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Show Now Station Completed; Cuts Time To And From Wort, Cheek-I- n OOfilTTEE DIRECTS RED CRC6S 0RJ the to greatly speed planned and on process of getting employees of Field changes off the during has Determined to raise it. quota in the national Red drive tor runas, Hill Field m1 launched an intensive cially ror memoership on M. h paign a new checking station shift,been completed, its equipment just including time and 30 turnstiles north the at clocks, Located it of the post parking lot, of the identification end 12 ..... . -- centralises installation turnstiles, CPL. OCUGLASS WED IN PC6T CHA.PEL... AUGUST i Rl OCTOBER NOVEMBER bur to Limi thr IR BRPOT SOTPT.T a . Ron ORSRR ornstAi nonet UJT SOMOWI RU AR A.V.O.P.-I- TI ROT - M 'm sintO cams n wo vasr't MAV LAT it TI1T 'LI ATS R0 TOO 1W HIV AIM FOr'tRHN: TRB TW SO Umt S0UTRWR5T MM VHO TKRRST sx TOTAL LEAVES , . ANNUAL THJKI IT FAIR VASR'T LIAVfr I ' . kCC tary personnel will cnea, aitnougn it tributions. WINS OFFICER B-- 26 not be 101 may make BCWLING Hill Field Officers' cob. TITLE. bowl league competition come to a clc February 24 after 24 weeks of team. toppling with the by Lt, Wanamaker, finishingJ team cnampion The were a cellar t... for the first six weeks of schedulJ competitiona but moved into secon place with victory over the one night before the final play-of- f The champs cinched the title on forw: final night as the first place holder, dropped three scheduled games. B-- 26 B-2- 6's P-- u Firth, Wanamaker, Fairfiel and Larson and Warrant office aumvan comprise the championshi t earn. The second place finishes 7s with the highest total, 2651 pins; the highest 3 game actus singl and R.L. Clarke. On the final night of play thi team cooed the highest thru B-- 24 total with handicap forth! season with a total 3191 pins second highest totals in the folio actual game : an: ; ing departments: y . .. 3 game 2593 pins; single game actual 953 pins; single game with handicap, : 1.4ft JJAIIS. Of the 132 officers par ticipatini in league activities, Capt. Fret finished the season with the higheit of 171, but Lt bowling average A. T. Tnrcnn turner! in the hiehe! score for sinele cames withhandi 25 Mfli 8 r ' ,ia auth orizedJ the various department h. i uAicvi. me unve in tneir m pective organizations and to acorn, committees to see that every civil lian employee is solicited, uiti 115 PACIFIC, TOO Pel be. pins; and the second highest thrcyI with handicap, 3188 ins. Members of the B 17 team arl Major H.M. Younger, Capt. H.J. Ritte and J.T. Cline, and Lts. K.L Turns; .ttM MnM THIRI not actual pins, 979; the higher single game with handicap, mux met om thr phowi, IF JUKHD BT ITS HOAR, ARD r A.enneay has game tin PILOTS IR AFRICA STARR I hllsd i or wki. B-1- : X m THIROS UP IR TBI AIR THJ LITTLR MAI VHO VASR'T ABOUT CR0AI, HURSR SO DISPATCKn AT 0RC1 WAS SBR TO CARS IDT FOURS 0RLT TCR LRTU MAR VR0 WASt'T :n cjjt" . , ran. was Hai s a DECEMBER URPILUD matwt' : :v Lts. TOO! THR VH0U OF HIS ARRDAL UATI, fOR RRA30RS SOUTO HI'S IAVR TOO 11LIIT1, AID PROSOniOR L0VHD DOW M0IW1 RJPAIR, 7 pre B-1- M : iv tW OF MAN DAYS HOST. SEPTEMBER j st AIR. DEPOT PERCENTAGE i ana uilicer n employees has been very satisfactory to in charge of the campaign Jl enntinue thrnnskm.t l will TV- ,- nlon . . . o.n.f.lt ...w i e iea bv j tributors has been to lve at an amount equal to day Departmental committees have 1 and funds will be appointed from all civilian perJ' cited Vs.. onH officers nf rh 1(1 can and Performing the first wedding in the post chapel in over a month, Chaplain Joseph McCarroll officiated at the marriage of Cpl. Donald Douglass and Miss Elizabeth East ling on the evening of February 24. Miss of Mrs. Eastling is the daughter and was Alice Eastling of Ogden, Home the in of charge formerly Economics Department of the South-WeHigh School in Minneapolis, Lt. Col. C.C. Minty of this Field was principal of the school. ed, he punches the time clock, passThe bride was dressed in a suit es through the turnstile, and rework on of Air Corps Blue with a corsage ports to his department for time. Therefore, he will be required of roses. Her only attendant. Miss to clock in a few minutes before he Eleanore Ware of Ogden, wore black to report for duty. with a rose corsage. Lt. Col. Minty is scheduled Ihere will be no traffic jams was best man, and following the caused by out going shifts. The ceremony a reception was held at workers will not leave their departhis home on the Field. Cpl. and ments until their eight hours have Mrs. Douglass will live at 2533 Adams St., Ogden. been completed. JULY irom Be "v-vc- jj provide a speedy checking in out for 15,600 civilian employees. go Approximately 500 peopleforcaneach turnstile through each thus eliminating the shift change, at departmental present congestion up time clocks and also speeding and the methods of identification post guards. As soon as passing the plan goes into effect, all time cards of civilian employees will be kept at the new station. Upon coming to work the employee drives over a four lane highway-direc- t ly into the parking lot without being challenged at the main gate. After his pass has been check, OGDEN oc w at 1 personnel at the west gate and will be placed in operation. shortly With room for 520 individuala time cards at each clock, andtwo battery of five clocks to each the , an without handicap and 290 with cap. Capt. James T. Cline cipated in the most games. The HILL FIELDER parti s |