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Show "The Telephone Girl' A rollicking, galloping spirited comedy com-edy "Tho Telephone Girl" announced for presentation here on Friday evening with a big cast, pretty music, beautiful scenery and costumes, and with a lot of clever specialties of the rctlncd order, Is undoubtedly the most popular musical production en tour this season, If we can place any reliance re-liance on the reports that come of It from other places. Max Bloom, a most excellent and original comedian, Is Hanz Nix, the "German inspector, and lie creates no end of laughter; Mamie Kcogh, a well known and versatile ver-satile comedienne sustains the leading lead-ing paif, Arthur Conrad and Gladys Sears accounted the greatest team of dancers In the country are among the members. The chorus Is composed of exceedingly handsome young women. Itisono of the peculiarities of the New York Casino productions, that people of only mediocre ability are but of place in them. They must bo Interpreted In-terpreted by the best available talent, and that Is what the management of The Telephone-Girl" secured when they organized the present company. The Ogden Examiner says of "The Telephone Girl: "This musical comedy Is not new here, being Its third visit In as many seasons. The company compares well with Its predecessors, and some clever specialty people compose tills season's cast. Mr. Bloom as Hans Nix, tho inspector inspec-tor of telephones, was a host in himself, him-self, and it may be said the best comedian com-edian seen in the part. Ralph Biggs as Snuftles, the tough olllce boy, did some cxceptlonly clever dancing and his topical songs were a lilt. Miss Vaugli Sargeant as Estcllc, Miss Kocgh as Toots, Miss Rosa Still-man Still-man as Beauty Fairfax, were all good. A clover dancing specialty by Sam-telle Sam-telle and Sears was presented In the second act. The chorus was young and good looking, and gave adequate support. The company goes to the Salt Lake theater for three performances. |