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Show TAX IS ALL ltlOHT. Richmond, Arpll 13. Tho citizens of this town mot In a mass meeting to discuss the advisability of building a good county road. Thomas Grillin was elected chairman and Lewis Me-Carrey, Me-Carrey, secretary. Call of tho meeting was read by the secretary. Chairman Grlllln stated" that tho llrst business to be considered Is: Shall wo build a R. It. to build a wagon road?T. II. Merrill moved that It be the sense of this meeting that we do not build a R. R. to make a wagon road. Carried. C. '.. Harris moved that a committee commit-tee or 3 be appointed by the chair to draw up a set or resolutions on the subject, matter to bo presented In tho call or the meeting. The samo set or resolutions to be presented to this meeting. Motion voted down. J. W. Funk moved that It be the sense or the meeting that a gravel or crushed stone road bo built. Tho kind or material to be used to bo determined de-termined by the county commissioners. Carried. T. II. Merrill motioned that It be the sense or this meeting that the material ma-terial used for the county road bo hauled by team. Carried. Hcrschel Ilullcn moved that It be the senso or this meeting that the county bo bonded to raise the money. Motion lost, the vote standing yes 8, no 1(1, T. II. Merrill motioned that It be sense or this meeting that the road be built by a road tax. Carried. The secretary was Instructed to send a copy of tho minutes to the county commlssloncis. |