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Show 130N'T ' Waste time running around, If you -Xant anything In the Hardware line ' we have It; wo have a very large stock of the very best quality; we have the cheap quality too and we guarantee the price to be the very lowest according accord-ing to quality. Forced sales expected. Here are a few seasonable lines to give you some Idea. Hoes and rakes from 25cts, Solid steel shovels, from C5cts, Digging forks from "Sets, Manure forks from SOcts, Window screen wire, Poultry netting and staples, Lawn mowers and rakes, Rubber hose, Brushes, Urooms and Tools of every description. Sec our window for special bargains. R. Lafount & Co., a Center Street, Logan. 38 John Thomas Mkuciiant Tailou The leading tailor of the County. Call and be convinced. A Swinyard ' Is now located in Fisher's lumber yaid oApblock south of Thatcher Hank. All ) kinds of BIACKSMITHINO Done. Give him a call. W. W. MAIGHAN, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW, Office . .11 j Jouuty Court House; Southeast roam up-stalrs. Telephone 18y. Logan, Utah. JAMES G. WALTERS, Attorney-at-Law Onice over The First National Dank, LOGAN, UTAH. F. E. Plowman INSTKUCTOlt I1ANJO, MANDOLIN and GUITAR Studio Room (I, 0!) N. Main street, over Dunbar, Dun-bar, Robinson & Co. tf NEILS.BELL authorized scavenger for Logan City and is prepared to do all kinds cfcnlng night and day. l'rlces very reasonable. tf Joseph Tarbet, The Plumber, at the Con. I old stand. PLUMBING WORK Done on short notice, with satisfaction satisfac-tion guaranteed. Sam Glaser, . Dealer in Fine Liquors and Cigars. Hottlc ami jug trade a specialty. Our Lowis 18CU Whiskey. Try it. WINDSOR HOTEL, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Centrally located. South of Kcnyon Hotel, Main street. European plan Rates reasonable. State trade solicited. solici-ted. Rates 60 cen ts and u p. ROWEN AND BLANCIIARD." Alvery and Feed Stables. First West street. Telephone 14y. Connections made with ail Trains. Livery and Baggego promptly attended at-tended to. Commercial trade solicited, tf Jennie P. Slater, (Ex-County Recorder.) Homlcd Abstracter and Conveyancer. Notary Public. Room 11, Commercial Blk., LOGAN. JOHN BENCH is located on South Main street and handles a tine lino of Dry Goods, Notions, No-tions, etc. The cheapest place In town for Painting, Wallpaper, and Paper-hanging. H. C. Hansen, GENERAL INSURANCE -and MINING. Agent, Tho Mutual Life of New York Sec'y Amazon Mining Company "1 N Main St. Logan. , Irunswick Saloon Sells the largest and coolest glass of BEER Of any place Jn town. CENTER STREET, LOGAN. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE, Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers Sign-ers for Farther Information. in the District Court, Probate Division In at for Cache Connty, State of Utah. NOTICK TO CltEDlTOIt?. Estate of Lucy It. Mttticw. dcccasrO. Creditors will ptvwnt claim with touchers to the undersigned at hi rttsllcnc In I'm violence. vi-olence. In the, county of Cache, and State of Utah, on or before tho Stitli day of .luly, WM. .... John K. Maodihon. Administrator of tho citato of Lucv It. Mat-news, Mat-news, deceased. . . Ilato of first publication. March 3rd. A. I). 1KM. An'l a NOTICE TO CIlEDITOItS Eitato of Alice II. Hill, deceased. Creditors will prcicnt claims with ouchers to tho undersigned at his resldcncoln Hyde Park. In tho county of Cacho and Htaloof Utah, on or before the 1st day of August. 1004. WJMMii IUI.U), Administrator of the estate of Allco II. Hill, deceased. Ilatu of 1st publication. March .10. 11104, Ap! NOTICE TO CHEDITOIIS. Estate of Joseph l'orrester. deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Ills resldencu at rmltli-HeUI, rmltli-HeUI, Cache count)-, Utah, on orbeforu the -ttliclavof August, lWI. JosH'ii KoimKATrit. Administrator of the estate of Joseph l'orrester. l'or-rester. deceased. Date of tlrst imlillcatliiu April IX l!U4, .1, X. Stewart Jr. A try for estate. Notice, Department of tho Interior. United States Land Olllce. Salt I.ako City, Utah, I'cbruary 15th. 1WI. To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that tho State of Utah lias filed In this olllce lists of lands, selected hy thusald State under Section 13 of the Act of Congress approved July 10, 1MM. The following tracts embraced In said lists, aru In townships containing mineral claims of record. Mr! SW 8WW 8ec. 0 and WM NWHSe.-ai.Tp 14 N, USE. and SKNEMHec 25. Tp 13 N. It 1 E. HL Mer. embraced In lists No. 40, for tho establishment and maintenance mainte-nance of a Iteform School. WH NEW Sec 14, Tp 13 N. It rV, H h Mer. embraced in lists No 53, for the establishment and malntenanceof a Deaf and Dumb Asylum. Copies of said lists, so far as they relate to said tracu by subdivisions havu lieen posted In a conspicuous place In this office, for the Inspection by any person interested, and by the public generally. During the sixty days next following tlfe date of this notice, under departmental Instructions In-structions of November 27. 1WW (23 1,. D.. 4SB). protests or contests against the claim of the the State to any of tho tracts or sulsilvlsluns hereinlieforo descrllied, on tho ground that tho same Is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, wilt be received and noted for report to the (Jencral Land Office at Washington. D. C. l'olluro so to protestor pro-testor contest within tho time -specified will bo considered sufficient evidence of the non-mineral non-mineral characterof tho said tracts, and tho election thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will In recommended for approval. I'hank D. llouns, lteglstcr. (Jko. A. Smith. Uecelver. Land notice United States Land Office. Salt Lalto City, Utah. March 31, 1D04. To whom It may concern: The State of Utah having selected as a part of its grant, under the l-th section of the Act of Congress approved July Its. 1HA4, tho following described tracts returned by the United Stales Surveyor-General as mineral lands, notice Is hereby given that the said Statu will submit proof as to tho character of said land, before the lteglstcr and Iteclcv-er, Iteclcv-er, at this office on Monday, the lltb day of July, I1W4. at 10 o'clock a.m.. viz: Tho SEW NEW Sec 30. T. II N.. II. 1 V embraced In list No. 115. Hcscrvolrs. NH SE M: 8WW SEX Sec. 1: WH NWMt WH8WX: NEMNWM and NWK NEW Sec 12. T. 11 N.. It I E embraced In list No. 47, School of Mines. All persons claiming any portion or said described tracts as mineral land, or desiring to protestor object to the selection thereof by the State, aro hereby summoned to appear ap-pear on that datoj and submit testimony In Mipportot their claims or objections. Prank D. Ilobbs, Register. Geo. A. Smith, Itecelver, Our Want Column Free to all Subscribers to The Re-publican. Re-publican. 3 lines two issues absolutely abso-lutely free. Thoso not subscribers r cents per lino pur issue. aHHMHMMHiiHanMMMnaaanHHMHi Win, Bench Lawnmaker and landscape land-scape gardener. Address, 4G0 North Gth East. To Bent. A live-roomed brick house situated on the corner of Center and 3rd East streets. Apply to II. P. NelLsen, tho mason, phono lf3x. tf Foil Salk one good family buggy liorsc, broko to ride; one single buggy harness; one doublo surrey. Inquire of Mrs. Carl C. Amussen, 102 Center West street. A young lady of Danish nationality desires a position as housekeeper. Address Ad-dress P. P. care of tho Republican. Lost Between Roucche's storo and South Cacho Boiler Mills a pair of heavy leather mittens (lined.) Return to Roucche's storo and be rewarded. Win. Webb. Notice, MILLV1LLE IRRIGATION CO. Pursuant to a resolution of the board of directors, notice Is hereby given that a meeting of tho stockholders stockhold-ers of Mlllvillc Irrigation Company, a corporation, will be held on tho 25th day of April, 1004, at 7:30 p. m. of said day, at the frame school house In the town of Mlllvillc, in Mlllvlllo precinct, Cacho County, State of Utah, for tho purposo (If deemed advisable) of amending, and to amend, .arctlclo 5 of tho articles of Incorporation of said company so that said article will read as follows: ARTICLE 5. Capital stock. That the amount and limit of the capital stock of this corporation shall be and Is the sum of 12,400 dollars, which shall be and Is divided into 3,100 shares of the paryalueof4 each. Ola Olson, President. Mautin Olson, Sec. Dated April 14, 1004. Notice to Contractors. Scaled bids will be received at the olllce of City Recorder, Logan, Utah, until noon April 20th, 1004, for tho grading and laying of a cement sidewalk side-walk six and four feet wide, a distance, of ten and three blocks. For plans and specifications call at olllce of K, C. Schaub, city engineer. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. 45t4 City Council. W. S. McCORNICK, President. ALLAN M. FLEMING, Cashier Ijnil JAMES QUA YLE. Vice Pros. GEO. A. PERC1VAL, Asst. " H THE FIRST NATIONAL BAnK, LOGAN, UTAH. Under Unitid States Government Supervision. ' ' CAPITAL AND PJI0ITS $70,000. j 'H Courteous Attention to All. j Interest Paid on Time Deposits. , H Torelgn Drafts Isssed. Prompt. Conservative, Safe. aamfl BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ! H W. S. McCoitNicK, James Quaylk, Joskvii F. Smith 1 LH JL011, NDKIthON, TllOS. SMAllT, SoilKN HANSEN, LH C. C. Goodwin, C. W. Niiilkv, Allan M. Fleming jH Cardon Jewelry Co., LOGAN, UTAH Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation. Tiding Office corner, Logan, Utah has plenty of MGtfJEY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commls-I Commls-I "Slons charged Harry Swinyard Is -still at tho old stand, next (loot South of Logan Nursery. CARRIAGE AND BUGGY REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY. Glvousaicall. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Oregon Short Line R. It. CACHE VALLEY TIME CAUI: Effect, on Nov. 22nd, 100.1. No. II, Dally. No, 15. Dally Mlm-rf, l'ocutcllo 2;45 p. m 2:.t0 a. in Halt I.ako fi:45 " llMbiun Ojtden 'iil5 " 1:25 " CacbeJct. B:K " 6:30 ' M. melon :13 " 6:00 " Logan fl:30 " .' 8:20 " Pmlthflrld 0:48 " , 7:00 " Klchmond t):D0 .....7:42 " Krauklln 10:18 " 8:15 - . AUIIIVkW. I'mtoii I0:3i " Ii:l0o,iu BOUTI1 HOUND. LEAVUI, N,o. 12 Dally, No, 16, Dally Mix wl Pri-Mim' 7:10a. in 9:0a.ra' Franklin 7:27 " 10:00 " IllclimoiKl liil " 10:40 " 8tnltli(lclU 7:Ml " 11:10 " Louan H:15 " ,..,12:Mp. rn Mendon 8:M " 1:10 " C'uclio.k't. H: ' 1:35 " AIIIIIVKM, Oedi'il ' 10:30 " 6:30 " SaltLako 11:55 " 6;55 " l'ocatello 4.45 " Hurllur information aviily to W. W. Woodsldn. Airent. PETERSEN & SONS, PAINTERS, House, Sign, and Carrlago Painting. Shop one block south of Tho Thatcher Bank, Logan City, Utah. L. J. GOODRICH, OSTEOPATH. Olllce and Residence, 3(1 N. 2nd West street. Phone 42x. Odell's Studio , H foh H i Photo's I SllCCCSSOr tO I rtaLffl THOMAS & ODELL. ffH C. H. Baker m Practical I.H Shoe Dealer, i -IH Has Just received a consignment of I laiLfl FOOT WE A B. They aro positively fH the best goods ever offered for tho LtLkfl money In Logan. Men's Hand Sewed IaH Fine Box Calf Shoes, 2.50 per pair, iiH and other shoes In proportion. iaH Logan Shoe Factory H i:i W. Center St., Logan, Utah M Flowers by Express! M Shipped same day order Is received. nLTH FLORA L DES1G NS a specialty. H . C. MORRIS FLORALCOMPANY aaal McCornlck Bldg., Salt Lake City, U. flLH I LafjI&ksBBBBTnUepSr aksBsval The Only Double-Trick Railway between) H the Mlisonrl River and CMcafo. H The Overland 1 Limited I The Most Lanriou Train la tkc World jH Compartment and drawing-room isH sleeping cars, observation cars, din 'ifl Ing cars, buffet-smoking and library 'H cars, with barber, bath and Bet!:-' (iifl lovers Library; entire train electric JjH lighted, through to Chicago without jial change. Direct connection for "iaifl St. Paul and Minneapolis jB TkkrH, reservation,, and full In- iJaYVfl (urination ran be obtained from iiBVal C. A. Walker, General Aucnt, ' iVsl - Chicago & North-Western Ry, !H 206 South Mdn Street, Sllfl NWI49 Salt Uke City, UUh. JkH mmmmmmmmmmmmi0 ( Dr. P. M. Poulson, ! 1 DENTIST. Best Set of Teeth, $10.0o 11 Filling Teeth, 1.00 U CIcanlngTectli, 1.00 M Highest class Crown and Bridge Work H at most rcasonablo prices. All work 'H guaranteed. Teeth extracted without H pain. Olllce over U. O. Store. H 11. K. HANSEN I tone Cotter and Contractor. , M Residence 191 Crockett avenue, H LOGAN, UTAH. Q Correspondence solicited. i$M II Zr- . "JEoM |