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Show gygpwiiMiiw)! nwiiii,wiimtaaBBWMWWBBteaaii n inn i i t , i i ' if Just a Little Paint. Right now w hen everything In I nature Is beginning to look bright I and fresh, a little paint will go a I long way toward brightening up m p , the place. w , V Porch, chairs and seats, lawn Bh i mowers, any of ilie farm or garden W ' Implements and docn of things Jgp f f. Inside the house alt need a little Is . touclilng up. Wo'vo paint all ready to use for wf jlJL ar,y purpose. & Y Put up In any sh-c can jou may Bri f . wlsli, any color j on may fancy. M I 1)rop ln nni1 Bcl n Color c,in' aml m w we'll tell you more about It. B" If Of course we've brushes to put II f the paint on wllli, loc up. i I ' RITER BROS DRUG GO, M-' I k. " Logan, Utah, B- 1 Franklin, Preston and Mont- H S a poller, Idaho. t I . - Jr t ' Result of Investigation j o iw aero farm only two miles from Loin, Lo-in, y gau. Maeies good beet land. Full HL f water light, (iood Improvements. H ; A chance of a lifetime. L j. JOO acics good land 7 miles fiom Lo-B5 Lo-B5 i jgt gan. Good water right, 2." acres Bt vf In Iticcrn. Same plowed ready for By t ft' ' ' spring use. (Iood hajland as well 1 mij as farming. House, Corial, etc. A bargain, easy teims. mJli ; jU, " ' . Ifl acres good land with full water 'ffi'l' right. Good Frame house. 1) H3" " miles from Logan. Good beet land. Beg" , A number of small farms close by Lo- t By " ' gan. Fine Hotel property In Logan Hf" choice location, good paying In- 11 ," ' ' vestment, will pvy ten per cent R' -k from start. jl I Plenty of City property at all kinds of J ' prices and on all kinds of terms. List your property with us if jou wish If t" to dispose of it. Alwajs plenty " ' ' of Home Money to loan, . I ; 2 H. A.Pedetsen & Co W 3 ' 0,,lco over Flrst Nat,onal I,llllk iw If I I J fruit and Shade I'F ' Trees I ' i, ' Hedge Plants, Evergreens, gu Shrubs, P -"1 Hoses, Plants, p f Seeds. ; THE LOGAN NURSERY : fi Logan, Itah. j m J ". Mil Goal and Wood co, iWfl " Successor to .I..Iohnson M.Maurlt7cn Wil ' M. Mauritzen, lV- James Larsen, 5W& !' Proprietors. IB jl Dealers ln all kinds of Coal and Kin- E3 j, ilHnB wood. Oftlce Wi West Center I Br ' street BK ' . telki-hone risk. WKm ' ' J'roinpt dellvui and L'OOi) pounds to B9k cvciy ton, guaranteed Hi i m Logan Real Estate I3 ' and oan Company R".P has a number of First-class Dry ?B&i and Irrigated fV 'f' Farms For sale P on tci ms or for Cash. City pioper- ty in all p.uts of town. Long time Farm loans a specialty. In Optional payment. Local money H money placed. A No. 1 Security " N LOUIS S, CARDON, Mgf., BBBBBk ' !BBBBBBBBk.-BBBBBBBBBBBk:' Generalities. SHOES SHIN EI) FOK OivAT "C1T y SHOE STOH i:." tf Isaac Ellwcll, Jr., Is at the old stand repairing blclcs. George Thomas, principal of the Og-dch Og-dch High school, spent Saturday In Logan. For Kent Rooms In the Commercial Commer-cial Hlock. Appl) at Co-op Grocery & Drug Co. Mrs. N. M.Hanscn and Mrs.Hannah Thatcher icturned from California Sunday night, Fifteen cents per- doen for efcgs Is paid at II. G. Hayball's store, 01-55 W. Cjiitcr Street. 4(itf Mis. Niels P. Miller, of the Seventh ward, gave bh th to a 1) pound girl on Monday morning at 11:30. Homcseckcrs We. will show jou-how jou-how to get a home, or pay oil loan on jour property. II. A. Pkdkiiskn & Co. Miss Annie Egbert, who was suffering suffer-ing f i om nervous prostration a few weeks ago, has entirely recovcied. .lo'in Thompson, of Clarkson, Major Grirtin. of Itlchmond, andM. W. Hut-ler, Hut-ler, of Trenton, weie Logan vlsltois Monday. Y. K.Nappcr.formcrly of the South-cm South-cm Pacillc railway company, Is now engaged as clerk at the phaimacy of Cy E. Nappe r. Fred II. Turner,of Magrath.Canada telcgiaphcd his parents last Saturday that Ills jonugest child had died the day previous. Our way of laundering luce curtains is the latest and best. 5uc per pair. "White Swan Laundij". C. A. Cum-mlngs, Cum-mlngs, pi opt ietor. Phone No. 105x. tf Mrs. Ella Chamberlain King, who lias been in Logan visiting the Flemings Flem-ings and her sister Miss Flora Chamberlain, Cham-berlain, left for her homo in Iloston Wednesday. Uev. and Mis. Gilpin celebrate their twentieth wedding aiiulvcrsaiy tonight. to-night. They have Issued quite a number num-ber of Invitations to a reception from seven to eleven o'clock. Conslderal gravel is being dumped in the niudholo on Second Wcst.betwcen Center and First South. This didn't como too soon, as that place has alwajs al-wajs been low and in bad seasons filled fill-ed with water. "Grandma" Hanks Is here from Salt Lake making a visit with Mrs. M. E. Hanks. 'Grandma" Is eighty-seven eighty-seven jears'of age. splendidly preserved, preserv-ed, and Is now on her way to Teton basin to visit her son. The county commissioners will stait the load seiapcr to work at once, thcicby smoothing the loads. They epcct to continue as fast as clicuin-stanccs clicuin-stanccs will permit until all the roads are levelled thioiighout the county. .loiin M. Wilson has been confined at home for some time owing to an abscess forming on one of his ankles, fiom which he has sulTcrcd severely. He gained relief Saturday by having it lanced, and was out on Monday taking a shoit ride. MOVED our stock of latest White Sewing machines, Malleable Iron Home Comfort and Monaieh ftauges, the sweetest Farrand oigans and pianos and all kinds of musical Instruments Instru-ments to the Tea House, No. I) Main street. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE, MA-CHINE, HANG E and MUSIC CO. Mr. .lolin Itabe and who arrived in Logan last week and intend to make this city tl elr home. Mr. Itabe isan expcit photogiapher recently from Germany, and has accepted a position at Joseph Odell's photographic studio, lie comes highly recommended by C. It. Savage, of Salt Lake City, as an expert ex-pert letoucher and Mr. Odell thinks he is fortunate In seeming his scr-v scr-v ices. E. D. Miles and sou Orson have contracted con-tracted to run an additional two bundled bun-dled feet on the tunnel for the llos-ton-Laplata mining company. They are in about !50 feet. The company expects to drive 1,200 feet before the contact Is icached. The development work done by this company means much for some of thccltircns of Cache county who own the Sundown and the Laplata mines as these propcitles are on the same lode as that o'vncd by the Boston people. If these people strike a mine, It dev elopes that the Sundown and Laplata people have a mine also. C. M. Christcnscn, principal of tho Newton schools, was tendered a most pleasant smprise last Thursday evening. even-ing. The affair was arranged by the pupils, assisted by tho trustees, who on tho evening mentioned enticed him to a meeting to consider school matters. The meeting house was decorated for tho occasion, a line program pro-gram lcudcicd and nice refieshmcnts served at 10:30, after which dancing was indulged In until a late hour. As a token of tho love and esteem In which Mr. Christcnscn Is held by his pupils, ho was piesented with a tlno locker. The occasion wasa thorough surprise and very delightful. It 'Is sald'that piactlcally tho entlio eighth giado vv ill graduate this ,vcar. Moses Thatcher started for Washington, Wash-ington, I). C, last Sunday morning. Mr. Ed Korupkat, the tea man,ls In Salt Lake on business and pleasure bent. Foi sale-Fine building sand for sale. W. T. JJiown, 175 South Main street. Mrs. W. T. Petty has gone to Canada Cana-da to spend several weeks witli friends and relatives In the north. Alma and Mrs. Johnson of the Sixth ward arc icjolclng over the arrival of a tine son Sunday morning. Lorcno Kent, of Dingle Dell, Hear Lake county, stopped ott In Logan jcsteiday on his way home. William Hcnch, landscape gardener. Planting of lawns and ornamental trees a specialty. 450 North 5th East. The lecllal at the U. Y. C. Saturday Satur-day evening is said to have been very pleasing, Miss Oliver's pupils acquitting acquit-ting themselves veiy cicdltably. Special numbeison the piogiam were highly enjoyable. Thomas W. Obi aj, the road supervisor super-visor of Paiadlsc, was In Logan on Monday. He states that he is going to work In his district at once leveling his toads with a tongue scraper and hariow. He thinks this kind of woik equals the load scraper for leveling. Waid Confcience will be held In the Henson Stake as follows: In Itlchmond Itlch-mond and Smthllcld on Sunday, April 21thand in Covevillc and Lcwlstou on Sunday, May 8th at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. W. II. Lewis, Alma Mcirill, li. A. Hendricks, Stake Presidency. II. F. Buckley and wife, of Elgin, 111., aic new residents of Logan. Mr. Buckley is the expert processor whom M r. Lorenzo Hansen has engaged for his new Condensed Milk Factor. Mr. Hansen says this plant will be ready for operation In about a month. Ward conference will bo held In the Ilyruin Stake of Ion as follows: April 24th, Millvlllc, Mendon, Ilyruin :iid ward. May 8th, Paradise, Avon, Hyrum 2nd ward. May 15th, College, Mt. Sterling, Hyrum 1st ward. May 22nd,. Wellsvlllc. W. C. Parkinson, Geo. O. Pitkin, 1. C. Thoreson, Stake Presidency. The little 14 months old boy or widow Goodmunsen, of the seventh ward, died on Thursday night. The child has been sickly for some time, thcicfore Its death was not unexpected. unexpect-ed. The friends of Mrs. fSnnilmnn. sen sympathize with her, as she has passed Ihiough seveic trials in the past few j ca is. Lt.-Col. J. A Gicenwald, of the Utah National Guaid, has requested that steps be taken tooiganle an Infantry In-fantry company In Logan. In compliance compli-ance with this all paitlcs inteiested in such a movement aie tcqucsted to meet at the city council chambers on Thursday evening, April 21st. Captain Cap-tain St or and Lt.-Col Grcenwald will be In attendance. E. W. Robinson, Major. Hon. David Ecclcs stopped off In Logan Wednesday night. He showed a few figures relative to what the factories arc doing In Colorado. Theio Is a section of country there that docs not cover more acreage than lies in Cache County, and It supports six sugar factories, and live of them have a much greater tonnage of beets to work than the Logan factory. One of them works up three times tho amount. Wo again urgo the farmers to Improve the oppoit unities that are before them and plant beets, that their children may have employment, and thereby show a mark of appreciation appre-ciation of the enterprise that has been established here. Uiley Kent, the horseman, leaves for Blackfoot next Monday morning. He takes with him a tine' Imported loadstcr stallion fiom St. Paul, Minnesota. Minn-esota. The animal is a beauty and it Is to bo regretted that the horsemen of Cache will bo deprived of the service ser-vice of this animal during the coming com-ing season. Tho animal has a lino pcaigice, Nutwood on ono sldo and Wilkes on tho other. Mr. Kent Js engaged for tho season to train horses on the Blackfoot race track and will caro for Ills animal on tho side. According Ac-cording to piesent prospects Mr. Kent should do well in the new venture at Blackfoot. Thos. Moirell, eldest biother of Pres. .losepti Moirell died at Poeatello Friday. His lemiilns were brougnt to Logan Saturday and on Sunday funeral fun-eral services weie held In the Second ward meeting house. The choir rendered ren-dered "I Need Theo Every Hour," "Home, Sweet Home" and "Neaier My God to Thee." Tho following speakers, who knew Mr. Morrcll In ycaisgone. by, spoke of him as they had found him, an honest, capable and well respected man, well liked in the community in which he had lived so many jears: W. W. Maughan, A. G. Barber. L. It. Martlneau and Bishop Aulliou Anderson. A largo congregation was present at the services, ser-vices, showing the rcspcet In which the deceased was held. A largo cortege cor-tege followed the lcmalns to the city cometeiy vvjiqie thej weie Interred. '"' B If jou waift to know what smartly dressed men are wearing this season, fl ask to see Stcin-Uloch Clothes B Thatcher & Hansen I Not, Sale r-. GUARANTEE To give you as much for your money as any store in town. VYVYVYVVVYWVVVYVVVVYYy ' " ' Plfif Stein-Bloch Clothing, : 27 Main st. Logan, Utah. TT pays to buy our kind bccauseHLfjISI 1 they last longer and wear better WBwwiWffiir The bristles stay btiff and the Hf&lSMr necessary wetting will not injure them. BPitsI Plain backs and fancy backs andnoney T'-.'Aife I- I Also Carry a Splendid Line of the Very Best j FINE WINES AND LIQUORS For Family and Medicinal Use. CY E. NAPPER 70 MAIN STREET, LOGAN. OLDISQUIRES STAND South 41WC "Ncw Bend l'HfSL Casaday" Steel triJ jSHBfo Famous Plows jfeecl&KG' sk Harrows j w When jou think PLOWS think Sidney-Stevens Implement Co. Good Flows is our hobby, and its ono that makes friends for us among the farmeis for miles around. t Field Ornamental Fencing, Hoosier Drills and Seeders. It's all in the Making Coi lect pioportlons and iiuality of material Is our motto. As a result wo llnd tho pioductof our line knitting plant very popular among all who appreciate that wholesomo feeling de-lived de-lived from undeiwear made for comfort. A few minutes spent In our salesioom will convince you of tho superiority of our largo variety or knit goods. j j j .J WE WILL LOOK FOR YOU. " Watch this space for our "Knitting Knows." UNION KNITTING MILLS COMPANY :m West Fhst North St., Logan, Utah. |