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Show Obstacle Course As Officers, Men Undergo Rigid Physical Training i a1 mn b ana plan New a m b. cobat. to training for longer and much .K.tael course olus now. ..... i more 1 mm. .stressing prep- be . eeK .. i rigid physical a wM t . contact O.r-On- ai new burden of the rVini became it JoniVin8 Program, . known This -- tnis eet tougn lc K" IO Mill m11 Field 1 .11 . vjaxn- - , w. is ina program 7: pnysica nlited w. K r . , f f4. , oersonnel V.ue. - -- II- h. fit 8nd their o, yohysi cglly to tunica severe nooeni demanas of insuring suis' conditions. t, Domingue is conducting eeks class for qualified ..,,., a two enlisted men chosen trom every ui Upon completion oi on the Field. the class the men will be in cnarge .i oi vv) d r f in tononeniriK - UP program . , " k their respective orgsmiBiiuns! The enlisted pnysita instructors will pian eaw weeny in aavante for the approval who will coorainaie me 'i' j oroeram nca v i. me rieio, of all organisations The program is to oeconaucteu m on esch squadron and all men for an nour eacn aay, will be required to participate. Officers will 'get tough', also. Emphasis is to oe piacea on combative contests and contact and activities, climbing, jumping, falling exercises will These exercises nave be common. been designed to duplicate siturolling, and ations which a soldier will face in combat. Anew obstacle course is to be built, and enlisted men will bea required to run the obstacles as art of the physical training The definite length of rogram. the course has not been ascertained, ;but it will include trenches, walls is ix feet high, monkey jungle set- ps, sand bag entanglements, ship ropes. Runners will be uired to complete the course efinite time depending upon and re- in a the Entertainment for 'Snaprollers' . . .Guests Enjoy Varied Program First of Monthly Stag Dinners Held Snaprollers" By Officers of Field at Club... In aviation lingo 'snap rolling that was enjoyed by all, and an g is a term given to a quick atmosphere of good fellowship, and de corps (for which purpose maneuver in flight, calls esprit the dinners are held) prevailed for precise timing, alertness, and deft handling. throughout the evening. Performing as master of cereIn pondering a name for the monies was Lt. Col. Scowcroft. dinner officers' monthly stag Entertainment under the direction the best 'Snap rollers' loomed as an of Capt. Menger included a Crit-toterm to give the affair Air an skit by Capts. Clark, Corps ring having Freeman and Lt. McCarthy, to it, as well as suggesting the manner in which officer members plus dancing and singing by lovely feminine euest stars. handle assignments. In attendance as guests of the The first Snap roller dinner 5 the was held Feb. at officers' Snap rollers were Army and Naval club with all officers on the post officials from surroundingfromcommands civilians and Ogden. in attendance. It was an affair plane-rollin- appe-latio- well-stag- n n. well-kno- U82nd HAS SQUADRON OCS BOARD... wn HUNDREDS ATTEND VICTORY BALL... ength. ho It is conceded that a soldier possesses much technical know-edgyet is unable to weather the e, igid demands of a combat area is liability rather than asset. he it past has been found In that of the soldiers, .D.G. category,especially have been going overseas well trained technical Iv in physical endurance, tut lacking resulting in loss of life and aluable equipment. pany GIVE TO THE RED The American Red fnd is continuing ole in our CROSS... NOWl Cross has olaved to a vital play nation's defense. Where SVer Our trOOOS mA are frh.oo 1n. r v c awcbw s a Red Cm, Jne field directors and their staff tiA indei iefit shift lervtl fecompany our ve, a armies whereever they whether on domestic maneuvers task assignments flarch a f 1943 overseas. ed Screening OCS applicants before the OCS Board, the 482nd Squadron has instituted a Squadron OCS Board, meeting Tuesday and Thursday at Nine AM, and coBruno and Lt. nsisting of Capt. the two squadron Hamerstrom, or officers. From timenon-co-to time one the of two of the senior squadron sit with the two regular they meet Air Base ms members. The purpose of the board is to number of obvious reduce the from reaching the regular failures OCS Board, and at the same time to give the souadron officers a look at the man they are passing up to the regular toBoard.but Men one who have been able get score sheet filled out by an officer can have the other two filled out by the squadron officers after the meeting. The HILL FIELDER Attended by several hundred Hill division Fielders, the recreation of the Civilian Welfare Office staged a Free Victory Ball in the White City Ball Room Friday, March 5. The Ball was free to all Hill Field Employees and their partners, and was sponsored by the Welfare Association. The Regular White CityA Orchestra played. dance was held 26 in the February Friday night, Newcomers from Dormitory Area. were introduced get-togeth- er states different each to other. USO CLUB MOVES IN SALT LAKE... The women's division of the USO Club in Salt Lake City has moved from 220 East South Temple to 57 South State Street. This part of USO Activities is open to soldier's .wives and women defense workers page 5 |