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Show Timely Camera Shots Covering The Globe - 1WWWT1 tPI ' 1a r 4 " WHAT THE VATEB I AIT Xo. can are nog ander water. bat thry vtK ryrn do wot drorln jn for are almost completely batted Uipmc a tn atit and drtrb Irft after Ifacmalfg, ibbwL Thit irw iabea la dboM of Mootrnsev ( a L, a aaborb - of Dos Angetea, mm which bore tbs braat of the . ana. 1UEBS PREPARE FOB HATAIi FLIGHT About January HAWAII l six navy seaplane will the aftermath of a- - White House ed to details of bis Congressional and about Jaaaary point their parley that tha lony pending pro- program. mod away froaa baa Hrto to paasehrMly at San fYanctac order bare been received front Admiral Darld tocol IXMait pTa toward Hawaii. LM aillri away. Fonaal for American adherence to The whole adminlstration-Colb-T. P. fllnbt Ibt aad mt taadroa by Halted State nary, atkobtaf ttnhf at coat tbe world oourt would be addetrarg-e- d ,:i.,r. a, Iim IIIIba program Is very pointedMcGiaaia. Altbowgti the night will ettablth a distance record Knefler rniimtnrtrt alraaBl but consideration greasional that ' ponkr concerned. Imply tbo presale objrc of detiv-- ould be givenearly ly baaed on a domestic readjustto ratification of ment. filing. It bm. ae far aa tlw nary W officially Photo oa Pearl Island of Oaba. the bate at i Harbor, i with Canada for developdi nanism a to Ihdr natrirm ''arhte tlw As soon aa Secretary Hull reH. J. MrRobcvts, IJea- - tha past Jeff a ihM JL HdUadt Ueateaaot eoaaaaader tat charge of of the St. Lawrence water- turn " from tbe Ueateaaat T. D. Gaina. ment P. A. Stilt ta ehargn of It Itllralr pact. ways T H-i M conference o at Honevldeo, the presiIrate aad la Averin, f J. tat. I ebarya Unlaitl J. Party, b abaryo ' ibeiyi .at ll-Mesa ago Haaid OalaJy dent will go over and transmit to 1 M !L bis The general support given Congrem his reciprocal tariff plan r ye to Congrem and his atari- - bat even that - contemplates - no federal mesne program took shape,' word mamanine potato sf tantaet betwetadfatribu-Uobillion dollar deficit an- world wide tariff revision. Rather liny aa to IS-w- ill I1 n P -- - 10-P-- l: r tiMikdawtf lb-P-- S; 1 MWII.A BAY TO AUCTION BLOCK Turnty dollars. seems 10 be one answer to tbe old qnestioo. -- What prlre glory ? If the examcaa be taken as a stand ard. Tbe I'nilrd Stales flag that here ple flew from the masthead of tlie'U. S.S. Olympia w bra Admiral Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet in Manila Ray 1 shown xrilh 1U new owner, Charles lee IYank, who bong lit It for $20 la auction at Washington. an M -- . r A little later and probably In the shortly, possibly throught special same connection, Mr. Roosevelt will messages, bis requests on coqtlnns-atlo- n of the RFC pt least until propose something on war debts. While still determined to concen- Jane 0. continuation of the civilian trate primary attention upon bud- conservation corps, alteration of a. control eo from Senator Robinson Of was received suite It will center on understandings get matters, tbe president is ex- the 'RA and securit.es acta land Them plana; It wae asserted, Arkansas, tha Democratio leader, aa nouncement, ea turntoe with individual be market regulation. nations. president calmly by pected to pass on to Congress posstbty-stoc- k caa beat b perfected ta toe llyht of actnal experience. The federal alcohol control ministration to rolled upon by the traders to beadle the Canmeratie tOoatlaaad Preta Pay Oao) situation until Oonyreas approves a permanent act. gsathaae prepoaal aa aataxamend Senate prosreaatres led by SenbUL mant to Iba Hoaaa llqaar Borah R) of Idaho Although tbay'wara amnltmtly ator ftyht for an yonearned over tha bad seadoff p tanninetaxa on manufacManor to repeal, admlalMration profits fbw ture. fokwau la Coayram ardeclared coun Femlnand Peeora, special Boom , privately that a Renata should bo andsrtak sal to toe Senate banking end curji larmtliatloa New York ea only tn tbo orent oxaentlm rency committee la Its fall to eorroat axtatlay stock market Investigation, dei ayeneim clared. "we Intend to go Into op, conditions. They polntod to reqomt as proof that erations of several whisky pools' too sxeoutiv department la aasloua within a few weeks but it Is not my to protect the public, even thonyh intention to launch a general Innew leylelatloa la required. quiry Into chary aa that a whisky trust exists. That .would ba a little Plans are belay formulated aetl beyead too ecopo of oar wort' m broad Ceayreaetoaal act to vwr faderal eoatrol liquor Independent dtstillera and 1m lip porters lodyod strong protests podection and daftoo tot against Bqnor allotanants made by tha fedaral alcohol control eharylay It baa ha adwinked by too "treat." CampaignOpens t Upon Cheap Rum aad atm I AL M IthS BIRTHDAY ing bale and hearty and happy smile lighting np his ruddy face, Alfred E. 4 Al) Smith, rx governor of Xew York and one time Democratic candidate for president of tbe United States, photographed in JfewJYorfc City celebrating hia Uxtieth birthday anniversary by catting himself a piece of hia birth. day cake- -- yolire; stilLjtniss'ing what now Mor-yntht- t'l admtn-lectmdo- n. IC-O'- k. Ar.n--- l D'f livestock Show Cl:rcnc3 SALE cf SHOES Opens In Ogden R. C. BARLOW PRES. OF A LEAPING TACOMA BUILDING Proa Oon tinned Page On) United fltoteSL Thess shows ar fundamentally aducaUoaaL When they grow oat of that classification they mass to bo aa asset to the country supporting them and torn to direct entertainment femurs. "The local show always baa and alwaya will carry education as the Parwmouat fastare. With to ought la mind your stock show officials tola year built on a firm foundation of what Is aamntial to too oouatry served aad which la oru supports Ogden. Ho matter what too agricultural Industry aaada la this area, it wlB find the at too Uvaetock show. Tk kept up too pram in ms and is paying as high or higher awards than the supposedly bigger shews of toe nation." Tha official program is aa Frjgsy. opening the show: livestock Judging contests and Judging of livestock exhibits Is junior Saturday. Jan. Wsber county and Children's day. Judging individual fat cattle: 1pm Aberdeen-Angus MATERIALS FIRM, WAS SKEPTICAL, TOO, AT FIRST. GASOLINE MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE f i u. ; f t :d c t Oueraaey cattle; I am, pure bred ewlno, starting with sheep, starting with RambonilleU; t individual fat lambs and fat swine . annual meet- P associa- Uonf U 8UU a-- KOTH-O'DRIE- N Sunday. J,n. x I : i HforSHETOLD TO) HUSBAND UN-OU- T (Ko)V br"l ! CHBMUkra ; T. ruh Mo judging carlou of fat cattle, fat ambrand fat twine; ehorthorn cattle; Holstein cattle: milking shorthorn cattle.- - Tuesday. Jan. Xe- - . I, 1 nirio,.. F , 4 u ,, it .a- - ; r v-,. ; f UVJ fCoctlnyfl uon. tosrtbsrs. Osly Fre. working t tesm from Pay On so far in a rnirui Play, concentrated on V dereloninr programr-forperm- a lPnt domestic readjustment which: llargeTy shoved aside international-problem- s Fcr Ilsnl C8:fcs cr Cclis Tfezl Vcrry Yea j te Quarters doss to president represented him today as bo'h at the general tenor onpleased Capitol Hill and the speed at which! ' Congrem is tackling Its tasks. Creomulslon U md to ?!? su At the capitol. Democratic leadtpromo bolp for coup ho or coldo It ers of tbe House held bops that oombinoo ? bolpo In onotho bot chamber pass on to tbe Sen4 ! nelpo known to sclonc. It -U for ate beforemight nlghtfall-tb- e administraBttkk reiiof, for 9470.000 000 liquor tax bill. tions Botcoroful pooplo. mors and Adding to the buss of Wasbing-- n ) tpor. nse it for every cough that starts No on knows where a cough activity the treasury today may lead. No one can toll which moved for a quick start toward factor will do most. That drpnd credit borrowings that in the next th type of cold, six months will total 9 l.000.0au,-00- 0 Crsomulaion costs a little more twice the actnal nearly eeser helps But it mens the amount elrettl-Uoof Money now-tIt down cot to work iIm In u E5rg it oSilc 1u you drcSl?ukcTiIrlwraPiISn oUtement de- wr . . sates lt.Cee-- for safetys ake.n,nd by the Senate. Jlo- (Afv.) At tha Rccsevelt-Congreo- 1t , ss nr jAtoon itirfrlrfiJJ ll TRIED. QUICK STARTING. ONTHE SAVES CHOKE COLDEST DAYS IT RAN 6- - ;ri FUU POWER - - t .K STIU m&Lll Al ction On Silver. fortiuBr.Try box. 15ebiti ' MY CAR UKO ATOP! Forecasts 1 -- TAT MILES AHEAD OF ANY WINTER GAG I EVER U ing Hereford h cattle, Jersey fa" misrlwms. Iroptr Bm wady die, carlote of feeder saw fa colds, k shorthorn cattle cattle, purebred' inquest sale OS. w edge" herd I too the swy Irnble the tondf Wednesday, Jan. at m tod sfappaL Ccotupitwnl Thai auction aale-- of prise winning fat toormaf tuy 5 ter takiag MR p ru . an-- 1 nnal stockmen a banquet. Hotel Ben (Lomond. ThursdayJau.. ,lng day of the ahow. Kht7s .V.iIMHmI . 9 Moo. am . kJ lor ha fit, ed I ' WIKTiaCAJ' am' cattle; HOW COULD ANY- - AS THIS? ' I , moane r stiu mquirihs atoks fW fitlPU- - WHAT Ifahmaiyitiq DOES TO A WINTER GASOLINE Makes it motor. more-concentrate- d, Hook- a more powerful In a cold Reduces the tendency to sputter and backfire in chilly v weather. Cuts in half the usual choking period. Prevents dangerous dilution of crankcase oil. increases winter mileage, soves you money. THERM ALIZING is the name given Shelli combimtion of procesaes by which gasoline is made to deliver full power in a cold sngins nally produced under terrific heat, Super Shell is redistilled, iiiade 3t more concentrated. Every gallon for your community is Thennalized for local temperatures. . , SHlLL SERVICE INC. STATION5 AND SHELL DIAUIS - , . - SUPER SHELL |