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Show ' PRICE FIYE CENTS ! SALT LAKE Speeds 10 Billion Dollar U. S. Bond Issue Morgenthau Has No n- U. s: GIRL FLIER -- BURNS TO DEATH-I- N PLANE CRASH DoubtFundsCa:BeJRaised: UTAH CITY FRIDAY JANUARY 5 1934 EIGHTY-FOURT- YEAR H NEW SILVER MOVE FORECAST :r c House si ure Liquor FINANCIERSrFACE MONOPOLY; ON DRINK GUARANTEED LIQUOR-PRO- BE EVERS. Francs. Jsn. A (AP) Evelyn Frost, WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. (AP) the American avlatrlx, was horned to death today in Tanning market reaction to . President of an airplane- Amevetti budget mesMiss Frost, who was pilotsage Tory good," Secretary mid today the treasury ing the plane; en route to ' will begin "right soon on its teh high'Egypt, collided with tension wires in a log. The biKloa dollar financing program. -Thin tremendous task, as shown plane burst into flames im. mediately and the flier was by President Roomveit in bis bud- -' trapped in the jnasa of wreck-- , get message 1 Congress - yesterMove Forecast or Ag- Street " Interests Walt day. involves borrowings by sales 'age. The British filer Ruttled. ' at bonds. Home culture. Accused of Forming who accompanied her, eras Such procedure Is in lino with slightly injured. expectations. There has been no Loans Trust Rum The accident occurred sevreason to expect the administramoney. - eral miles north of Never. tion to use printing-pres- s along the Indications pointing constantly ..... WASHINGTON. - WASHINGTON." Jan.- - I. UP) Jan. AP) against resort to such practice. -- .road. The plana had been purIn his massage. Hr. Roosevelt Pneidrnt Roosevelt will was Th new liquor ULx bill estimatchased and only recently to spoke a t the government having next week propose Congress a tourist model. ed to brlpK in I479.I0M09 in revTo borrow approximately atx buthat the government guarantee tton dollara of new money.' enue from spirits, beer, end wine the principal of the IHMOMto soma in ta additio CCO money of agricultural nflandM House and wo the lag passed today by ready borrowed. The remaining bonds, which will in effect conSenate. aont " to the borbo ten to billion of the four vert these Into government oh-- . More than a score of Imeuff rowed in the next six. months is . UgwtlmM. meats were offered to change the for refunding previous obligations. Extoasloa of this to the SI, In Making OO.IMie.ooo la home loon bonds tatea. but an were battered down. Thtt president's chief financial also Is contemplated. Tho measure levies a 1 2 a gallon aide, whose confirmation in his Storm Threatens Byrd taw on distilled spirits on each now post by the Renata Is expectWASHINGTON. Jan. 1 f AP) ADMIRAL BRTD8 proof gallon aad a proportionate Indications came fom the White ed next week, also disclosed that ABOARD House today that President Roosean intensive effort to collect back FLAGSHIP IN THE ARTARC tax at a like rate on all fractional velt is giving renewed considerataxon in in the making, he having TIC. Jan. I (AP) (Via Mackay a snow- parts of either proof or wine galtion to hia by summoned internal revenue collec- Radio) Assailed monetary of Rear Ad- lon. program. tors and agents to confer with him storm. the flafthip . aecood miral Richard of Chairman Doughton Byrds Jan. IT. state members iiiniAnUfttic egpedltioir was prepared the ways and means committee, piffchTarH-tMappointed today stunned that the ilquurtar would .) told riporteia. and Aba . by Rep. Schrugham worse, became an on expectcanion of bow see 1344.00. to return muck this to tmrmonlza tho views of attempt plaas Th In Pc,t appeared ed lit.OM.IH gallon consumption bn brought la aa aourishment for many groups seeking silver legisla.. whose boohs toe preeeino m towsrd where the ship annually. tion. Ibo treasury ar ter SI a !" a flat Pn bill Tho told The chairman la Rep. Martin of provides yesterday, Congress president h Amral B,rl barrel tax on beer of all alcoholic Colorauo. Other members: Whit would bo somo aino billion dolto lat- - strength, UM Wednesday estimated to bring In within two lain off of Idaho. Murdock of Utah, Mona72.1 south. House voted Tho beeauoo of tho tocovory program DetlltlltIM. ghan of Montana' and Isabella Two Hundred Youths Vie For Honors; Exhibit k. amendment to reduce the Families Pawnan dowa Forced For to Hunt Greenway af Arisons. A Fleeing -Late Christmas Arrives beer tax from It to 11-- Wo win work sot a quota aa Decision to name Greatest One in of dared committed a History Wins levies graduated from t bock tsxeo for each Internal reveLeave Homes as tor this work was arrived a to shop Man Moves to . (AF) Jaa. cents aa that of less thaa 14 per nue collector, put tho qaota ap aa 8EATTLE. Utah L OFNorthern cawfvrvaeo of It Bonos mambova- . A eva 41 comet tonight for sank alcoholic content, up to Americas Breaks how tar tho Christmas River aCO blackboardcanaad aoa doom states hi the Rocky Mounts) colmembers cent. of Beattie's Ruesiaa v to St coats a their per Doctors gallon ap bring Many of ttoaa favor ony, and for similar Russian groups AH wines containing more than 14 Morgeatkau aald OGDEN. Utah. Jan. with free cqiaasq of paid r V. structure, however, proved to 1 -throughout tho eouatrs. Wail have a lit tie rivalry." coat will hear tba t spirits 144 youths were showing t to smell to bold tho par " Nearly -- True to holiday traditions of old ' I 4heir skU1.4"e iadak--g f ctrskM pfviat-- , Margeathaa said tho conference Russia. Itrbta will glow, merry- bred cattle, shew and swine a twfi awjuveto during toe sevPvsdteflag '" 'with were taxed a lhternarterelfOe'Tonectors. RWltifvin frifOV seegallon. Thte ham show the en livestock tho far of that Premier Ca banes today. miatieally a new admlnlstraao their exposition. od day (gdN today will tod. bo lavish decani was lly twa oa final which win last The vote paamgn move days, b only but not Is was to officials this Show the and the that aid Junior white declare the aa met at In-opening weeks day Within twa cabond time mflls Chaiitempo and hid the find nf- eeveral planned The There until midnight. to I dirationa of new administration -, exhibitors and judges were featur- one of the largest and best collectrill he no feats Claus inet might bo overthrown when action to aid the St Joe river rooo steadily week after- tho raveaao eoUactoiw college-trained. Six silver ware In were ever teams assembled tions of cattle strength-ene- d Gifts are for tho children only, and part lament airs the 144,444.444 assemble, enstosss collectors will are TAULG TATES la the competition. They are from the west and that the show is third scandal earlytoday. today by Senator Robinson's of the Bayonne pawn- - Several families who had vatagged by the donor, bo rsllod in tho foUowing week confident News UniverStaff United Writer) in of tho Nevada. the that shows of there prophesy (Deseret University ranking Observed according to the Julian shop. agents of the narcotics bureau. calendar, tho during ths would bo ho silver legislation at sity of Wyoming, Utah State Agri- Htstea There are Aberdeen Angus WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 ( INS) cated residences Ruaataa Christmas Tho government sent out a this s rasion. " flood were Just getLater, others will bo summoned. ocean Christmas Short-horcultural Colorado State beef Hereford and College, cattle, second aeries of messages to days later than ander These plana represented aa exCharges that Wall street hankers Observers coupled this foreca.f '"' ting settled when the new beef cattle. College. Montana State ho institaled tho Gregorian. ships at sea and to French have entered tb liquor business on menace set them pansion of tho policy Ith the fact that support packing and the for Branch State There and Utah also College Jerseys. Guernseys and npoa taking aver tho treasury representatives in North action favoring the white metal are breeds of sheep and swine. College at Cedar City. q grand scale, gobbling up 14 per again. Booth America In aa effort to apparently whoa he began weekly meetings of Gets Hearing - cent water A of the section on Billings haa city FuOn grown clubs and schools coliseum balconies the tho of Capital High of lbs liquor manufacturing an division beads. arrest Serge ' Handsome Alex" HilL Thev pointed out also that main was earned into the ture Fanners of America teams are are exhibits in tho Intermountain as mors of --a family FOLSOM PRISON. Cal, Jaa. I. facilities is America, today agi"It gives Ftavisky, founder of tho two "Democratic silver leaden la Manee River valley Wednes- - also competing seed and Intermountain poultry exWashington-Higofficial K. tated Warren conlets (AP) he explained, and feeling.Billings, municipal enterprise the Benatw Wheeler of Montana A feature is tho famous day by a slide 144 feet long. , Boys and girls are showing more position administration figures mov. fl which received government everybody know what other part victed with Thomas J. Mooney of tho Joe Bt A log jam In L; purebred stock than ever before in horse tiiloh ot Clydeedaia horses tho San Francisco preparedness ed vigorously, meanwhile, to halt rivornoaa-bait of th t treasury are doing. ha ro ku talk with Mr. pleased after tstOTjWTbe" sfiowT'officUils Ths first event of the show on called day bombing, will come before tho the present widespread Sate" of up water when it was broken Premier Morgenthau said that Just now state Roosevelt Chautemps but would yesterday . Friday was tho livestock Judging Albert DaUmier, minister of not board considering his parole shoddy legalised liquor at exorbtho tressary bus no definite plane up- predict presidential approval contest with members of ' aa ta clubs, itant prices. exact date of the first fl application hero tomorrow. OGDEN. Jan. I. Blooded cattle and Future Farmers of America colonies, to hit office at noon of their 14 to 1 measure. Clyde Baird. San Francisco. New Tork OConnor of Tbs (D) whoso Rep. convict, stale a dear demanded nancing issua. Its sue, or the typo from field ond Cross Red all of the Confident, Silent representative, Intermountain participating. parti of obligaioin to bo offered. application filed last October end- said. "This whisky trust heads np has begun Investigation of con- meat of hia connection with Apparently something la in the country, and some from distant P. H. Muit-ahed his president af the tho Btav.sky affair of which alliance with in the Kuhn. Loeb building la New ditions at Calder. np the St. T tothought reaction in tho maratnd. but those who have talked t parts including Kentucky. Texas shov, baa made the following statemes-- Mooney for nothing leas than a Tork." kets the president's with tho president concerning hia tho minister asserts ho ta en.- budget Washington and Kansas, are on ex- ment The Kuhn. Loeb building is Joe river from here. work sago was rumors. very good- ho comment- pardon, wants to go to his Innocent At hibition desplta Wallace, at by monetary the polity are saying noth- n quick fifteenth -tirely e Tl Ogden ahow thin year la per annual mother in Brooklyn, N. J.. be headquarters for- - tho huge intered. Wo are confident wo can circles, -- ing even though giving indications -In parliamentary Livestock show which opened hapa the best balanced ahow national hanking firnj which was CWA crew patrolling placer, said. , in the will have to raise tba money aad of of a ago few creek fork and the south days believing strongly that a new ' which until its doors in the mam mol h coliseum .Both ho end Mooney art serving under fire before the Senate bank-- t begin right soondomestic money plan la in ths of- the Coeur dAlene river eras had conceded tho present govlargo (Continued On Pago S Column 2) Hia remark was that tho budget: life terms, the latter In fen Quen- - ing and Currency committee last credited with having- - averted" in West Ogden. Friday.--Thfin;, llera again, Mr. Roosevelt ernment several months of ,nr th exploaton in spring. " caused aarsaagv yesterday-ha- d P?"--further damage. Both streams" life. It was said tho cabinet a haa cast aside International vhlcb kUlM It A&4 Injurid Huge Profits A Urged minimum of 4UimtuK in were lower Asserting other nations today. danger ta real. spectators of tho preparodnem "National Distillers corporation government bond market. are not prepared for permanent M. J. Arnett, Wallace agent The police said Dalimier bad Asked whether official buylog dT Prolo oa Market street Bill- - and the ftchenley corporation are Of tho O. W. R. A N. company, currency stabilisation - on a world sent out letters urging Insurmight have been partly respon- tngs said he was "tired" of prison the two big hold'ng companies of said ha expected freight trafto invest in wide basis ance dhmpantee the whisky trust." O'Connor asMrt-esible. he replied; "We didn't do . - I The legislative program of tho fic between Wallace and pawnshop bonds without, bowTo Honor Teddy anything abnorinai. to be resumed Saturday. ever specifying the Bayonna - 'farmers union calling (or remone- -"This trust, controlling 14 to 14 FBr several weeks the treasury of e.lver and cost of proOYSTER BAT. N. T, Jaa. 4 per cent of tho domestic output organisation. Oppositionists to ,tixauon has been Investing funds la gee-- . duction aa a basis ot price fixing immediately frtenda of Theedereland moot of the Imported supply. PROVO. Jan. tho government A special im--' eminent securities. 1 la week a herculean task la Mr. Tha juaa presented to President Rooee-jxe- it commented on the sale of aleion of the state legislature may Jacobs purchases aggregated tll.4S4.444, Roosevelt will gather tomorrow in is profiteering to tho extent iut, can he 4ia today by Jdhn Simpson, presi- - . . be necessary it Utah ta to aail her- - poeej ofopinion. leged bogus bonds 16r hunand In the twa preceding weeks tho llttlo cemetery at Cove Neck. millions of dollars each day " the people of Sait Lake t dent of the organisation. and of franca on Democratic millions leaders aelf on 9lO.0OO.OOh of each of where dreds Long the Island, Deer year capitol creek flt.S44.444 each. approximately tjtnd Utah Bimpaon described hia visit with - counties show tho proper and Utah lake diking project for Stavlsky. who January 4 they obeerre tho anni- hill were hopeful that Secretary pointed out thatrecord the president aa very pleasant." and al nhfch the public works adminm- - Sait a had versary of the death of the late of tho Treasury Morgenthaus sudpolice "The cotton farmer. he toht reCity haa already indiden and dramatic demand for a has already allocated 12, cated aLakq president. ready faced other charges, had -- jtratlon tentative oubacription of is better off. However. 1 S04 044 to As In 14 years past, the presi- drastic law to prevent misbrandhobnobbed with member of porter begin ednetrurtloir. ac ;4 dairy, poultry and livestock are dent's widow will throw open the ing would quiet the talk of a Congovernment the the worst they ever have been- ' Commentators doors of the Sagamore Hill estate gressional investigation. They said English The chief executive and COO this law should go a long way to receive them after a brief 1mM the jiroJecLor, icre-feand 1he other appliesto halt profiteering; Laud Courage of sanitation. of remembrance. SEESSWINC KING l ions have been entered (Continued On Page 2 Column 2 follows: risns were made to offer Mor- Under the present w. .ITovo Reservoir Water Users com- - IN NATION TOWARDS - pany. Provo "nd Idaho olher Dies Publisher Lake Utah DUtrihuton 14.04; (Continued Page 2, Column 1. Director Dis- whose suhs. Options mcipallties companv. 4.400; Prove Bay MONETIZED SILVER PASADENA, Jan. (AP) Fu- FURS AND of the total water, Mate of I tah). 20.404; f?r1n part hjg JEWELRY STOLEN Glrn-dalneral services will be held la them-'go- a V to bond charged For . Jan. Irrigation company. 444; Upper The cause of bimetallism Is ( 1AP) tomorrow for Frank W. HOLLYWOOD. Jan. 1 money necessary to Union (AP) Amasement at the iiu of th Irrigation company, Idly gaming strength la Brown. Jr, tl, founder of tho Ida- Three burglars. ne of them be- side of the American budget the project, fays Mr 400; Hast River Economy .ah. ho Statesman at Bo we, Ida, and lieved to have been a woman, sere propHn throughof the West Union Irrigation company, intybrioond tharihe, at one time prominent in politico 'sought today for stealing furs and mittef 1yTresideni RDOi4vir'WM1J,b th tm- are becoming eoRtiizant n formation of comroenta-3fJwjtio. Orem n. ton British a PrOVOl 1.000; aisff, expressed by kjho T.v .Killtafinn in Nebraska and Idaho. Mr. Brown: Jewelry valued between mv 13 440 tors water district under ropoliUn Bench admirmon with and North Union 1. office today along of died of affective Fob. the i Default heart attack here yea - iand 14.444 from the home of Jack for hts courage. CondemnaUon Grove director of the state securities com. terday; rieas,t be included,-Bu- ch IBarty. film comedian. scheme seems to bnng lnfTlrlVit mission will bo discontinued aa an isetlon is- now lnieffect-inIAn-rlfix lion perceptibly : ncrer;""--ai- d ferk Trrigstion rompseyjftnft; merce. 'economy measure, it was announcWhich Will beill M.il. of the financial the editor Mil State ed today by Secretary of Debate Senator Kmg thanks Utah attorneys connected though paying tribute to Mr. made ton H. .Welling, chairman of the j . In addit.on to three there ore her for its. fire ot commendation with thej project. Roosevelts courage 5.444 acre-fe"recent hoard. This office has been held subscribed six the in his by for obtaining part ncth Ont "It would appear that the interfor tbs past several years by Scott companies above Deer recognition, for silver and sounds found neceNwry to irrigationmMt national dollar must suffer as a Suid lt WASHINGTON. Jan. I. P. Stewart, former dvfl engineer, of them note for additional waaaUhl.n optimistic on expenof fixed a result of the vast policy depend levy in each of 'county sentiment in the House of Provo. of the white metaL" recognition tho cities for diture.' the the of financing due to tho wir debt defau'ts enilv- Mr. Welling explained that the id a if of The as session that Telegraph special chf securi-enAtoday' debate "preceding set moving of tho offices of the AM NEWARK. N. J Jan. 4. (AP) ford, a veteran pilot-mfe have Whole rvcoTerrJ legislature would have to be tlement of differences over the al. ties department from present quar-te-n Dean W. Burford wrote another in lost his not the ahould way Mrconvened black.fog- Roosevelt success, by Cmernor .Henry on the first floor to the seem-- " t5uo.oA,obiUTcr;lI?juop; choked skies. lood it to be tho legispass necessary thriller'of the taxes. disappointed. slghtsklesMrly tary of state's office, la order to Several New Jersey communie'But.--- It ex lation. a such session added Costly President Roosevelt, meanwhile, CWA room for headquarteraJday whep ha brought hie mail ties reported hearing plane's covery program is in gallant de- - might be, considered fy some. It passed the word to the legislators. would make It possible for the down at the Newark -safely "jptane would be the cost of it worth fiance if through alnncheon conference with. orthodoxy.. votary of stats and hia staff to airport after being stormbound resume communication ! with Bnr- - Ex pressing some apprehension, brought to tho state a 4 14.404 44 Senator Lewis (D. 111.), that he pei visa the work now dona by Mr. more than four hours. ford to golds him to a landing tho Post said, it is davoutly to federal project, in Sir,. Jacobs Congress to get Its work 'expects LOS Sten-.dStewart; ANGELES. No Jan. rumor. It was his second air adventure field. CapL sase and or America opinionfone by mid.Ma ,nd within a month. Last Dec. 11 ha Communication was restored at for our own that th history bo la Th situation is not so two men were under aur- - ,h tateL An unverified report that a check Leia opined July would difficult; balled out of a mall piano over 2.44 nsa. at which time Bnrtord to boldly will not bo in the eas of the canal compacies'darn a mile above Montrose. .l BCJ" nearer th be case, making Cambria county. Pennsylvania, said ha had sufficient gas fo rencd by a prt- -. The opposmon to France with untoward conaeqoen- - who have signed subscriptions tor , ; was an gallons of water L t ,m ' when his plana was enugbt la a main aloft seven hours, and tsat fraught vale water company. It was un- -, brought up in the House of water under the project, in some Rep. , terrific snowstorm. would remain In tho vicinity of, dnari!itrd about midnight, derat ood inveaUgatora had come;resenUthe Knutson R might be necessary tho America. said (R. Mlijn.).Burford took off from the the field until an opportunity to lcle. Tn its war on depression la amend the articles of incorporation New Tears day. precipitating the upon sections of pip which MADRID. Jan. 4. (INS) Hav-a proposal to tax imported least 33 peardd to have been ripped. filled her wins lmportattonport at 12.42 oclock this morning attempt a landing presented Itself spending on a e s prkling scale. Lot slightly, but moat of the companles'dlstlt which coet at and wines champagne e with a valuable mall cargo bound He landed at 4:44 scrutinised by the j n:ore ue hope she avoids the financial can dispose ot this matter with M. though by the force of a blast quota to the United States forto the for than the domestic product. minutes whose home te at Cm aftermath of such extravagance f' of 124. Spain office today. Pittsburgh. Forty-fiv- e Meantime an army of 4,444 meni trouble. lint quarter Do w owe France anything?" jiffs Hons with later he advised th field by radio- - umbba. Ohio, was one of two pilots The thing looked like a good bet After the suhecriptiona have! The report cam- s- as Coroner continued searching for bodies and he demanded. We lct her hav prepared to open negotl been definitely signed up and the, frank Nanacv announced Washington for aa in -- lease in the phono that his wings were coating who took to tboir parachutes the t th Express. plans removing the vast amount of debriLour billion dollars and when w al ettsd Imports for tba remainder with Ice and that ha was experienc- morning of Dec. 1 when their "A deliberate deficit of more form of th participation of the for an extensive Investigation of washed down from th mountains want her to continue to pay it. she f tho year. ing "gTeat difficulty. planes were caught tn an Alle- than a thousand million pounds.' munteipalities haa. been deter-- ! the. catastrophe., which caused upon Montrose, u to go to hell." gheny snowstorm. Ho landed un this newspaper said. Ta like Tho minster of commerce wad Heavy fog bad avttled of more than 15.444..., Canada and Venice- -. The fluctuat.1 Chairman Dfmghlerr of the wayw mined, the formatien of on Newark and a sleet and rata Call down gently while desperate gamble, but bearing.' in men organisation will be required Re said a Jnry-o- f instructed to begin immediately floating would down eut waa dcath llst as'and means committee agreed that befing pt ion of .began. th 134.444 plane crashed and waeimtnd that Americana have an to handle the affairs of the were weedef out an 1 the debt shoal 1 he paid, hut adtod to deelde whether plans tor powuhle-exemThe radiophone went suddenly A cent L which included nnal income of sixteen thousand ject and make the rotlectiona of nes'igence was involved and sny'(4upllcatinna a American goods from new import was a list trimmed missing r:i:bargo ' oft a shipment of diamonds lued at'mflUon pounds, th bets does not lhe - poe a prvventite measure nanta for th quotas the government M contem- - silent, and ground officials JKmerl governceased alarm, fearing that Bur- - 274.444 -was aahragad. us : , lot Puifif of e putting Into offset. tfi , Heading mvestlgatlon heavy." "ntipewr t N tho-cra- FOR LOANS klor-Itnt- ALSO SEEN CHARGED -- ' F Paris-to-Xeve-rs I 1 - " L-(- , 'i V I" A' iDAHOANSFtEE OGDEiniVESTOCKMOFDPENS -- n FACES FALL IN SECOND FLOOD WITH JUNIOR JUDGING CONTEST BANK IN TWO WEEKS "d yatdrm,,: It park cbinet (D-N- i ' -- fen bt-n- s.- i.AP tai tnn m 92-1- 4 j W too , til II ed - il Holateln-Kriesian- ft ed h - ."t ntr scaa-hac- d. ar Og-de- , -- h," d. Hpo-ka- NEEDED TO START PROJECTS BUDGET ACTION STUNS BRITISH -- STATE OFFICE TO BE CLOSED nego-Ustio- SPECIAL LEGISLATURE HELD aSnXi; cere-mon- ViSd l , Sciritirs Tlmpane-LOXDO- Kt . awwrgan-llrrH,K,,p;- et , Irrigation!",,,0' boveDeer2eamroOM-frTir- na in MAIL PILOTTRAPPED ANGER VOICED AGAINST PARIS Tar' INAIR et FOR 4 HOURS, LANDS SAFELY Crk Antl-Frenc- h DYNAiAlMNGS program-oroved-With- 0F-CHEGK-D- BLAMEDF0RC0IST-FLOO- the-whol- D (S ,t , eon-!vJ- Newa-Chro- ap-'li- B war-tim- sher-littl- ' I 4 Laj, T pro-'th- - - w V-- - - - .r. ) |