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Show ; At Mess Halls; Cuts Quantity, Not Quality Rationing System In Effect JJ conserve !ood to the ci.irf'g Soldiers are UnH ' uff pegwning ZU16 Ending the mess halls ,,.,1. . VOLUNTEERS GIVEN ga,rison he from system,-T- rationing . nee was i - Hxt' " Sier -- Aflfr Quarter- - the , nr. r it had been optional SlS! Corps detamentshich : stem was i.t" U.S. 13 5 of t t ies' quan ies - with large becoming increasingly hd. it is more than meagre crure w i..o.r.. yficuit coffee; -I 111V trtions . I III' was in t r oduced a- s- a method waP nation. conserving V. 4 Since the ' f' :rr supplyunder the. s ergc lotment sui is s in his U menus VI v. . organic wen t i , to ; v- - -- if-- -- 1 ii 135 r- , in. me, . ; Precautions, wil . to the menus .... organization n ccmimandefsr.w.i,l, ' n a farm n a pec t ...Kama ua(UBgc twist is t foods are being thrown away.. " - id ' a. . ; j.i"--.- tions!.' .Most enlisted men would purchased additional gladly; have garments .made to government standards; had i t been possible. The now , f a! certain, great quantities. me of food continues, to be, thrown; will no longer-- , be , servedt , ayit On the basis of the actua.1 number? J . j , ive definite quantities es tabl 1 shed. t or; each regulation difficulty. , being fed been ; this t .for. any. given pith will exceed those shown las ior Marcn. , ; (ioiea f ield rationing goes intot':.' s t: ki' n.;-k... onm.fi i no menus men: ?solves new , men Cepa r j f o, ,j;eq f e'rences troop-pr- e , announced by policy, just PLAN SERVICE MEN'S SPORTS... i; . In ter squadron ping pong tournament under the supervision of Pyt, Ed Wilkinson of the Special -- , ; $ . - 11 eats Dultry, ish litter r tod ef ''"j,1. February ,2.137. lbs. ; , 220 lbs. ; 140 lbs . V . . . kfiee Mar rati! t ted to the fol lowing amounts, each 100 men: ; y. 224 144 : .543 lbs. .March , 2,404 lbs.- .370 lbs, 140 . lbs . 217 lbs... , .. . : . ' ibs;: lbs,; . 12Q ., 547-lb- filA In March imripf tU a OOP Br on t'K fnus 11 times, but ne for dinner. Thr- If fee will Mt or . 1 , lbs; r Am tnnns r . hm - there will - will be substitute every day ' for Ith dinner and supper. .... ..t. ne and.not the quality, quantity the food will be altered, "inf my Cases, even theVumoiint "nn' ' ' noticed. a . - rcl I. 1943 5 - s 11. 1 Se veral such assignments have taken place on Hill Field itself, where there are representative units of many of the branches of the Services of Supply, as well as Air Force personnel. ' Although some requests for transfer to branches not on the field have gone through ut t :be 1 .. initiated by the man concerned and should. .be handled through the channels of his orderly regular room. PX-I- ganiiation. This will .tend, to.iminate waste, since a,cnecit isWe to ascertain the exact number. ing fed, newi i'ye by ev"uv. numDer BUY CLOTHES. Perplexed many an enlisted man, the War Department has ordered that all volunteers who enlisted for a arm or service and who particular were initially assigned elsewhere, will be transferred, if they wish, to the unit for which they originally applied. If the sought-fo- r branch has a unit on the post where the man is stationed, he will be assigned to that unit. If there is no unit on the post (e.g., for Hill Fielders, there is no unit ) then the matter isArtillery referred to the next higher authority. Action must be throughout the army, and solves a headquarters no final action has been taken on them. It is expecproblem more or less acute, for all enlisted personnel. Extra shirts, ted that as soon as red tape can trousers, underclothes, socks, in be mastered, the transfers will fact, as far as known everything takeAllplace . but overcoats and blouses, will be personnel affected by this available 'as soon as stock arrives. memorandum and wishing to transfer should report to their first seralready been ordered. It has In the past only officer's geant, who will prepare a letter was handled. by the t requesting the transfer and stating clothing has also been impossible for the name,, grade, serial number, enlisted, men to purchaser additional. station, specification serial number clothing from the qua termas ter (classification number) and the branch to which assignment is garments Only in case of worn-oor--, lost articles of clothing did requested. After the letter has been approved by the commanding replacement facilities exist. Thus in the tides had officer of the man's unit, it will enliisted; men with-ano or go through the military personnel cleaning' shop, e men.tlaundry, s , a nd often office where final action will be red dy ;iBplac taken. found..it difficult to pass inspec- able tor serve be- MY N Litut.Newt,on, newly appointed post exchange officer, has been made .e f fee t th e War. r tment syi.. .ga". ' For the first time since the s t arte' d Hi 1 1 Fi eld's-- enlis ted This . 4. rr- men and non -- corns will be able to pu r cha se ,.GI . c lothi ng at the PX. , . 'chow' as" another. good Under the new sys tern, warterr ster plans tne menus au. xuc.s.: ficient quantities to eacn mess reeant. The quantity is qeter-.,. ned by the actual number of men anq not: ting at the messornan men total war estsblisn unuormity. al mess hal Is. One, ...kiit hnnlH urn f: ENLISTH) cash" 'ill. the, tA -- his purcnBsca, ration reverse, to tne made The .nH Of u ime V'y Officer.. . Lt, Newton Tells Plans To Sell Clothing to EM... New PX CHOICE... situation which has a Service Office is getting underway. Wilkinson states that he expects several hundred soldiers to parti- in. the play-ofcipate The first round of the tournament is to be conducted onthethe eliminbasis within ation. squadron. A. winner for each squadron will best emerge, as opponents play the two out of three games. A final f. elimination contest will be staged among squadron winners to determine the field champion. A trophy will ; be awarded the grand winner. ... Pvt. Wilkinson has announced his intention of conducting similar tournaments in basketball, horse shoes, badminton, touch football, arid volley ball. . The HILL FIELDER NEW RULE A ON 0CS... new War Department Circular no new applications for states that Air Force Administrative Officer Candidate School will be accepted from men in the Ground Forces or Services of Supply, Men in those departments of the Army who have already been accepted are notified that their chances pointed are small. of being apAir Force per- may apply as usual. 8... HILL FIELD NOSED OUT, sonnel 31-2- Armstrong's towering quintet 8 bested'saw-of-Hill Field's Flyers contest staged at the f in a 31-2- college gymnasium to determine the championship of the Independent basketball league, The two teams finished the second half of league play deadlocked for first place, and the winner of the contest became league champion. Each team boasted a record of six wins against one defeat. The Utah Quartermaster Depot handed the but Flyers their only Weber set-bac- k, the Armthey, in turn, tripped the for only set strong aggregation team. back for the sporting goods page 3 |