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Show -- DESERET NEWS THE Lever! month 1 A B o i s c tonsiaers " ,h city newapapermen auditing the book rk (!?e":tow ro- ho turn until changes had been made in the personnel of the grand Jury. Judge Denies Grounds His protests according to District. Charles P. Koelscb, Judge City-Accou- nts were directed at John Shore, Jury 12 fere mar over an affai- - of years ago while 8hors was Owyhee treasurer. Van Deusen deRefusal of Official to county clined to state specifically what the obtectlonable in Testify Complicates personnel of the Jury. Judge Koelsch declared the accountant's Probe , protests were groundless. Court attaches said it was posthe grand Jury would Insist . BOI8E. Jan. 5. (AP) Mayor sible upon a new audit of the city books J. J. McCue aald last night ho had but no official statement was rolled a city council meeting for available on this. today to consider the possibility of Van- - Deusen reported Orally to a new audit of the city books in the city officiate more than a week event Clarence Van Deuaen, now ago that the total shortage in in Oregon, refuses to return to Mrs. Hopper's accounts would be testify before, the grand Jury on more than 171,001, of which her his findings In connection with the son. John Hoppers faces a charge defalcations of tan. Angela Hop of having received about 121.000. per, former city clerk, who is now The specific, .charge against him In the penitentiary. is receiving stolen property, a The possibility of a new audit charge to which Hie has filed a ha aald, will be discussed considered by along demurrer now with other p base or the situation Judge Koelsch. being about brought by Van Deusen'a Meantime the grand Jury delivdeparture yeeterday for Nyna. ered its first true bills. Indicting Ora, to aroid being called to tea- - Ira R. Ham and- - William Dove-JoAda counly farmers, for al tifjr.Tbe accountant, who apent MakingNew Audit Of ' J leged theft of wheat from a warehouse near Eagle.. Death Proto Progresses One phase of the grand Jurys investigation," that into the death a month ago of Louie Gar Lan, prominent Boise Chinese, prothe gressed 4n othor court, during s day. A habeas corpus ahtlon brought In atcourt federal by yesterday torney for three Chinese held In county Jatl was answered today by Prosecuting 'Attorney Homer Martin and tomorrow the appeal will be heard by United States District Judge C. C. Cavanih. The Chinese are Louie Yung, Chin Yoclc Chong, and Louie Fat Tong. Theae three and a fourth See Bow, were charged tetfay in an information filed with by Martin in probate court first degree murder In connection with the slaying. Investigation of the Louie murwas one of ths matters sug- Chl-Lou- ie - J SALT ' i LAKE CITY by Judge - Koelsch la his opening message to the Jury. gested California Fugitive Reported Under Arrest - ELEVEN MORE Predatory Animals - Kill Deer in Idaho HOME OWNERS RECEIVE LOANS BOISE, Jan. S. (AP) Preda- tory animate killed more deer than burners last year In ths Boise national forest, a report of Supervisor Guy Mslns said today. The forest is one of ths principal game areas of the state. Hunters during the test fall open season killed 99 deer and There were 2929 hunters. , Cougars, numbering 49. and coyotes. numbering 1(75, killed 9S0 deer. Mains said tha Cougars kill-a- d by far the largest number. The survey aald there were 5106 deer In the forest, as well as 1175 elk. BAKERSFIELD, CsL. Jsn. (AP) Sheriff J. C-- Walser of Bakersfield wired the aheriff of Owyhee county at Silver City. Idaho, asking for Information regarding the reported arrest at. Homed ale. Idaho, of Leon Wright, wanted In Bakersfield for an attempted robbery of the Maricopa bank and for the wounding of A. R. Wiley, manager. Sheriff Walser said a 11000 reward is offered for Wright's arrest. Operated by & electrio motor, a pump has been Invented 'by a ROME (AP) Premies MussoPennsylvanian that draws oil from lini Indicated there ass no further automobile crank cases into a glam use for the Geneva disarmament tank where motorists can see It conference until France and and decide if they wish It changed, many come to term. . V FRIDAY JANUARY 5 1934 ever, with over S09 applications are able to turn more of their at awaiting action, this - branch lsj tentlon to tho actual granting of slowing down and the supervlsorslthe loans. LOG AX, Jan. 5. Announcement of closing of 11 additional (I. 8. home loans to property owners in Cache valley was made Thursday by L. E. Kelson, county director. The loans were Mid to averse about $1,509 each. The loan were closed by Hr. Kelson and J. Francis Fowlea of Ogden, state director, when Mr. Fowlea was in Logan Wednesday. This brings the total number of loans here up to 25. According to Mr. Xelson. plans are going ahead to close from eight to ten loans per week in the county from this date forward. Thus far, the closing of loans has been delayed while the flood of applications were being received, llow- - MeatoM A R Q UETTE Poultry EAST BROADWAY GWN.EH1E9 was. nts ' frm Aer FBE9H CREAMERY RITTER Ih. e.Vw., W Nfc Sfie the cBy Vim tree HrMag. latgtt LAMB LEGS ,9c ywvllac lb. .. RACOT SGI ARES. Parrhaaca. STRICTLY FRESH. PICHIC HAMS. lh,v--- PORK LOW STORING HENS IUB VOINC MG. lb. , Yaaaf lb. PORK ROASTS, BEET POT IV ROAST, lb. wag. BOILING BEEF I LB. SPARE RIRS . 1 LB. KR41T . lb. j, REAM CHEESE LAMB STEW, b. w.A. NIprT. lb. ytwSac. IaAMB SHOULDER, LAMB CHOPS. LBS. 3 lb. rarllaa, jrvariias, ADOLPH THE DITCHER ROT fl. ,1. 6c Sc tW. t 9c 19. ...(Qa 3c 5c 19 ifcw Jgg 1 y, j.916 at 4th EASt DROADWAY SOUTH MAIN THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT ONCE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT OVCE AXD GOOD TILL MIDMCHT StTIRDAY '1 0 ibs. 4 7 24 Its. 83s tt lbs, 1X3 MI3ACLE SUGAR FLCU.I KRAFTS Will? fc!l qf. jar 25s CHAFE FRUIT, Arizcsa xssilsx 6 for I Ac MAMS, did erred uhsla cr half lb. IOV2C c:.::x g::eese, 5 11 brick 63s . u. i3s LEM33S, this skirsd,jrisy. w daz. I Qa COFFEE 2SLK,...,.....3 85c lb. 29c ROYAL GELATINE pkg. 9c MACARONI Spaghetti, Noodles pkg. 5c MATCHES Ms Raisa 7.. carton 19c Pike Pure . Peak . LARD, .8 lb. 59c TAMALES Stokes reg. size can 4 cans 25c SALMON Kwedale large can 14c ll. gSiZJl WHITE CF17EE KONG IWLli All Granulated Ask tor Milk, srallspl fblaea ESiT-- S J 0 on; 0 M. 4 bars 19c 1 Qw Lge. 00 Bisquick, Medium l3CsizeA3U size Pancake tnd Waffle Flour, 20 ox. pkg. Sperrys Rolled Oats, large 44 oz. pkg. 19c , Sperrys Wheat Flakes, Sperry J large 44 oz. pkg. Wheaties, regular size Products pkg.'r: . . . . n r. : . . : : -- 19c Softasilk Cake Flour, large pkg. , COFFEE T.1 J 24c 43c . M JB Jr. Coffee ib. 21 c doz.17VzC EGGS, trictly fresh SMOKED PICNICS, small lean . . Ib. 9c FRANKFURTERS, fresh . . . . : . lb. 12c TAMALES, pure beef, extra lrge 6 for 25c FRESH UVER RINGS .. each 10c KIPPERED SALMON . . . ....... . . lb. 25c ..... STALEYS SYK.UP .tvt 5c Best-- .- CABBAGE, solid heads . .. .. 4 lbs. 10c LETTUCE, large solid beads ZJench 5 c ONIONS, sweet Spanish . .1 10 lbs. 9c Mato r la-r1- Rnt - Variety Ibs.29c1C31bs.S3c POTATOES25 the 7 W, gnervt Hlrit L4wH Hy. lo-i- b. Sh7 S;i:::h SZ7 Ys, S Tins As?:r22M . 67 S&isdVegeliMss Orca Baked Essss 15 blue r.:oo:i CHEESE -- American Pkg... ... 17c MILK Caa Thompsons - Chocolate MALTED Csa MILK Cl AN13S LETTUCE, sc! id hsads . 6?57 Gra?3fn:il 657 Crcsksd Figs . csa IQs Salsd Frcits . . . ts!I csa IQs , sk? f.f . Sweet Navels . . . ... . t:::h 5c crisp . . ARTICIIOXES, fr6sh . . . . CELERY HEARTS, CAUUaOVER, saow nkitc . CAC3AGE, green, solid esch Ss . ..... . . Ib. 5 3 lbs. IDs zee-tc:l- ... . ... 2 fsr , M1K 4J5C et TISSUE C 4rt!!r.7rr.l9c 2s IT. f.l .Hb-- t . 5. GRAPEFRUIT, large PRUNES, freeh 5b-S- 1 lb. lc lb.2?2C T 7. ... , urTrlrr: . Full Cream CREAM CHEESE . CHEESE ysr l6-csa- :a Pkg. 1 l! 29 Ib. 5 lb. 12 J ALA D D I II ' i i COFFEE Lb. ...25 2 lbs.1 2 lbs. 25 -- 0t 7 Tlb. 9( 2 lbs. 15 ; . r.l.J.B. 9s 2-Lhs- ..45 - lb. Oc ..2 pkgs. 15c Black Mountain, Strong Ib. 35c CHAPMANS NEW ENGLAND BAKERY SPECIALS! RRw ALL BREAD ROLLS. . .per dozen 15c Clack Estfsa CAKE CbfUtt few Mw ... 4C3 CHEAD . . . 3 fsr 25s Cazlfb Psslriss 6 hr 21c, fit dszsa Cc 2-la- C Oats o ....... dozen 15c ...I..... FRAIlKUnTEnS $Li ......2 bt. 25c a a fsr IQs ( 25c a a a Large c 2s ...... Ib. 0R KOCCLES Quick or Regular VALNUT MEATS, ligkf halves . . Ib. APPLES BeavtlM ........ 8 lbs. 25s hsshsl 1X3 ............... wf" KACAn:.f SPAGUEnLZ- - Se slssk . . 2 Ib. J ; lb. 7 LAMB STEW POT ROAST STEER BEEF lb. 11. SPARE RIRS PORK ROAST, small loin GROUND BEEF lb. g PORK SHOULDER ROAST T.INK SAUSAGE, all por lb. 14f VEAL ROAST LEG, RUMP lb. 18- - THOILlNGBEEFrhort-ribii--- w -- ROLLED PRIME RIB ROAST -S- MOKED PICNIC ...TVV. RUMP ROAST, Steer Peef r. .jr..rZTTTTT lb. LARD- ,- PORK CHOPS, center cut. BOILED HAM GOLDEN AGE H-- fl21 ES sss!sss...3 LEMOXS, fresh jnicy MEMO ChoiceStewing HAT.20 Swift Premium, Whole or Part CKIEEGE Gc :17c PKG. MEAT DEPT.- . 12 nil. DEPT.- - PHILADELPHIA a a V DELICATESSEN DEPT. Bordens Csa I Qc . . . . . . cask 5c iD CE -- I Qs CapEotlG, PaffGuniipG, Twu?nnfipG ... at MALTED 657 Slissd Pineapple csa 15c Serving Knife Free Eagle Brand sr... 2 for 29c Si1 29c COMET ,..23cLrroro31c I5s Golden Ripe 5"lb. bag eat SUGAR 2 for 15c - PORK & BEANS large 16 oz. can . . 5c LIGHTHOUSE CLEANSER3 cans 10c VDEL MAIZ CORN-- . ..., 8 oz. can 5c 2 lb. ar 25c PEANUT BUTTER BAKERS CHOCOLATE, 2 lb. cake 22c FRUIT AND VEGETABLE BANANAS. ... TREE TEA 25c .... .... Ec 15c Peachss ssd Pears, Do. 2y2 lias PINEAPPLE, Apricots No. 2 tins15c SODA CRACKERS 3 Ib. box 33c TELEPHONE PEAS Wi Pound Can -- Utahs Sj ORDARK T-Br-ne CELERY; er Royal Gelatin, L CRYSTAL WHITE to ..... 23 . ASfSfa can 10c SHRIMPS, Dry Pak 10c .OYSTERS, 4 oz. cans CRAB MEAT, V, size cans Del Monte 9c TUNA FISH, s 9c 1 14c MARSHMALLOWS, lb. pkg RIPE OLIVES, large cans -- 10c TOMATO JUICE, Del Monte can5c RAISINS, Seeded or Seedless . . pkg. 5c POST TOASTIES 7:. . . .lge. pkgr12c $1.05 big.. 49 c 244k. Ass o'' Large Size Pkg. ...... ,1b. IOV2C lln rtam, RUMP and LOIN ROAST 2 Ik. 12y2c lb. 7c POT ROAST steer beef PORK and Veal Shoulder Roast lb. 10c lb. 9c LAMB SHOULDER SS; , GROUND ROUND STEAK 53 2 lbs. 25e CHOPS, Pork, Veal and Lamb . lb. 14c and round lb.1 4 c STEAKS Sirloin WAMFURCF.R and Sausage . . lb. 7V?C FOILING BEEF and Lamb Stew . IK 5c 6 lbs. 15c APPLES, Jamthans dor. 15c ORANGES 5 lbs. 15c . APPLES 'tt r rr rrTer'ri CHERRIES Aladdin D r CAMS Vmim 29c TOMATOES, solid pack Ig.23 can 10c MINUTE TAPIOCA ..pkg. 11c FlouriJL.69cSL.S1 Whole Wheat .29 Sperrys BRAN WHOLE 10c POST pkg. PLOUK. 7 PRESERVES 11c ; lb. cans 1 PALM OIUIVE S AP . . 4 E?asrc 15 SOAP GCIAHAP.! CHACILEQC . . . 2 lb. pltg. 22c gog 25c HITE OTAR TUN Jello Large Package pkg. ....... . PALMOLIVE SOAP, M. J. B. Hr&D(lt - GOLDMEDAL GROCERY DEPT. ... Jizj f K M.J.B.Jn. COFFEE |