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Show There is a lemonstrance'bcing signed by many of Logan's citizens against the appointment of Christian Dolder as cow policeman. It might be well for the members of the council to de-ferjhis de-ferjhis matter until some personal inquiries are made. While this position posi-tion does not command a very large salarj,andis considcicd as one not worthy of much notice, thcic Is not an olllccr In the whole city that comes In direct contact witli the people so much as this one. For many good reasons, a gieat deal of care should be exercised In this selection. In speaking of the glass which goes Into the show window of the Logan Knitting Factory's new quarters on North Main street, Mr. Mclvln Ballard Bal-lard said that the freight on the goods from Toledo. Ohio, Just about equals the cost of the glass. The Knitting Factory windows arc of exceptional sl.c and will undoubtedly be beauties when properly displayed. Both the Anderson and Factory windows have a new glass at the top,knownas"prlsm' glass, calculated to throw light far back Into the room. One side of tho glass Is smooth and the other lias the appearance of being corrugated. These corrugations act as reflectors. Both these tlno rooms arc Hearing completion and will be ready for occupancy oc-cupancy shortly. In the factory quarters quart-ers a magnificent lot of shelving has just been placed and all that lcmalns Is the finishing touches. Mr. Ballard sajs all portions of the knitting factory fact-ory building have been put up with the Idea of adding another story In tho futuic. Thomas Stliland, Deputy county tree inspector, has been Inspecting fruit trees for tho past ten days in the vicinity of Covcvllle, Itlchmond, Smlthlicld, Greenville and tho fourth and tirt.li wards of Logan. Ho reports that there Is considerable pear blight. In some places trees ten jears old will have to bo dug up, as they are Incurable Incur-able by trimming. In Richmond thcic arc hundreds of trees that have been killed b tree borers, both round and Hat heads. The same conditions prevail in a part of Covevillc. On the cast side of tho county thcic Is an abundance of wooly aphis, this being noticeable in the wooly substances formed on dlllcicnt parts of the tices. Tent caterpillar eggs abound In large quantities. In all of the above places special Instruction was given as to the tieatmcnt needed to kill the pests. The people asa whole appealed glad to receive the Inst met Ion and aic determined to put the same Into elfcct. Stlrland has no doubt but that the horticultural Intciests have been somewhat neglected in tho past, but believes that all w 111 piolit in the future by past experiences. The slzo of thooichaids aic much linger than anticipated, ranging fiom tlvo to forty acres. Mr. Stlrland appears to bo Imbi ;d with the object of his work and is aleit to his calling. |