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Show CREED OF THE DISABLED MAN Afflicted Fellows of Washington, D, C, Post, Look on Brighter Sldo of Things. Disabled veterans of the World war, nearly all of them oveieiiH veterans and members of tho Walter Iteed post of the American Legion In Wnshlng ton, D. C, have ndopted what the term, "The Creed of the Dlsableo Man," which, called to the attention of President Harding upon a recent visit to the hospital, was by the I'roh Ident prounced tine. The "creed" reads af follows: Once more to he useful to see pit In the eyes of iny Irlends replaceil with coinmendatloii to woik, pro duee. provide und to feel that I have a place In the world, seeking no favors fa-vors and given none a man among j mi u in spite of this physical handicap |