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Show m-. The Logan Republican. . HKt.V- I.OOAM. CUCllr, COUNTrMJTAII. .' JKf i ' Published by J MOO R E & T U It N E R 1 (Lessees.) Onicial Republican Organ of Cache County, Utah. Of, by and for tho Republican party I llrst, last and always. ffi W Issued Twlco-a-wi'ck, Wednesday ind Rr Saturday. Eiiteml Octolier SI. 1KK. at Logan sfo Utah, as second-class matter, under Act of WfPv-f Congress of March 3. 1670. Ky Subscription, Payable In Advance BM, One Year t!S0 JPT Six Months 1....1 .J HLv, Three Months. 75 |