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Show 1 Hi ance ation BANDS HERE- -. SOU) I ER TVO NEW two new soldier Field's VLV completed organi- of unaer the supervision Menger? Special now are :ptfficer, and off both on and 'flllnV engagements heJiellonnel 'Special .mlnent organizations of the VwrnSsters' was picked on lerVlC fK . 'em Flying here transferred were M" JLlete unit from Ft. Douglas, Joe Mullendore, organizer &rV-'Kee- ??Air )rch " p Service Swingsters, ,f !h Special organization is now "demand, and Officers' ' "it i and civilian squadronbooked. been have a Swingsters have begun USO, Mub lanThI of weekly broadcasts over Ogden. The program begins Sun in p.m. each Thursday center and goeson 0 'Special Service Swingsters' Play !he Ogden USO 10:30 p.m. The script are 15 production of the shows .t 14 it lie Keeyp Pvt. 'em Houghton. Flying Orchestra even- A1 Monday is broadcasting each KDYL playhouse the from u:15 tt Salt City. complete Swingster personnel IIncludes Pvt. iom crown, ""H"t 'vt. Lake The nuiienoo, Joe ohn -.- .--;. Carson, suit, guitar and vocalist. Pvt.;rwin Cole, guiiBr. ise, bass; Sgt. Edward Campeau, . rums; and t. nuiiaoi Ed Staff Sergeant fronts the band. -nr.list. pi. "win ther members of the 'Keep i ling band lnciuae Donald Directed by Berry em Fly- - Barney, Pvt. Bailey, Pvt. fjouflas, Pvt. Richard Scheber, Ipvt, Thomas Fitzsimmons, Pvt. Christensen, Pvt. Edgar Furr, Sam-fu- el fvt, Keitn Pvt. Kins. v nay-u.- tt Pvt. Donald Bush , a i f Pur. William - Mtmtt Draper, Pfc. Donald Pfc James Kursbergen, McMillan, ric. james Pf.. William T. Burns. jPvt. Vaude Baines Pfc. Robert iEnevelsen, Pfc. Elwood Draper, p rvt. 'vt. .George uowans, , naymona T f m t aralla, rvt, ueorge oaunaers, ric. !obert Aupperle, and Pfc. Ben -- fcautto. PLAN 6 BASKETBALL COURTS. .. SOLDI ERS TO GET Endeavoring to have the rapidly expanding athletic program include every enlisted man, the Special Service Office completed plans last week for enlargement NEW THEATRE. .. Plans are being formulated for theatre is to building type with new construction of 16 basketball courts, 16 volley ball courts and a like number of horse shoe pits. The courts and will be built in the new pits barracks area between barracks. On one side of the building will be a horse shoe pit and volley ball court and on the other the basketball court. In the near future the Special Service Office plans to level a Section of the area between the civilian dormitories and soldier barracks sufficient for, building several soft ball diamonds. THEATRE PROGRAM FOR TV0 WEEKS. Program... construction of another service men's theatre to relieve the acute problem at the post theatre. The all athletic of f acili ties. The Plans include Weekly On KLO .. 6, Double feature Sat., Mar. Holmes 'Sherlock Rathbone-Nig-& the Secret Bruce. Weapon'-Bas- il ' Ami Walt go Disney 'Saludos acity of 364. The the RB 1 seating capbuilding will be be of a 33V99' and will be located in the area between the barracks and civilian thedormitories fire station.directlya opposite Its completion will ease' congested situation. MORE BUSSES BOUGHT, LEASED. . . Complementing Hill Field's bus system, the Wasatch Motor Tours Company has purchased four busses from the Weber County School Board. The busses were originally leased from the School Board in an arrangement made some time ago. Three trailer busses, owned by the Army, have been leased by the Field to the bus company, el f eature. Sun. - Mon. , Mar. 7 to Shout About' - Don Blair. 9, 'Dixie Oakie-Jan- et Mar. Tue., Ameche-Jac- k Dugan'-Loi- s Andrews -- Charl ie Ruggles. 'Random 1 Wed., Thu., Mar, s Id Ga r t Ha rves Colman. Fri., Mar. 12, 'Hiya, Chum' Ritz DISCHARGE sec v ion 1 n-??- u 10-1- on-Ro- Brothers na MS i feature Mar. 13, Double Albert-Ann- e Sat., Lady Bodyguard' 'The Shirley. Lugosi . Ape Man--Be- 5, Sun. - Mon., Mar. Weismulle Triumphs Gif ford. 14-1- Mar. Tue., Murder' 16--'Ou- iet Sanders-Ga- il Denning. ' Mrs. Hoi i day Amating O'Brien-Barr- y Durbin-Edmon- d la 'Tarzan Please, Patrick- -Richard Wed. - t gerald. sy larch Every Man's Home I, 1913 Is His Castle' Fri., Thu., Mar. 1 Mar. 19--'Af- ter Morris-An- n 17-18--'- Fitz- Midnight Savage. The HILL FIELDER , 'He Says To An He ISN'T More Useful Essential War Industry'... page 9 |