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Show Railroads to Plant Tr;es. A tree planting campaign will he started all along the Itock' Island lines, the American Forestry association announces. an-nounces. The plans ns worked out Include In-clude tree planting suggestions and iieautltlcatton pians ror me suunmt and the homes of the employees of Mint railroad. The Hock Island Maga-Mae, Maga-Mae, the association says, will announce an-nounce the outline of the work In the next Issue of that publication which goes to all Its workers. "This Is one of tho most constructive programs yet presented." said Charles Lathrop Pack, president of the American Forestry its-soctntlott. its-soctntlott. "The plans hook up with our 'durational campaign for studying trees- iw he'ng Introduced In the schools through our nntinnnl nfer-endum nfer-endum for the choice of a tree most tvpk'iil of America. The association will send free tier planting Instntc-ions Instntc-ions to nny who nsk." |