OCR Text |
Show BBBBaLLLaMaMaMLLLi wiaw, jmSWiB i J . 1.-- . -tty- IW ' '1 PxFluI. l' .uLl WUIU. U. jjjt ' TjWlr'4rT . ... wL&toA . IN . ' W "fT i IT fi te H A 41 I " H tho I lcomlng train or return to drudi tickle tiiliiiUikl 4pt1 f t fl J I 1 UIJ 7i?mhifagfe , - Mli&Cr w mk .IA" X PCPfLola, but & M lb'jnpl,f - ff--i .h.,fH ,h.w,..-sBBfljl ,h.w,..-sBBfljl I ll I JlllUfclV I "Tl . 1 W.A.HDIVT Harder ,,ntenco Tor m,o eye. , &T5S Tlin lS An H.mHfri v. I "ta"' r "Ifl1 I S5BaaBm- . m mi nun "" umi null mi T ; tire mumHmrabom mgaidud lair-with rrnc uiiiiiiiiiih tn-iL wa win iiszay; . " ""' , n8rw ta.i ,t, i -.-.fti tnr.tu , naioJI curiosity -ai5T ajmgomnj. I "lWeJi r,ff&&ii,S..A,.,CX,ia' 0MHnteOT,VWiXfi)tr?flniPj WfliPJCCW, French, lfko thofWrccs affile south, I lu.vc n.kJtTij-fftfi ffi, ,;,i i , ,nrno broko InWafflUUla JaWhttr, lulaj We boiurht or sold. ftrMVtfWiofl't'hi!'ll(rll'WhlcJi1'hift',(o Eskimo, and are content to bo as they ,n "f" hor hnid "''''l'"'-'" tyi&hqilK ioiJJ : 9oiq owsly moving" oiitr but clutching the wwiih m"in rjah Pn ,lko mBdd'ned boat, bo overcomo by any travfeKJr-TWfio' are. I My in or-K word n,rtjtuskw f&AifWid 01U -(r.bu .'. riO platform raJJIng convulsively jht, , if XKi.T.Vt .wejru. A IrtMinl'UhctUcitilrittatwUnortodnex.l. "It Is because of their pecullitrlbal , f J , . Ji" VTWT OJ oiow ?Jol oIHH him 193. .fl! J WSIWlBQ tt(R& toSteSt & sTOlYT 5nioU SlA rtreM'oIonl 9aiitolilnlnOTtoltaatnMMW S8tJD2l(l 2Sm)39m 22B1V1 0dt hnc oio.l q jinUw t w sJ rnlB.?jr, W.UPromJi?0 ??". Aifflundrrt1 yrarrtidwelll li .nteliftW.iM. WriB.h.u' WltttfftiffroVyiirfii ft. winter 1 a dAll. JLirmrn. on dud i TOe .aSlWJKSfSl?01 I11" I cpaat or. tho rlvorbanks'Yanrt .trek1 "Should a whlUj man venturoJimonB , fl . . A .tnoonhb woill oeon OJ v.H(ihinuz doctor's buggy-pa8d-aguoly bofore Tit!.y,i,ohnenl"nRnr- 'trnB "n,J braV'" V MW pTThqW JUi, thorn with JOl$nW21tfOflfom tthnftd J?.mZtjJ t -floJold her vision, then a blurred patch of TJanaX burdened on, W'tttbtrV JWV W'ftl would bft compcHco dlvldS wW J?'. " ll) ' , ' ' ' '-"" V1 KnW Wfc'kJT H-l JU" Amoy ilhojihronBi 1 .A qiin.Wn1lWB'nffln? WfilM them, for that U thetx xultpm, ajionfe t Jjm nin TWfiH9B- oimrJiA'VlfVII0 1 '4W lli(flwn o I WdVlfad v, n2&0 lOOriOiS, afami JX fropr.iotrttlvtfbWttlh6a".ktf Tntt themselves, and as hiSittlPyth ! 3THK KIlLl MiJJlMhWAwQdNll 1 a laiSrJiSSA'SS1"" M C vWXtt. boor . ,.,o,nd- "B 'ntorvlow concern.nB tho count' . s Ily ammJS,i nTrf,loVmr 1 "o 0020 dr. Jfc An huiiMh Uu vlivh aJ!,r.j:Mm,Wft1soghMonlbdMnl ESLt.?a5a&fesfltg: -- - I 'i VL m.n,i sloooa oMl hi 1 ?T . ? y , ,s daUBhtM A An a r . ., -LMMSuS'J 1 SmlBWpJJUJ?SS!JB' lit M' '- " nt TinlhiriW I 'ntlffUII lnlHH?ll?tiaMl Bite direction nr. Hoywood drova rap- f an a r of tV alitTnrTJT; -ti "' NoufoundfAn.t'Wr" third voyage ; SPKmWi 9K,fff5prfSi-ll " 'f' Hkrrcomln.. down jmThor adiMiBiloSlj MiSrllS ta -iiybwnMlheMrtWJtattMrtra&Wmrt -ffiPBfeSIl:" T'Pf WrtlBHeV W8Hnl UobianOfc' l6hfei , HUr pride wlff bo her downfall." i Wow,l,vryb0nii iuopilWIJ'HiItoo8"n",,infi)b8. '9ftnjhf.JftiimPerfd(i1bM-n llJd 7gKmByfflHW flantlL M M'h,Ip(ft''rt,?oUeWblb?iyi,?l -toM -mwJbtotl bncth.bUDh8 bMt of,L1P'J.WJ 4 wrtahL.iWA.ifnlmlnu .iwvHiHlMWhii only a light fall of snow on tho ground IBiHWaHSEEKain'?r, an"thHfceWL'r tflCWvnWW'OiWKUlng hlrln' df a. now man" . ...r, woi ' nuLUixata io3.hi. iun;. ;FuUt? oq bnly artl1(a(Btl,orW.il 119UJ aiil '. comos confusing, anft MVWft(irfna camps JWjfl bp mororv s 059 SylfH 'nFWn' JgH-W UMHH ,00 .mpje, thji !Mr.likee Am (UrfoteKvlr1r'jfftnH,j4re u"AiDkilqrill..4nlnDViut!'JllritM' freat 8UIU)JtPpackmf1 your bear- twAf iue fliUJmJ.nuoai. ."4 Jo bojm ei MflwJWW v .fel2j,,,"mW9'"""l7'BMqATiWR prepared toapdJ feast as they faUM itiOmm -nU bun nobu.0 ')lt)!i!tf(llllliillimiW!'h"u'( an0. lo lJtf fln0HWy a8We I 3'6h never mVnd'Hss9 do, and his fate would be to them a tl f?TJ'95fl.ftr ft mflUJiicWlP?,: fa,,iBCT!1H 0,," i!boJ HiiWfnommOi wonlgud bnr. vjlirtem i 5 'Hill (rMkm-iifi'wWjouTCTftK w i w,'w,rf WHI,aB,t,fa,pBrWl?:4lrisiil tJMr 'otJnU-icbncBrttiq''refilfof'ta WMWSuPWmimv?faVov -ii) ll9 WfflHrlif' lS? Jl 1,n,,U 3'Son!qirflsrrtUltftoe0tfrveri8 ' wW. gllyYiW''1' "'J1''y'i'i,)'?ff6'M tJ3dihI,Jclb(lWirndioJillJttiMBTe dI1i!nnv(M Jnorfn Hwit'ih0liolllnorir gi1W1rtrflS vaLra)iMLDllSii?i0fffli! 'mM ifln fflfl Wff f)1Mrr?r'' l"horn9m twgt.'flalbhiri.lfraamfctaicsppMouaiM!' 9TWnkfiyo,'llU'fe14UHHn'n0W',h?',sr":,h oJiohHIdBjKioptUonitMaIifaW 'iW ALlWiiv3iM oa( u H ffl OfMjp flNf 'iioaliwi ?aVV;bPT9 v9tIlfllnoilJ noJU wlvia?. hdr nbWllqBHvUbr''HfeBH a1 JwMw.90MlM4IPlflMt ,nonoilT .0 MfiijlajircaWfiOjlit aidniWfulcU(tatir.n " '''Tf.Vw J -nil A Will W!-ll Vj'Jfl Bifbitool amlJ jii'iTHhPnotIl3cJx'i"9'fflHttitrt & llterxlvU'ffiiorfti'i 8nt&1lVvllWWloli.?"Wlffflr W aJWtnoW taatfflff'tow Pr; for he was aKansas PopnAa .nufyttfmmUrU ot&mpo pojlgfe $$"& t8-ibVa'W ' .' bI'oVo WMiHYwmiomB ,tR rook" neharllV8 Hild 'HnrghflJff tfft liWg(?MbVns8lvtJ,:tDVf,flW6' of pronounocd vlpw and boasted be- IlatfepfTilJiow (mMRBoa 5ttnim Jilll noo olbiin-j-Ir. oft? 'r'T Umfo'W,fflAclP,a,liL"lAifm' C0(lst. the beetling-cliffs- seora to ebtfmiroattJtIfMUoVlfeiiltfiitoilfbiltoy'H1 InS tho first man Vs'moko a cob pipe Ar. 'Ma ,noc sjPWaB01 1st "Olthet MllintttoyjfcniTaSlplolAl a with UllWKy.10"!1-" ',l'' '"''' 'w!C'J'll frown upow-jHiosQ who-ipproartn It WstoBwetlul 3uSir.irtridfJi'arBdjuydld antl mjr a; hlchjbjrt tah'Btato 1o hj 0.J1)o jMjiiMa IanlhgB)wrardI)irtdHetyaiBMd TiaiaP Jooftw.41 (H'y)lMlWlVrIHfl!'M5f? frgBflWOcln t)15fllU JiSaloi: to food Is tho caribou and as thcbaotrwi; WP?&9jfPV&WA .m'f .tK .'Vfir.01" ' nivru;.j yJiuf )NBPWaaW'J "lorod wbaMjJU WbamtjjShrigBBiJ lhohaUlflowmDHfclsHey8lpToMgV: tho Interior by vv ay of a land routelcl In great,,h.9r.d!fAtfioy,,artf met with .LfirflopJiiSi.n n!chfj8(unftpItftl 1.,, 3,f iijtoM4jM Jrfiffl W19bflj dRjiVBarftbnnatfUelnaritl- ; lyandtk- smAtc.ioTAHUJwlll.lwm- "m tho-Mhl' iS'Wbdsot with bt ??Idom. , , WWlFJfl4lftnsni J 2)biIwi 'MB 7fJrLflclteJPrfM C lo 0o.iPifevOjmi "' ,0MX;8' WiSJ itfel&BV .om oH8''chbby''riffidr''4"l1iay3W LLP" SiiPfeair InnbnoJlc wbUjwiw bas 1 nfijJioif M ? SaMO,!011' Ki fWS3l?9:Wp -lolwhlch tho wibdbiHtfdb1Raa''h,rWrt?i ' 3 i5 i HvHdiyr"(neirbe",ibllud m Slll;: ? ;':1ot -ra& ffMlifSn srsssrbis ! yWfjV '- lllikiM itt.si WmSmB sxs .rfcfiliSS T&M'WA "flntSrS llSTpii. jf o u"o beferWour palor tja jla 1 .UiJifaiiJ l iikiI -lujjun n .-iioUI 1 otyla l?'jJoiI uill bins ,ii ibo siorn iilid Annie Hushed canUf !fl'iJ bia maJoJllLuj,,,,,, .-. -n -, c?3fiff !lfUi, l,, ,PP ? .ul i bJ B(.'tAJeWi1K,JllrsI(fa?IJ'WJ1ot'lil tfllP : nahaloHltltoliliNU '" .H JiJW loinj Woral!y a!oninV'ABMnaW, , 1? of 'n wonderful rinrvostl BtralRht ,,cfor0 her as ono ln' a must one think of a man who has nol IrfOloniettWMnl'iaatIioJi; TJu.,IQbiiauieirW,xWer. to reward Lho short RumwliHteHs compara- ; ?J'HffiTlllll llfllll ll rtfll 1.11111 " ' I " ' ' I ' MUll lUliimi llll ILL 11.111 llllllll I awaJ flJuiiBhtimiiteuVilrtlanAililcwtouliloialr ho explorer. 1 toiS-boen 'bitten by lively .easv..Thev nrPofmc'dliimF. 'ee "1 Rhall, nlwava love mv little ' uo"nl m B uncommon, uuautl- uim properly, but who spends tea mini athWlwuOnolwWql:jr.yiu; Mowioil an ho North.' as tho saying goes, and Mttra flHffiWfibr'VjRffl thjl lisjfl no" , l', C,T Vo hmiKlH teitk-rmr HX iXxn Wsl ?nd pictures, and. utes hattlngvlth tnojclrl at thrjlgal r i "8lr' ' hD" !, Kono Bomo tlmo-' li0 tMsiHif,fca?ai,iMoi ?f(MAn3 itA ksi ailwM8dfflP teB',wv! n ffiSaYvo aiailbo yjwh: q-tw3'J2I3tinay(iij,oJoiu 3nnaiwtiiiifljwi ol i M:J , "PactrtMMttrtJinlMrtinitoiWaotAstfdr no1nkIttIt(vUlH9 affiklqrJ'HrfeWriqJ s3fotl-HwhMHaf4iWaui8e'waa5l Crated and after 1 am nn old man 8fl"od a Bob' CuT thostorm burst his way out of tto shopf ' 1 V ' MHiBlVniliiaibbptfnAjshWjstfiwo,) :flWW dill ltli il.ri.l.ydcfiJbcaJiiHr ward a white xnan, VM... " T tSolFsto'WmTl I' 'Mln eWo? 7n9lMhiOOV I M 4B well. bot whore you bejiovo fa white, man "To follow 'Wo' VlVera and streams 3f asudd Ufc Jfey wliimi ULs J,Ltl5rJi10 wonS"ttun,Lt bo'UBe Thj teacher ln tho Sunday school tWL "An(i-WWrt1Mft?'ndaallHtW fcer (rfbWI UfloW HHJHffii-)on1 rfJt WlttaWl wltftwWWSft , rtrtalWillW HI 32UOflhMfl?n2t6liqSflAj pu PS Hf sallAB-a.ee-m!J!JniuiiL'Ljtti!tiiliLI.J1iiiiiiliit. Hi.unumJil-Uu-Um-BiM-Uciiif .1wIii,iiIi.il',v Mim.i jmi mint. Ut8 ,si0 in her heart which had niado . Yo,ur, la.?,s wu,bo your-downfall," pn8 ot Aw, pmnlpotenco of God, ami I'M" "iif iint li) rnnlltr ninnt mir Hiiilnnl liiimi lmnii n f 1 iin nil n 1 mi t i , d seem Sebright an, the hn. tyf- IveMd ou m no'h hrhiOT03!t03fioan'HJWttl I F-. K h re. Ono never can tell wheroonos country. Is In Itsolf a groaf roward salmon, brook trout of all slteg. chars ( lkaffom Bchool so short, suddenly ,n " vlco afi'-' corruptioH-ln the, lfl oavorVng to fniistraTo iS w Oo( H l alH apt to fccloltorlng.'aav and n tromendous Rtlmulnnt. and snckoraWBI No A need : lSed. She saw for tho first tlmo clas. ,you ..drenmi" abont and was overywhero and know ovory lltUi 1 b W W a P iThon. too. thcro Is an cthnoKlcal starvolf luSjifiBlsh hook t , remoteness of Is meaning. Ker jfliUa to bo like. Jho men re op. action, no matter hotrlvlal. Ono lit ' I "I InI m&r A'iTtl;;orf k;sfcf'TlnJHrort ' her'B ro,,sh wf ai Mr m (U&uHBm 4aPlkW rAnt llU"Vul,(I TloJodchUQ!vcr : r romance DraleyAMwilAef " , f I," J? ' Jriatftl l"IllhcI ellrst tlmo camo fo & m. it iitll mmimm mmMmK w ia.aPio M m aafcdfcafciid? rmire iio. S fj.jjir.l- 1L VTCUri3?imMllHJnJw!! wns u10 flrB Wf. It glvo tho "young feller a chance" ' rlveiBnnku nro tho Nnscauppco OrUzly bears aro sometimes found, o v LmrKi Z J.L mSfcT WBccurenT'lfoor? r A b d accommodatingly gouo off ta bed. of Wch very little Is known. and ono ofmy Personal ambitions Is WWgMtflh-Am toys- "wth w rosonso J , thS nlea of" "fuuLl.ui," Uu said. -, God In mi r iif. 'And aro tho lndles'-tityle'? beauti. "Llvlug. by thcmsclvca. InOna. most. JuladdZlEIjielCof aLahradorrlzJy W APfiSJafftftH .1! V . response to tno plea or homoT R-J,ay ,t I thlfl spring?" Bho asked Interested primitive fashion, tlioy do not come to my collection. There aro also black MtLJSr'mimSM' J ilfttlfm5rtMl n? 1urVe.'MfP4 Y?a 1 WBp, 1, j. a L ! eut, to trndo vlth tjffj white neni. Mil boars art otherJnrCT gOTrorwUb-io 1 L VfflPfMW l?Wn SlMSI " "'a117"?!- lUwTfcomSfahl JE Zfl TS JCL-XilC O ? 3ffiv '1.wa?4!pItoste9Pls3aWfuaafDJe. yJW'Uq!ilI rSSP ft ,a Wo"rm-th7 "ff7 Ye.dearfT it loooiiii oynctiy inirty minutos, 1"",,"1ftyia;rT.,Tri. . ... ,. .. . x r-alalaBBM small roiidonprf imni rintin s h ii,.-jnl-i-Jj,. i,rm- in kLii,nt kn .-? S, a - " .-9-. mlo nro onoltliejLsldo oLjtho jaater 1 fHH0$v . re(,aonea nana clutched ner II !D"f 1 U rC0l83rJr ffl, J 2WVryXl'-I4e 3 ftX .3 Uea aJheJl.st 1 JSjl . her shabby gown. Tho restless wind' 'oglapoVctnfeatfco rhX,PR!K.rn f.tnSqJKtn mi " " ""T"' JZ?S" j? danKurou8o7cfcon JdM-jTEx. I S9HBIkiB crept and raoaned and bitterly laugh- havo hit upon a novel idea. Ever h hSi Vwfilmnd tSfnTflil - ! . Ti2LTOfj5raf f3P iromelv rlky. Boy ail lidFlwh 'i HfliBWBi , if nt tho woarf 1IU, P.ostrian. postago stamp has a slip attached t( I Harbinger. - Pjffiv J! lcr SZZft 'Ud. yard.; dojni Jtrcamr A.-ncrllffli3 1 jj QBujjr me," but tho wan smllo suddenly died tho letter. This Blip la worded to th ' I-"1" "- ,f" rt-r-T' -T'' ' , rft i tf& U '"" "' r"" '" '" '" ' "-rql B '''RPPHI" ,IOMVII aiiVf-rhad!clo3oiiln'noVfoVorlth6illl-i rfeot!:itht;iltlu) ,(RQrotdiinl:ntlnn) u oJrrni 'IS w.iTS'iti ahadowed J- V"aH T. ftiPQ 1,lm' nd ho cnnnot tl,rn bacl- I it ifi&flPn IT i K8 .,qo-oo o .AIMnKH-,a,),.a(n oji'i . qo-oo ofiiv -jyWrtt Jl 3.?'L-R?fl,JPjlV?. de With dark clouds 9vii8aU. r- ztfxpr' 'C' M- v rr '. ji Uayo, !ytrM iiili mCat - I ftft ,. -,,. ,jt wan broad daylight, .heforo she Uvercd on Bunaay. On all starapi .r,,,axruq9Eiba6nW?r-iu9tIin3w lTru de'? T e ovciilinds Vn tnoo; - , 'ri'i'u fPVii EatoX adTX J.VT Jl thJUli' I. I ' ruuJcu -"""a '"o "nuy roio. bought a ticket for Kansas City, Is to bo found, and tho consequent ' QVitB-WMflSXfotJlCfllBiJ S .XMilllW "Vson my rump-irn h ttin mil)- m.-n cfrred at the ans of thBWid- though tho train waaWf duo for Is that thero Is growing upfaMfcftlun t , , M , iSS 4Wliffl0T- . JJW9X-tboL JOP .talt of Laliradi r, ' no, well drerted mi oftoId an hour. About this fno lir absonco a tondenov In tho dlroctiof of llvlni T oXSLlv 'rtlftfertaS HZ HMOOVtAJIA t' o b ' tojfWW befof soTorJe- jVCSWt WltaJ 4 ycmLyrnajEo M ' uO'Lr "WLlO taflle RIVV:r andT" aTuWoShmogr.iilitc negatives i th t c rcd bisel Mrs.! iradlVJooAl Tafus Vio tovl for ler, Ilf Prar iWRlyNdjlvTicd bylst- ( -i ftADit4Winiw W tnoy ovor mect hlm or noti TncIr i,0 iWd taken by being overturned n u Hk ycr lrdhsfLim.: nJdP'hjcJ" VrBed J WlcXf'Vfr'tlif',Ct1 yf J. JL if ft wpnra.nrn fow. rnd we nnnnrrntlv lilg pnn nt nno of th 1,H,1, ,. T alTruiiny Jell 1110 tablo, hor Blip- mother. I,, nnr Own Wrltlnn ' 8 Habylon, about ffvo hundred havo nothing that they wish. It is falls." P" "ntasted. Tho woman wns "Tho Uttlluggja broko." There 1 a book where each m'ut writ, y. ira boforo Christ, tho unraarrlod a rnro fjlshAjlS iSors Dr. Morris Is tho only white man f mt and unbandsomo and wcfljci Tirrnl,At!TrtvlG0IVnnifQ nntnfl'VWi'1"' In clmractrs of iiht. w men wero disposed of by auction, from somo camp romo tfown tho rlv- over to visit tho Mealy Mountain, on Mncd' but sho was ft mother rUf U niMlliUJ etjmi lib wltlJJUi JdW1aneha.!raJJl?i"0i!aL SnV..- T e tiltjrbYpTVq" aoVfflrk TT?fTTto Tts during thb summer months rfffo'iqfrarCr'nPQ10 MTf'TKffn r3ict. 'I' understood. melons." -ro-imu nreT.u ci.1.3 AS b Um)WcomK(Mview. . t X v -JrPuJi. rt,,IWA'iWYikef?d'Ta. 8Hlc!!IM. ' rtrtollsaW..'ofl! Abnli iloft tWflnuKjrt5MaullJ ivhftli8tihIPwUlolW iimdl li,QPJ Itolmod woio sold with a purse to.Ti.';ttynq WAA&W$?&fiP)iF?' IIu W10 vart nivor and ilMifMlnKWr1flf 1H "ofTO.9., M? .nHUVWfe l-'Hnl Jjinprn'tehUmnwh SAJflj5j!rf5itt . 'thklr lmhdB, tho buyer nnmlnc tHilufVaitStlQ-JOsuaOiMS iKQrdjHjJaOSrroiindlng country and Journoy kclic"' "Aah't 6 bettfcr waft until guess sho'llbo glad enough to come wSidh (Wwifi puMttrf. WdiiW fclud. l,nM?ia,,wtfB .lmJ4iL:iiiL K3iuuip.ff.u,tatotvs?n SjfylVt' "i.t-TrittirjM ,, (Woman. cull lo iulk io, us tiioy .fo noripeiu NoT YmK Tluralil t3a-HTwrMtii-i ftiii-gjjou.jjj ft It vaHTuul asTriulo i sTobd VT. 7-4.lTJrt Jhl J: I c,or 9n4 wbnt w,", nU hor ,r,lH U opot PJfttform undotorinlQOd. itSaTTf jor n!h"w,n C ' BaBaBaBaV 'UaLLBaaaaaa. yyiHK. IIB' " "J.-' rjfy 'wlH"i!C ' " ' ' . ......v- .. t i.. .-v.. :7--- aaaBBafl Brta rrS- MBaMaMaajjjajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj |