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Show the first unit oi P'i.n5 operation, Pfeteriamol0rte shopping inn With k'r. civil. an UlXtex---ne.r.dthe.completionhormitor " the past w. HU?f nil , '- t. Unncity r. - . center win. The store, . .....community a cafeteria wi th seating in all n1"""'.. u n i 9 i ,n - A rW 1 i i roba khops. Over r civilians but tbouSod the area, the barracks '. , of 2500 living' n cav- aLltimate the near Office The Specif Projects several weeKs in spent the last LIFE n ' h9S situationermanatHiH Field. com- - he thorough study p Keo-r-conveniences s and upon and nd. : c!Hrd fV r,e";n ''t the ich U "ofVteri.; Post f . Of. east wing of the ance, aSisbein?USed for u..v fc.v,.., and other recreational a In the near future "e.a .10l and be to is specified building of the cafeteria will bo h wings be used to feed the 2500 inhabitants when the area moves, up to us allotted capacity. In the west wing of the building, dances now the recreational center, are being staged for .the civilian Inwar workers and their escorts. ad- -, men are being enlisted cited nitted to the dances. It has been definitely decided that the area will have its own ty church and theatre, communibut their exact icommunity store, Ilnration could not be determined at this date. One proposal called for the theatre to be placed, be tween the two recreation ouil dings cafeteria, but no definite action has been taken upon it. Numerous requests have been" for the center to include voiced . front of the jueauiy ana oaroer snops, gotations are underway to L I t- 1 - desires. REMODEL U.S.O. 1 these ana 1 ne-- I fulfill BUILDING... theatre building in the arracks area is going through a complete remodelling and will The RB-- SHCW 1 theatre emerge a well decorated which will present shows every night in the week. USO and soldier shows will be staged there. roommate and I on the second wal within king distaeasy floor, nce of the elephant train and the . corner gate, fully characters My room such protected as may be abroad by from or day . There also are single rooms for women who prefer to live alone, but in a place like this where n ight everyone is its a sense of sympathy. roommate with But we've had some amusing ex- They've had two dances at the Civilian Recreational Hall since I landed here, and they periences here. really something. When I walked into the Hall for the dance last week, the room was lined with soldiers and not another girl in sight. I finally made my way up to the were front of the halt and asked for six good men. to move the piano up Several sergeants on the stage. moved out of sight and eight buck the piano. privates moved rss the nipht Gerry Then there and I tried to cook up a conversation with the guard postal on the street below our window. He one of his gently quoted for general orders one the one inabout the sneak inn to no except new chairs. There is March I, 1913 1. To guard' my 'glances as long as anything G. I. is in view. 2. To walk the South Road in a ladylike manner, remaining aloof from all, but making sure that I all within sight am observed hy 0 r hea ring. 3. To report to all conventions that roommate my I have been forced to disregard. (And, believe me, there will be some you will have to disregard.-) To repeat all 4. have concerning the 1 date 5. To I information latest good-looki- ng have had. ouit the dormitories in the mood properly knows? man. only when (Who to meet my dream be the may day he comes Today a long. 6. tell ) To marks and mmanding Day, and of receive and save to all clever re- my roommate flattery from the Co- Officer, Officer of the officers all descriptions. 7. To speak to no one who is on duty - unless he speaks, first ( I hope). -- give the alarm in case of boredom or too much speed. 8. To (They can't all be perfect, but bethey can reach a happy medium two tween the evils.) 9. To call the Officer of the Pay in any case not covered by experience: (I'm not sure his duties cover this, but he is supposed to take care of any emergencies which may arise on the salute all officers (but midefinitely) and also all other come into litary uniforms which may 10. view. 11. To To be especially watchful at night and avoid all persons in or near the women's barracks without proper authority, allowing no complete still before the ine of duty. Dog-goit. Those eleven general orders have so fascinated us that Gerry and I have made up our group of them for the information of all young girls entering Hill Field. Here they are: ne field.) amplifying system has been instal led. done .. ACKS 1 away from home and of subject to similarniceat tacks. a to have homesickness, 1 A I this straight get in comfortable room military manner, and ing process has been effect for several weeks. The gymnasium equipment has been taken out and the floor space fi'led with The remode my about the comforts and conveniences of. the dormitories as an have . operation out in a here institution. a branch Laiei"'"!'." is a.C post in Let's first as negotiations ,l.,.-.- nt window ot in the women's dormitories on Hill Field, the armed guard walks his sit stage are in the. format ive mmments ' Beneath the CIVILIAN and ponder the things I've learned since I first caught a glimpse of Hill Field less than three weeks ago. have been fs r". .Vroriie in are operation. iSlrs IN much work to be theatre opens. one to make The HILL F I ELDER a pass, page II |