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Show Mar- 1. - 1943 N 1, ThP CIVILIAN ILL FIELDER H Re by and for Field, opin- w. ic i. published serve ine nf Hill herein oresser onS Ind individual writers and :ditr considered as expres-ir- e not to be Ertl l Stutes ?ion . EDITOR FIRST TO CONTRIBUTE DAY'S PAY... Miss Betty Fahring was the Hill Fielder to receive herfirst Red W. Overton pvt. George Pvt. Claude McGraw AND Cross membership card from Field Director Eisen in exchange for a day's full Pay. PHOTOGRAPHY PRODUCTION Marvin D. Whi Pvt. ANNOUNCE Four te . Avn nPPARTMENTAL REPORTERS: .BlLllftRi fuw " I Base Adm. Jnsp: Mildred K. Lisk An n a Lee i Civ Hi art personnel; shippen, Meloa tawaras, Doherty, Maxine Davis. i Amos Engineer; rni" Turner H. nr : t 1 : m 1 1 i i ii"1 Signal McCarthy, . . . . nB. ; i i tarron, isuppiyi, Maynard ( shop) Phi II i p atone (snopj, uiui rme Vette William -i Lillian Samuel 1 28th and Harrison, the junction of route 91 and the Hill Field road at Clearfield, and near the Quartermaster Depot. The to build the was initiated through the stations proposal Ogden Chamber of Commerce at the suggestion of Hill Field. Service clubs in Ogden became interested in the plan and agreed to finance the projects. John Ellerback of the Rotary club, Charles Osmond of the Kiwanis club, Harold Yoe of the Exchange and W.O. Robb, of the Lion's club were appointed as committeemen by V. (office), i . Helen Thorpe rt . , y T l Ui 1 - f- (train J. (shop) . ing). : Arthur D. Sweet Station Tech. Insp; Evelyn B. Bither 51st ADG: Lt. Robert Garnet t Station Hospital: SSgt Art Hehr. 35th ADG: Cpl. Bedford Brown Warehouse 17: Budd M. Nelson. Sub-dep- ot POST SCHOOLS WINS SAFETY AVARD. . . Post Schools is the most recent inner oi tne case aaieiy i r"H"j accident frequency with an rate of accidents per million exposure, Ma j . Leonard . Carter, Post Safety Officer, renounced. Four months ae.o the jfreiuency rate at the Post Schools tas 42.20 accidents per million an hours of I The Trophy exposure. is awarded monthly .44 man ours of to the Hill Field department having the lowest accident severity and frequency rate for the preceeding .two months. This is the first time I'ost Schools has won the trophy. Officers promoted The following at field... officers have been n. B- May, farch I, 1943 Jr., AC. to theirtherespective organizations and the supervise financing plan construction of the stations. Mr. Robb is chairman of the committee. Plans and specifications for the stations are being furnished by the Salt Lake Lions club which was one of the originators of stations for soldiers. pick-U- p PFC FORD 1 bed-maki- BAY MARR I ES NURSE. .. of of ng 1 the new inductees, because most them have f ami i es in this area. The following are the new basics: 1 . Q.H. Baker, Barton, P.T. Brewer, N-- L.E. Buckley, B. A. G. Burnetrte, H.T. Chard, E.L. Correll, Carter, Adrian Cox, B.R. Davis , J . Tuck worth, W. Hmilton, Denzil Hanson, R.F. Hanson, Robt. W. Hanson, J.R. Harris, Dale Hunter, Geo. R. Jenson, -- A.J. Johnson, Rolla Long, H.B. I. . Q.R. Nielson, Robt, J.J. Poison, Chas. Robinson, L.W. Priest, Robinson, R. Rucher, H.T. Suanders, Morgan, Olson, J.C. Orton, M.W. Schroer, K. Sedgwick, C.K. Sheen, Shell, F.A. Sim, D.E. Smith, K. Thompson, V.R. Thompson, M. Tonioli, A. Toronto, N. Van Wagenen, R. Waite, L.J. Wright, Alvaro Ydo, CD. Bright, J.R. Brannen, T.'D. Dennon, L.W. Hess, T.H. Rogers. L- - W. RECENT PROMOTIONS OF TOP GRADERS Grade indicated is that to which promoted. First Sergeants: Kerwin 0. Lisk;" Oswald J. Heese; Lawrence Harbitz; G. Edwin H. Mon-ta- While on furlough Pfc. Ford Bay, heavy equipment operator in Supply Snudron, 31st was ADG, married Feb. 3 in Evanston, Wyo., to Miss Mildred Wood, a nurse at the Wyoming State Hospital. Miss Wood is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William SGT. Indianapolis, Ind. McQUEEN IS BENEDICT... Sgt. R.T.ADGMcQueen, Supply Squadwas married Feb. 27 ron, 31st at the Baptist Parish in Ogden to daughter Georgia Virginia of Mr. and Mrs. The Issac Flowers, couple lives Athena, Oregon. at 2767 Madison in Ogden. Lan-do- The n, HILL FIELDER g. Master Sergeants; Frank F. Bugine, John Herschell Homberg, John Porch, Scoggin, Kenneth M. Davis, James R. McCreight. Technical Sergeants: James B. Bryan, Ernest W. Hale, Gordon S. Olsen, M. Williams, Karl E. Schoellkopf, Roy E. Rankin, Nicholas S. W. D. James P. 0'Rourk.e, Broughton Nov-itsk- Wood, since 1: (grade ndicated is one February to which promoted) Col. Elton S. Ross, AC; Capt. James T. Cline, AC; Cant. Earl VC; Capt. Burnham Joss-JlySC; Capt. Rollow C. Kimball, P John - Qu'rk. SC; Capt. ft erge W.S. romoted stations' Tentative locations for the stations are 26th and Washington, post Operat j 06 1 c Section: Lt. Joseph 'pick-u- STAT p p r ob em . j ions : Elaine Anderson post Security: Levona uaviason ffl i soldier "PICK-U- P1 the soldier's transportation Finance; Pvt. William Jones i i r ieia cxcnan gc jauiine I SOLDIER designed to help Hill Field soldiers get rides to and from Ogden are to be built as soon as materials and labor csn be obtained. The stations will provide shelter and 'Pull Over, Give That Soldier a Ride' signs will be placed in the vicinity to reduce I i 1 1 pfc. George L. Kinney and Although the actual induction in Salt lake Ci ty, the new selectees did not linger there long enough to t?et their uniforms. Their GI issue was given them here. A tour week program of rigorous training is designed to turn these rookies into ful f edged soldiers. Inst ruction wi I include everyto the conduct thing from of a six mile march under full Pack with rifle. Although they will be newer soldiers than some of their fellows in the Base Squadron, at the end of their raining t hey wi be able to boas t n more complete education than all but a few of their comrades have received. Their arrival at Hill Field was a pleasant surprise to most 1 -- ASSOCIATES drafted the Bxse Squadron for took place at Fort Douglas ! Thomason Cpl. Kyi and M. civilian workers were basic training. the EDITORIAL SUPERVISION Lt. A. B. Wanamaker ART former assigned nor Army SOLDIERS... tu rning to Hill Field to on the other side of the 49 at this field to ressri ly reflect r attitude ot rne cotiwiki- . 0 fence, WORKERS NOW Ralph Ellis, Joseph A. R. Wood, y, William Graham, Thomas C. Guy T. Schulze, Frank Schutt. Staff Sergeants: Lester H. Corder, Melvin E. Miller, Paul R. Stambaugh, John - Terry, Lee J. Dagenhardt, Joseph E. Hickey, Weitendorf, W. H- Dale M. Aemi, Burton 0. Chambers, Robert G. Floyd, Kenneth E. Gorsuch, Eugene C. Goodman, Pete J. Hensal ; Harry R. Hwkes,R. Norfleet C , An r, Jurkiewicz Charles thony J. Motika, Emerson A. Reid, Willard L. Snow, Richard Stumpf, Frederick J. Thomas, Ross E. Wilson, Hof-fle- Frank W. Woodruff, Robert M. Wright, Paine, Belec, John Bove, John Joseph P. Tracy. Hpvatd C. Rogers. Kelly, Joseph I. A. Edward L. page 7 |