagLO THE COACHES hmelrng. freight train and there are those them work- - Johnaonhaa. tha edge fookjx.. t I 1 uiliBth Bee eri ovy jj, aUdve. the-Bti . Xir.enr.vn temshtpr -P- HXLADELPHLAr-Jan. from , X Reports that if Fboirislst. hejphvtoicaHy but Tlanseq Yenmoro a IfjO.OoO. breach of Loqjj Brawn. The price, lt aas Hr or anbody else has forb.d I' tv B.hm x I i .'brought Dan-e- l Baker 21 John Tarleton i Can rt , S KmeWng to ,tfiahter. -i t s, promise (suit acamet rite f" tg Levinsky' rcpcred. Lou Mu-ll- er and Ralph. Waiaon "colMll tbs Phillies this year. Man-ag- ar v , Tcachera IS. These admirer, may or may not: will entertain the earlr comers W 17 Jtauay Wilson announced his have time-lltno lost i ii track ( the fact contest. Promoter R - Whitman 1 UxiitoUvito, Nor- aeJectlona after the two had signed O'Shocker t, tha only Utah man I Verne UcCuUouyh will ref.ree. mal II. no year contracts yesterday Totals Admits yonr'i U , A t 0 ,enf I wtht vrS the sown They wrwb wriarui Von Elm see skst oprie Enters 'hti L A. Tourney C wtff T. Ruth Cannot Afford To Take Salary Cut ,n, 1:. see mu'f jS fat C '"no1 l8 ),, ip'r'1'"0"and'nhen rcktih Pdent Bambino Used to Living Like a King Walsh Tells Real Story' of Ruth b. thr htihLbt)d)htup! t t lift Iun i " 'rill,lnir!Sill " " ", I. .z. t?enSr.rhea w fill (Tj') rfr tie. B fHFFR rr OF .h- - mail'jk rt ir :ifhr.otf si Sill Miami Open Draws Galaxy of Linksmenj fIPafr-- cr V oTrp Braves Abandon Efforts To 1&HT& tAtST plar.,!t t tr ror M'n ai yei Gnr r. - J , eight'h. Jr Jhn db i. - ia Mayberry Bowlers Top Copper League lil Kingsley Wins Post na In L.AGoIf Meet vr Sues Max Baci r GTir )peal) tit nhc. - ' Galaxy of Local Talent On Arena Card Tonight Inn nu i,rnte J j THE BASKETBALL Vines lmpresses tl.l iJ R ES U L T S ' InTennisMatch o.afdT'tf) ..... in Grant4 1rns Hoop il 4 r bsnt 4; t r tJ tr B till jf.l htr " that, rr mi in t 01 ,- |