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Show HP ' A person In this valley having a few wT chlldicn and no land, leased live acres 'r of land last year on shares, paying one Aw" third or the product to the lessor. In KMi' tne fa" l,, owner of the land received HtfK $10.") as rental and the lessee received B'' $210 for his share, making a total of mgiiL :,in that the live acres pioduced. Klu This picc.o or laud Is no better than ftH'" thousands of other acres In tho valley, OTpt'"''' ah that is needed to bring forth HjbjL . K0( crI)S Is to work and pulvcrlzo the BwPKa. so"- farmers who do not properly R mt 1 '' prepare their land for planting can ;MWT ! not expect good ciopp The bed for jmh " planting tho seed should bo thorough irmW ' " pulvei l.ed and if once going over Is 'jHfci; -ot suillclcnt, go over tho ground K twice or thveo times as the case de- P'.- mands. Work thus performed will w&. pay many fold when tho harvest E$F comes. Eveiy available nook and cor r ner should bo planted with something. t There are many small spots which can WM not bo cultivated with large muchlu . pil cry and theso places afford Ideal spots for beet raising. Plant and cultivate Sf bv hand so that every small spot is . utilized. i mmwmmmmif-' " " PBpPPPPjbTT!LV' lllll"'-M''l'ilWUr'-J PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPmL |