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Show I WALLPAPER ; KEMEMBER-Wo sell all our papers, with tlio exception or Ingrains, at the flat price borders go at tho same , price as the walls and ceilings. See to 50b"1 it that you do not pay more. We have jjR an Immense stock of 1004 patterns. jflR Good Papers from Jm ' 10c to 25c per Double Roll. jJt , Best Tapers from jK; t 25c to 50c per Double Roll. K-. ., It Is to your Interest to examine them 9b;" before placing your orders; we know k y that we can save you money. ! Wilkinson & Son Mm' OITOSITK l"OST OFV1CK. IBs .. ' fe CUMMNGS &. Commission Co., v r v" m IJKAI.I'.llS IS . STOCKS. Bonds, Grain t ' and Provisions. K1, Stocks nought and Sold on Margin or W&; 2 for Cash. Wo havo a special depart Bjjf&j ' nicnt for buying or selling stocks and BPl bonds for Immediate delivery. In- Hft&Y. vestors and Hankers will save time HK'j and money by giving us their orders He in that line. Correspondence solicited. ' Local oil Ice: K, L Room 5 COMMERCIAL ULOCK, v p-- m( W. H. Weaver, Agt. Thatcher OPERA HOUSE: Friday, April 22nd ' The New York Casino Success I HO Acknowledged Gem I IIC Of All T Musical comedies. nhonp max bloom: r and q(J Others, J 1 1 I (mostly girls;) i Prices, $1, 75c, 50c, and 35c Seats on Sale Thursday Morning. Success is Won by those who deserve it. Our success we attribute to the HIGH GRADE SEEDS wc carry, to our legitimate methods, and generous treatment. WE CARRY NONE BUT THE BEST, and our stocks are most complete in Northern Utah. JUST RECEIVED a shipment or Plants, and Bulbs, such as Asparagus, Plumosus (Exceeding the Maiden Hair Fern In Delicate Texture) Boston Frn, Mikado Fern Balls, Ficus Elastica (Rubber Tree) Resurrection Plants, Fuchsias, Pelargoniums, Gladiolas, Tuber Bosc and Dahlia Bulbs, ir we haven't what you want we will get It for you, CALL UPON US OR SEND A TRIAL ORDER. . SMURTHWAITE Seed and Grain Co., 15 W. Center. DON'T FAIL to see us before selllhg your Wheat, Oats, Barley, Potatoes, Eggs and Chickens. Good Clothes Sale Owing to the backwardness or the season, and tho Immense stock or Clothing and Shoes on hand wo have decided to put on sale our entire line or new goods HIGH-GRADE Clothing and Shoes .-GREAT SACRIFICE! , Our Clothing consists entirely of tho most new, nobby and Up-to-date styles and patterns, made by tho best tailors In America for Spring and Summer wear. No old stock or shoddy goods, but good Clothes and Shoes. Men s Suits 25.oo Suit for $lH.7fi. f0M Suit for $15. $15.00 Suit for $11.25. All $10.00 Suits for $0.75. Nettleton Shoes ' $5 Shoes for $4. 1 Shoes for $3.20. 3.co Shoes for $2.80. $:i.oo Shoes for $2.-l(). $2.50 Shoes for $2. Twenty per cent off on all Ladles' and Children's Shoes, ' Boys' Suits $10 Suit for W.75. $S Suit for $0.40. $(J Suit for 4.80. $5 Suit for $4. $4 Suit for 83.20. $3 Suit for $2.40 Two Dollar Suit for One Dollar and a Hair. DUNBAR, ROBINSON & CO. ., Two Stores; 37 and 67 MAIN STRFET, LOGAN, UTAH. |