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Show In Society. At the Fleming home last Friday evening a private theatrical entertained enter-tained a large number or society folkr,. The affair was a most gratifying success, suc-cess, tho representations, (living pictures) pic-tures) being very artistically gotten up. In the doorway between tho reception re-ception and rear rooms, a Iramo was placed, covered with chiffon, and behind be-hind this tho actors presented different diff-erent well known characters or literature, liter-ature, art and present day lire. Scenes rrom "Faust," presented by Prors. Upham and Stutterd and Miss Grace Fisher were highly praised; ,rIIosca" was splendid In foot, all wcro abovo criticism and thoroughly cnJoyed.Miss Martha Fisher was "Tho Kodak girl," or Ladies' Home Journal fame, Miss Chamberlain appeared as "Janice "Ja-nice Meredith," Miss Smith and Prof. Upham as "Portia and Shylock," J. C. Walters as a "Filipino," Miss Rush as "Raker's, Cocoa," Mrs. King as "Cherry," "The Wizard" by F. S. Madison and last but not least "Fath-er "Fath-er Time" by Mr. A. M. Fleming. There wero twenty-threo tablcaus In all, the names or which wero made known In strikingly artlstlo programs painted by Mr. Herbert Stoops. "He tween acts," the Fleming pianola served serv-ed as an orchestra, and at one time during the evening Pror. C. M. Harris, Har-ris, accompanied by Miss Lillian Oliver, Oliv-er, rendered a violin solo that was appreciated very much. Refreshments Refresh-ments weic served. The whole aN folr was very unique. Mr. and Mrs. F. YV. Rrockgavca card party Saturday evening at their home on South Main. "High Five" was the game, and first prizes were won by Mrs. Jesse Earl and Mr. Zcph Thomas, consolation prizes by Mrs. Zcph Thomas and Mr. Jesse Earl. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Will Peterson, Peter-son, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. DcWItt, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earl, Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Crockett, Mr. and Mrs. Zeph Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cum minings, Mr. Dan Bcro. The Athletic Association or the N. J. A. gave a very pleasant affair at tho Presbyterian church last Friday evening. Tho room was decorated In the association colors, blue and yellow, and was Indeed very attractive. The evening was spent In games, and refreshments re-freshments were served. Captain Stycr, whose son Delph Is president of the association, was particularly active in all the plcasurers which wero many and thoioughly enjoyed. The young ladies and gentleman feel highly elated over the success or their first affair. Misses Annie Raymond and Mattic Stover entertained Saturday afternoon The affair was In the nature or a Kensington, Ken-sington, a little sewing, much gossip, etc., and or course thoroughly delightful. delight-ful. Roses were the decorations. Luncheon was served at an appropriate appropri-ate time. Those present were: Mcsdames King, Dunbar, Goodrich, Misses Ryan, Kyle, Reed, Fisher, De-Graff, De-Graff, Chambcrlaln.Fleicher. Pilgrim, West, Clemens, BuU and Grace Fisher. |