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Show 6000 MombeJ To Secure Hill Field Mutual Benefit Society Opens Drive minimum membership of 6000 civilian employees as goal , an With membership in intensive drive for Benefit Mutual the HU Field 10 was launched February Society and satisfactorily, is progressingWelfare Supervisor, announced today, The present drive is to increase to the membership sufficiently future of payments prompt permit death benefits up to $1000, and all to Department heads have been asked reach to an effort in cooperate this goal, The following personnel has been chosen to direct the drive for me- W.H. FLYERS DEFEATED BY M.'Ps n Durborough, their respective departments with the authority to choose necessary assistants. L.W. F.H. Lamb; Headquarters; Unable to cope with a fast 3 ' - C, K. C. H. Manning Maintenance; Steiner, L. Strong, Signal Section; Harry D. H Johnson, Quartermaster; Personnel; Mrs. Ethel F. McKee, Utilities; Training--Pos- t Mrs, Catherine Schools. To become a member, physical examination as Hausman, there is no is customary in most commercial life insurance. There is nothing to eliminate regularly employed workers at The cost is small. There is a membership fee of 50f, and upon the death of a member in good standing, each member anof the orgaadditional nization is assessed 50f to replenish the funds which are reserved for future Benefit Hill-Field- payments. To date there has been one depth in the organization, and all No. 1 "call members were assessed 50? which due. automatically died alt. D'. .1 aaea. never I OOk K ' nf fl,. - , ailU T.A,r ine score at ABOUT CADET no foills. 'R)int--Uini1f' - i ic nr..' jii - , Hill ieia Aggregation, Mr s qua paid First Death Fritzinger Bene f i t Check By Society... 30XING TEAM TAKES ON 36-3- Hill Field Officers The seventeen 1 125; Noah Valndez, 130; Joe Fierro, 135; Eddie Marque z, 145; Dave Frank , ' OFFICER'S TEAM WINS, Paced by Lieutenants Pict.. anu au wjui a murKc rs each tfcJ IDAHO... HiU Field boxing team willa invade Pocate lo, March 12 for tough engagement with theofleather Idaho, pushers of the University hold an The University mitt-me- n envious record of wins over service teams. This year they have met boxing and defeated an all-sta- r team composed of several winners from the Utah State Service Men's Boxing Tournament staged in Ogden, and have carved out a decision over the Hill Field sluggers. Hill Fielders are betting heavily that the following fights will be the nemesis of the University boys and bring their string of victories to an abrupt end. James Grizzell, rter. sufferJ f cc nil vw ueias t a 3.,, teamtossecl goals J and JO-J- and eacn, wnereas Lieutenant Tanner amassed ahafer vapcain Lieutenant Krueger each racked uo. . ixeia goai ior ineir worn. evening' CPL. AURINGER WEDS L, A. GIRL. The 906 th Signal Company was minus another bachelor January a s up i I ruman au was married ringer Mof fett of to Miss Julia A. . ...- i" wnicn ' is also the nngetcs, rt cereniffli nwne iowii oi ine grown, Ine was per formed in the Weber Count Court House oy the County Clerk, you &w octawav wwm Los 1 A 1 - i - ' - Mien PROGRAM... your acceptance: In an effort to reduce the number f washou ts ' and to place each man where he is best fitted, the FlyingAirTraining Command of the Forces puts each cadet Army through a gruelling process at the Classification Center to determine whether he is best qualified for bombardier, or pilot. navigator, A cadet may possess traits which makes it impossible for him to fly a plane, yet be endowed with all the retirements of a first rate bombardier or navigator. Therefore, this sifting process places the cadet where he belongs from the beginning. Next comes nine weeks of Pre-- f school followed by Primary where the cadets learn ele- light school mentary flying. After completing he tries his skill with a Primary BT in Basic Training school. In Advanced Training school he is flying a powerful plane and is rapidly developing into a pilot. 10 fi The HILL FIELDER two VICtOh j over Bennets, an independent tea. from Ogden. Lieutenant Lane Francis Smith accounted for 6 poind (Continued from page 4); is the procedure after this ing, page h.ti , Benefit Society. MORE M uan -- asey ana SmiJ were nign gunners ior Hill Fi.il e acn cum cviHij wilii of his ei ght rj, collected f our Landau, 155; Barney Weatherspoon 165; Dan Casey, heavyweight. January 23, 1943, Fritzinger and on January 25, $906 was paid to (vwetr yon I UN f Mrs. Lillian Fritzinger, widow and the late HiH Field beneficiaryandofmember of the Mutual employee was T - r haclf upcii.n t- Vim nns4r " Mliwti h, Headquarters Bldg.; Denver Oviatt, Depot Supply; Aries , at the hands of k shellacing Douglas Ft. M.P's, February li R a I t Th U mbership in Dur-boroug- K, cot Mesa Mrcn i, |