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Show The Roads of Cache Mass meetings Discuss Ways and means of Improving them. Opinion seems to be Against bonding, although Logan Lo-gan declares for that. r According to tho call of Mayor Robinson, a large number of Logan's citizens met at the Court house Monday Mon-day evening to discuss "methods of securing good roads" and such other questions as the mayor had named In the call. Organization of the meeting was effected bv selecting Mayor Robinson and V. H. Thaln as chairman and secretary. The first business called up was the consideration of "the advisability of appealing to the people generally to turn out In force on Decoration day to clean up and beautify the cemetery." Talks were mado by Rev. N. E. Clcmcnsoh, Mr. .1. Mallard and Hlsliop Cardon and the sentiment was expressed ex-pressed In a motion to the etlcct that the work bo commenced on Saturday and finished on Monday and that the people generally concur. The motion carried and the chairman and secretary secre-tary were authorized to make official call. The Bishops and ministers are requested to urge this upon the people. peo-ple. no a us. The next question was that of "roads". Mr. Wm, Edwards secured the floor and talked In favor of bonding bond-ing and then In order to get the matter mat-ter definitely before the house, made a motion "that Cache county be bonded bond-ed In the sum of $200,000 for the construction con-struction of goad roads." Mil. UDWAltDS argued that the roads can not bo built for less and urged that they should be" built now rather than after while. lie suggested that a road tax be levied to pay oft bonds, $50,000 In five vears, and the same amount at the end of each succeeding five years. A levy of 2." mills would raise the required amount, according to Mr. Edwards, and while this tax would be paying off bonds, the whole peoplo could bo using the roads. The speaker said tho roads are no better than forty years ago and he believed the people were In favor of bonding. i. c. TIIOIIKSON was of the opinion that the county couldn't lie bonded for more than $100,000, and that the people wouldn't stand for It If It coufd be. Mr. Thore-son Thore-son argued for a bond of $."0,000 and a yearly tax levy to carry on the work. Mr. Thoreson also argued for a per capita road tax payable In cash. v 1). It. HOIIKIITS was of the opinion that the peoplo should not hurry about this matter, but Inform themselves thoroughly in regard how to build roads. He told of the Good Roads Association, tho Rrownlow bill and ills own efforts to secure legislation favorable to tho road building. Mr. Roberts finally moved that the "chair appoint u com. m It tee of five to Investigate roads building." This was lost for want of a second. 31. J. IIALLAUD argued that information concerning concern-ing road building wouldn't furnish the money and he proposed an amendment amend-ment to the original motion, to the effect "that it be the sense of the meeting that Commissioners bond in some reasonable amount sufficient to secirc good roads." Mil. CAUL OAKKK arose to second Mr. Robert's motion, but was declared out of order. However How-ever ho talked at some length on the advantage of knowing what Is going to be done before starting at It. He said good equipment can be secured for $20,000, and if bonded for $;0,000 there would be 9.10,000 left for building build-ing purpose. It costs $2,000 a luilo to build good roads. This would mean 1") miles the first year. A road tax bringing $25,000 a year would build 12 or 15 more eacli year, and the whole of Cache county, a, total of 100 miles, could be built In four years. OKSON smith deemed it most favorable to buy equipment. Once secured it could be kept here until roads are bnllt. The citizens will submit to 950,000 bond AAUON KAUIt was apposed to bonding and said that the county commissioners could have had roads before now If they had gone at It right. The commissioners have a right to go Into any district and ask for a vote and build the road If It Is favorable. Thcro was all kind of talk pro and con In which .loe Knowlcs, Louis Cardon, Car-don, Henry Chrlstensen, Thaln,.lensen, Wattcrson, Morgan, Edwards, and others took part. Thoreson moved an amendment to Mr.Hallard's amendment, to the effect that tho commissioners be asked to bond for $50,000 and levy a yearly road tax. This motion prevailed by a vote of 45 to 20 and finally passed as the sentiment senti-ment of the meeting. ton A HANI), On motion tho chair was instructed to appoint a committee of three to en-courago en-courago the organization of a band. Mr. Itobinnon has named that committee com-mittee as follows: Mr. G. W. Thatcher, Thatch-er, Prof. Robinson. HKADl.N'O UOOM On motion of AVesley Jacques, a committee com-mittee of live was appointed to investigate invest-igate this matter. Mr. Jacques, Mrs. J. A. Hcndrlckson, Profs. Skldmore, I. N. Smith and John T. Caine, Jr., were appointed. OTHKKO.UKSTIONS. The necessity of making Logan a through point, that a telegraph and express office be placed up town, and the prefect Ing of a permanent business organization was left to a committee of five as follows: Rishop Cardon, I. C. Thoreson, Robert Murdock, J. W. Crawford and Fred Cates. On a vote the organization of tho meeting is to be permanent and those present bound themselves subject to the call ofthe chair. The Other Towns. FAVORS UOAU TAX. The citizens of Mlllvllle held their meeting on the 13th with the result that the following resolution was adopted: "Resolved; that the roads be built by levying a nominal road tax, such as will not prove burdensome to the people; peo-ple; that a gravel road be built; that the conveying of this material be done with teams." FOIl IHINIHNtt ANIMIUAVKL TUAIN. Ucnson, April 13, lm'. The follow-Ing follow-Ing resolutions were adopted at a mass meeting of the tax-payers and citizens of Benson on April 11: First. That we favor the bonding of the county to obtain means to make our roads. Second. That we favor tho purchase of a new up-to-date gtavel train complete. com-plete. Third. That we favor a graded gravel road. II. V. Rallaiid. Pres. Wm. Catmull, Clerk AOA1NST WINDING FAVOIIH TAX. Lewlston's meeting on the 14th resulted re-sulted hi the following resolution: First. Resolved that it is the sense (Continued on Fourth page.) Cache Roads. Continued from First page. of this meeting that we are opposed to ooudlng of the county. Second. Resolved that wo aro opposed op-posed to buying tho engine and rolling stock lor the construction of tho road. Third. Resolved that wo aro willing to pay a small tax yearly to bo used In connection with tho county and Stato appropriations, tho said means to bo used in the consructlon of a flrst-ulass road as far as the means will permit." |