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Show FRIDAY JANUARY 3 3934 THE DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE CITT BISHOPS BALK NAZIS, PERIL REICH CHURCH Departing SaltPopular Bride ls - ' ;r O Luncheon For Bride la honor of Mrs. ftcndall N-- Ma-i- r, formerly JJtao Rachel Wilson, k bride of the holiday eeaeon, Mia uecine -- Peery will entertain at luncheon Saturday afternoon at Jier home, 1435 Tale avenue, -- one r i- - i MIWWWSMA 4 f ,t Arrangomenta have been made for a luncheon Saturday at IS Oclock at tho Newhonm hotel to be kiven by tha wives of tho Mated General Contractors.' Following the luncheon a theater parity will be enjoyed. Mrs. J. B. Mul-Jiis general chairman of the ns Second in Series Mlsa Ethel Jensen will entertain tho second la a oorteo of parties Friday evening at the Valley a on east .South Temple street. ;Tho guests wilt Include clooo friends of the hoeteaa. S o o o o o Dr. and Mrs. Howard P. ant their daughter. Mias JoanKlrtley Klrt-Jr-f and Mlsa Aaa Klrtley .have TO. turns! to Bolt Uki after spending holiday season la Loo Angeles. ' tMlas Jaan Klrtley has spent tho throe months la Law Angeles wtth her uncle and usL Mr. and Mrs. Boa Crow. Tar--r- . taf n ;, .2 ..3 y OIdAlilIiqt-j1- ... Bsttsr Special Saturday, Both for offi-ce- Package Meals p.'twrifer.mS J?.1" POT-ROAS- ..... 27c UlrirslIT alr 4, herts FRItT STAID TfURIM-C- R KDfil. THE BLUE BADGE OF QUALITY 712 E. 1st So. Canty. Mkt 916 E. 9th So. Meats VEAL LEG ROAST lb. 15c - POT ROAST, shoulder rib cut . Ib. 12C VEAL ROAST, shoulder cut . lb. 10c PORK LOIN ROAST lKIOc VEAL CHOPS, small rib . . . ... lb. 15c BEEF SHORT RIBS lb. 5c GROUND BEEF 2 Iba. 15c VEAL POCKET ROAST . . lb. 6c PORK LOIN lb. 15c CJiOPS 4 lb. bake HENS, stewing oc. t ... IIC every meat product prepared there to die most rigid sauriny. JSUGAR .7 : (ted 7 t .1 IK Berebey teUig Cbecrtate I K" UKY I Lina Bcans. 2 lbs.15 V Zee TiXsoe 4 Rolls 17 -- -- PUBITABT Grape Nuts., . lb. 4 pkg. CLOROX. . Better - Eggs . Ptmliry nEADOUSROVE I . J Xre Mtahway. MAXIMUM SYRUP Pare r 7.120 faa aad Ma,k. Maar, Jl CLEANSER BEANS to as 8c MbMre ..... Iba. 19c - MATCHES niahway. lavaa Maatre 8 haa 25c A,rH UOrn 29c --7c 23c as. battla 15c Bw.Fl 29c Std. Size, Doz. PANCAKE FLOUR . ...12c Freh, Strictly 25c whs.. IK Ms. EXTRACTS realm's stare Rosedaie, No. lYi can 00 Trew FwM. RAISINS S n :10C Del Maiz, or 49 Brand, 3 cans Sweet Clover Ilcusy Brand, 10 IK pail' 63c (F.RUlTS&VfGEiTaBllES Spinach 25 pranut Butter White King or Par. . 25 MaK Xllwaubf IMneapple I'"1 I JeHo v. . ! Curly Tosm .2113.15: lbs. 29: 25: Carrots Turnips vzu 1c Extra Larva Oranges Colin Kavela dsz. Lettuce head 5s" CaUfMula X can5cj . . .Zforfl MACARONI COATS FORK SlIOJLCEn Frcti C::!:r Pississ Cds Ib. r Ccsdsss Ms lil 0 Cl 112 Q lbr!2c ,1b. 13: 17 .. quart tottla 17c rT..1 4 5 Blue Berries S,.re ...IK 31 Coffee 5 for 1C: Celery J jJjpj Swifts Skinned Huns, Cf Roasts SSSiSt: Ib. 12c CP Wiiav THETASTETELLS 29c 17e - S IK 27c PRESERVES ECCS 3 31 Salmon Pnre Gktttt' to- He TOMATOES COCOA- - es Bttf Lmb SumS GRAPE NUTS - f HILKrall brandsvrritall , nODUCIIS OP Hsmt Bnm luzrd J .7.10 li. cblh tagI47c7i at Ue i Cabbage. nen NORTH SALT LAK. UTAH COFFEE -- f These government inspectors arc in jour employ. They know mens, and they are stationed in our plant to subject Peaches MADKET CO. STANDARD IK Mr TYT-n?- 7 25c 81 IK - lc 7 IK 15 9im ml IK $mr IK 2fi RHlPISlPf DKLICATgMKT THBCUDAHYrPACKINGCOMPANY, S Sliced 31b. caddy 9CtfO MRGBBgKr TWJI KfTT. 7 POB 6W KirnBEPlALMOT, ODm fcDB k .. IK CAKE FLOUR Our CMcii Oven Fresh, Purity lissai 4Qn I9p ell eif.rw IK FRASRFl RTCRS. CITS MIR Steaks PEANUT BUTTER CRACKERS ROQUrOllK K IK R1TTKR. CvtOMvry. IK THK DtRT (HOP rrick mcrii, and die unbiased approval of U. S. government experts. Pot Roast tHOttDKR Me e ... 2...lbs.IK15 SAISAGE lOl-V- 10. IMS . . . 20 Soda 4c IK 2 lbs. 15s r.e Ground Beef 10c MARSHMALLOWS UgbtFtoffy. 2 loaves 15 Arlsnwa rime jealously guarded gandarfU rtf ynal!fy Urd .. iUTYEII 5 New 20 oz. Loaf 4m. .. F4.4.K airletly Ml 8ron29C 15 a world MARK IK FRKSH LUCS of OUT own GMOrND VEAL IEAL POCKET MOiST 2 lbs. 33c ffcWEI Airway BM.S-Rri- eily doz. 1 0 doz. 15 doz. 1 9 Raastf.hM.lb. 10 fnifree Jb. 0 Veal Roast K ROW Saturday,. Jan. 6. BREAD Oranges Oranges Oranges K' Fte Prices Effective ' no(T . EFFECT1 Pork MAYONNAISE rrtr.mr Sound, sweet, wholesome meats are your best food. Insist Upon Cudahy mcatS- - They odor you the double pro-- mere : - r ture has carefully graded it for purity and wholesomeness. Massless Malle. ritaw Bib Maasta. Ib. 27C first grade -- BUTTER, Lb. ...Real Tbe little bine sea! due appears on all Cudahy meats is a badge of quality that should appear on all die meats you buy. It is definite assurance that an expert and unprejudiced inspector from the United States Department of Agricul- Lard j :7c: 1 LINK SAUSAGE, all pork ,r IE PALM0UVE SOAP 6 Bars 25 IK Sc 3 II m. r J RIB (HOPS ttMb j E(sIJ'H ROASTS, IRISH STEW I7c .... Sill 4c t 2 Ib. 25c Bafcy thalt IK RFfCES. HreWI F. BewlettW E 2nd So. 75 COFFEE couai dzo? is on all Cudahy ---- When DrsraiaM, Meats Are SaM ReaaeaaMe. 2 TON Best Rib,:; 4.000 LBS. Shoulder Cots LB. Govt. Insp. BOILING BEEF or NECK Baby Beef POT ROASTS LB. A Real Boy 9HOri.lE8 MOA9T8 CEVTKM OF MAMhET ra Hlh COFFEE. Are .7,7733 TOTAL VALVE bars Iss .. - W. L. Young Named Division Head of Gmgregationalists Elect Officers Grocery Company ...... er - EXTRA SPECIAL SATURDAY I7c M.a asst - t -- IBILICRT at relre. er AR j iiosicissoirs J. yd Z KIT.I. ' At the annual meeting of tbe W. L. Young. Salt Laka manager Congregational church last of the Western States Grocery com- Phillips preceded by a dinner, pany, has bees appointed manager night,were electe d the year and ortho company's new division, with committee reports for were given. Salt Lake ns division headquarters. The officers elected mere Gladys Tho new division Includes Utah. 0 0-- 0 I Mm. Idzho. Wyoming. Nevw-- i znd Mon- Ezra Boot, who spent tho secret ry; Min. McArthur, bister"holidays With Mrs. Ethel Bast establishment of new mnd ten: L H. Page. Sunday school suSUawoo la Loo Angslso, has rsturu-ps- d increase employment. perintendent: Mr. L. H. Pag, priM. was Bean Lake Suit sf tothoetty. Joseph mary department superintendent, appointed to succeed Mr. Yeung ns W. H. Scott. J. W. Spafford. F. E local manager. Walker and Carl Wail, trustees for three years: Mrs. J. W. Dobson and Mr Page, deacon for three years.1 KIU RACK TMACK Y1 Rfr- - Arthur L Rice, .pastor SAM FRANCISCO. Jan. INS) Con st faction of (be Bey Meadow aef the churrh. received congratula-bors- e rare track in neerbv Pan MaThroat nlieft teo county nt n coat of !AM wilt MiJtatwl with IngredL before February 1. it woe nnoosneed today William aats of Vicfca VapoRuh P. Kyne. Han Pranciaco by sportsman. NEW YORK. Jan. ,a ( INS) Tha npemng date of the new track eaare SabelUsnd Capt. Geonre R ha tentatively net for October eq IK rend, grounded by the L. h. de-- 1 TO that had been drilled in the placed n pistol In PASTOR, CLAIM to (Al) HALLE. Germany. Jan.v Stern Lutheran bishops stood Nazis resolutely today between the and realization of their dreams of a Protestant Reich church. The bishops declared their intention of seceding from the German church before sundown T N romphment to Mias Dorothea Evangelical unless Relchbtshop Ludwig Mueller Mias bride a of Gunn, January, yielded In his insistence that a Ger-- . Janet Wardrop and Mias Virginia man Christian be a member of the Waters presided at a prettily ap- new church cabinet. The threatened virtual schism pointed supper party Thursday evening at the home of Mias Wsrd-ro- p would mean the end of the Reich on Harvard avenue, A M- - church and paco Prussia.' where delra cloth covered the serving tho Lutheran and reformed faiths ble which was centered with a, are merged In the United Lutheran mound ofcryataT bans placed on at church, in the center of the strug- ref lector. At the ends were ivory Stein Prussia, It was expected some tapers in crystal candleholders. In addition to Mbs Gunn, those pres- provinces notable. Rhineland and A-A. G. ent sere Mrs. Gunn, Mrs. Westphalia would join the secesJensen,. Mrs- - H. A. Jensen, Mrs. sion movement, as would individual Vernin Jensen. Mrs. Walter T-- . congregations headed by pastors Sheets. Mrs G. H. Rich. Mrs Gor- leading tho opposition to certain don H peck. Miss Lavlns Whitta- phases of the German Christian ker. Miss Helen Skidmore. Mias movement. Muriel Hanson and.-M- ias In opposition circles. It was conVirgil Bcesley. .The hosteases were as-n- sidered likely that Hermann slzted during the evening by their helm . Goering. minister without mothers. Mrs. L. R. Wardrop and portfolio who sides with tho GerMrs. C. I Water. man Christians, would take mere Friday ernins, Mias Erma Ran-tri- f) sores against the pastors emer-- ; T S' vlll entertaia at m party for the gency federation opposing them. bride. Already, one pastor In Berlin has been arrested for criticizing the' had nothinr to do with this assortment of aoro heads. winter relief work of the govern- Repeal liquor men Mothers Meeting wbi are a few of the fifty persons who were ment. A small-tow- n minister was The bandaged attacked a Ukraman parade that as rioter, said to be Communists,treatment A meeting of tho Sigma Ku taken in custody on similar com of their folks back homo wf protesting in Chicago agamst Mothers club vraa held Friday af- plaints. Soviet, This group was photographed in police station. ternoon at 2 oclock at tha new fra- -' ternity house on south Wolcott Flower Carden Club partment of commerce shortly be- - sion to take off but the weather street srtth Mrs. T. B. Kinnersly on a flight' man held up a forbidding hand, To Install Officers fore a projected hop-opresiding- - During tho afternoon a Weather officials said conditions to Rome because the department musical program will bo presented New officers or the Fair Lake has not approved a propellor tthfOTr the Atlantic Hoday absolutely by Miss Florence Jensen accompanied by Miss Helen Holmes. Mrs. Flower Garden cIurirhrAr to which their Precluded any chance of making plane la equipped, R. W. Frank, Mrs. H. C. Nelson, be installed at a Monday mght ,1 Mrs. Lewis Perkins, Mrs: A. O meeting In the Hotel I tab, were day had tbe government's ferrate-- the ocean hop aafelySheldon snd Mrs. Thomss H. Pa- announced today aa follows Dr. D. E. Smith, president; R. gan acted as ohostesses. o o O Kirkland, first tee president. o o o Mra. Alice D. Williams, second Mias Margaret Daty left Friday rice president. Mm. J. X. MahonMiss to continue her studies st the Uni- ey, recording secretary; versity of Washington at Seattle, Frances Lee. corresponding secreD. 8. treasurer, with Greenwood, vacation tary; after spending the her parent. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mrs. E. D. CouJon. librarian; J Henry EfafenTA 'JT Parlett and Daly. R. T. Porte, membere of the board 1 QUART OF MIRACLE WHIP, regular- - . . 33 ofdirector. 1 HEAD OF GOOD SOLID LETTUCE, regular 10 tit Section, Rev. ride, a for f Crowley one of tho apertures and told King off that ho could pick Crowley from any part of the- auditorium, tbe witness testified. that MacMurdo King stated showed him several cluhw la the tabernacle that defense attorney j Witness Tells of Al- - had contended were meant for Rav N R A 701 STATE ST. Crowley. King began hia testimony oscm after rMICES effective " tbe at session shortly night leged Prepara-ore evening the state rested its case at 2 p.m. tions Defense attorney's nointedly questioned state witnesses concerning a loess board In the tabernacle wall ECSS behind which a supply of ammuniPIGGOTT. Ark., an, I (1X8) tlT tion was aesertedly kept. Tea, Yz Testimony given by n defense witWalter Montague, a deacon nn ness asserting that John MacMur- der tho faction of the Rev. Joe Tana Fish, do, slain Janitor of tho strife-tor- n Jeffers, took the stand to Identify Shrimps, fancy . cm 10 Jonesboro tabernacle, a third pistol that played a mysBaptist pkg. of threatened to kill the Rev. Dale 8. terious part, in tna shooting of Jello, the MacMurdo. nWw. Crowley If he Aver entered said the Montague Iprtal church caused n sensation today In weapon was his. but explained that 10 the pastor's trial for murder. he thought he had loaned tho gun Soap Homer King, of the to, one Lloyd Shook two or three doz. 29 two warring church factions, scor- days before MacMurdo was slain. Oranges ed heavily far thnRgr-erowlHe said the pirtot was tn the for 10 Frait defense when he took tho witness Grape when tha shooting stand and stated that MacMurdo lhs.10 10 Russet Potatoes bad told hintJtejUmed-lo-kU- l the) Montague furnished the crowded pastor if he ever came inside the courtroom with a sensation when Lettuce Ige. head 2 for 15 tabernacle door. ho testified that three days be- 0 Flve dayw prlor,.to. tho fatal J.fore Jha sIaylng a wonsblpper-eam- PLANS ff Luncheon Saturday -- - (shooting of MacMurdo King wont to the tabernacle be said, and the LAID aged Janitor bowelim three holes ss JANITOR Supper Motif ; Thursday SEYMOUR R. AND MBS. WELLS entertained at a de- hghtfally arranged dinner party Thursday avecing at their home On Eleenth Eaat street In compit- -' meat to Mr.' and Mr. -- William H. Homlbrook, who with their daugh. Jer, Miss Frances Virginia. Horni- -' brook. . ill sail February i for will Persia, where Mr. Hornibrook 4 be U. S. minister. Modernistic silver' frulU arranged la a low silver boa I formed the .. renterpiece for- the one long table . at which, the guests were seated. Ivory princess tapers in silver holders marked the four comers. Corners were laid for eight guests. Mr. and Mrs. Hornibrook will bo tha honored guests at a formal dm- -i party Tuesday evening at the XewhoimeTioret Tha affair will be Riven by tbe members of chapter D Af the F. E. O. sisterhood. v 2 Lntherans Threaten Secede, Present Demands No Sham Pain About This Jn-tete- to . Finest Sugar b. a 6 lbs. 45: Cured Bacon . .. - . IV IJ 1P Ive .- ......77 :25c PINEAPPLE Te, 31 Mkn,... rmmm 15c TREETEA .K 25c 33c CHEESE Nlawv 10c LUNA SOAP Ib. 17c ...... LarJu"" (limit) Paury aSwell. a a 3 23c SOUP T rupa. |