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Show BOY'S SUGGESTION ALL RIGHT Thlrteen-Year-Old Had Remembered What He Had Been Taught About Electricity. Tho fiinilly wuhuIiik was koa (Iii-oiicIi Its ivKiilnr Mondny oh'ctrlc wiihlior route, lncldontnlly, tin Imso-uiont Imso-uiont wns dump, lioi-uut.o tlioro liud lit'i'ii no fiirntico fire. W'lu'ii thu lndy of tlie liouso sturtod to wrliiK tlu clotlics slti' found nu t'li'ctilo currt'iit In tin- wiitor, die1 to a short circuit In tho motor. After M'wrul ntlt'iniits to wrliifi thu clotlics livfoic tho cuni'iit ot In Its work, slic wus about ready to jdve up uud wi'Iiik tliein by hand. "Shucks, mom," said thIrteon-. enroll! enr-oll! Harry, who knows all about Kdl-sou Kdl-sou und Franklin, "I'll bet If ynu put on your rubbers, so the current can't Ko on out of your body you won't et a shock at all." And when "iiuun" tried his mikkos lion she found the embryo electrician know what he was titlklim about, for sho worked In safety while wrliiKlns tho rest of the clothes. |